Stephanie Fenwick

Stephanie Fenwick , PharmD

Adjunct Assistant Professor

PharmD, BCPS

James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy
3255 Eden Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229

Professional Summary

Dr. Fenwick is the Assistant Director of the Wuest Pharmacy Practice Skills Center and the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) Coordinator. She received her PharmD from the University Cincinnati in 2006 and then completed a pharmacy practice residency at the Mobile Infirmary Medical Center in 2007. Dr. Fenwick began her career as a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in the Emergency Department at The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio; she later moved to an Internal Medicine Clinical Specialist role at the same institution. Beginning in 2016, Dr. Fenwick spent several years working as a freelance medical writer. In 2019, she started her role as the Assistant Director of Skills Center where she develops and teaches the hospital-practice portion of the curriculum.  And in 2020, she took on the role of IPPE coordinator for the PY1 and PY2 experiences.  She is board certified as a Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS).


PharmD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2006

Positions and Work Experience

06-26-2006 -07-05-2007 Pharmacy Practice Resident, Hospital Pharmacy Practice Residency, Mobile Infirmary Medical Center, Mobile, AL

07-16-2007 -08-01-2014 Emergency Department Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Established a new clinical pharmacy service in the Emergency Department. Responsibilities included: Performing independent rounding on Emergency Department patients; providing drug information consulting services to physicians, nurses, midlevel providers, and patients; responding to all resuscitation events during staffed hours, presenting in-services and formal education to nurses, physicians, and pharmacists; precepting PharmD students and residents in ED rotations, participating in multidisciplinary activities for policy and procedure development for the Emergency Department , The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH

07-01-2014 -12-04-2015 Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Established a new clinical pharmacy service with the University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Residency Program. Responsibilities included: Rounding daily with inpatient medical resident team; giving formal and informal educational presentations to medical residents; precepting PharmD students and residents; serving as primary pharmacy resource to endocrinology physician group; working with multi-disciplinary group on endocrinology orderset revision and inpatient glycemic management initiatives; providing education to nurses, physicians, and pharmacists about various insulin and endocrinology related issues; presenting reviews and medication formulary evaluations to the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee , The Christ Hospital , Cincinnati, OH

09-01-2016 -08-30-2021 Freelance Medical Writer, Launched a freelance medical writing business while living abroad. Writing services include needs assessments, professional continuing education material, slide decks, news pieces, and bullet-point summaries of journal articles , Self-employed, Remote

01-14-2019 - Adjunct Professor, Assistant Director of Pharmacy Practice Skills Development: Responsible for developing and teaching the hospital pharmacy practice aspects of the practical curriculum in the PharmD program Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) Coordinator: Responsible for coordinating IPPE experiences for students in the PharmD program, including coordinating with professional sites and managing student scheduling , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

08-30-2021 - Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist Responsibilities: Responding to codes, traumas, intubations, and acute strokes; reviewing and following up on cultures for discharged patients; serving as a drug information resource for physicians, nurses, and mid-level providers. Central pharmacy staffing Responsibilities: Order verification, medication dispensing, drug information , TriHealth: Bethesda North Hospital, Cincinnati, OH

Post Graduate Training and Education

06-26-2006-07-05-2007 Pharmacy Practice Resident, Hospital Pharmacy Practice Residency ASHP Accredited (PGY-1), Mobile Infirmary Medical Center, , Mobile, AL

Contact Information

Academic - James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy
3255 Eden Ave.
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45229