Professor, Interim Department Head
Baldwin Hall
CEAS - Civil Eng - 0071
Professional Summary
Dr. Mohamed M Ahmed, PE is the Professor and Director of the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management Transportation Center at the University of Cincinnati (UC). Dr. Ahmed has over 21 years of practical and research experiences in the field of transportation engineering with a focus on traffic safety and transportation emerging technologies. His research interests include traffic safety analysis, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Connected and Automated Vehicles, Naturalistic Driving, and statistical and big data analytics. Dr. Ahmed has managed 32 research projects sponsored by a diversity of national and regional funding sources including the US-Department of Transportation (USDOT) - the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), among others with a total budget of more than $10 million (~$4 million share). Dr. Ahmed has published more than 250 high-profile scientific articles and technical reports, (Citations ~4600, h-Index 35). He supervised to graduation 25 PhD and MS students and currently advising 5 PhD, MS students, and Postdoctoral Associates. Dr. Ahmed is a leading traffic safety expert at both the national and international levels. He is an editorial board member with Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, member of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) committees on Safety Data Analysis and Evaluation, and Transportation of HAZMAT, and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) committee on Surrogate Measures of Safety.
Dr. Ahmed’s research develops models, techniques, and algorithms that can contribute to and improve the safety of human drivers and self-driving vehicles. Early on, his research on collision modeling and evaluation focused on applying Bayesian statistics to improve the predictive power and fit of existing safety models, as well as to address several key data and methodological issues. His work on speed management utilizing the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Naturalistic Driving Study datasets focused on understanding driver behavior, risks and factors that influence speeding among other driver behaviors in various traffic and environmental conditions, and updating Variable Speed Limit algorithms and other Intelligent Transportation Systems to increase compliance with speed limits and improve safety. Moreover, he developed novel real-time risk assessment approaches to help ease traffic congestion and reduce crash rates on high-speed facilities. He and his students have received multiple research awards from the TRB (multiple Best Paper Awards), IATSS (Best Paper Award), ITE (Best Student of the Year), ITS Florida, and the College of Engineering & Computer Science Research and Teaching awards at UCF, among others.
Research Support
Grant: #1004615-UC / RS05220Z560 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED 10-05-2022 -11-30-2023 Federal Highway Administration RS05220 Automated Real-Time Weather Detection System using Artificial Intelligence Role:PI 122622.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #1004616-UC / RS04220Z560 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED 08-15-2022 -05-20-2023 Federal Highway Administration RS04220 Impacts of Cooperative Automated Transportation on Wyoming Highway Infrastructure Role:PI 41374.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #pending / RS04221Z560 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED 08-15-2022 -05-31-2023 Federal Highway Administration RS04221 Rapid Safety Assessment Tool for Non-Conventional Roadway Designs and Emerging Technologies: Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application Role:PI 89456.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #pending / RS07221Z560 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED 08-15-2022 -08-31-2023 Federal Highway Administration RS07221 Integrating Human Behavior toward the Development of Safer Cooperative Automated Transportation: Implementation of SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Role:PI 81575.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #pending / NCHRP 20-102(24) Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED; Nazzal, Munir 03-01-2023 -02-28-2026 National Cooperative Highway Research Program Infrastructure Modifications to Improve the Operational Conditions of Automated Vehicles Role:PI 369988.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #pending Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED; Ash, John; Li, Zhixia; Wei, Heng 02-21-2023 -02-20-2028 Department of Transportation Transportation Cybersecurity Center for Advanced Research and Education (CYBER-CARE) Role:Collaborator 300000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #no contract number_ODOT 39159 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED; Ash, John 10-19-2023 -02-19-2026 Federal Highway Administration Investigation of Innovations in Mounted Attenuators for Safety in Work Zones Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #24-04517-A0001 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED 06-01-2024 -11-30-2025 University of Wyoming Feasibility of Employing AI Machine Vision and Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Traffic and Weather Monitoring Role:PI 75378.