Val Andrade

Val Andrade

Asst Professor - Educator

Department of Psycholgy
3234 Clifton Court Hall
2800 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221


PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, 2024 (Experimental Psychology)

MSc: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil, 2019 (Rehabilitation Science)

PT: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil, 2017 (Physical Therapy)

Research and Practice Interests

Motor Control & Motor Learning; Disability; Rehabilitation; Ecological Psychology


Peer Reviewed Publications

Andrade, V., Carver, N. S., Grover, F. M., Bonnette, S., & Silva, P. L. (2024. ) The Amount and Pattern of Reciprocal Compensations Predict Performance Stability in a Visually Guided Finger Force Production Task.Motor Control, , 28 (4 ) ,391 -412More Information

Nordbeck, P. C., Andrade, V., Silva, P. L., & Kuznetsov, N. A. (2023. ) DFA as a window into postural dynamics supporting task performance: does choice of step size matter?.Frontiers in Network Physiology, , 3 , More Information

Andrade, V., Mazoni, A., Vasconcelos, C., Mattos, D., Mitra, S., Ocarino, J., & Vaz, D. (2022. ) Effects of Age and Attentional Focus on the Performance and Coordination of the Sit-to-Stand Task.Journal of Motor Behavior, , More Information

Grover, F. M., Andrade, V., Carver, N. S., Bonnette, S., Riley, M.A., Silva, P. (2022. ) A Dynamical Approach to the Uncontrolled Manifold: Predicting Performance Error During Steady-State Isometric Force Production.Motor Control, , More Information

Schwab, S.M., Spencer, C., Carver, N.S., Andrade, V., Dugan, S., Greve, K., Silva, P. (2022. ) Personal Factors Understood through the Ecological-Enactive Model of Disability and Implications for Rehabilitation Research.Frontier in Rehabilitation Sciences, , More Information

Schwab, S. M., Andrade, V., Santos Moreira, T., Cavanaugh, J.T., Vaz, D.V., Silva, P.L. (2022. ) A consideration of interdisciplinary studies for Physiotherapy faculty: Theoretical, philosophical, and technological training to narrow the knowledge-practice gap.Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, , More Information

Schwab, S. M., Andrade, V., Kloos., H., Riley, M. A., & Silva, P. (2021. ) Unpredictable task demands and motor performance in individuals with neuromotor disability: a scope review.Physical Therapy Review, , 177 -187More Information

Pinto, V. A., Campolina, A. B., Mazoni, A. F., Mattos, D., & Vaz, D. V. (2021. ) Attention Focus Does Not Influence Performance of Sit-to-Stand in Young and Older Adults.Journal of Motor Behavior, , 53 (1 ) ,11 -19More Information

Souza, T. R., Almeida, R. P., Pires, C. V., Pinto, V. A., Gonçalves, B. T., Carvalho, D. S., Barsante, L. D., & Fonseca, S. T. (2021. ) Pelvic Sagittal Torsion Caused by Induced Leg Length Discrepancy: Geometrical Illusion May Influence Measures Based on Superior-iliac Spines Positions.Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, , 44 (2 ) ,128 -136More Information

Vaz, D. V., Pinto, V. A., Junior, R., Mattos, D., & Mitra, S. (2019. ) Coordination in adults with neurological impairment - A systematic review of uncontrolled manifold studies.Gait & Posture, , 69 ,66 -78More Information

Cruz, A. C., Fonseca, S. T., Araújo, V. L., Carvalho, D., Barsante, L. D., Pinto, V. A., & Souza, T. R. (2019. ) Pelvic Drop Changes due to Proximal Muscle Strengthening Depend on Foot-Ankle Varus Alignment.Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, , More Information

Moraes, M. M., Rabelo, P., Pinto, V. A., Pires, W., Wanner, S. P., Szawka, R. E., & Soares, D. D. (2018. ) Auditory stimulation by exposure to melodic music increases dopamine and serotonin activities in rat forebrain areas linked to reward and motor control .Neuroscience Letters, , 673 ,73 -78More Information

Kunstetter, A. C., Barbosa, N., Moraes, M. M., Pinto, V. A., Soares, D. D., Pires, W., & Wanner, S. P. (2017. ) Pre-exercise exposure to the treadmill setup changes the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses induced by subsequent treadmill running in rats. .Temperature, , 5 (2 ) ,109 -122More Information

Honors and Awards

2014 Poster of Distinction, I PanAmerican Congress of Physiological Sciences

2015 Poster of Distinction, I Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Traumato-Ortopédica

2022 Finalist Team in the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRAcon 22) Innovation Challenge

2022 Outstanding International Student Award, University of Cincinnati

2022 University Research Council (URC) Faculty-Student Collaboration Award, University of Cincinnati

2022 Seeman/Frakes Graduate Student Research Grant, University of Cincinnati

2023 Graduate Students Government Research Fellowship Award, University of Cincinnati

2023 1st place 3-Minute Thesis Competition, University of Cincinnati

2023 People’s Choice Award Regional 3-Minute Thesis Competition, Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools

2023 Graduate Student Award for Exemplary Initiative, University of Cincinnati

Courses Taught

Introduction to Psychology Level:Undergraduate

Research Methods and Statistics I Level:Undergraduate

Research Methods and Statistics II Level:Undergraduate

Sensation & Perception Level:Undergraduate

Capstone: Research Methods in Perception and Action Level:Undergraduate

Contact Information

Academic - Department of Psycholgy
3234 Clifton Court Hall
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221