Neil Ayres
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Rieveschl Hall
A&S Chemistry - 0172
Professional Summary
The AyresLab website is at ayreslab.squarespace.com
Neil Ayres received his Ph. D. in chemistry from The University of Warwick in 2003 where he worked with Prof. David Haddleton. After a post-doc with Charles McCormick at The University of Southern Mississippi he worked with William Brittain at The University of Akron studying stimuli-responsive polymer brushes. From there he spent two years as a post-doc at The University of Utah with Prof. David Grainger before becoming an assistant professor at The University of Cincinnati in 2008.
His current research interests include preparing stimulit responsive hydrogels and synthesizing porous polymers.
Ph. D.: University of Warwick U. K., 2002 (Chemistry)
B. Sc. : University of Warwick U. K., 1999 (Chemistry)
Research and Practice Interests
Synthetic polymer chemistry, with an emphasis on controlled/"living" radical polymerization. Polymer bioconjugates and biomimetics. Polymerizations from surfaces. Stimuli responsive polymers.
Positions and Work Experience
10-2006 -08-2008 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
12-2004 -10-2006 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Akron, Akron, OH
01-2003 -12-2004 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
Research Support
Grant: #DMR-1206150 Investigators:Neil Ayres 09-01-2012 -08-30-2016 National Science Foundation Synthesis of Heparin mimicking polymers containing N-alkyl urea peptoids and their evaluation in anticoagulation assays Role:PI 275000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Neil Ayres 2014 -2015 University of Cincinnati Research Institute Polymer Synthesis Role:PI 80 000 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #PRF# 51850-DN17 Investigators:Ayres, Neil 01-01-2012 -08-31-2015 American Chemical Society - National Chapter N-Alkyl Urea Peptoid Oligomers as a New Type of Self-Assembling, Highly Versatile Soft Materials for Applications Involving Organogelators Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:Neil Ayres 2015 -2016 University of Cincinnati Research Institute Production of Organic Reactive Polymers Role:PI 80712 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #DMR-1206150 Investigators:Ayres, Neil 09-01-2012 -08-31-2016 National Science Foundation Synthesis of Heparin Mimicking Polymers Containing N-alkyl Urea Peptoids and their Evaluation in Anticoagulation Assays Role:PI $275,000.00 Completed
Grant: #CHE-1726092 Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Gudmundsdottir, Anna; Lee, Joo; Mack, James; Tu, Maobing 09-01-2017 -08-31-2020 National Science Foundation NSF MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $271,908.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Action Fund #1150 (see NSF CHE-1726092) Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Gudmundsdottir, Anna; Lee, Joo; Mack, James; Tu, Maobing 09-01-2017 -08-31-2020 Ohio Department of Higher Education OBR Action Fund Request for Guan's MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $60,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Investigators:Neil Ayres 06-01-2017 -05-30-2018 University of Cincinnati Research Institute Role:PI 98233 Active Type:Contract
Investigators:Neil Ayres 06-01-2015 -05-30-2018 University of Cincinnati Research Institute Polymer Synthesis and Characterization Role:PI 246666 Active
Grant: #CHE-1828072 Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Limbach, Patrick; Mack, James; Merino, Edward 08-15-2018 -07-31-2021 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of a TOF Mass Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $339,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Action Fund 1355 (see 011727) Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Limbach, Patrick; Mack, James; Merino, Edward 08-15-2018 -07-31-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education MRI: Acquisition of a TOF Mass Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $72,750.