Shauna P Acquavita
Director of the School of Social Work
177 HSB
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0108
Phone 513-556-4619
Email acquavsa@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Shauna Acquavita is a Professor and Director at the School of Social Work at the University of Cincinnati. She has a decade of social work experience working with individuals who have been diagnosed with mental health and substance use disorders. She completed a Pre-Doctorate Fellowship in Maternal and Child Health at the University of Maryland, Baltimore and a Post-Doctorate at Johns Hopkins University in the Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit. Her research focuses on substance use disorders including tobacco use among vulnerable populations, specifically pregnant women. She has been the recipient of federal, state and local grants focusing on behavioral health workforce development. She is a proponent of interprofessional education and collaboration.
Bachelor's Degree : Pennsylvania State University 1995 (Rehabilitation Services Education)
Master's Degree: University of Pittsburgh 1997 (Mental Health Specialization)
Doctoral: University of Maryland, Baltimore 2009 (Social Work)
Post Doctoral : Johns Hopkins University 2011 (Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit)
Research and Practice Interests
Integrated health and maternal and child health
Positions and Work Experience
1997 -1998 Social Worker/Lead Therapist, , Northeast Community Center for Mental Health/Mental Retardation, Philadelphia, PA
1998 -1999 Needs Assessment Coordinator, Charter Fairmount Behavioral System, Philadephia, PA
1998 - Primary Therapist, Northeast Treatment Centers, Philadephia, PA
1998 -1999 Care Manager Supervisor, Northeast Treatment Centers, Philadelphia, PA
1999 -2001 Care Manager, United Behavioral Health, Philadephia, PA
2001 -2003 Social Worker, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA
2003 -2005 Tobacco Counselor, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA
2006 - Grant Reviewer, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Washington, D.C.
2018 -2019 Cincinnati Regional Epidemiologist, Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services, Columbus, OH
Research Support
Grant: #G02HP27974/1 G02HP27974-01-00 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna 09-30-2014 -09-29-2017 Health Resources and Services Administration Preparing for Clinical Practice with At-Risk Children, Adolescents and Transitional Youth: The Serving At-Risk Youth Fellowship Experience (SAFE) Role:PI $511,084
Grant: #TI025942 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna 09-30-2015 -09-29-2018 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Interprofessional Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) Training for Health Professions Role:PI $916,323
Grant: #M01HP31352 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Harley, Dana; La Guardia, Amanda 09-30-2017 -08-31-2021 Health Resources and Services Administration FY 2017 BHWET Competition Role:PI $478,168.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSU 60062166 sub OMD G-1819-05-0094 / OMD201807 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Bankston, Karen; Bernheisel, Christopher; Brammer, Susan; Donnelly, John; Elder, Nancy; Fathman, Amy; Gillespie, Gordon; Kiesler, H. Joseph; Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Lewis, Christopher; Mount, Hillary; Nandyal, Lauri; O'Dea, Christine; Perraud, Suzanne; Shomo, Anisasattara; Tobias, Barbara; Tyson, Ronald; Weinstock, Keri; White, Christopher; Wilder, Christine 10-01-2017 -06-30-2018 Ohio Department of Medicaid Training an Interprofessional Workforce Prepared to Care for the Medicaid Population through Community-Academic Partnerships Role:Collaborator $119,953.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #1900748 / H79TI081684 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Clark, Angela; Lanzillotta, Jennifer 12-31-2018 -09-29-2019 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Training Program Role:Collaborator $155,276.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #T98HP33422 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Clark, Angela 09-01-2019 -08-31-2022 Health Resources and Services Administration SAFE T 2019 - Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Role:Collaborator $1,349,807.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita, PhD, MSW 2012 -2013 University of Cincinnati, CCTST Pilot and Collaborative Translational and Clinical Studies Retreat Award Role:Principal Investigator $808.00
Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita, PhD, MSW 2012 -2013 University of Cincinnati, Faculty Development Award Building Skills for Successful Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Development of a Translational Research Center Role:Principal Investigator $6,610.76
Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita 2013 -2014 University of Cincinnati, College of Allied Health Sciences Research Incentive Funding Program Role:Co-Principal Investigator $3994.50
Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita 2013 -2014 NIOSH ERC Pilot Research Project Training Program Role:Principal Investigator $6,992
Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita 2014 -2016 Interact for Health RFA: Screening in Primary Care (Kues) Role:Co-Principal Investigator $80,000
Grant: #1R21 HS23994-01 Investigators:Matthew Tubb, Shauna P. Acquavita 06-01-2015 -05-31-2017 AHRQ A Mobile App to Enhance Smoking Cessation Shared Decision Making in Primary Care Role:Co-Principal Investigator $299,716.00
Investigators:Mary Grenier, Shauna P. Acquavita 01-01-2016 -12-31-2016 Interact for Health Increasing Smoke Free Environments for Youth in Foster Care Role:Co-Principal Investigator 30,000
Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita 12-2016 -01-2017 UHCANN Summary of Research for Youth SBIRT $6,500
Grant: #M01HP31352 Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita 09-30-2017 -09-30-2021 Human Resources Services Administration Professional Ready to Integrate Care (PRI-Care) Fellowship Program Role:Principal Investigator $1,908,738
Grant: #M01HP31352 Investigators:Shauna P. Acquavita 09-01-2018 -09-01-2020 Human Resources Services Administration Professional Ready to Integrate Care Specialty (PRI-Care-S) Fellowship Program Role:Principal Investigator $397,935.51
Grant: #T98HP33422 Investigators:Michael Brubaker, Shauna P. Acquavita 09-01-2019 -08-31-2022 Human Resources Services Administration The Serving At-risk youth Fellowship Experience – specialty Training (SAFE- T) Role:Co-Principal Investigator $1,349,807
07-01-2018 -06-30-2019 Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Drug Abuse Trends in the Cincinnati Region Role:PI $10,500
Grant: #MC142109 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Collins, Tai; Harley, Dana; La Guardia, Amanda 07-01-2021 -06-30-2025 Health Resources and Services Administration University of Cincinnati Bear-CAT (Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-age Youth) Fellowship Role:Collaborator 479534.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #315660 / H79TI084035 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna 09-30-2021 -09-29-2026 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration FY 2021 Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Role:PI 33878.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #H79SM084704 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Manchak, Sarah; Oney, Amanda 12-31-2022 -12-30-2026 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration UC Crisis Awareness Response and de-Escalation Support (UC CARES) Role:Collaborator 0.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #H79SM084704-Shauna Acquavita (Administrative Change) Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Manchak, Sarah; Oney, Amanda 12-31-2022 -12-30-2026 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration UC Crisis Awareness Response and de-Escalation Support (UC CARES) Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Acquavita, S. P., DeForge, B. D., Burry, C. L. & Boyd, S. J (2012. ) Individual and community predictors for maternal smoking in the city of Baltimore: What can be learned from a case control study .Social Work in Health Care, , 53 ,197-212
