Christopher Auffrey , PhD
DAA Addition
DAAP School of Planning - 0016
Professional Summary
Christopher Auffrey, PhD, Professor of Planning
School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning
University of Cincinnati
6106 DAAP
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0016
Phone: (513) 556-0579, Fax: (513) 556-1274, E-mail: chris.auffrey@uc.edu
Ph.D.: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1994 (Urban and Regional Planning )
Research Support
Grant: #X-83042101 Investigators:Auffrey, Christopher 07-01-2002 -12-31-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Giving Rigor to Sustainable Development Role:PI $9,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CHMC 474 Investigators:Auffrey, Christopher 06-01-2005 -05-31-2010 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Child Weight Status and Neighborhood Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment Role:PI $17,399.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CONTRACT-GIS Investigators:Auffrey, Christopher; Wang, Xinhao 06-01-2010 -11-30-2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Building a Sustainable County-wide GIS to Document and Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Resources in Hamilton County Role:PI $159,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #018000-340452-02/ RBS1039 Investigators:Auffrey, Christopher; Honadle, Beth; Looye, Johanna; Vomhofe, Rainer; Zapata, Marisa 05-01-2011 -08-31-2013 Department of Agriculture An External Evaluation of the Strong Economies Together (SET) Initiative Role:Collaborator $100,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Investigators:Tang, M, X Wang, C Auffrey, M Lu 03-2015 -07-2015 Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Zero-Carbon Shenzhen Role:Co-PI 50,000 RMB Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Hildebrant, H, and C Auffrey. 07-2013 -10-2013 DAAP Signage Endowment Assessment of the Impacts of Contextual Elements of On-Premise Signage Role:Co-PI $5,000 Completed
Investigators:Maloney M and C. Auffrey 02-2011 -10-2011 Community Research Collaborative The Social Area of Cincinnati: 2010 Census Update Role:Co-PI $60,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Auffrey, C, M Tang, M Lu 07-2011 -06-2012 University Research Council Sustainable Urbanism Modeling Role:Co-PI $18,175 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Auffrey, C. & Grundy, T. 2018 -2020 The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./U.S. Bank Foundation Assessment of Demographic Change in Cincinnati Neighborhoods Role:PI $30,000 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:McTague C. & Auffrey, C. 2008 -2009 Funded by the University of Cincinnati Sustainable Urban Engineering Program Pilot Project for a Land Use Monitoring Information System for Over-the-Rhine Role:co-PI
Investigators:Auffrey, Christopher; Wang, Xinhao 01-01-2022 -12-31-2022 Greater Cincinnati Water Works UC DAAP & Greater Cincinnati Water Works: Identify disadvantaged communities as part of a lead service line replacement project Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Local Government
Investigators:Auffrey, Christopher; Wang, Xinhao 06-20-2024 -08-15-2024 Greater Cincinnati Water Works Lead Service Line Replacement Prioritization Model for the GCWW Role:PI 9622.62 Hold Level:Local Government
Peer Reviewed Publications
Honadle, B, MA Zapata, C Auffrey, R vom Hofe, J Looye. (2014. ) Developmental Evaluation and Rural Economic Development: A Collaborative Assessment of the Stronger Economies Together Initiative in the United States .Evaluation and Program Planning, , 43 ,64