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DMS-1904518 Investigators:Ayres, Neil 07-01-2019 -06-30-2022 National Science Foundation Controlling silicone polyHIPE materials properties with triblock copolymer surfactants: A route to bottom-up fabrication of metamaterials Role:PI $340,000.00 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Neil Ayres 05-06-2019 -08-23-2019 University of Cincinnati Research Institute Visiting Graduate Students $19 238 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #FA9550-23-1-0104 Investigators:Ayres, Neil 02-15-2023 -05-14-2023 Air Force Research Laboratory AYRES_ACS_symposia_2022 BAA-AFRL-AFSOR-2016-0008-PKG00225931 Role:PI 15000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Neil Ayres 2022 -2023 University of Cincinnati Office of Research Michelman Green, Clean and Sustainable Technology Research Innovation Program Preparing porous polyurethane foams with monodisperse porosity and without the need for a polar organic dispersed phase by using emulsion templating with an aqueous dispersed phase Role:PI 35000 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Ayres, Neil 01-01-2024 -03-31-2024 Procter & Gamble Company P&G Phase 1 project Role:PI 5000.00 Hold Level:Industry
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Ayres N. (2011) Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization: A Robust and Versatile Route for Polymer Synthesis Polymer Reviews 51(2) 138-162
Chen X., Ayres N. (2011) Synthesis of Low Grafting Density Molecular Brush from a Poly(N-alkyl urea peptoid) Backbone Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 49(14) 3030-3037
Chen X., Ding K., Ayres N. (2011) Investigation into fiber formation in N-alkyl urea peptoid oligomers and the synthesis of a water-soluble PEG/N-alkyl urea peptoid oligomer conjugate Polymer Chemistry 2 2635
Chen X., Ayres N. (2010) Synthesis of Novel Polymer/Urea Peptoid Conjugates using RAFT polymerizationMacromolecules 43(3) 1341-1348
Ayres N. (2010) Polymer Brushes: Applications in Biomaterials and Nanotechnology Polymer Chemistry 1 769-777
Ayres N.; Holt D. J.; Jones C. F.; Corum, L.E.; Grainger D. W. "Polymer brushes containing sulfonated sugar repeat units: Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro testing of blood coagulation activation". Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2008), 46, 7713--7724.
Ayres, N.; Cyrus, C. D.; Brittain, W. J. "Stimuli-Responsive Surfaces using Polyampholyte Polymer Brushes Prepared via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization". Langmuir (2007), 23, 3744-3749.
Ayres, N.; Boyes, S. G.; Brittain, W. J. "Stimuli-Responsive Polyelectrolyte Polymer Brushes Prepared via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization". Langmuir (2007), 23, 182-189.
Ezell, R. G.; Gorman, I.; Lokitz, B.; Ayres, N.; McCormick, C. L. "Amino Acid-Based pH-Responsive Ampholytic Terpolymers of N-Acryloyl-Valine, acrylamide, and (3-Acrylamidopropyl)trimethylammonium Chloride: Synthesis, Characterization and Solution Properties". Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2006), 44, 3125-3139.
Treat, N. D.; Ayres, N.; Boyes, S. G.; Brittain, W. J. "A Facile Route to Poly(Acrylic Acid) Brushes using Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization". Macromolecules (2006), 39, 26-29.
Vasilieva, Y. A.; Scales, C. W.; Thomas, D. B.; Ezell, R. G.; Lowe, A. B.; Ayres, N.; McCormick, C. L. "Controlled/‘Living’ Polymerization of Methacrylamide Directly in Aqueous Media via the RAFT process". Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2005), 43, 3141-3152.
Thomas, D. B.; Convertine, A. J.; Myrick, L. J.; Scales, C. W.; Smith, A. E.; Lowe, A. B.; Vasilieva, Y. A.; Ayres, N.; McCormick, C. L. "Kinetics and Molecular Weight Control of the Polymerization of Acrylamide via RAFT". Macromolecules (2004), 37, 8941-8950.
Convertine, A. J.; Ayres, N.; Scales, C. W.; Lowe, A. B.; McCormick, C. L. "Facile, Controlled, Room-Temperature RAFT Polymerization of N-Isopropylacrylamide". Biomacromolecules (2004), 5, 1177-1180.
Ayres N., Haddleton D. M., Pascual S., Shooter A. J., Pears D. A. "Synthesis of Hydrophilic Polar Supports Based on Poly(dimethylacrylamide) via Copper Mediated Living Radical Polymerization from a Cross-Linked Poly(styrene) surface". Macromolecules (2002), 35, 3849--3855.
Angot S., Ayres N, Bon S. A. F., Haddleton D. M. "Living Radical Polymerization immobilized on Wang Resin: Synthesis and Harvest of Narrow Polydispersity Poly(Methacrylates)". Macromolecules (2001), 34, 768--774.
