John E. Ash
Assistant Professor
797 Rhodes Hall
Phone 513-556-8956
Email ashjn@ucmail.uc.edu
PhD: University of Washington Seattle, WA, 2021 (Civil Engineering - Transportation)
MS: University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, 2014 (Civil Engineering - Transportation)
BS: University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, 2012 (Civil Engineering, Mathematics)
Research Support
Grant: #33810 / FHWA E190477 Investigators:Ash, John; Ma, Jiaqi; Miller, Richard; Wang, Jialiang 08-26-2019 -02-26-2022 Federal Highway Administration Assess the Effectiveness of Type 2 and Type 3 Safety Vest for Day and Night Use Role:PI $403,326.37 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #32391 / FHWA E180658 Investigators:Ash, John; Ma, Jiaqi; Miller, Richard; Tang, Ming; Wang, Jialiang 08-24-2018 -02-24-2022 Federal Highway Administration Evaluate Opportunities to Provide Training Simulation for ODOT Snow and Ice Drivers Role:PI $992,730.02 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #pending / ODOT RFP No. 2023-06 Investigators:Ash, John; Wei, Heng 11-01-2022 -03-01-2025 Federal Highway Administration Investigation of Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV)-Related Crashes in Ohio Work Zones (ODOT 2023-06) Role:Collaborator 26337.76 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #pending Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED; Ash, John; Li, Zhixia; Wei, Heng 02-21-2023 -02-20-2028 Department of Transportation Transportation Cybersecurity Center for Advanced Research and Education (CYBER-CARE) Role:Collaborator 300000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #no contract number_ODOT 39159 Investigators:AHMED, MOHAMED; Ash, John 10-19-2023 -02-19-2026 Federal Highway Administration Investigation of Innovations in Mounted Attenuators for Safety in Work Zones Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Contact Information
Academic - 797 Rhodes Hall
Phone: 513-556-8956