Lora L Anderson
Associate Professor
Area Director for Rhetoric & Professional Writing
Professional Summary
Before coming to UC in 2011, I worked for 15 years as a professional writer and editor. I hold MAs in professional writing as well as anthropology, and I received my PhD in Technical Communication and Rhetoric from Texas Tech University.
My research focuses on the phenomenology of the lived body and issues of identity and agency in the rhetoric of health and medicine, particularly in chronic illness and end-of-life practices.
My book, Living Chronic: Agency and Expertise in Diabetes Rhetoric, was published by The Ohio State University Press in 2017, and I’ve been published in journals that include Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, Technical Communication Quarterly, and the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. I am also the co-editor of the journal Programmatic Perspectives.
I teach classes in creating accessible contact, science and health writing, and editing.
Ph.D. : Texas Tech University Lubbock, 2011 (Technical Communication and Medical Rhetoric)
M.A. : University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, 2007 (Professional Writing)
M.A.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1992 (Anthropology)
B.A.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1985 (English Literature)
Research and Practice Interests
Rhetoric of health and medicine | science and medical discourse | gender and technology | technical and professional writing pedagogy
Positions and Work Experience
2016 -To Present Director, Professional and Technical Writing Program, University of Cincinnati ,
2017 -To Present Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati ,
2012 -2017 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati ,
2007 -2012 Assistant Educator Professor , University of Cincinnati,
2015 -2019 Workshop Facilitator, Genetic Counseling Graduate Program – Writing the Literature Review, This two-part workshop focuses on writing literature reviews for graduate students writing for publication in the field of genetic counseling.,
2017 -2019 Workshop Facilitator. UC Department of Chemistry’s REU Program– Scientific Writing as Storytelling, This summer half-day workshop is targeted to college and high school students from underrepresented groups. ,
2018 - Workshop Facilitator. Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) - Strategies for Reading & Writing Scientific Research, The workshop is part of a summer research program for undergraduate women in mathematics, science and engineering programs at UC.,
2016 -2018 Workshop Facilitator. Kenyon College Biomedical Writing Institute, This intensive three-day workshop was offered to medical and scientific researchers working on journal articles or grant applications. ,
2018 - Workshop Facilitator. Eccrine Systems, Inc. Reporting Research in Internal Stakeholders, This six-part series of workshops for this biotechnology start-up focused on effectively communicating research to various research teams within the company as well as to company leadership.,
2017 -2018 Workshop Facilitator. UC Office of Research - Writing the One Pager: The Shortest Path to Success, The audience for this annual workshop is early-career faculty in the sciences, social science, and humanities. The workshop includes writing strategies to effectively communicate the impact and significance of a person’s research.,
Research Support
Grant: #URC Faculty Awards AY2014-15 Investigators:Arduser, Lora 05-01-2015 -04-30-2016 UC's University Research Council Living Chronic: Agency and Expertise in the Rhetoric of Diabetes Role:PI $12,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Investigators:Mark Eckman, MD ARISTA (the 5th Annual American Thrombosis Investigator Initiated Research Program) has provisionally approved our project proposal EHR-Embedded Decision Support to Prevent Stroke in Patients with AF Role:Co-Investigator Type:Grant
Waterhouse Family Institute Telling Tales of Diabetes: Empowering Urban Appalachian Families to Take Control of Family Health Through Stories. Role:Principle Investigator Planned/In Preparation Type:Grant
Investigators:Mark Eckman, MD Pfizer Impact of a Quality Improvement and Education Initiative on “Appropriate” Use of Anti-Coagulant Therapy in Women with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Role:Co-Investigator 600,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Frank Biro, MD National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) The Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program: Continued Studies of Environment on Puberty: Growing Up Female Role:: Consultant, Science Writer $792,942 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Mark Eckman, MD Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Greater Cincinnati BEACON Collaborative Role:Co-Investigator $569,853 Completed
