Micro and Nano Manufacturing Laboratory

Murali Sundaram

Our mission is to innovate, develop and apply cutting edge multi-functional, multi-scale, multi-material processing technologies for reliable and affordable manufacturing solutions across size domains, and educate students on the state-of-the-art in manufacturing science.

Students of the Micro and Nano Manufacturing Lab research methods and materials that can be used to create novel, efficient and sustainable micro and nano machining processes. We use modeling, simulation and experimental procedures to optimize the processes of electrodischarge, electrochemical, ultrasonic and abrasive machining of metals, ceramics and composites at very small scales to be later applied to the emerging developments in product miniaturization and a variety of other applications

  • Atomic Force Microscope

    Atomic Force Microscope

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  • Electrochemical Micromachining System

    Electrochemical Micromachining System

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  • Micro Electro Discharge Machining System

    Micro Electro Discharge Machining System

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  • Measuring Microscope

    Measuring Microscope

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  • CNC Machining System

    CNC Machining System

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