Chisolm, M. S., Acquavita, S. P., Kaltenbach, K., Winklbaur, B., Heil, S. H., Martin, P. R., Stine, S. M., Coyle, M., Leoutsakos, J. S., Tuten, M., Jansson, L. M., Backer, P. M., Jones, H. E. (2011. ) Cigarette smoking and neonatal outcomes in depressed and non-depressed opioid-dependent agonist-maintained pregnant patients .Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment., , 10 ,180 -187
Acquavita, S. P., Pittman, J., Gibbons, M., & Castellanos-Brown, K. (2009. ) Personal and organizational diversity factors’ impact on social workers’ job satisfaction: Results from a national internet-based survey .Administration in Social Work , , 33 ,151-166
Vandrey, R., Stitzer, M. L., Acquavita, S. P., & Stabile, P. (2011. ) Pay-for-performance in a community substance abuse clinic .Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, , 41 ,193-200
McClure, E. A., Acquavita, S. P., Harding, E., Stitzer, M. L (2014. ) Utilization of community technology by patients enrolled in substance abuse treatment.Drug and Alcohol Dependence, , 129 (2 ) ,145-150 More Information
Acquavita, S. P., Stershic, S., Sharma, R., Stitzer, M. (2013. ) Client Incentives versus Contracting and Staff Incentives: How Care Continuity Interventions in Substance Abuse Treatment can improve Residential to Outpatient Transition.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, , 45 ,55-62 More Information
Chisolm, M., Fitzsimons, H., Leoutsakos, J. M., Acquavita, S., Heil, S., Wilson-Murphy, M., Tuten, M., Kaltenbach, K., Martin, P., Winklbaur, B., Jansson, L., Jones, H. (2013. ) A Comparison of Cigarette Smoking Profiles in Opioid-Dependent Pregnant Patients Receiving Methadone or Buprenorphine.Nicotine and Tobacco Research, , 15 ,1297-1304 More Information
Pecukonis, E. V., Doyle, O., Acquavita, S. P., Aparicio, L., Vanidestine, T., O’Reilly, N. & Gibbons, M. (2013. ) Interprofessional Leadership Training in MCH Social Work. .Health and Social Work, , 52 (7 ) ,625-641
Acquavita, S.P., Stershic, S., Sharma, R., Stitzer, M. (2013. ) Client Incentives versus Contracting and Staff Incentives: How Care Continuity Interventions in Substance Abuse Treatment can Improve Residential to Outpatien Transition .Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, , 45 ,55-62
Acquavita, S. P., Tice, C. (2013. ) Peer Review in a social policy course: Lessons learned .Advanced in Social Work, , 14 ,2
Acquavita, Shauna P; Talks, Alexandra; Fiser, Kayleigh (2017. ) Facilitators and Barriers to Cigarette Smoking While Pregnant for Women With Substance Use Disorders.Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, , 19 (5 ) ,555-561 More Information
Acquavita, Shauna P; Kauffman, Sandra S; Talks, Alexandra; Sherman, Kate Pregnant women with substance use disorders: The intersection of history, ethics, and advocacy.Social work in health care, , 55 (10 ) ,843-860 More Information
McCarthy, Michael J; Craddock, Wendi S; Acquavita, Shauna P; Black, Kalyn (2016. ) A mixed-methods study of smoking attitudes and behaviors among dual-smoker stroke survivor-caregiver dyads.Journal of health psychology, , 1359105316667797 More Information
Acquavita, Shauna P; McClure, Erin A; Hargraves, Daniel; Stitzer, Maxine (2014. ) Environmental tobacco smoke exposure among smokers and non-smokers receiving outpatient substance abuse treatment.Addictive behaviors, , 39 (12 ) ,1718-22 More Information
Acquavita, Shauna P; Lewis, Maya A; Aparicio, Elizabeth; Pecukonis, Edward (2014. ) Student perspectives on interprofessional education and experiences. Journal of allied health, , 43 (2 ) ,e31-6
McClure, Erin A; Acquavita, Shauna P; Dunn, Kelly E; Stoller, Kenneth B; Stitzer, Maxine L (2014. ) Characterizing smoking, cessation services, and quit interest across outpatient substance abuse treatment modalities.Journal of substance abuse treatment, , 46 (2 ) ,194-201 More Information
Acquavita, Shauna P; Stershic, Sandra; Sharma, Rajni; Stitzer, Maxine (2013. ) Client incentives versus contracting and staff incentives: how care continuity interventions in substance abuse treatment can improve residential to outpatient transition.Journal of substance abuse treatment, , 45 (1 ) ,55-62 More Information