Investigators:Mark Eckman, MD Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making Using Decision Analytic Modeling to Guide the ACCP Guideline Development Process for Antithrombotic Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation Role:Consultant 185,000 Completed Type:Grant
Taft Research Center 2015 Summer Fellowship 8000 Type:Fellowship
University Research Council 2015 Summer Fellowship 12000 Type:Fellowship
Taft Research Center Fellowship (2020-2021) Type:Fellowship
Provost’s office Strategic and Interdisciplinary initiatives. Environmental Justice and Advocacy grant (Bob Hyland, Lora Arduser, Nick Dunning, David Stradling, Leah Stewart, and Susanna Tong) Type:Grant
Taft Research Center Summer Fellowship (2020)
Grant: #CV185-764 Investigator Sponsored Research Agreement Investigators:Arduser, Lora; Becker, Richard; Cogorno, Steven; Costanzo, Amy; Costea, Alexandru; Dixon, Estrelita; Eckman, Mark; Flaherty, Matthew; Harnett, Brett; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Kues, John; Leonard, Anthony; Schauer, Daniel 01-01-2020 -12-31-2021 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. EHR embedded Decision Support Tool to Prevent Stroke in AF Role:Collaborator $414,724.31 Awarded Level:Industry
Grant: #CPTSC Research Grant Investigators:Anderson, Lora; Wilson, Laura Ann 06-01-2021 -03-01-2022 Council for Programs in Technical & Scientific Communication Creating and Sustaining Successful Advisory Boards in TPC (backdoor) Role:Collaborator 1000.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Abbreviated Publications
Book Chapter
The Care and Feeding of the D-Beast: Metaphors of the Lived Experience of Diabetes. Chapter for an edited collection entitled: Rhetorical AccessAbility: At the Intersection of Technical Communication and Disability Studies. Editor: Lisa Meloncon. 2012.
Communities of Practice Approach: A New Model for Online Course Development and Sustainability. Co-authored chapter for an edited collection entitledTechnical Communication Online: Theory and Practice. Co-author: Lisa Meloncon. Editors:Kelli Cargile Cook and Keith Grant-Davie. 2012.
“Controversy, Commonplaces, and Ethical Science Communication.” The Genie Escapes from the Bottle: Ethics and Practice in Science Communication. Eds. Susanna Priest, Jean Goodwin, and Michael Dahlstrom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 2018.
“Remediating Diagnosis: A Familiar Narrative Form or Emerging Digital Genre?” Emerging Genres in New Media Environments. Eds. Carolyn R. Miller and Ashley Rose Kelly. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2016. 63-78.
“Redrawing the GOP Borders: Women, Reproduction, and the Political Landscape of the 2016 Election.” (Lora Arduser and Amy Koerber). In Rhetoric Across Borders. Ed.
Anne Teresa Demo. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2015. 159-171.
“The Care and Feeding of the D-Beast: Metaphors of the Lived Experience of Diabetes.” Rhetorical Accessibility: At the Intersection of Technical Communication and Disability Studies. Ed. Lisa Meloncon. Amityville, NY: Baywood’s Technical Communication Series, 2013. 95-113.
“Communities of Practice Approach: A New Model for Online Course Development and Sustainability.” (Lisa Meloncon and Lora Arduser). Technical Communication Online: Theory and Practice. Eds: Kelli Cargile Cook and Keith Grant-Davie. Amityville, NY: Baywood’s Technical Communication Series, 2013. 73-90.
Peer Reviewed Publications
An Urban Appalachian Neighborhood’s Response to Diabetes. First author: Robert L. Ludke. Co-authors: Jessica M. Valenzuela, Demaree K. Bruck, Phyllis S. Shelton, Shawna M. McCowan, and Donna Jones. Journal of Appalachian Studies, 2012.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Network of Communication Channels: Lessons Learned from a Communication Survey. Co-authors: Susan L. Popham, Kelli Cargile Cook, Marjorie Rush Hovde, Amy Koerber, Scott Mogull, and Pavel Zemliansky. Programmatic Perspectives. 2012, 4(1), 5–41.
Warp and Weft: Weaving the Discussion Threads of an Online Community. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 2011, 41(1), 5-31.
The Need for Rules: Determining the Usability of Adding Audio to the MOO. Co-authors: C. Hubbell, C. Ryan, E. Evans, D. Mascle, J. Davis, and C. Mullins. Computers and Composition, 2011, 28(1), 57-72.
Designing a Successful Group-Report Experience. Co-authors: K. Rentz, L. Meloncon, and M.B. Debs. Business Communication Quarterly, 2008, 72(1), 79-84.
“When Departments Have It Their Way: Internal Influences on the Demand for More Specialized Writing Service Courses.” Programmatic Perspectives 10(1) (2018): 12-43.