(2014) Xiaoping Chen, Pengzhan Fei, Kevin A Cavicchi WenwenYang, and Neil Ayres The poor solubility of ureidopyrimidone can be used to form gels of low molecular weight N-alkyl urea oligomers in organic solvents Colloid and Polymer Science 292 (2) 477-484
Yongshun Huang, Leeanne Taylor, Xiaoping Chen, and Neil Ayres (2013) Synthesis of a Polyurea from a Glucose or Mannose Containing N-alkyl Urea Peptoid Oligomer Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 51(24) 5230-5238
Taylor L., Chen X., Ayres N. (2014) Synthesis of a glycosaminoglycan polymer mimetic using an N-alkyl-N,N-linked urea oligomer containing glucose pendant groups Polymer International 63 127-135
(2014) Yongshun Huang, Maureen A. Shaw, Eric S. Mullins, Terence L. Kirley, and Neil Ayres Synthesis and Anticoagulant Acitivty of Polyureas Containing Sulfated Carbohydrates Biomacromolecules 15 (12) 4455-4466
(2014) Noura H. Abd Ellah, Sarah J. Potter, Leeanne Taylor, Neil Ayres, Mona M. Elmahdy, Gihan N. Fetih, El-Sayed A. Ibrahim, Giovanni M. Pauletti Safety and eficacy of amine-containing methacrylate polymers as nonviral gene delivery vectors Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Research 3 (2)
Xinjun Yu, Xiaoping Chen, Qinyuan Chai and Neil Ayres (2016) Synthesis of polymer organogelators using hydrogen bonding as physical cross-links Colloid and Polymer Science 294 (1) 59-68
Noura Abd Ellah, Leeanne Taylor, Weston Troja, Kathryn Owens, Neil Ayres, Giovanni Pauletti and Helen Jones (2015) Development of Non-Viral, Trophoblast-Specific Gene Delivery for Placental Therapy PLOS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0140879
Qinyuan Chai, Yongshun Huang and Neil Ayres (2015) Shape memory biomaterials prepared from polyurethane/ureas containing sulfated glucose Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 53(19) 2252-2257 (Spotlight Article)
Xinjun Yu, Xian Cao, Xiaoping Chen, Neil Ayres and Peng Zhang (2015) Triplet–triplet annihilation upconversion from rationally designed polymeric emitters with tunable inter-chromophore distances Chemical Communications 51 588-591
Rui Ding, Xinjun Yu, Peng Wang, Jinnan Zhang, Yan Zhou, Xian Cao, Hong Tang, Neil Ayres, and Peng Zhang (2016) Hybrid photosensitizer based on amphiphilic block copolymer stabilized silver nanoparticles for highly efficient photodynamic inactivation of bacteria RSC Advances 6 20392-20398
Noura H. Abd Ellah, Leeanne Taylor, Neil Ayres, Mona M. Elmahdy, Gihan N. Fetih, Helen N. Jones, E.A. Ibrahim, and Giovanni M. Pauletti (2016) NF-kB decoy polyplexes decrease P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance in colorectal cancer cells Cancer Gene Therapy 23 149-155
Yongshun Huang, Maureen A. Shaw, Mary R. Warmin, Eric S. Mullins, and Neil Ayres (2016) Blood Compatibility of heparin-inspired, lactose containing, polyureas depends on the chemistry of the polymer backbone Polymer Chemistry, 7, 3897-3905
Yongshun Huang, Qinyuan Chai, Mary R. Warmin, and Neil Ayres (2016) Lactose-containing hydrogels for enzyme stabilization Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2507-2514
Ruben De Coen, Nane Vanparjis, Martin D. P. Risseeuw, Lien Lybart, Benoit Louage, Stefaan De Koker, Vimal Kumar, Johan Grooten, Leeanne Taylor, Neil Ayres, Sege Van Calenbergh, Lutz Nuhn, and Bruno G. De Geest (2016) pH-Degradable mannosylated nanogels for dendritic cell targeting Biomacromolecules 2479-2488
Daewoo Han, Xinjun Yu, Qinyuan Chai, Neil Ayres, and Andrew J. Steckl (2017) Stimuli-responsive self-immolative polymer nanofiber membranes formed by coaxial electrospinning ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9, 11858-11865
Qinyuan Chai, Yongshun Huang, Terrence Kirley, and Neil Ayres (2017) Shape memory polymer foams prepared from a heparin-inspired polyurethane/urea, Polymer Chemistry, 8, 5039-5048
Niranga Wijesiri, Tevhide Ozkaya-Ahmadov, Peng Wang, Jinnan Zhang, Hong Tang, Xinjun Yu, Neil Ayres, and Peng Zhang (2017) Photodynamic inactivation of multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus using hybrid photosensitizers based on amphiphilic block copolymer-functionalized gold nanoparticles ACS Omega, 2, 5364-5369
