Khaled Abdel Aziz

Khaled Abdel Aziz

Medical Resident/Fellow

Professional Summary

Personal Statement
During my internal medicine rotations, one of my preceptors stated, "No matter how much we understand as providers, what we know is only a tiny fraction of what internal medicine entails." While rotating with this preceptor, within the same week, I encountered two patients, both with histories of alcoholism and presenting with seemingly similar epigastric pain. The former, a 55-year-old male, demonstrated an elevated lipase, indicative of pancreatitis. With the latter, a 67-year old female, my initial impression was another case of pancreatitis based on her chief complaint and history. In this case, however, lipase was within normal limits. I later learned that this patient's troponin was markedly elevated and that she was experiencing a myocardial infarction. In retrospect, internal medicine's dynamic nature produced limitless opportunities for learning and highlighted to me that every patient must be approached individually rather than through a discernible pattern. Each day presented a unique challenge, which provided me with a constant feeling of engagement, further enriched my desire for internal medicine, and inspired it as my number one specialty choice.
Why I Chose Cincinnati
I chose University of Cincinnati largely because of my experience here during both my away rotation and interview day itself. Overall, it was clear that Dr. Warm is a true leader who goes above and beyond for his colleagues. All of the residents/faculty I interacted with were so welcoming and collaborative, which was a community I wanted to be part of. Also, Cincinnati is my original hometown, so it was always a personal goal to return here at some point in my life.