Fernald Database and Biospecimens Service

Susan Pinney

Mission: To provide a mechanism for sharing data and biospecimen from a large longitudinal cohort as a resource to researchers for approved studies.
Description:  The Fernald Community Cohort consists of the 9782 persons who were enrolled in the Fernald Medical Monitoring Program (FMMP)(1990-2008). The comprehensive examinations conducted as part of the Fernald Medical Monitoring Program (FMMP) began in the autumn of 1990. The FMMP provided 9,782 initial examinations and 42,775 re-examinations over 18 years. An extensive computerized database and biospecimen repository was created to provide research resources for future studies. All questionnaire, examination and diagnostic procedure data collected from the FMMP were coded by certified medical record coders, double entered with verification into a SAS database on site of the examinations. Cryo-preserved blood and urine samples were collected at enrollment and at various intervals throughout follow-up.  At the first examination three 1-ml aliquots of whole blood, plasma, serum, urine and urine with buffer were obtained from each participant (15 aliquots per person) for future analyses.  Additional whole blood and serum was obtained in 1996-1997 and 2006-2008. Specimens have been stored in minus 80 degree freezers; over 160,000 biospecimens are in the archive. More information about the cohort and the “Access to Data and Biospecimen Policy” and application form can be found at www.eh.uc.edu/fmmp/research.

  • Fernald Database and Biospecimens Service Center Services

    Fernald Database and Biospecimens Service Center services include:

                Biospecimen Distribution
                Data file preparation
                Medical Record Review
                            Research Director
                            Data Analyst
                            Research Coordinator                       
                            Clinical Research Assistant

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  • Data Preparation (per project)



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  • Biospecimens (per Sample/Specimen)



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  • Medical Records (per Record)



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  • Research Consultations - Research Director (per Hour)



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  • Research Consultations- Data Analyst (per Hour)



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  • Research Consultations- Research Coordinator (per Hour)



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  • Research Consultations - Clinical Research Assistant (per Hour)



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  • Aliquot (per Sample)



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  • Pass through- Supplies/ Postage (Pass through cost)

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  • Archived Biospecimens

    ~~As of September 30, 2016, we have 159,645 banked biospecimens in six -80 C freezers.
    Number of 1.0 ml aliquots (in 1.5 ml polypropylene cyrovial) banked per person at different times and total number of aliquots.
    Examination/Year Blood Serum Plasma Urine (unbuffered) Urine (buffered)
    Initial exam (mostly 1991-1994) 15 15 15 15 15
    Second exam  2 2  
    2006 (just those with cancer diagnoses) 3    
    2007-2008 exam (urine only on a portion of the cohort) 3 3  3 3
    Total aliquots remaining in freezer1 (not distributed) 32,990 48,139 36,179 21,017 20,940
    1 An additional 380 DNA aliquots are banked in the freezers

    Aliquots are stored in six -80 C freezers, with polypropylene boxes stored within metal racks, which improves temperature stability when the freezer is opened. 

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