“Mapping the Terrain: Documenting and Exploring the Work and Conditions for Alignment Between the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine and the Medical Humanities.” (Mark Hannah and Lora Arduser). Technical Communication Quarterly, 27(1) (2018): 33-49.
“A Multisensory Literacy Approach to Biomedical Healthcare Technologies: Aural, Tactile, and Visual Layered Health Literacies.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and
Pedagogy 22(2). 2018. Retrieved from http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/22.2/topoi/bivens-et-al/index.html
Impatient Patients: A DIY Usability Approach in Diabetes Wearable Technologies” Communication Design Quarterly 5(4) (2017): 31-39.
“Flipping the New Media Classroom in a Professional Writing Program.” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 79.2 (2016): 217-233.
“Using an Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool for Thromboprophylaxis in Atrial Fibrillation: Effect of Sex and Age.” (Mark Eckman, Gregory Lip, Ruth Wise, Barbara Speer, Megan Sullivan, Nita Walker, Brett Kissela, Matthew Flaherty, Dawn Kleindorfer, Peter Baker, Robert Ireton, Dave Hoskins, Brett Harnett, Carlos Aguilar, Anthony Leonard, Lora Arduser, Dylan Steen, Alexandru Costea, and John Kues). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 64.5 (2016): 1054-1060.
“Impact of an Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool on Thromboprophylaxis for Atrial Fibrillation.” (Mark Eckman, Gregory Lip, Ruth Wise, Barbara Speer, Megan Sullivan, Nita Walker, Brett Kissela, Matthew Flaherty, Dawn Kleindorfer, Peter Baker, Robert Ireton, Dave Hoskins, Brett Harnett, Carlos Aguilar, Anthony Leonard, Lora Arduser, Dylan Steen, Alexandru Costea, and John Kues). American Heart Journal 176 (2016): 17-27.
“Talking about Type 2 Diabetes: Family Communication from the Perspective of At-Risk Relatives.” (Melanie Myers, Sara Fernandes, Lora Arduser, Jennifer Hopper, and Laura Kohey). The Diabetes Educator 41.6 (2015): 716-728.
“Rhetorical Agency in the Face of Uncertainty: Articulating, Negotiating, and Leveraging.” (Lora Arduser, Lucia Dura, and Jennifer Malkowski). Poroi: Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry 11.1 (2015): 1-8.
“Risk and Vulnerable, Medicalized Bodies.” ARST Pre-Conference at NCA, 2014. (Amy Koerber, Lora Arduser, Jeannie Bennett, Lauren Kolodziejski, Shaunak Sastry, and L. Paul Strait). Poroi: Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry 11.1 (2015): 1-9.
“Developing an Atrial Fibrillation Guideline Support Tool (AFGuST) for Shared Decision Making.” (Mark H. Eckman, Ruth E. Wise, Katherine Naylor, Lora Arduser, Gregory Y. H. Lip, Brett Kissela, Matthew Flaherty, Dawn Kleindorfer, Faisal Khan, Daniel P. Schauer, John Kues, and Alexandru Costea.) Current Medical Research & Opinion 31.4 (2015): 603-614.
“Agency in Illness Narratives: A Pluralistic Analysis.” Narrative Inquiry 24.1 (2014): 1-28.
Lead essay.
“Splitting Women, Producing Biocitizens, and Vilifying Obamacare in the 2012 Presidential Campaign” (Lora Arduser and Amy Koerber). Women’s Studies in Communication 37.2 (2014): 117-137. Lead essay.
“Integrating Real-Time Clinical Information to Provide Estimates of Net Clinical Benefit of Antithrombotic Therapy for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.” (Mark Eckman, Ruth Wise, Barbara Speer, Megan Sullivan, Nita Walker, Gregory Lip, Brett Kissela, Matthew Flaherty, Dawn Kleindorfer Faisal Khan, John Kues, Peter Baker, Robert Ireton, Dave Hoskins, Brett Harnett, Carlos Aguilar, Anthony Leonard, Rajan Prakash, Lora Arduser, and Alexandru Costea). Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 7 (2014): 680-686.
“Producers, Produsers and End Users: How Social Media Impacts Our Students’ Future Research Questions.” Communication Design Quarterly 1.4 (2013): 11-14.
“Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Network of Communication Channels: Lessons Learned from a Communication Survey.” (Susan L. Popham, Lora Arduser, Kelli Cargile Cook, Marjorie Rush Hovde, Amy Koerber, Scott Mogull, and Pavel Zemliansky). Programmatic Perspectives 4.1 (2012): 5-41.
“An Urban Appalachian Neighborhood’s Response to Diabetes.” (Robert L. Ludke, Jessica M. Valenzuela, Lora Arduser, Demaree K. Bruck, Phyllis S. Shelton, Shawna M. McCowan, and Donna Jones). Journal of Appalachian Studies 18.1/2 (2012): 176-188.
“Warp and Weft: Weaving the Discussion Threads of an Online Community.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 41.1 (2011): 5-31. Lead essay. Nominated for the Best Article Reporting Quantitative or Qualitative Research for NCTE for 2012.
“The Need for Rules: Determining the Usability of Adding Audio to the MOO.” (Lora Arduser, Christine Hubbell, Christopher Ryan, Rob Evans, Deanna Mascle, Julie Davis, and Cherie Mullins). Computers and Composition 28.1 (2011): 57-72.
“Designing a Successful Group-Report Experience.” (Kathryn Rentz, Lora Arduser, Lisa Meloncon, and Mary Beth Debs). Business Communication Quarterly 72.1 (2008): 79- 84.
Living Chronic: Agency and Expertise in the Rhetoric of Diabetes. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press. 2017.
Reviews: Health Communication 2017 (online first) by Jillian Klean Zwilling
Rhetoric Review 37.1 (2018) by Alana F. Baker
Communication Booknotes Quarterly 49.3 (2018) by Margarita Tapia
Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Workshop Facilitator. Kenyon College Biomedical Writing Institute,
2016-2018. This intensive three-day workshop was offered to medical and scientific researchers working on journal articles or grant applications.
Workshop Facilitator. Genetic Counseling Graduate Program – Writing the Literature Review, 2015-2018. This two-part workshop focuses on writing literature reviews for graduate students writing for publication in the field of genetic counseling.
Workshop Facilitator. Eccrine Systems, Inc. Reporting Research in Internal Stakeholders, 2018. This six-part series of workshops for this biotechnology start-up focused on effectively communicating research to various research teams within the company as well as to company leadership.
Workshop Facilitator. UC Office of Research - Writing the One Pager: The Shortest Path to Success, 2017-2018. The audience for this annual workshop is early-career faculty in the sciences, social science, and humanities. The workshop includes writing strategies to effectively communicate the impact and significance of a person’s research.
Workshop Facilitator. UC Department of Chemistry’s REU Program– Scientific Writing as Storytelling, 2017-2018. This summer half-day workshop is targeted to college and high school students from underrepresented groups.
Workshop Facilitator. Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) - Strategies for Reading & Writing Scientific Research, 2018. The workshop is part of a summer research program for undergraduate women in mathematics, science and engineering programs at UC.
Work in Progress
Special Issue
Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (RHM) Special Issue on the Rhetoric of Chronicity. (Guest editing with Jeff Bennett)
Edited Collection
Rewriting Work. In negotiations with the editors for the Foundations and Innovations in Technical and Professional Communication series of the WAC Clearinghouse.
The Rhetoric of Mortuary Care.
Chapters in Edited Collections
What’s in a Name? The Diabetic Civil War.” In Diabetes on Display: Complicating Social, Political and Cultural Representations of Diabetes. Eds. Heather Walker and Bianca Frazer. (Invited 2020 – University of Michigan Press)
“Collective Veg(etari)anism: A Genre Study of the Moosewood Cookbook Collection.” In Rhetorics of veg(etari)anism. Ed. Cristina Hanganu-Bresch. (Accepted 2018 –Routledge)
“Genre Anxiety: The Pedagogical, Political, and Emotional Work of Making a Certificate.”
(Laura Micciche and Lora Arduser). In Writing the Classroom: Pedagogical Documents as Rhetorical Genres. Ed. Stephen Neaderhiser. (Accepted 2018 – Utah State University Press)
Invited Presentations
Lora Arduser (2011. ) The Changing World of Editing and Publishing: Skills Students Need .University of Memphis.