Chisolm, Margaret S; Fitzsimons, Heather; Leoutsakos, Jeannie-Marie S; Acquavita, Shauna P; Heil, Sarah H; Wilson-Murphy, Molly; Tuten, Michelle; Kaltenbach, Karol; Martin, Peter R; Winklbaur, Bernadette; Jansson, Lauren M; Jones, Hendrée E (2013. ) A comparison of cigarette smoking profiles in opioid-dependent pregnant patients receiving methadone or buprenorphine.Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, , 15 (7 ) ,1297-304 More Information
McClure, Erin A; Acquavita, Shauna P; Harding, Emily; Stitzer, Maxine L (2013. ) Utilization of communication technology by patients enrolled in substance abuse treatment.Drug and alcohol dependence, , 129 (1-2 ) ,145-50 More Information
Acquavita, Shauna P; Deforge, Bruce R; Burry, Caroline Long; Boyd, Susan J (2012. ) Individual and community predictors of maternal smoking in the city of Baltimore: what can be learned from a predominantly minority case controlled study?.Social work in health care, , 51 (3 ) ,197-212 More Information
Chisolm, Margaret S; Acquavita, Shauna P; Kaltenbach, Karol; Winklbaur, Bernadette; Heil, Sarah H; Martin, Peter R; Stine, Susan M; Coyle, Mara; Leoutsakos, Jeannie-Marie S; Tuten, Michelle; Jansson, Lauren M; Backer, Penina M; Jones, Hendrée E (2011. ) Cigarette Smoking and Neonatal Outcomes in Depressed and Non-Depressed Opioid-Dependent Agonist-Maintained Pregnant Patients.Addictive disorders & their treatment, , 10 (4 ) ,180-187 More Information
Vandrey, Ryan; Stitzer, Maxine L; Acquavita, Shauna P; Quinn-Stabile, Patricia (2011. ) Pay-for-performance in a community substance abuse clinic.Journal of substance abuse treatment, , 41 (2 ) ,193-200 More Information
Doarn, Charles R; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Pallerla, Harini; Acquavita, Shauna P; Regan, Saundra; Elder, Nancy; Tubb, Matthew R (2019. ) Challenges in the Development of e-Quit worRx: An iPad App for Smoking Cessation Counseling and Shared Decision Making in Primary Care.JMIR formative research, , 3 (1 ) ,e11300 More Information
Punches, Brittany E; Johnson, Kimberly D; Acquavita, Shauna P; Felblinger, Dianne M; Gillespie, Gordon L (2019. ) Patient perspectives of pregnancy loss in the emergency department.International emergency nursing, , 43 ,61-66 More Information
Acquavita, Shauna P; Krummel, Debra A; Talks, Alexandra; Cobb, Alexandra; McClure, Erin (2019. ) Assessing the Digital Divide Among Low-Income Perinatal Women: Opportunities for Provision of Health Information and Counseling.Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association, , 25 (1 ) ,48-54 More Information
Acquavita, S. P., Van Loon, R.A., Smith, R., Brehm, B., Diers, T., Kim, K. Barker, A. (2019. ) The SBIRT Interprofessional Curriculum and Field Model.Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, , 19 (1-2 ) ,10 -25More Information
Warner, L. Acquavita, S. P. (2019. ) Introduction to the Special Issue: The Use of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment by Social Workers. .Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, , 19 (1-2 ) ,1 More Information
Acquavita, S. P. (2019. ) How social work can address the tobacco epidemic.Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, , 20 (1 ) ,82-87 More Information
Punches, B., Gillespie, G., Acquavita, S., Johnson, K., Felblinger, D (2018. ) A review of the management of pregnancy loss in the Emergency Department.Journal of Emergency Nursing, , 44 (2 ) ,146-155 More Information
Punches, B., Johnson, K., Acquavita, S., Felblinger, D., Gillespie, G (2017. ) Barriers to research recruitment of women experiencing a pregnancy loss in the Emergency Department.Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, , 39 (4 ) ,280-287 More Information
DiNitto, D. M. (2017. ) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Interview with Dr. Shauna Acquavita, Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati.Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, , 224-235 More Information
Acquavita, S. P., Stershic, S. Talks, A. & Sherman, K (2016. ) Pregnant women with substance use disorders: The intersection of history, ethics, and advocacy.Social Work in Healthcare, , 55 (10 ) ,843-860 More Information