M. Mario Perera and Neil Ayres (2017) Gelatin based dynamic hydrogels via thiol-norbornene reactions Polymer Chemistry, 8, 6741-6749
Tamuka Chidanguro, Danielle R. Blank, Alexandra Garrett, Cassandra M. Reese, Jacob M. Schekman, Xinjun Yu, Derek L. Patton, Neil Ayres, and Yoan C. Simon Fabrication of single-chain nanoparticles through the dimerization of pendant anthracene groups via photochemical upconversion Dalton Transactions (2018) 47 8663-8669
Emily Dalton, Qinyuan Chai, Molly W. Shaw, Tucker J. McKenzie, Eric S. Mullins, and Neil Ayres Hydrogel-coated polyurethane/urea shape memory polymer foamsJournal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2019) 57 1389-1395
M. Mario Perera, Demetria M. Fischesser, Jeffery D. Molkentin, and Neil Ayres Stiffness of thermoresponsive gelatin-based dynamic hydrogels affects fibroblast activation Polymer Chemistry (2019) 10, 6360-6367
M. Mario Perera and Neil Ayres Dynamic covalent bonds in self-healing, shape memory, and controllable stiffness hydrogels Polymer Chemistry (2020) 11, 1410-1423 (Invited Review)
Zahra Gallagher, Sara Fleetwood, Terence Kirley, Molly Shaw, Eric Mullins, Neil Ayres, and E. Johan Foster Heparin Mimic Material Derived from Cellulose Nanocrystals (2020) Biomacromolecules 21, 1103-1111
Tucker J. McKenzie, Paul S. Heaton, Kabir Rishi, Raj Kumar, Thomas Brunet, Gregory Beaucage, Olivier Mondain-Monval, and Neil Ayres Storage moduli and porosity of soft PDMS PolyMIPEs can be controlled independently using thiol−ene click chemistry (2020) Macromolecules 53, 3719-3727
M. Mario Perera, Prathyusha Chimala, Abdul Elhusain-Elnegres, Paul Heaton, and Neil Ayres Reversibly Softening and Stiffening Organogels Using a Wavelength-Controlled Disulfide-Diselenide Exchange (2020) ACS Macro Letters 9, 1552-1557
Prathyusha Chimala, M. Mario Perera, Aissatou Wade, Tucker McKenzie, Joshua Allor and Neil Ayres (2021) Hyperbranched polymer hydrogels with large stimuli-responsive changes in storage moduli and peroxide-induced healing Polymer Chemistry 12, 4384-4393
Tucker J. McKenzie, Soren Smail, Kathryn Rost, Kabir Rishi, Gregory Beaucage, and Neil Ayres (2021) Multi-layered polymerized high internal phase emulsions with controllable porosity and strong interfaces Polymer 231, 124116
Tucker J. McKenzie, Kathryn Rost, Soren Smail, Olivier Mondain-Monval, Thomas Brunet, and Neil Ayres (2022) Mechanically tunable PDMS-based polyHIPE acoustic materials Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10, 6222-6226
Emily Dalton, Zachary Morris, and Neil Ayres (2022) Synthesis and characterization of sulfated-lactose polyurethane hydrogels Polymer Chemistry, 13, 2933 - 2940
Chethani K. Ruhunage, Vaishnavi Dhawan, Tucker J. McKenzie, Abdul Hoque, Connor E. Rahm, Chaminda P. Nawarathne, Neil Ayres, Xinyan Tracy Cui, and Noe T. Alvarez (2022) Hydrophilic micro- and macroelectrodes with antibiofouling properties for biomedical applications ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 8, 2920-2931
Anthony Smith and Neil Ayres (2023) Open-cell PDMS polyHIPEs prepared using polymethylvinylsiloxane to prevent pore collapse Polymer, 270, 125787
Tucker J. McKenzie, Christian Cawood, Chelsea Davis, and Neil Ayres (2023) Synthesis of patterned polyHIPE-hydrogel composite materials using thiol-ene chemistry Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 645, 502-512
Tucker J. McKenzie and Neil Ayres (2023) Synthesis and applications of elastomeric polymerized high internal phase emulsions (PolyHIPEs) ACS Omega 8, 20178-20195
Tucker J. McKenzie, Thomas Brunet, Lyndsay N. Kissell, Pietro Strobbia, and Neil Ayres (2023) Polydimethylsiloxane Polymerized Emulsions for Acoustic Materials Prepared Using Reactive Triblock Copolymer Surfactants ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 15, 58917-58930
Encyclopedia Article
McCormick, C. L.; Lowe, A. B.; Ayres, N. Polymers, Water-Soluble. In Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 5th ed., 2006; Vol. 20, pp 435, 504.