Yildiz, A., Auffrey, C. & Russell, F (2018. ) Seeking Food Access in a Contested and Uneven Space: Case Studies from Three Cincinnati Neighborhoods .(working paper), ,
Auffrey, C. & Hildebrandt, H. (2017. ) Do Motorists See Business Signs? Maybe. Maybe Not: A Study of the Probability that Motorists View On-Premise Signs .Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, , 2 (1 ) ,100
Auffrey, C., Fu, X., Wang, X. & McClearnon, A. (2017. ) Enhancing Beijing's Resilience by Improving Tongzhou's Access to High-Speed Rail Transportation .Urban Rail Transit, , 3 (1 ) ,23
Hildebrandt, H. & Auffrey, C. (2016. ) The Use of Visual Attention Software (VAS) for Communication and Wayfinding Design and Analysis: Is VAS and Effective Tool for Environmental Communication? .Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the Interior Design Educators Council, ,
Auffrey, C. & Hildebrandt, H. (2014. ) Utilizing 3M’s Visual Attention Service software to assess on-premise signage conspicuity in complex signage environments .Proceedings of the National Signage Education and Research Conference, ,
Auffrey C., Isaac M., Kopp S., Marriott H., Sundar A., Taylor C. & Velasco-Vizcaino F. (2024. ) A Stakeholder Approach to the Regulation of on-Premise Signs . Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, ,
Ramirez-Loaiza, S., Correa-Agudelo, E., Auffrey, C., Arendt, D. & Rebola, C. (2024. ) Spatiotemporal analysis of opioid overdose mortality in relation to naloxone distribution centers in Hamilton County, Ohio .Health and Place, ,
Auffrey, C. & Mehta, V. (2022. ) Looking Back, Looking Forward and Recognizing the Importance of Signage Research . Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, , 6 (1 ) ,7
Auffrey C. (2022. ) The American Sign Museum: A Place for the Public and Signage Researchers to Understanding the Past, Present and Future of Signage in the U.S. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, , 6 (1 ) ,31
Auffrey, C. & Hildebrandt H. (2021. ) Exploring Vernacular Signage Along America’s Legacy Highways: A Field Report of Ongoing Research. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, , 5 (2 ) ,47
Auffrey, C. & Mehta, V. (2020. ) Roads, Interiors, Graphics, and Research Technology . Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, , 4 (1 ) ,1
Tang, M. & Auffrey, C. (2018. ) Advanced Digital Tools for Updating Overcrowded Rail Stations: Using Eye-Tracking, Virtual reality and Crowd Simulation to Support Design Decision-making.Urban Rail Trnsit, , 4 (4 ) ,249 More Information
Tang, M., Auffrey, C. and Lu, M. (2013. ) From Statistical to Diagrammatic. Geo-spatial & time-based data visualization through parametric modeling .Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, , 45 (8 ) ,80
Auffrey, C., Hildebrandt, H., & Rexhausen, J. (2012. ) Understanding the Economic Value of On-Premise Signs: A Study of the Impact of On-Premise Signage and Criteria for Evaluation .Proceedings of the National Signage Education and Research Conference, ,
Saelens, B.E., Frank, L.D., Auffrey, C., Whitaker, R., Burdette, H.L. & Colabianchi, N. (2006. ) Measuring Physical Environments of Parks and Playgrounds: EAPRS Instrument Development and Inter-Rater Reliability .Journal of Physicval Activity and Health, , 3 ,S190
Other Publications
Tang, M, Wang, X, Auffrey, C., Lu (2015. ) Low Carbon City. A Developer’s Manual . Shenzhen Center for Design,
Auffrey C, Hildebrandt H and Rexhausen J (2012. ) Economic Value of On-Pemise Signs . Sign Foundation, Inc.