Lora Arduser (2011. ) Rhetorical Agency and Expertise in Diabetes Collaborative Education .Texas Tech University.
Lora Arduser (2018. ) “Medical Wearables and Patient Agency.” .Wearables Research Collaboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Lora Arduser “Writing Literature "Reviews in Genetic Counseling Research.” .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lora Arduser (2017. ) “Scientific Writing as Storytelling.” .University of Cincinnati’s Department of Chemistry Workshop, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lora Arduser (2016. ) “Writing Scientific Research.” .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center/University of Cincinnati College of Medicine’s Medical Scientist Training Program Retreat, Cin.
Lora Arduser (2015. ) “Rat Poison, Chart Lore, and Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Qualitative Tale.” .Cincinnati Center for Clinical Effectiveness & Patient-Centered Research (C3EPCR), Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lora Arduser, Mercedes Falciglia, MD (2013. ) “Sweet Transitions: Coordinating Diabetes Care Between Hospital and Primary Care Settings." .Cincinnati Center for Clinical Effectiveness & Patient-Centered Research (C3EPCR), Cincinnati, Ohio.
Paper Presentations
Lora Arduser (2009. ) Distance Learning Without a Net .Pittsburgh, PA.
Kathy Rentz, Lora Arduser, Lisa Meloncon, and Mary Beth Debs (2008. ) The Group Report: Variations and Strategies .Incline Village, NV.
Lora Arduser (2007. ) Spoiled Identity and the National Diabetes Education Program: A Rhetorical Analysis .New York, NY.
Lora Arduser, Mary Beth Debs, Amy Koerber, Lisa Meloncon, and Scott Mogull (2010. ) Emergence of Online Health Communication Genres .Lexington, KY. Conference. Level:National
Lora Arduser, Rob Kilgore, and Lisa Meloncon (2009. ) It’s the Content, Not the Technology: An Online Course Case Study .Portsmouth, VA. Conference. Level:National
(2012. ) Patient Genres as Rhetorical Sites of Agency, Resistance, and Expertise .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National
(2012. ) Rhetoric of Public Health: Re-framing Disease Identities .Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:National
Lora Arduser, Amy Koerber (2012. ) Rhetorics of Health and Place in the Making of a President .Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:National
Lora Arduser (2011. ) Medical Communication and Narrative Analysis: A Case Study of Diabetes Oral History Narratives .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National
Lora Arduser, Kelli Cargile Cook, Marjorie Rush Hovde, Amy Koerber, Scott Mogull, Susan L. Popham, and Pavel Zemliansky When the Network Fails: Revitalizing ATTW’s Organizational Communication .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National
(10-2019. ) Death Care and Technical Communication: What Mortuary Science Can Offer. .West Chester, PA.
Lora Arduser, Amy Koerber, Scott Mogull, Lisa Meloncon and Mary Beth Debs (2010. ) Revising Genre Theory: Reporting on the Emergence of Online Health Communication Genres .Louisville, KY. Conference. Level:National
Laura Wilson and Dora Cheng (10-2019. ) “Developing an ESL-Specific Technical Writing Course: A Multi-Layered Interdisciplinary Collaboration" .West Chester, PA.
(05-2018. ) Rhetoric, Invention, and Diabetes in the 21st Century.” .Minneapolis, MN.
(03-2017. ) “Cultivating an Ethical Rhetoric of the New Eugenics.” .Portland, OR.
(04-2016. ) “Body Hacking, Technical Communication, and Advocacy.” .Houston, TX.
Amy Koerber, Jane Detweiler, Erin A. Frost, Barbara Heifferon, Drew Holladay, and Kirk St. Amant (04-2016. ) “Rhetorics of Health and Medicine: A Roundtable Examining the Breadth and Future actions of an Emerging Sub-Field” .Houston, TX.
(03-2015. ) “Negotiating Risk and Agency in Public Spaces of Chronic Care.” .Tampa, FL.
(11-2014. ) “Negotiating Risk and Agency in Public Spaces of Chronic Care.” .Chicago, IL.
Shaunak Sastry (11-2014. ) “A Critical Analysis of Risk Discourses Around Gestational Diabetes Mellitus” .Chicago, IL.
(09-2014. ) “Figuring Out How to Fit in Health Communication/Medical Rhetoric: Lessons for Programs and Faculty.” .Colorado Springs, CO.