McCormick, C. L.; Lowe, A. B.; Ayres, N. Water Soluble Polymers. In Encyclopedia of Polymer Science & Technology, 3rd Edition; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2004; Vol. 12, pp 452, 521.
Supramolecular and Dynamic Covalent Polymers
Invited Presentations
Neil Ayres (11-02-2011. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (10-09-2011. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (09-09-2011. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (2010. ) Water Soluble Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications .Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Prof. Org.
Neil Ayres (2010. ) Polymer-urea peptoid conjugates: A versatile materials chemistry platform .University of Cincinnati, Chemical and Materials Engineering Department. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (2010. ) Controlled/"living" radical polymerization as a tool for the synthesis of of polymer brushes and polymer conjugates .Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (2009. ) Polymer Brushes using atom transfer radical polymerization .Wright State University, Dayton, OH. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (12-06-2011. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (01-2012. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .Rutgers University - Newark, Newark, New Jersey.
Neil Ayres (01-2012. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY.
Neil Ayres (02-2012. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York.
Neil Ayres (05-2012. ) Polymers incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoids: Self-assembled aggregates, step-growth polymers and polymer conjugates .Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Neil Ayres (11-2012. ) Polymer synthesis using N-alkyl urea peptoid oligomers .Murray State University, Murray, Kentuck.
Neil Ayres (04-2012. ) Self-assembly of N-alkyl urea peptoid polymers and oligomers .243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Neil Ayres (04-2012. ) Polymer synthesis using N-alkyl urea peptoid oligomers .243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, California.
Neil Ayres (07-2012. ) Polymer synthesis incorporating N-alkyl urea peptoid oligomers .Warwick 2012: MacroGroup UK International Conference on Polymer Synthesis, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
Neil Ayres (2013. ) Synthesis of synthetic biomaterials incorporating N-alkyl-N,N-linked urea oligoemrs .246th American Chemical Society, Indianapolis, IN. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2014. ) Step-growth polymerization using N-alkyl urea peptoid chemistry .248th American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2014. ) Synthesis of polymer biomaterials incorporating N-alkyl-N,N-linked urea oligomers .Northern Kentucky University, KY. Level:University
Neil Ayres (2015. ) Making smarter heparin mimicking polymers .249th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Denver CO. Level:National
Neil Ayres (2015. ) Synthesis and evaluation of polyurea heparin mimics .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH. Level:College
Neil Ayres (2015. ) Synthesis and evaluation of polyurea heparin mimics .University of Akron, Akron, OH. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (2016. ) synthesis of heparin mimicking polymers .47th ACS Central Regional Meeting, Covington, KY. Level:Regional
Neil Ayres (2016. ) Solvent-free synthesis approach for poly(2-oxazolines) .252nd ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Level:National
Neil Ayres (2017. ) Synthesis of heparin mimicking polymers .University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. Level:University
Neil Ayres (2018. ) Dynamic hydrogels control in vitro fibroblast activation .Miami University, Oxford,OH. Level:University
Neil Ayres (2018. ) Dynamic hydrogels control in vitro fibroblast activation .University of Bordeaux , Bordeaux, FR. Level:University
Neil Ayres (07-19-2019. ) Dynamic hydrogels control in vitro fibroblast activation .University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K.. Level:University