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Grant: #pending reverse agreement ROC Task 4_ODOT 39168_PID 118088 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED 04-23-2024 -11-23-2024 Federal Highway Administration Research Proposal to EL Robinson Engineering Task 4 Compounding Construction Congestion for the ODOT Research Project Division of Engineering Researcher on Call ROC Role:PI 50000.99 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #31310024M0040 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED; Miller, Richard; Wang, Lei 06-14-2024 -06-13-2028 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Distinguished Faculty Advancement Program at the University of Cincinnati to Advance Seismic Risk Assessment in Nuclear Engineering Role:PI 600000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Mohamed Ahmed, Anik Das, Md Nasim Khan, and Sayed Dadvar (2022. ) Global Lessons Learned from Naturalistic Driving Studies to Advance Traffic Safety and Operation Research: A Systematic Review.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 167 , More Information
Lucas Houseal, Sherif Gaweesh, Seyedehsan Dadvar, and Mohamed Ahmed (2022. ) Causes and Effects of Autonomous Vehicles Field Data Crashes and Disengagements Using Exploratory Factor Analysis, Binary Logistic Regression, and Decision Trees.Transportation Research Record, , More Information
Ahmed M.; Huang H.; Abdel-Aty M.; Guevara B. (07-01-2011. ) Exploring a Bayesian hierarchical approach for developing safety performance functions for a mountai.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 43 (4 ) ,1581-1589 More Information
Abdel-Aty M.A.; Hassan H.M.; Ahmed M.; Al-Ghamdi A.S. (01-01-2012. ) Real-time prediction of visibility related crashes.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 24 ,288-298 More Information
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M. (01-01-2012. ) The viability of using automatic vehicle identification data for real-time crash prediction.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, , 13 (2 ) ,459-468 More Information
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M. (01-01-2013. ) A data fusion framework for real-time risk assessment on freeways.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 26 ,203-213 More Information
Yu R.; Abdel-Aty M.; Ahmed M. (01-01-2013. ) Bayesian random effect models incorporating real-time weather and traffic data to investigate mounta.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 50 ,371-376 More Information
Abdel-Aty M.; Ahmed M.; Yu R. (12-01-2012. ) Exploring the safety application of automatic vehicle identification data .Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, , 2 ,1702-1711
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M.; Yu R. (01-12-2012. ) Assessment of interaction of crash occurrence, mountainous freeway geometry, real-time weather, and .Transportation Research Record, , (2280 ) ,51-59 More Information
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M.; Yu R. (01-12-2012. ) Bayesian updating approach for real-time safety evaluation with automatic vehicle identification dat.Transportation Research Record, , (2280 ) ,60-67 More Information
Yu R.; Abdel-Aty M.; Ahmed M.; Wang X. (02-01-2014. ) Utilizing microscopic traffic and weather data to analyze real-time crash patterns in the context of.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, , 15 (1 ) ,205-213 More Information
Ahmed M.; Yu R.; Abdel-Aty M. (01-01-2011. ) Safety applications of automatic vehicle identification and real-time weather data on freeways .18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and ITS America Annual Meeting 2011, , 2 ,1353-1363
Ahmed M.M.; Abdel-Aty M.; Yu R. (01-01-2012. ) Linking crash occurrence to real-time weather conditions and AVI traffic data: Ensemble data-mining .19th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, ITS 2012, ,
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M. (12-01-2013. ) Application of stochastic gradient boosting technique to enhance reliability of real-time risk asses.Transportation Research Record, , (2386 ) ,26-34 More Information
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M.; Qi S.; Abuzwidah M. (07-01-2014. ) Synthesis of State-of-the-Art in Visibility Detection Systems' Applications and Research.Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, , 6 (3 ) ,183-206 More Information
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M.; Lee J.; Yu R. (01-01-2014. ) Real-time assessment of fog-related crashes using airport weather data: A feasibility analysis.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 72 ,309-317 More Information
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M. (01-01-2014. ) Safety assessment and spatial exploration of automated red-light running enforcement cameras .21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITSWC 2014: Reinventing Transportation in Our Connected World, ,
Abuzwidah M.; Abdel-Aty M.; Ahmed M. (01-01-2014. ) Safety evaluation of hybrid main-line toll plazas.Transportation Research Record, , 2435 ,53-60 More Information
Abdel-Aty M.; Oloufa A.; Hassan H.; Ahmed M.; Siddiqui C.; Morrow R. (01-01-2010. ) Portable visibility warning system for the safety of highways .17th ITS World Congress, ,