(05-2014. ) “What’s in a Name? The Diabetics’ Civil Wars.” .San Antonio, TX.
Amy Koerber (05-2014. ) “Redrawing the GOP Borders: Women, Reproduction, and the Political Landscape of the 2016 Election” .San Antonio, TX.
(03-2014. ) “Crowdsourced Medicine: Questions and Implications for Medical Writing Researchers.” .Indianapolis, IN.
(03-2014. ) “Entering the Online Instructional Stream: A Roundtable Discussion for Current and Future Online Technical Communication Instructors.” .Indianapolis, IN.
(11-2013. ) “Communicating Health Messages through Narrative.” .Columbus, OH.
Stephanie Monsanty and Kara Sorrell (10-2013. ) Innovation and Collaboration in a New Media Classroom: Teaching and Learning Skills for the 21st Century Workplace .New Orleans, LA.
(04-2014. ) “Remediating Diagnosis: A Familiar Narrative Form or Emerging Digital Genre?” .Raleigh, NC.
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (Bulletin ) Editor Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
Reviews Editor, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine journal (2017-present) Level:National
Reviewer, Rhetoric Review, American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Health Communication, Technical Communication Quarterly, Qualitative Health Research, and British Medical Journal, (2013-present) Level:National
(Facilitator, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) Career Workshop at national conference, (2014-present) ) Level:National
(Associate Director, Medical Rhetoric Special Interest Group, (2016-2018) ) Level:National
Member, Editorial Board, American Medical Writers Association’s AMWA Journal, (2013-2017) Level:National
Teaching Resources Editor, Medical Rhetoric, (2015-2017) Level:National
Member at Large, Medical Rhetoric Special Interest Group, (2015-2016) Level:National
Conference paper reviewer, Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology, (2013-2015) Level:National
Co-Editor, The Bulletin, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, (2010-2014) Level:National
Member, Communication Committee, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, (2010-2014) Level:National
Member, National Conference Planning Committee, American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), (2013) Level:National
Conference paper reviewer, National Communication Association, (2012-2013) Level:National
Member, Publications Policy National Committee, American Diabetes Association, (2011-2012) Level:National
City Leader, American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) Ohio Valley Chapter, (2015) Level:Regional
Member, Committee, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), (2014-2015) Level:Regional
Member, Research Committee, Urban Appalachian Council, (2010-present) Level:Regional
American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) Level:Prof. Org.
Council of Science Editors Level:Prof. Org.
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) Level:Prof. Org.
National Communication Association (NCA) Level:Prof. Org.
Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Level:Prof. Org.
Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (founding member) Level:Prof. Org.
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Level:Prof. Org.
Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology (ARST) Level:Prof. Org.
Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition Level:Prof. Org.
Council for Programs in Technical & Scientific Communication Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2019 -2021
Programmatic Perspectives Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2019 -To Present
American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) Ohio Valley Chapter Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 2015
(Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF ) Committee Member Level:Local 2014 -2015
Urban Appalachian Council (Research Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 2010 -To Present
Accessibility Network Faculty Advisory Group Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -To Present
Taft Research Center (Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2020
Pre-Professional Health Program Advisor Board Board Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2017 -To Present
UC Honor’s Discover Program Student Research Mentor Mentor Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 2018 -2020
Medical Humanities Taft Research Group (Executive Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2012 -To Present
University Research Council (Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2018
Faculty Senate (Research and Scholarship Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2017
NEH (Next Generation PhD planning grant committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -2016
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and North Central Association’s Re-Accreditation (Self-Study Report Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -2009
Professional Writing programs Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2016 -To Present
(Graduate Studies Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015 -To Present
(Undergraduate Studies Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015 -To Present
(Teaching and Technology Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2013 -To Present
(Steering Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015 -2017
(Boyce Teaching Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014 -2015