Neil Ayres (06-05-2019. ) Dynamic hydrogels control in vitro fibroblast activation .50th ACS Central Regional Meeting, Midland, MI. Level:Regional
Neil Ayres (12-17-2019. ) Dynamic hydrogels using thiol/disulfide exchange reactions .ACS Division of Polymer Science ‘Next Generation Smart Materials’ Workshop, Savannah, GA. Level:National
Neil Ayres (08-20-2019. ) Dynamic hydrogels using thiol/disulfide exchange reactions .XXVIII International Materials Research Congress, Cancún, México. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2022. ) Disulfide containing polymer hydrogels with stimuli responsive changes in storage moduli and peroxide-induced healing .International Symposium on Stimuli Responsive Materials, Windsor CA. Level:National
Neil Ayres (2023. ) Polydimethylsiloxane polyHIPEs for acoustic materials .Spring ACS National Meeting, Idianapolis, IN. Level:National
Neil Ayres (2023. ) Tunable PDMS-based acoustic materials .University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Level:University
Poster Presentations
Neil Ayres (08-2011. ) The use of N-alkyl urea peptoids in macromolecular synthesis .Gordon Research Conference: Polymers, Mount Holyoke College, MA. . Level:International
Neil Ayres (07-2011. ) The use of N-alkyl urea peptoids in macromolecular synthesis .242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Denver, CO. . Level:International
Neil Ayres (2009. ) Synthesis of Polymer Brushes from a Transferable Surface Coating .238th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D. C.. . Conference. . Level:International
Neil Ayres (2009. ) Synthesis of Polymer Brushes from a Transferable Surface Coating .Gordon Research Conference: Biomaterials: Biocompatibility/Tissue Engineering, Holderness School, NH. . Conference. . Level:International
(2005. ) Towards Recyclable Catalysts for Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization .230th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.. .
(2005. ) Towards Recyclable Catalysts for Atom Transfer Radical .Gordon Research Conference: Polymers (East), Mount Hollyoke College, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. .
(2001. ) Synthesis of a novel polmer support via a transition metal mediated living radical polymerization .221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, USA. . Conference. . Level:International
(2000. ) Polymerization of hydrophilic monomers onto solid surfaces .Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Conference, Manchester, U.K.. .
Neil Ayres (2014. ) Synthesis of heparin inspired materials containing N-alkyl-N,N-linked urea groups .Gordon Research Conference, Bio-inspired Materials, Sunday River Resort, ME. . Conference. . Level:International
Neil Ayres (2015. ) Synthesis of heparin mimicking polymers with shape memory properties .Gordon Research Conference, Polymers, Mount Holyoke, MA. . Level:National
Neil Ayres (2017. ) Synthesis of heparin mimicking polymers with shape memory properties .Gordon Research Conference, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Holderness School NH. . Level:National
Neil Ayres (2015. ) Synthesis and evaluation of polyurea heparin mimics .University of Akron. Other Institution. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (2015. ) Synthesis and evaluation of polyurea heparin mimics .Berea College. Other Institution. Level:Department
Neil Ayres (2018. ) Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati & Synthesis of heparin mimicking polymers .Bordeaux, FR. Other Institution.
Paper Presentations
Neil Ayres (2010. ) Polymer Urea-Peptoid Conjugates: A versatile materials platform .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2010. ) Polymer Urea-Peptoid Conjugates: A versatile materials platform .Dayton, OH. Conference. Level:Regional
(2006. ) Synthesis of Polyelectrolyte Polymer Brushes using Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization .Coventry, U.K..
(2004. ) Towards the Controlled Polymerization of Amino-Acid Containing Monomers .Philadelphia, U.S.A..
(2004. ) Structural control of water-soluble homopolymers and block copolymers via RAFT polymerization .Philadelphia, U.S.A..
(2002. ) Polymerization of vinyl monomers from an insoluble PS-DVB matrix .Coventry, U. K..