Schumaker L.; Ahmed M.; Ksaibati K. (01-02-2017. ) Policy considerations for evaluating the safety effectiveness of passing lanes on rural two-lane hig.Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, , 9 (1 ) ,1-19 More Information
Ahmed M.; Abdel-Aty M.; Park J. (01-01-2015. ) Evaluation of the safety effectiveness of the conversion of two-lane roadways to four-lane divided r.Transportation Research Record, , 2515 ,41-49 More Information
Peel T.; Ahmed M.; Ohara N. (01-01-2017. ) Investigating safety effectiveness of Wyoming snow fence installations along a rural mountainous fre.Transportation Research Record, , 2613 ,8-15 More Information
Ahmed M.M.; Abdel-Aty M. (01-01-2015. ) Evaluation and spatial analysis of automated red-light running enforcement cameras.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 50 ,130-140 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M. (01-01-2017. ) Drivers' lane-keeping ability in heavy rain: Preliminary investigation using SHRP 2 naturalistic dri.Transportation Research Record, , 2663 ,99-108 More Information
Shaaban K.; Gaweesh S.; Ahmed M.M. (03-01-2018. ) Characteristics and mitigation strategies for cell phone use while driving among young drivers in Qa.Journal of Transport and Health, , 8 ,6-14 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Hammit B.E.; Ahmed M.M.; Young R.K. (12-01-2018. ) Parametric Ordinal Logistic Regression and Non-Parametric Decision Tree Approaches for Assessing the.Transportation Research Record, , 2672 (12 ) ,137-147 More Information
Ahmed M.; Franke R.; Ksaibati K.; Shinstine D. (08-01-2018. ) Effects of truck traffic on crash injury severity on rural highways in Wyoming using Bayesian binary.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 117 ,106-113 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M.M. (05-01-2018. ) Utilizing naturalistic driving data for in-depth analysis of driver lane-keeping behavior in rain: N.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 90 ,379-392 More Information
Ahmed M.M.; Ghasemzadeh A. (06-01-2018. ) The impacts of heavy rain on speed and headway Behaviors: An investigation using the SHRP2 naturalis.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 91 ,371-384 More Information
Khan M.; Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M. (06-01-2018. ) Investigating the impact of fog on freeway speed selection using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving stud.Transportation Research Record, , 2672 (16 ) ,93-104 More Information
Darzi A.; Gaweesh S.M.; Ahmed M.M.; Novak D. (08-14-2018. ) Identifying the causes of drivers' hazardous states using driver characteristics, vehicle kinematics.Frontiers in Neuroscience, , 12 (AUG ) , More Information
Hammit B.E.; Ghasemzadeh A.; James R.M.; Ahmed M.M.; Young R.K. (11-01-2018. ) Evaluation of weather-related freeway car-following behavior using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving st.Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, , 59 ,244-259 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M.M. (10-01-2019. ) Exploring factors contributing to injury severity at work zones considering adverse weather conditio.IATSS Research, , 43 (3 ) ,131-138 More Information
Gaweesh S.; Ahmed M.; Piccorelli A. (02-01-2019. ) Developing crash prediction models using parametric and nonparametric approaches for rural mountaino.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 123 ,176-189 More Information
Das A.; Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M.M. (02-01-2019. ) Analyzing the effect of fog weather conditions on driver lane-keeping performance using the SHRP2 na.Journal of Safety Research, , 68 ,71-80 More Information
Hammit B.; James R.; Ahmed M. (12-07-2018. ) Radar-Vision Algorithms to Process the Trajectory-Level Driving Data in the SHRP2 Naturalistic Drivi.IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, , 2018-November ,2126-2133 More Information
Hammit B.; James R.; Ahmed M. (12-07-2018. ) A Case for Online Traffic Simulation: Systematic Procedure to Calibrate Car-Following Models Using V.IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, , 2018-November ,3785-3790 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M. (12-07-2018. ) A Framework to Enhance the Transferability of the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study by Considering He.IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, , 2018-November ,1826-1833 More Information
James R.; Hammit B.; Ahmed M. (12-07-2018. ) Exploring the Use of Driver Attributes to Characterize Heterogeneity in Naturalistic Driving Behavio.IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, , 2018-November ,1047-1052 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Hammit B.; Ahmed M.; Eldeeb H. (11-01-2019. ) Complementary methodologies to identify weather conditions in naturalistic driving study trips: Less.Safety Science, , 119 ,21-28 More Information
Ali E.M.; Ahmed M.M.; Wulff S.S. (11-01-2019. ) Detection of critical safety events on freeways in clear and rainy weather using SHRP2 naturalistic .Safety Science, , 119 ,141-149 More Information
Ahmed M.M.; Gaweesh S.; Yang G. (01-01-2019. ) A Preliminary Investigation into the Impact of Connected Vehicle Human-Machine Interface on Driving .IFAC-PapersOnLine, , 51 (34 ) ,227-229 More Information