Acquavita, S. P. & Tice, C (2015. ) Social Work Doctoral Education: Examining the Past to Prepare for the Future.Social Work Education: The International Journal, , 34 (7 ) ,846 - 860 More Information
Acquavita, S. P., & Tice, C (2013. ) Peer review in a social policy course: Lessons learned .Advances in Social Work, , 14 (2 ) ,629- 641
Pecukonis, E. V., Doyle, O., Acquavita, S. P., Aparicio, L., Vanidestine, T., O’Reilly, N. & Gibbons, M (2013. ) Interprofessional Leadership Training in MCH Social Work .Health and Social Work, , 52 (7 ) ,625-641
Richardson, G., Smith, R., Linnea, L.*, & Acquavita, S. P. (2020. ) Structure and longitudinal invariance of the Short Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, , 115 , More Information
Acquavita, S. P., Lee, B., Levy, M., Holmes, C., Sacco, P., Harley, D. (2020. ) Preparing Master of Social Work Students for Interprofessional Practice.Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, , More Information
Acquavita, Shauna P; Lee, Bethany R; Levy, Michelle; Holmes, Cheryl; Sacco, Paul; Harley, Dana Preparing Master of Social Work Students for Interprofessional Practice.Journal of evidence-based social work (2019), , 17 (5 ) ,611-623 More Information
Richardson, George B; Smith, Rachel; Lowe, Linnea; Acquavita, Shauna P (2020. ) Structure and longitudinal invariance of the Short Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire.Journal of substance abuse treatment, , 115 ,108041 More Information
Punches, Brittany E; Johnson, Kimberly D; Acquavita, Shauna P; Felblinger, Dianne M; Gillespie, Gordon L Barriers to Research Recruitment of Women Experiencing a Pregnancy Loss in the Emergency Department.Advanced emergency nursing journal, , 39 (4 ) ,280-287 More Information
Richardson, G., Smith, R., Linnea, L., & Acquavita, S. P. (2020. ) Structure and longitudinal invariance of the Short Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, , 115 , More Information
Acquavita, S. P., Lee, B., Levy, M., Holmes, C., Sacco, P., Harley, D. (2020. ) Preparing Master of Social Work Students for Interprofessional Practice. .Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, , More Information
Acquavita, S. P., Smith, R., Van Loon, R. A., Brehm, B., Kim, K., Diers, T. (2021. ) Training health professional students in adolescent SBIRT using an online module .Journal of Research & Practice in College Teaching, , 6 (1 ) ,67 -79
Acquavita, Shauna P; Richardson, George B; Smith, Rachel; Van Loon, Ruth Anne; Brehm, Bonnie; Kim, Karissa; Diers, Tiffiny (2021. ) Outcomes of an interprofessional SBIRT training program: Knowledge attainment and perceived competence for practice.Substance abuse, , 42 (4 ) ,935-943 More Information
Book Chapter
Clark-Hammond, G., Teater, B., & Acquavita, S. P. (2010 ) Amethyst: Full integration of tobacco treatment in long term alcohol and other drug addiction treatment for homeless and low-income women Social Work in Health Settings: Practice in Context (3rd Ed.). .(pp. 351-362).New York, Haworth Press, Inc.
Acquavita, S. P. & Smith-Osborne, A. (2012 ) Substance Abuse in Veterans Social Work Practice with Veterans: An Interdisciplinary Approach .Washington, D.C., NASW Press.
DiNitto, D. M. (2018 ) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Interview with Dr. Shauna Acquavita, Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati Implementing the Grand Challenge of Reducing and Preventing Alcohol Misuse and its Consequences .(pp. 224-235).NY: Routledge,
Brubaker, M. D., Clark, A & Acquavita, S. P. Educating the Next Generation of Integrated Care Practitioners to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorders Addiction in the Queen City: Hitting Back at the Opioid Crisis in Cincinnati .Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati Press
Kleykamp, B.A., Clarke, S. B*., & Acquavita, S. P. (2023 ) Opioid Use Disorder and Cognitive Functioning. The Oxford Handbook of Opioids and Opioid Use Disorder .Oxford University Press (Co-Author)
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Acquavita, S. P. & Bauder, R (07-2019. ) Serving At Risk Youth Fellowship Experience .9th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, , York, England.