Published Books
Maloney, M. and C. Auffrey (2013. ) The Social Areas of Cincinnati, Fifth Edition .Cincinnati , United Way of Greater Cincinnati (Co-Author)
Maloney, M. & Auffrey, C. (2004. ) Social Areas of Cincinnati, Fourth Edition .Cincinnati , Institute for Community Partnerships (Co-Author)
Romanos, M. & Auffrey, C., (2002. ) Assessing Urban Sustainable Development in the Cities of Southeast Asia .Dordrecht, The Netherlands , Kluwer Academic Publishers (Co-Editor)
Mehta, V., Palazzo, D., Auffrey, C., Kickert, C. & Grundy, T. (2024. ) The Case for Cities .New York , Routledge (Co-Author)
Maloney, M., Auffrey, C., Petronio, P. & Dey, J. (2024. ) The Social Areas of Cincinnati, Sixth Edition .Cincinnati, OH , Urban Appalachian Council (Co-Author)
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Auffrey, C. (05-2015. ) Resilient City: Resilience Planning .Symposium on The Resilient City at Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Beijing, China. Level:University
Auffrey, C. (2016. ) Resilience Planning for the Historic Riverfront Port Area of Cincinnati: Addressing Short- and Long-Term Social, Environmental and Economic Issues .Third International Ocean Industry Innovation and Development Conference, , Tianjin, China. Level:International
Paper Presentations
Auffrey, C. (2015. ) Utilizing image analysis software to assess on-premise signage conspicuity in complex signage environments found in urban neighborhood .Houstin, TX. Conference. Level:International
Auffrey C, Hildebrandt H and Mehta, V. (10-2015. ) Context and Signage Effectiveness .Norman, OK. Conference. Level:National
Tang, M, X Wang, C Auffrey, M Lu (06-2015. ) Invited presentation: Symposium on Alternatives for Low Carbon City at Shenzhen Center for Design. .Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Conference. Level:International
Auffrey, C. (05-2015. ) Healthy Cities: Beyond Access .Qingdao, Shandong, China. Other Institution. Level:University
Auffrey, C., Fu, X. & Wang, X. (2016. ) Resilience Assessment of a City Transformed by High-Speed Rail .Portland, OR.
Auffrey, C. & Hildebrandt, H. (2017. ) Does Anyone See the Signs? .Denver, CO.
Auffrey C., Jourdan, D., Mehta, V., Lowery, B., Weinstein, A. (2018. ) ''The first thing we do, let's kill all sign regulations" .Buffalo, NY.
Auffrey, C. (2024. ) Recognizing the Need for and Impact of Health Urban Planning Practice .JiLin JianZhu University, Changchun, China . Conference. Level:International
Auffrey, C. (2024. ) Frontiers of Planning Theory: Exploring Planning Theory as a Mechanism for Writing and Submitting Materials for Publication in Scholarly Journals .Beijing Jiaotong University. Workshop.
Linder, M., Yozwiak, X. Wang, X., & Auffrey, C. (2024. ) Socio-spatial model for the prioritization of lead service lines replacement based on social/environmental justice criteria, and physical and social risk factors .Anaheim, CA . Professional Meeting. Level:National
Auffrey, C, Wang, X., Yozwiak, X. & Linder, M. (2023. ) Development a socio-spatial model for the prioritization of lead service lines replacement based on social/environmental justice criteria, and physical and social risk factors .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Linder, M., Yozwiak, X., Auffrey, C & Wang, X. (2023. ) (2023). Development a socio-spatial model for the prioritization of lead service lines replacement based on social/environmental justice criteria, and physical and social risk factors. .Columbus, OH. Professional Meeting.
Auffrey C. (2022. ) The Just City . Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, OH. UC. Level:University
Auffrey, C. (2020. ) Home For All: A Conversation on Racial Inequality & Housing in Greater Cincinnati .Virtual (internet). Other Institution. Level:Local
Auffrey C. (2019. ) Environmental Planning Perspectives on Sustainable Urbanization of Mountain Regions in the US .Abha, Saudi Arabia. Conference. Level:International
Auffrey C. (2018. ) Examination of the Results of the Interact for Health 2018 Child Health Status Survey .Cincinnati, OH.. Professional Meeting. Level:Local
Honors and Awards
DAAP Faculty Outstanding Service Award, 2015. College of Design Architecture, Art, and Planning, University of Cincinnati
Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education (with X. Wang, M. Lu and M. Tang). Nominated by University of Cincinnati Provost Beverly Davenport to the Institute of International Education. December 2014. Status:Nomination
DAAP Faculty Outstanding Service Award 2008 College of Design Architecture, Art, and Planning, University of Cincinnati, May 2008.
“Ten Who Cared” Award Presented by the Community Press for outstanding community service. Hilltop Press Edition, December 28, 2005.
2012 Progue-Wheeler Travel Award, College of Design Architecture, Art, and Planning, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
Contact Information
Phone: 513-556-0579