Richard C. Elder X-Ray Crystallography Facility

Jeanette Krause

A Facility for the analysis of single crystal chemical crystallography. In 1986 the Chemistry Department formally established a Single Crystal X-ray Facility open to all researchers. In 2003, as a result of an NSF-MRI grant, the Facility was totally upgraded, housing a Bruker SMART6000 CCD diffractometer system.
The Facility is intimately involved in graduate and undergraduate research. Also active in research projects with groups engaged in NSF-REU, NSF-URC, REWU-WISE and ACS-Project Seed sponsored programs.

  • BRUKER AXS (X-ray diffractometer)

    BRUKER AXS (X-ray diffractometer)

    Request Information
  • OXFORD CRYOSTREAM (liquid nitrogen low temperature device) OLYMPUS (microscopes)

    OXFORD CRYOSTREAM (liquid nitrogen low temperature device) OLYMPUS (microscopes)

    Request Information