Acquavita, S. P., & Thompkins, D. A (2009. ) A New Facet in Diversity: Interprofessional Cultural Competence .Johns Hopkins 6th Annual Diversity Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Poster Presentations
Acquavita, S. P. (10-2019. ) SBIRT with the Appalachian Population: Creating an online teaching module .Annual Meeting of the Council of Social Work Education, Denver, Colorado. . Conference. .
Kavoosi, T. A., Moore, M.G., Christy, M. N., Bowles, D. R., Keller, M., Sall, D., & Acquavita, S. P (04-2019. ) Motivational Interviewing in the setting of substance use: A clinical simulation for multidisciplinary learning .Regional Association of American Medical Colleges, Louisville, KY. .
Acquavita, S.P., McCarthy, M. & Fiser, K (02-2018. ) Hand in Hand: The development of a partners’ guide to stopping smoking together .Society of Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore, MD. .
Acquavita, S. P. & Pantano, A (10-2017. ) Interactions with Virtual Patients .University of Cincinnati’s Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Cincinnati, OH. .
Acquavita, S.P. & Barker, A (04-2017. ) Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in Pregnancy: An Online Module for Healthcare Professionals .Making Lifelong Connections: Maternal Child Health Leadership in Times of Change, Seattle, WA. .
Tubb, M., Baskaran, B., Nandita Subramanian, N., Von der Meulen, M., Boling, H. Regan, S. L., Acquavita, S. P., Harnett, B., Elder, N.C., Pallerla, H., Doarn, C. R (11-2016. ) Iterative Usability Testing and Design of eQuit WorRx: an iPad App for Use in Primary Care Practices to Promote Smoking Cessation Shared Decision Making .2016 Annual Meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group. , Colorado Springs, Colorado. .
Acquavita, S. P., Talks, A., & Fiser, K (03-2016. ) Exploring facilitators and barriers to smoking cessation with pregnant women with substance use disorders .Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. .
Acquavita, S. P. & Barker, A (03-2016. ) The STARR Approach .SBIRT Grantees 2016 Meeting, Washington, D.C. .
McCarthy, M. J., Craddock, W., Acquavita, S. P. Talks, A (01-2016. ) Persistent smoking after stroke among cohabitating dual-smoker couples .Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. .
Krummel, D. Talks, A. & Acquavita, S. P (10-2015. ) Attitudes regarding use of electronic devised for health information and counseling in WIC participants .Food and Nutrition Conference Exhibition Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Tubbs, M., Elder, N., Doarn, C., Regan, S., Magee, J., Acquavita, S., Ralescu, A (10-2015. ) Development of A Mobile App to Enhance Smoking Cessation Shared Decision Making in Primary Care .North American Primary Care Research Group 2015 Annual Conference, Cancun, Mexico. .
Acquavita, S. P., McClure, E., Hargraves, D., Stitzer, M (03-2013. ) Environmental Tobacco Exposure for Individuals Receiving Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment .Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Boston, MA. .
McClure, E., Acquavita, S. P., Dunn, K., Stoller, K., Molzon, C., & Stitzer, M (06-2012. ) Smoking cessation interest among substance abuse treatment .Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Houston, TX. .
McClure, E., Acquavita, S. P., Stoller, K., Molzon, C., Harding, E., Stitzer, M (03-2012. ) Utilization of communication technology by substance abuse treatment patients .College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA. .
Acquavita, S. P. (01-2010. ) Community Factors and Maternal Smoking: Contributing to the Problem or Helping with the Solution? .Social Work Research Conference, San Francisco, CA. .