Ahmed M.; Yang G.; Gaweesh S. (02-01-2019. ) Development and Assessment of a Connected Vehicle Training Program for Truck Drivers.Transportation Research Record, , 2673 (2 ) ,113-126 More Information
Gaweesh S.M.; Ahmed M.M. (11-25-2020. ) Evaluating the safety effectiveness of a weather-based variable speed limit for a rural mountainous .Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, , 12 (10 ) ,1205-1230 More Information
Hammit B.E.; James R.; Ahmed M.; Young R. (07-01-2019. ) Toward the Development of Weather-Dependent Microsimulation Models.Transportation Research Record, , 2673 (7 ) ,143-156 More Information
Khan M.N.; Ahmed M.M. (08-01-2019. ) Snow Detection using In-Vehicle Video Camera with Texture-Based Image Features Utilizing K-Nearest N.Transportation Research Record, , 2673 (8 ) ,221-232 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M. (06-01-2019. ) Complementary parametric probit regression and nonparametric classification tree modeling approaches.Journal of Modern Transportation, , 27 (2 ) ,129-140 More Information
Yang G.; Ahmed M.; Gaweesh S. (07-01-2019. ) Impact of Variable Speed Limit in a Connected Vehicle Environment on Truck Driver Behavior under Adv.Transportation Research Record, , 2673 (7 ) ,132-142 More Information
Das A.; Ahmed M.M.; Ghasemzadeh A. (08-01-2019. ) Using trajectory-level SHRP2 naturalistic driving data for investigating driver lane-keeping ability.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 129 ,250-262 More Information
Ghasemzadeh A.; Ahmed M.M. (09-01-2019. ) Quantifying regional heterogeneity effect on drivers’ speeding behavior using SHRP2 naturalistic dri.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 106 ,29-40 More Information
Das A.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Exploring the effect of fog on lane-changing characteristics utilizing the SHRP2 naturalistic drivin.Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, , 13 (5 ) ,477-502 More Information
Raddaoui O.; Ahmed M.M.; Gaweesh S.M. (10-01-2020. ) Assessment of the effectiveness of connected vehicle weather and work zone warnings in improving tru.IATSS Research, , 44 (3 ) ,230-237 More Information
Das A.; Khan M.N.; Ahmed M.M. (07-01-2020. ) Detecting lane change maneuvers using SHRP2 naturalistic driving data: A comparative study machine l.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 142 , More Information
Das A.; Khan M.N.; Ahmed M.M. (05-01-2020. ) Nonparametric Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines Models for Investigating Lane-Changing Gap Ac.Transportation Research Record, , 2674 (5 ) ,223-238 More Information
Khan M.N.; Ahmed M.M. (07-01-2020. ) Trajectory-level fog detection based on in-vehicle video camera with TensorFlow deep learning utiliz.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 142 , More Information
Shaaban K.; Gaweesh S.; Ahmed M.M. (07-01-2020. ) Investigating in-vehicle distracting activities and crash risks for young drivers using structural e.PLoS ONE, , 15 (7 ) , More Information
Ahmed I.U.; Gaweesh S.M.; Ahmed M.M. (07-03-2020. ) Exploration of hazardous material truck crashes onwyoming’s interstate roads using a novel hamiltoni.Transportation Research Record, , 2674 (9 ) ,661-675 More Information
Raddaoui O.; Ahmed M.M. (03-01-2020. ) Evaluating the Effects of Connected Vehicle Weather and Work Zone Warnings on Truck Drivers’ Workloa.Transportation Research Record, , 2674 (3 ) ,293-304 More Information
Ali E.M.; Ahmed M.M.; Yang G. (04-01-2021. ) Normal and risky driving patterns identification in clear and rainy weather on freeway segments usin.IATSS Research, , 45 (1 ) ,137-152 More Information
Yang G.; Ahmed M.; Gaweesh S.; Adomah E. (10-01-2020. ) Connected vehicle real-time traveler information messages for freeway speed harmonization under adve.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 146 , More Information
Yang G.; Ahmed M.; Adomah E. (10-01-2020. ) An Integrated Microsimulation Approach for Safety Performance Assessment of the Wyoming Connected Ve.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 146 , More Information
Yang G.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2020. ) Analysis, modeling and simulation framework for performance evaluation of the wyoming connected vehi.Advances in Transportation Studies, , 2 (Special issue ) ,19-32 More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Utilizing black-box visualization tools to interpret non-parametric real-time risk assessment models.Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, , 17 (4 ) ,739-765 More Information
Ahmed M.M.; Yang G.; Gaweesh S. (08-18-2020. ) Assessment of Drivers’ Perceptions of Connected Vehicle–Human Machine Interface for Driving Under Ad.Frontiers in Psychology, , 11 , More Information
Yang G.; Ahmed M.M.; Subedi B. (07-03-2020. ) Distraction of connected vehicle human–machine interface for truck drivers.Transportation Research Record, , 2674 (9 ) ,438-449 More Information
Nasim Khan M.; Das A.; Ahmed M.M. (09-01-2020. ) Non-Parametric Association Rules Mining and Parametric Ordinal Logistic Regression for an In-Depth I.Transportation Research Record, , 2674 (11 ) ,101-119 More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Practical advantage of crossed random intercepts under Bayesian hierarchical modeling to tackle unob.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 149 , More Information