Neil Ayres (2014. ) Low molecular weight and polymer organogels based on the ureidopyrimidone group .Dallas TX. Conference. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2016. ) Heparin-mimicking polymers with anticoagulant and enzyme stabilization .Philadelphia, PA. Level:National
Neil Ayres (2017. ) Heparin-mimicking biomaterials with anticoagulant properties .Washington, D.C.. Conference. Level:National
Neil Ayres (2020. ) Storage moduli and porosity of soft PDMS polyMIPEs for acoustics applications can be controlled using thiol-ene click chemistry .Professional Meeting. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2022. ) Hyperbranched polymer hydrogels with large stimuli-responsive changes in storage moduli and peroxide-induced healing .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2022. ) Mechanically tunable PDMS-based polyHIPE acoustic materials .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2022. ) Stimuli responsive polymer gels using disulfide and diselenide exchange reactions to induce reversible softening and stiffening .Bordeaux, France. Conference. Level:International
Neil Ayres (2023. ) Stimuli responsive hydrogels prepared using disulfide bonds .Idianapolis, IN. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Event Organized
Zimmer International Scholar WeekZimmer International Scholar Week Symposium 04-2012 04-2012 University of Cincinnati Level:University
2015 Hans and Marlise Zimmer International Scholar Week2015 Hans and Marlise Zimmer International Scholar Week Lecture 2015 2015 University of Cincinnati Level:Department
2015 Ralph and Helen Oesper Symposium2015 Ralph and Helen Oesper Symposium Symposium 2015 2015 University of Cincinnati Level:University
Responsive and Functional Polymeric (Nano)Materials,Responsive and Functional Polymeric (Nano)Materials, Symposium 2016 47th ACS Central Regional Meeting, Covington, KY Level:Regional
Dynamic Chemistry in Polymer MaterialsDynamic Chemistry in Polymer Materials Symposium 2017 2017 254th ACS National Meeting, Washington DC Level:National
Honors and Awards
Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program (UC Ethnic Programs & Services) “Breakfast of Champions” faculty recognition Type:Recognition
Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program (UC Ethnic Programs & Services) “Breakfast of Champions” faculty recognition Type:Recognition
Department of Chemistry (NMR faculty liaison committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2016
Department of Chemistry (RPT guidelines review committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010
Department of Chemistry (Headship search committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2013 -2013
College of Engineering and Applied Science (REU site ) Judge Type:University/College Service Level:College 2013
Preparing Future Faculty Program Other Type:University/College Service Level:University 2013
NSF Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:National
(NMR Faculty Liaison Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Graduate Recruiting ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2016
(Graduate Admissions Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(College of Arts and Science’s Instructional Innovations Advisory Council (IIAC) ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2016
(Faculty Senate Research & Scholarship committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2016 -2018
NSF (Ad-hoc Proposal Reviewer ) Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:Prof. Org. 2016
American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund (Ad-hoc Proposal Reviewer ) Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:Prof. Org. 2016
(Organic Faculty Division ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2016
(Decanal Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2017 -2018
(Space Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2018
(Bordeaux Connections ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2018
(Department of Chemistry Bioanalytical Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2019
(Graduate Admissions Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2019 -2022
Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2020 -2020
(Member of Department of Chemistry NMR Facility Manager Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2020
(UC’s Faculty Enrichment Center Mentoring Program ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2021
Cincinnati ACS section (Alternative Councilor for the Cincinnati Local section of the American Chemical Society ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 2020 -2022
(Graduate Program Director ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2022 -2022
organic, polymers, sensors
Courses Taught
15-CHEM-201 ORG CHEM LEC & REC Level:Undergraduate
Organic Chemistry and Recitation Level:Undergraduate
Polymers and Soft Materials Level:Undergraduate
Molecular Interactions Level:Graduate
-CHEM-4054 POLYM & SOFT MATER Level:Undergraduate
Polymer Chemistry Level:Graduate
Molecular Interaction Level:Graduate
-CHEM-2040 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Level:Undergraduate
Molecular Interactions Level:Graduate
-CHEM-2040 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-4054 POLYM & SOFT MATER Level:Graduate
Polymer Chemistry Level:Graduate
-CHEM-2040 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2040 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-4054 POLYM & SOFT MATER Level:Undergraduate
Polymer Chemistry Level:Graduate
-CHEM-2041 ORGANIC CHEMISTRYII Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-4054 POLYM & SOFT MATER Level:Undergraduate
Polymer Chemistry
-CHEM-2040 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Level:Undergraduate
Polymer Chemistry (Laboratory) Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-4054 POLYM & SOFT MATER Level:Undergraduate
Polymer Chemistry Level:Graduate
Faculty Development Activities
2014 -2014 Course Design Workshop UC CETL University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
12-01-2015 -12-01-2015 Getting Started with Echo360 ALP CETL University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
11-03-2015 -11-03-2015 The Science of Motivation: Pedagogy and Student Engagement CETL University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
2017 -2018 Intensive Grant Writing Workshop Type:Workshop
Patents and Inventions
US Prov. 63/534,592 Polyurethane polymerized high internal phase emulsions with microporous porosities Neil Ayres and Emily Dalton, Filed Inventor