Burry, C. L., Acquavita, S. P., & Linsenmeyer, D (10-2007. ) Assessing Child Welfare Competencies for Social Work Students Using Standardized Client Encounters .CSWE’s 53rd Annual Program Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
Kavoosi, T.A.*, Christy, M.N., Moore, M.G., Frankland, M., Kelleher, M., Sall, D., Acquavita, S. P. (03-2020. ) Poster: Substance Use Disorder in Medical Education – A Multidisciplinary Approach. .Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, New Orleans, LA. . Level:International
Monnin, E., Scaramucci, M., Acquavita, S.P., Smith, R. (03-2020. ) Poster: SBIRT Training: A focus on dental hygiene curriculum. .Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, New Orleans, LA. . Level:International
Harley, D., Acquavita, S.P., Brubaker, M., LaGuardia, A. (10-2020. ) Poster: Barriers and Facilitators to Integrating Behavioral Health in Primary Care Settings. Collaborative Family Healthcare Associate Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. . . Level:National
Clark, A., Wagner, R, Brubaker, M., Acquavita, S. P., Wilder, C. (07-2021. ) Pandemic-Related Disruptions in Nursing Education: Zooming Out for an Innovative Interprofessional Simulation. .Macy Foundation Conference on COVID-19 and the Impact on Medical and Nursing Education, Virtual . . Level:National
Brubaker, M. D., Wood, A., Acquavita, S. P., Bruns, K. (10-2021. ) Behavioral Health Smartphone Applications: A Bridge or Barrier to Care? .Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting. . Level:National
Brubaker, M.D., Clark, A., Acquavita, S. P., Regan, S., Pallerla, H., Stryker, S. (10-2022. ) Poster: Promoting Health Equity through Integrative Care Teams- A Medication Treatment Curriculum. .The Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction Annual Conference. , Austin, TX. . Level:National
Acquavita, S. P. (04-2007. ) Standardized Clients in Social Work: An Empirical Educational Tool. .Baltimore, MD.
Acquavita, S. P. (04-2006. ) Factors and Interventions for Smoking Cessation in Pregnant Women: A Literature Review .Baltimore County, MD.
Acquavita, S. P., Brubaker, M., Clark, A. Hardcastle, V., Stem, J. (09-17-2019. ) Tackling the opioid crisis with a million-dollar grant .
Acquavita, S. P. Strobbe, S. & Koetting, C (05-2019. ) Integrating adolescent SBIRT education into health professional training: Findings from a national effort to prepare the next workforce .The University of Chicago.
Acquavita, S. P. (10-26-2019. ) Addressing addiction: Implementing SBIRT with special populations .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P. (11-16-2018. ) Screening for Alcohol Use. The Scott Sloan Show .
Acquavita, S. P. (10-05-2018. ) Addictions, Implications and Treatment. Back to Class: 2018 .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P. (09-27-2018. ) Ethics & Social Media .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P. (06-2018. ) Substance Abuse and Pregnant Women .
Acquavita, S. P. (05-2018. ) Interprofessional skill building with SBIRT .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P. (05-2018. ) An Interprofessional SBIRT Course .
Acquavita, S. P. (04-2018. ) SBIRT with Youth .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P. (03-07-2018. ) Examining SBIRT and the NASW Standards for Perinatal Social Work Practice in Health Care Setting .
Acquavita, S. P. & Pantano, A (01-25-2018. ) Providing supervision for health professional students implementing SBIRT .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P. & Davis, M (04-2017. ) Promoting SBIRT in an Interprofessional Setting with Vulnerable Populations .
Acquavita, S. P., Morris, J. & Pruemer, J. (01-04-2016. ) If you resolved to stop smoking this year, we talk about ways to do it successfully .
Acquavita, S. P. & Krummel, D (09-25-2015. ) Assessing the digital divide among low-income perinatal women: Opportunities for health counseling provision and information .
Acquavita, S. P. (04-17-2014. ) Lessons Learned in Cross-Disciplinary Research. Partnering for Excellence in Health Research .
Acquavita, S.P. (03-04-2014. ) Substance Use Disorders and Pregnant Women .
Acquavita, S. P. (03-28-2014. ) The Mentoring Story Continues: Maintaining Your Mentoring Relationship Post-Graduation .
Acquavita, S. P (02-13-2013. ) Alcohol and Tobacco Measures .
Paper Presentations
Brubaker, M. D., LaGuardia, A., Acquavita, S. P., Harley, D., Wood, A (10-2019. ) Forging alliances in counseling and social work through interprofessional collaborative education and practice .Seattle, WA. Conference.
Lee, B. R., Acquavita, S., Levy, M., Sacco, P (11-2018. ) Preparing MSW students for Interprofessional Practice: Three Programs Share Lessons Learned .Orlando, Florida.
Acquavita, S. P., Lewis, M., & Tice, C (07-2018. ) Difficult Conversations: How to promote equal opportunity and justice within the Academy .Dublin, Ireland.
Acquavita, S.P. Van Loon, R. A., Smith, R. Brehm, B., Diers, T., Kim, K., Barker, A (09-2017. ) SBIRT in an interprofessional context for healthcare students and professionals .New York, NY.
Acquavita, S. P. & Boone, X (01-2016. ) Term Adjunct Faculty: How Departments can contribute to their success .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P., Krummel, D., Talks, A., Cobb, A., McClure, E (10-2015. ) Technology use and health related information in Low-income Pregnant and Post-Partum Women .Chicago, IL.
Acquavita, S. P., Zhang, J., Boone, X., Swoboda, C., Yolton, K (02-2015. ) Exploring child welfare workers’ receptiveness to addressing ETS and tobacco use in their clients .Philadelphia, PA.
Acquavita, S. P., Zhang, J., Boone, X., Swoboda, C., Yolton, K (10-2014. ) A Hidden Occupational Health Hazard: ETS among Child Welfare Workers .Cincinnati, OH.
Acquavita, S. P., Gibbons, M. A. & Pecukonis, E (10-2011. ) Student perspectives on interprofessional education: Overcoming barriers and increasing effectiveness of interdisciplinary experiences .Atlanta, GA.
Gibbons, M. A., Doyle, O. Z., & Acquavita, S. P (11-2009. ) Teaching a Research Practicum in 16 weeks: Curriculum development and teaching strategies .San Antonio, TX.
Acquavita, S. P (10-2008. ) Research or Pedagogy Training in Social Work Doctoral Programs: An Ongoing Debate .Philadelphia, PA.
Tice, C. J., & Acquavita, S. P (04-2008. ) Lessons Learned in Peer Review: Implications for Curriculum Design .Newark, DE.
Acquavita, S. P., & Tice, C. J (03-2008. ) Peer Review in a Social Policy Course: A Pilot Study .Destin, FL.
Acquavita, S. P., Boone, X., Harley, D (07-2019. ) Children/Youth Workforce Development Training Programs .York, England.
Honors and Awards
2017 Excellence in Teaching and Technology Award, College of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati
2016 Rising Star Research Award, University of Cincinnati
2016 Scholarly Work/Research Award, College of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati
2016 E-Learning Champion for the month of May, University of Cincinnati
2018 Fellow for the Academy of Teaching and Learning, University of Cincinnati
2019 Mrs. A.B. "Dolly" Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2018 National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Fellow NIAAA Status:Recipient Level:National
2019 Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection (Gc3) Teaching Honoree
2017 -2018 UC Women Lead
Post Graduate Training and Education
07-01-2009-08-30-2011 Post Doctorate Fellow, Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University, , Baltimore, MD
2007-2009 Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Fellowship , University of Maryland, Baltimore, , MCH Bureau/HRSA
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs, Mental Health, Maternal Health, Pregnancy, Interdisciplinary Work
Professional Affiliation
Licensed Independent Social Worker- Supervisor Ohio
Contact Information
Academic - 177 HSB
3225 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267-0108
Phone: 513-556-4619