Professional Writing Contest Judge Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2009 -2015
(Boyce Teaching Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011 -2012
professional writing, health communication
Courses Taught
Science and Health Writing (PWRT 7043)
Introduction to Professional Writing (PWRT 7001)
Teaching Technical and Professional Communication (PWRT 7002)
Publishing and New Media (PWRT 5128/6028)
Editing Professional Documents (PWRT 5124/6024)
Reports and Proposals (PWRT 5123/6023)
Capstone (PWRT 5095/7095)
Introduction to Rhetoric and Professional Writing (ENGL 3059)
Language, Power, and Community (ENGL 3060)
Writing for Business (ENGL 4091)
Technical & Scientific Writing (ENGL 4092)
Writing Cincinnati (ENGL 5080)
Other Information
University of Cincinnati
- Member, Pre-Professional Health Program Advisor Board, (2017-present)
- UC Honor’s Program Student Research Mentor (2018)
- Member, Executive Committee, Medical Humanities Taft Research Group, (2012- present)
- Member, Taft Research Center Awards Committee, (2015-2018)
- Member, University Research Council Awards Committee, (2015-2018)
- Member, Faculty Senate Research and Scholarship
- Member, NEH Next Generation PhD planning grant committee (2016)
- Member, Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and North Central Association’s Re-Accreditation Self-Study Report Committee, (2009)
Department of English
- Member, Graduate Studies Committee (2015-present)
- Member, Undergraduate Committee (2015-present)
- Member, Teaching and Technology Committee (2013-present)
- Acting Director, Professional Writing Program, (2015)
- Member, Steering Committee, (2009-2011 and 2015-2017)
- Member, Boyce Teaching Awards Committee, (2014-2015)
- Judge, Professional Writing Contest, (2009-2015)
- Member, Boyce Teaching Awards Committee, (2011-2012)
Professional Appointments
Director, Professional and Technical Writing Program (2016-present)
Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati (2017-present)
Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati (2012-2017)
Assistant Professor, Educator, University of Cincinnati (2007-2012),
Administrative Experience
Director, Professional and Technical Writing Program
- Hire, supervise, observe, evaluate, and mentor 28 teaching assistants, adjuncts and faulty
- Schedule and supervise 38 sections of courses per semester
- Provide training in pedagogy, assessment, online writing instruction, and professional and technical communication theory and practice
- Conduct program assessment, including student eportfolios
- Develop new initiatives related to innovative pedagogy, high-impact practices, and faculty development
- Recruit for graduate and undergraduate programs and certificates
- Advise graduate and undergraduate students on courses, internships, and careers
- Liaisons with community organizations and businesses for service learning opportunities in PTW courses
External Grants
Telling Tales of Diabetes: Empowering Urban Appalachian Families to Take Control of Family Health Through Stories.
Study Description: The study aims to assess the use of storytelling to communicate health history information related to type 2 diabetes and promote the health and well-being of an urban Appalachian community.
Role: Principle Investigator
Funding Source: Waterhouse Family Institute
Budget: $9,957
Grant Status: Not funded
Impact of a Quality Improvement and Education Initiative on “Appropriate” Use of Anti-Coagulant Therapy in Women with Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
Study Description: A study of the impact of adding a quality-improvement intervention to an educational package (for practice staff and clinicians) using a computerized decision support tool for individual patient-level decision-making
Role: Co-Investigator
PI: Mark Eckman, MD
Funding Source: Pfizer
Budget: $600,000
Grant Status: Closed
The Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program: Continued Studies of Environment on Puberty: Growing Up Female
Study Description: A multidisciplinary, multisite project to study environmental exposures that occur throughout a woman's life and could predispose her to breast cancer
Role: Consultant, Science Writer
PI: Frank Biro, MD
Funding Sources: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Budget: $792,942
Grant Status: Closed
Greater Cincinnati BEACON Collaborative
Study Description: To enhance health technology infrastructure in the Cincinnati metropolitan region and use this infrastructure to implement and evaluate quality improvement efforts specifically focused on diabetes in adults and asthma in children
Role: Co-Investigator
PI: Mark Eckman, MD
Funding Source: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Budget: $569,853
Grant Status: Closed
Using Decision Analytic Modeling to Guide the ACCP Guideline Development Process for Antithrombotic Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation
Study Description: To integrate the use of decision analytic models into the ACCP guideline development and dissemination process as a platform for translating evidence into practice through patient-tailored guidelines that support personalized decision- making for antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation
Role: Consultant
PI: Mark Eckman, MD
Funding Source: Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making
Budget: $185,000
Grant Status: Closed,
Internal Grants
- Taft Research Center 2015 Summer Fellowship ($8,000)
- University Research Council 2015 Summer Fellowship ($12,000)
- Nominated by UC in 2015 for the NEH Summer Stipend program