Subedi B.; Gaweesh S.M.; Yang G.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2020. ) Connected vehicle training framework and lessons learned to improve safety of highway patrol trooper.Transportation Research Record, , 2674 (12 ) ,447-463 More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Real-time crash prediction for a long low-traffic volume corridor using corrected-impurity importanc.Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, , More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Gaweesh S.M.; Ahmed M.M. (05-01-2021. ) The safety performance of connected vehicles on slippery horizontal curves through enhancing truck d.Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, , 79 ,118-138 More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Coping with endogeneity and unobserved heterogeneity in real-time clustering critical crash occurren.International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, , 28 (2 ) ,208-221 More Information
Shabbar R.; Kasasbeh A.; Ahmed M.M. (03-02-2021. ) Charging station allocation for electric vehicle network using stochastic modeling and grey wolf opt.Sustainability (Switzerland), , 13 (6 ) , More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Ahmed M.M. (12-01-2021. ) Accounting for human-related unobserved heterogeneity in the safety performance of connected vehicle.IATSS Research, , 45 (4 ) ,539-550 More Information
Khan M.N.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Development of a novel convolutional neural network architecture named roadweathernet for trajectory.Transportation Research Record, , 2675 (9 ) ,1016-1030 More Information
Khan M.N.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Weather and surface condition detection based on road-side webcams: Application of pre-trained Convo.International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, , More Information
Das A.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Machine learning approach for predicting lane-change maneuvers using the shrp2 naturalistic driving .Transportation Research Record, , 2675 (9 ) ,574-594 More Information
Khan M.N.; Das A.; Ahmed M.M.; Wulff S.S. (01-01-2021. ) Multilevel weather detection based on images: a machine learning approach with histogram of oriented.Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, , 25 (5 ) ,513-532 More Information
Jiang Q.; Nian D.; Guo Y.; Ahmed M.; Yang G.; Ma J. (01-01-2021. ) Evaluating connected vehicle-based weather responsive management strategies using weather-sensitive .Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, , More Information
Gaweesh S.M.; Bakhshi A.K.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Safety performance assessment of connected vehicles in mitigating the risk of secondary crashes: A d.Transportation Research Record, , 2675 (12 ) ,117-129 More Information
Gaweesh S.; Khan M.N.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2021. ) Development of a novel framework for hazardous materials placard recognition system to conduct commo.Transportation Research Record, , 2675 (11 ) ,1357-1371 More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Ahmed M.M. (03-01-2022. ) Bayesian extreme value analysis of kinematic-based surrogate measure of safety to detect crash-prone.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 136 , More Information
Das A.; Ahmed M.M. (06-01-2022. ) Adjustment of key lane change parameters to develop microsimulation models for representative assess.Journal of Safety Research, , 81 ,9-20 More Information
Ahmed M.M.; Khan M.N.; Das A.; Dadvar S.E. (03-01-2022. ) Global lessons learned from naturalistic driving studies to advance traffic safety and operation res.Accident Analysis and Prevention, , 167 , More Information
Khoda Bakhshi A.; Ahmed M.M. (01-01-2022. ) Does random slope hierarchical modeling always outperform random intercept counterpart? Accounting f.Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, , More Information
Adomah E.; Bakhshi A.K.; Ahmed M.M. (03-01-2022. ) Safety Impact of Connected Vehicles on Driver Behavior in Rural Work Zones under Foggy Weather Condi.Transportation Research Record, , 2676 (3 ) ,88-107 More Information
Ahmed I.U.; Ahmed M.M. (04-01-2022. ) Investigating the Temporal Instability in Injury Severity Outcomes of Clear and Adverse Weather Cras.Transportation Research Record, , 2676 (4 ) ,107-132 More Information
Honors and Awards
2021 Deborah Freund Best Paper Award Transportation Research Board (TRB) Truck and Bus Safety Committee (ACS60) Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2022 Best Paper Award International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2019 Most Cited Articles - Analyzing the Effect of Fog Weather Conditions on Driver Lane-keeping Performance using the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data Journal of Safety Research Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2016 Highly Cited Research - Bayesian Random Effect Models Incorporating Real-time Weather and Traffic Data to Investigate Mountainous Freeway Hazardous Factors Journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2012 Best Paper Award by a Young Researcher Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - Safety Data, Analysis and Evaluation Committee (ANB20) Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition