Je Hyeong Bahk , PHD
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Mechanical Eng - 0072
Professional Summary
Dr. Je-Hyeong Bahk is currently associate professor jointly at the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Cincinnati, OH, USA, Dr. Bahk has worked in the field of thermoelectrics for more than 10 years since his Ph.D study at University of California, Santa Barbara. He has participated in various research projects on design and fabrication of efficient nanotechnology-based thermoelectric materials and devices, and also developed several online simulation tools on nanoHUB.org capable of thermoelectric devices and materials simulation for research and education.
Group Web: https://sites.google.com/site/jhbahk/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=x-cZE5YAAAAJ
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Je-Hyeong-Bahk
Ph.D: University of California Santa Barbara CA, USA, 2010 (Electrical Engineering)
M.S.: Seoul National University South Korea, 2000 (Electrical Engineering)
B.S.: Seoul National University South Korea, 1998 (Electrical Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
• Human body-heat energy harvesting
• Thermoelectric materials, devices, and systems
• Thermoelectric air conditioning system
• Wearable/flexible electronics
• Nano-scale electron/thermal transport physics
• Nano- and micro-scale device fabrication and characterization
• Heat transfer, fluid mechanics
Positions and Work Experience
2016 -To Present Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computing Systems, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2012 -2015 Postdoctoral research associate, Advisor: Prof. Ali Shakouri, Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, Ind.
2010 -2012 Postdoctoral research associate, Advisor: Prof. Ali Shakouri, Zhixi Bian, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Calif.
2003 -2004 Commissioned research scientist, Advisor: Dr. Sang-Bae Lee, Photonics Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Research Support
Grant: #NSF 1905571 Investigators:Bahk, Je-Hyeong 09-01-2019 -07-31-2022 National Science Foundation Thermoelectric transport and carrier dynamics in three-dimensional chalcogenide nanowire networks Role:PI $291,648.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ACRP Graduate Research Award Document 2022-2023 (Mark Jackson) Investigators:Bahk, Je-Hyeong; Jackson, Mark 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 Federal Aviation Administration Arrayed Thermoelectric Sensors for Detection of Runway Surface Conditions Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #101836 Investigators:Bahk, Je-Hyeong 07-01-2022 -12-31-2023 UC OoR Collaborative Research Advancement Program: Pilot Grants Next-generation Air Conditioning Systems and Materials Based on Solid-State Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Role:PI 25,000 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #101941 Investigators:Bahk, Je-Hyeong 05-01-2023 -04-30-2025 UC URC Faculty Scholar Award Binder-Jet Additive Manufacturing of Nanocarbon based Hierarchical Composites for Efficient Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Devices Role:PI 25,000 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Bahk, Je-Hyeong 07-22-2024 -07-21-2025 Microsanj LLC Equipment Training Role:PI 5000.00 Hold Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hwang J.;Kim H.;Han M.K.;Hong J.;Shim J.H.;Tak J.Y.;Lim Y.S.;Jin Y.;Kim J.;Park H.;Lee D.K.;Bahk J.H.;Kim S.J.;Kim W. (07-23-2019. ) Gigantic Phonon-Scattering Cross Section to Enhance Thermoelectric Performance in Bulk Crystals.ACS Nano, , 13 (7 ) ,8347-8355 More Information
Choe H.S.;Prabhakar R.;Wehmeyer G.;Allen F.I.;Lee W.;Jin L.;Li Y.;Yang P.;Qiu C.W.;Dames C.;Scott M.;Minor A.;Bahk J.H.;Wu J. (06-12-2019. ) Ion Write Microthermotics: Programing Thermal Metamaterials at the Microscale.Nano Letters, , 19 (6 ) ,3830-3837 More Information
Prabhakar R.;Hossain M.S.;Zheng W.;Athikam P.K.;Zhang Y.;Hsieh Y.Y.;Skafidas E.;Wu Y.;Shanov V.;Bahk J.H. (04-22-2019. ) Tunneling-Limited Thermoelectric Transport in Carbon Nanotube Networks Embedded in Poly(dimethylsilo.ACS Applied Energy Materials, , 2 (4 ) ,2419-2426 More Information
Hsieh Y.;Zhang Y.;Zhang L.;Fang Y.;Kanakaraaj S.;Bahk J.;Shanov V. (04-14-2019. ) High thermoelectric power-factor composites based on flexible three-dimensional graphene and polyani.Nanoscale, , 11 (14 ) ,6552-6560 More Information
Tew B.;Vempati P.;Clinger L.;Bomberger C.;Halaszynski N.;Favaloro T.;Seol J.;Feser J.;Majumdar A.;Shakouri A.;Bowers J.;Bahk J.;Zide J. (04-01-2019. ) High Thermoelectric Power Factor and ZT in TbAs:InGaAs Epitaxial Nanocomposite Material.Advanced Electronic Materials, , 5 (4 ) , More Information
Ziabari A.;Torres P.;Vermeersch B.;Xuan Y.;Cartoixà X.;Torelló A.;Bahk J.;Koh Y.;Parsa M.;Ye P.;Alvarez F.;Shakouri A. (12-01-2018. ) Full-field thermal imaging of quasiballistic crosstalk reduction in nanoscale devices.Nature Communications, , 9 (1 ) , More Information
Ghosh S.;Margatan K.;Ahn C.;Bahk J. (11-01-2018. ) Radiant heat recovery by thermoelectric generators: A theoretical case-study on hot steel casting.Energy Conversion and Management, , 175 ,327-336 More Information
Hossain M.S.;Huynh D.H.;Jiang L.;Rahman S.;Nguyen P.D.;Al-Dirini F.;Hossain F.;Bahk J.H.;Skafidas E. (03-14-2018. ) Investigating enhanced thermoelectric performance of graphene-based nano-structures.Nanoscale, , 10 (10 ) ,4786-4792 More Information
Xu B.;Feng T.;Agne M.;Tan Q.;Li Z.;Imasato K.;Zhou L.;Bahk J.;Ruan X.;Snyder G.;Wu Y. (02-23-2018. ) Manipulating Band Structure through Reconstruction of Binary Metal Sulfide for High-Performance Ther.Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, , 57 (9 ) ,2413-2418 More Information
Saha B.;Perez-Taborda J.;Bahk J.;Koh Y.;Shakouri A.;Martin-Gonzalez M.;Sands T. (02-01-2018. ) Temperature-dependent thermal and thermoelectric properties of n -type and p -type S c1-x M gx N.Physical Review B, , 97 (8 ) , More Information
Kim J.;Oh M.;Kim G.;Bahk J.;Song J.;Jeon S.;Chun D.;Bae J.;Shim W.;Lee W. (02-01-2018. ) Strain-engineered allotrope-like bismuth nanowires for enhanced thermoelectric performance.Acta Materialia, , 144 ,145-153 More Information
Ziabari A.;Xuan Y.;Bahk J.;Parsa M.;Ye P.;Shakouri A. (07-25-2017. ) Sub-diffraction thermoreflectance thermal imaging using image reconstruction.Proceedings of the 16th InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITherm 2017, , 122-127 More Information
Ziabari A.;Shakouri A.;Xuan Y.;Bahk J.;Koh Y.;Si M.;Ye P.;Shakouri A. (07-25-2017. ) Non-diffusive heat transport in twin nanoheater lines on silicon.Proceedings of the 16th InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITherm 2017, , 334-338 More Information
Xu B.;Agne M.;Feng T.;Chasapis T.;Ruan X.;Zhou Y.;Zheng H.;Bahk J.;Kanatzidis M.;Snyder G.;Wu Y. (03-14-2017. ) Nanocomposites from Solution-Synthesized PbTe-BiSbTe Nanoheterostructure with Unity Figure of Merit .Advanced Materials, , 29 (10 ) , More Information
Kim J.;Kim G.;Bahk J.;Noh J.;Lee W. (02-01-2017. ) Enhanced thermoelectric properties in Bi/Te core/shell heterostructure nanowires through strain and .Nano Energy, , 32 ,520-525 More Information
Koh Y.R.;Shirazi-Hd M.;Vermeersch B.;Mohammed A.M.S.;Shao J.;Pernot G.;Bahk J.H.;Manfra M.J.;Shakouri A.
(12-12-2016. )
Quasi-ballistic thermal transport in Al
Jin S.;Ziabari A.;Koh Y.R.;Saei M.;Wang X.;Deng B.;Hu Y.;Bahk J.H.;Shakouri A.;Cheng G.J.
(12-01-2016. )
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of P-type Bi
Uribe M.;Magana A.;Bahk J.;Shakouri A. (05-01-2016. ) Computational simulations as virtual laboratories for online engineering education: A case study in .Computer Applications in Engineering Education, , 24 (3 ) ,428-442 More Information
Bahk J.;Shakouri A. (04-27-2016. ) Minority carrier blocking to enhance the thermoelectric figure of merit in narrow-band-gap semicondu.Physical Review B, , 93 (16 ) , More Information
Shakouri A.;Ziabari A.;Kendig D.;Bahk J.;Xuan Y.;Ye P.;Yazawa K.;Shakouri A. (04-22-2016. ) Stable thermoreflectance thermal imaging microscopy with piezoelectric position control.Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, , Part F121464 ,128-132 More Information
Tazebay A.;Yi S.;Lee J.;Kim H.;Bahk J.;Kim S.;Park S.;Lee H.;Shakouri A.;Yu C. (03-30-2016. ) Thermal Transport Driven by Extraneous Nanoparticles and Phase Segregation in Nanostructured Mg.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, , 8 (11 ) ,7003-7012 More Information
Fang H.;Bahk J.H.;Feng T.;Cheng Z.;Mohammed A.M.S.;Wang X.;Ruan X.;Shakouri A.;Wu Y.
(01-01-2016. )
Thermoelectric properties of solution-synthesized n-type Bi
Shi L.;Dames C.;Lukes J.R.;Reddy P.;Duda J.;Cahill D.G.;Lee J.;Marconnet A.;Goodson K.E.;Bahk J.H.;Shakouri A.;Prasher R.S.;Felts J.;King W.P.;Han B.;Bischof J.C. (04-03-2015. ) Evaluating broader impacts of nanoscale thermal transport research.Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, , 19 (2 ) ,127-165 More Information
Yang H.;Bahk J.;Day T.;Mohammed A.;Snyder G.;Shakouri A.;Wu Y. (02-11-2015. ) Enhanced thermoelectric properties in bulk nanowire heterostructure-based nanocomposites through min.Nano Letters, , 15 (2 ) ,1349-1355 More Information
Favaloro T.;Bahk J.;Shakouri A. (02-01-2015. ) Characterization of the temperature dependence of the thermoreflectance coefficient for conductive t.Review of Scientific Instruments, , 86 (2 ) , More Information
Bahk J.;Fang H.;Yazawa K.;Shakouri A. (01-01-2015. ) Flexible thermoelectric materials and device optimization for wearable energy harvesting.Journal of Materials Chemistry C, , 3 (40 ) ,10362-10374 More Information
Kang C.;Wang H.;Bahk J.H.;Kim H.;Kim W. (01-01-2015. ) Thermoelectric materials and devices .RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, , 2015-January (35 ) ,107-141
Sahu V.;Joshi Y.;Fedorov A.;Bahk J.;Wang X.;Shakouri A. (01-01-2015. ) Experimental characterization of hybrid solid-state and fluidic cooling for thermal management of lo.IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, , 5 (1 ) ,57-64 More Information
Shakouri A.;El Sayed Kayed M.;Ziabari A.;Kendig D.;Vermeersch B.;Bahk J.;Shakouri A. (01-01-2015. ) Temperature sensitivity and noise in thermoreflectance thermal imaging.Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, , 2015-April ,216-220 More Information
Ziabari A.;Bahk J.;Xuan Y.;Ye P.;Kendig D.;Yazawa K.;Burke P.;Lu H.;Gossard A.;Shakouri A. (01-01-2015. ) Sub-diffraction limit thermal imaging for HEMT devices.Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, , 2015-April ,82-87 More Information
Yang H.;Bahk J.;Day T.;Mohammed A.;Min B.;Snyder G.;Shakouri A.;Wu Y.
(09-10-2014. )
Composition modulation of Ag
Bahk J.;Shakouri A. (08-04-2014. ) Enhancing the thermoelectric figure of merit through the reduction of bipolar thermal conductivity w.Applied Physics Letters, , 105 (5 ) , More Information
Favaloro T.;Ziabari A.;Bahk J.;Burke P.;Lu H.;Bowers J.;Gossard A.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A. (07-21-2014. ) High temperature thermoreflectance imaging and transient Harman characterization of thermoelectric e.Journal of Applied Physics, , 116 (3 ) , More Information
Finefrock S.;Zhang G.;Bahk J.;Fang H.;Yang H.;Shakouri A.;Wu Y. (06-11-2014. ) Structure and thermoelectric properties of spark plasma sintered ultrathin PbTe nanowires.Nano Letters, , 14 (6 ) ,3466-3473 More Information
Zhang Y.;Bahk J.H.;Lee J.;Birkel C.S.;Snedaker M.L.;Liu D.;Zeng H.;Moskovits M.;Shakouri A.;Stucky G.D. (05-07-2014. ) Hot carrier filtering in solution processed heterostructures: A paradigm for improving thermoelectri.Advanced Materials, , 26 (17 ) ,2755-2761 More Information
Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A.
(02-05-2014. )
Electron transport modeling and energy filtering for efficient thermoelectric Mg
Wang H.;Bahk J.;Kang C.;Hwang J.;Kim K.;Kim J.;Burke P.;Bowers J.;Gossard A.;Shakouri A.;Kim W. (01-01-2014. ) Right sizes of nano- and microstructures for high-performance and rigid bulk thermoelectrics.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 111 (30 ) ,10949-10954 More Information
Vermeersch B.;Pernot G.;Lu H.;Bahk J.;Gossard A.;Shakouri A. (12-11-2013. ) Picosecond Joule heating in photoconductive switch electrodes.Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, , 88 (21 ) , More Information
Bahk J.;Youngs M.;Yazawa K.;Shakouri A.;Pantchenko O. (12-01-2013. ) An online simulator for thermoelectric cooling and power generation.Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, , 1757-1759 More Information
Wang H.;Bahk J.;Kang C.;Hwang J.;Kim K.;Shakouri A.;Kim W.
(10-07-2013. )
Large enhancement in the thermoelectric properties of Pb
Kim J.;Bahk J.;Hwang J.;Kim H.;Park H.;Kim W. (10-01-2013. ) Thermoelectricity in semiconductor nanowires.Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, , 7 (10 ) ,767-780 More Information
Vermeersch B.;Bahk J.;Christofferson J.;Shakouri A. (03-14-2013. ) Thermoreflectance imaging of sub 100 ns pulsed cooling in high-speed thermoelectric microcoolers.Journal of Applied Physics, , 113 (10 ) , More Information
Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A. (02-14-2013. ) Electron energy filtering by a nonplanar potential to enhance the thermoelectric power factor in bul.Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, , 87 (7 ) , More Information
Bahk J.;Ezzahri Y.;Yazawa K.;Vermeersch B.;Pernot G.;Shakouri A. (12-01-2012. ) Nanoscale electrothermal energy conversion devices .18th International Workshop on Thermal Investigation of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC 2012, , 200-207
Bahk J.H.;Sadeghian R.B.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A. (06-01-2012. ) Seebeck enhancement through miniband conduction in III-V semiconductor superlattices at low temperat.Journal of Electronic Materials, , 41 (6 ) ,1498-1503 More Information
Banan Sadeghian R.;Bahk J.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A.
(06-01-2012. )
Calculation of nonlinear thermoelectric coefficients of InAs
Selezneva E.;Clinger L.E.;Ramu A.T.;Pernot G.;Buehl T.E.;Favaloro T.;Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Bowers J.E.;Zide J.M.O.;Shakouri A. (06-01-2012. ) Thermoelectric transport in InGaAs with high concentration of rare-earth tbas embedded nanoparticles.Journal of Electronic Materials, , 41 (6 ) ,1820-1825 More Information
Bahk J.H.;Santhanam P.;Bian Z.;Ram R.;Shakouri A. (01-02-2012. ) Resonant carrier scattering by core-shell nanoparticles for thermoelectric power factor enhancement.Applied Physics Letters, , 100 (1 ) , More Information
Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Zebarjadi M.;Santhanam P.;Ram R.;Shakouri A. (12-01-2011. ) Thermoelectric power factor enhancement in metal/semiconductor nanocomposites by ionized nanoparticl.Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 1329 ,133-138 More Information
Zide J.;Bahk J.;Singh R.;Zebarjadi M.;Zeng G.;Lu H.;Feser J.;Xu D.;Singer S.;Bian Z.;Majumdar A.;Bowers J.;Shakouri A.;Gossard A. (09-01-2011. ) Erratum: High efficiency semimetal/semiconductor nanocomposite thermoelectric materials (Journal of .Journal of Applied Physics, , 110 (5 ) , More Information
Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Zebarjadi M.;Santhanam P.;Ram R.;Shakouri A. (08-15-2011. ) Thermoelectric power factor enhancement by ionized nanoparticle scattering.Applied Physics Letters, , 99 (7 ) , More Information
Lu H.;Burke P.;Gossard A.;Zeng G.;Ramu A.;Bahk J.;Bowers J. (05-24-2011. ) Semimetal/semiconductor nanocomposites for thermoelectrics.Advanced Materials, , 23 (20 ) ,2377-2383 More Information
Burke P.;Lu H.;Rudawski N.;Stemmer S.;Gossard A.;Bahk J.;Bowers J.
(01-01-2011. )
Electrical properties of Er-doped In
Ravichandran J.;Kardel J.;Scullin M.;Bahk J.;Heijmerikx H.;Bowers J.;Majumdar A. (01-01-2011. ) An apparatus for simultaneous measurement of electrical conductivity and thermopower of thin films i.Review of Scientific Instruments, , 82 (1 ) , More Information
Zide J.;Bahk J.;Singh R.;Zebarjadi M.;Zeng G.;Lu H.;Feser J.;Xu D.;Singer S.;Bian Z.;Majumdar A.;Bowers J.;Shakouri A.;Gossard A. (12-15-2010. ) High efficiency semimetal/semiconductor nanocomposite thermoelectric materials.Journal of Applied Physics, , 108 (12 ) , More Information
Bahk J.H.;Zeng G.;Zide J.M.O.;Lu H.;Singh R.;Liang D.;Ramu A.T.;Burke P.;Bian Z.;Gossard A.C.;Shakouri A.;Bowers J.E. (08-01-2010. ) High-temperature thermoelectric characterization of III-V semiconductor thin films by oxide bonding.Journal of Electronic Materials, , 39 (8 ) ,1125-1132 More Information
Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Zebarjadi M.;Zide J.M.O.;Lu H.;Xu D.;Feser J.P.;Zeng G.;Majumdar A.;Gossard A.C.;Shakouri A.;Bowers J.E.
(06-10-2010. )
Thermoelectric figure of merit of ( In
Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Ramu A.T.;Bowers J.E.;Lu H.;Gossard A.C.;Bian Z.;Zebarjadi M.;Shakouri A.
(11-20-2009. )
6 watt segmented power generator modules using Bi
Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Bowers J.E.;Lu H.;Gossard A.C.;Singer S.L.;Majumdar A.;Bian Z.;Zebarjadi M.;Shakouri A.
(09-07-2009. )
Thermoelectric power generator module of 16×16 Bi
Zebarjadi M.;Esfarjani K.;Shakouri A.;Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Zeng G.;Bowers J.;Lu H.;Zide J.;Gossard A. (07-20-2009. ) Erratum: Effect of nanoparticle scattering on thermoelectric power factor (Applied Physics Letters (.Applied Physics Letters, , 95 (1 ) , More Information
Zebarjadi M.;Esfarjani K.;Shakouri A.;Bian Z.;Bahk J.H.;Zeng G.;Bowers J.;Lu H.;Zide J.;Gossard A. (07-01-2009. ) Effect of nanoparticles on electron and thermoelectric transport.Journal of Electronic Materials, , 38 (7 ) ,954-959 More Information
Singh R.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A.;Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Bowers J.E.;Zide J.M.O.;Gossard A.C. (06-11-2009. ) Direct measurement of thin-film thermoelectric figure of merit.Applied Physics Letters, , 94 (21 ) , More Information
Zebarjadi M.;Esfarjani K.;Shakouri A.;Bahk J.H.;Bian Z.;Zeng G.;Bowers J.;Lu H.;Zide J.;Gossard A. (06-01-2009. ) Effect of nanoparticle scattering on thermoelectric power factor.Applied Physics Letters, , 94 (20 ) , More Information
Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Bowers J.E.;Lu H.;Zide J.M.O.;Gossard A.C.;Singh R.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A.;Singer S.L.;Kim W.;Majumdar A.
(12-01-2008. )
Power generator modules of segmented Bi
Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Bowers J.E.;Lu H.;Zide J.M.O.;Gossard A.C.;Singh R.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A.;Singer S.L.;Kim W.;Majumdar A.
(10-09-2008. )
Segmented power generator modules of Bi
Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Bowers J.E.;Zide J.M.O.;Gossard A.C.;Bian Z.;Singh R.;Shakouri A.;Kim W.;Singer S.L.;Majumdar A. (12-01-2007. ) ErAs: (InGaAs)1-x (InAlAs)x alloy power generator modules.Applied Physics Letters, , 91 (26 ) , More Information
Bian Z.;Singh R.;Zebarjadi M.;Ezzahri Y.;Shakouri A.;Kim W.;Singer S.;Majumdar A.;Bahk J.;Zeng G.;Bowers J.;Zide J.;Gossard A. (12-01-2007. ) Wiedemann-franz law and electronic thermal conductivity in tall barrier superlattices .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 1022 ,14-19
Bian Z.;Zebarjadi M.;Singh R.;Ezzahri Y.;Shakouri A.;Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Bowers J.E.;Zide J.M.O.;Gossard A.C. (11-09-2007. ) Cross-plane Seebeck coefficient and Lorenz number in superlattices.Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, , 76 (20 ) , More Information
Moon H.;Bahk J.;Lange F. (08-01-2007. ) Threshold strength and residual stress analysis of zirconia-alumina laminates.Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques, , 98 (8 ) ,674-682 More Information
Moon H.;Bahk J.;Lange F. (08-01-2007. ) Threshold strength and residual stress analysis of zirconia-alumina laminates.International Journal of Materials Research, , 98 (8 ) ,674-682 More Information
Zide J.;Zeng G.;Bahk J.;Kim W.;Singer S.;Vashaee D.;Bian Z.;Singh R.;Bowers J.;Majumdar A.;Shakouri A.;Gossard A. (12-01-2006. ) Nanocomposites of semimetallic ErAs nanoparticles epitaxially embedded within InGaAlAs-based semicon.International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT, Proceedings, , 280-282 More Information
Shakouri A.;Bian Z.;Singh R.;Zhang Y.;Vashaee D.;Humphrey T.E.;Schmidt H.;Zide J.M.;Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Gossard A.C.;Bowers J.E.;Rawat V.;Sands T.D.;Kim W.;Singer S.;Majumdar A.;Mayer P.M.;Ram R.J.;Russel K.J.;Narayanamurti V.;Koeck F.A.M.;Li X.;Park J.S.;Smith J.R.;Bilbro G.L.;Davis R.F.;Sitar Z.;Nemanich R.J. (05-09-2006. ) Solid-state and vacuum thermionic energy conversion .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 886 ,245-260
Zeng G.;Bahk J.H.;Bowers J.E.;Zide J.M.O.;Gossard A.C.;Zhang Y.;Singh R.;Bian Z.;Shakouri A.;Kim W.;Singer S.;Majumdar A. (05-08-2006. ) 400 element ErAs:InGaAs/InGaAlAs superlattice power generator .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 886 ,499-506
Shi E.;Cui S.;Kempf N.;Xing Q.;Chasapis T.;Zhu H.;Li Z.;Bahk J.H.;Snyder G.J.;Zhang Y.;Chen R.;Wu Y. (01-01-2019. ) Origin of inhomogeneity in spark plasma sintered bismuth antimony telluride thermoelectric nanocompo.Nano Research, , More Information
Bahk J.H.;Shakouri A. (11-01-2019. ) Ultra-fast Thermoreflectance Imaging for Electronic, Optoelectronic, and Thermal Devices.2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium, BCICTS 2019, , More Information
Hossain M.S.;Li T.;Yu Y.;Yong J.;Bahk J.H.;Skafidas E. (02-26-2020. ) Recent advances in printable thermoelectric devices: Materials, printing techniques, and application.RSC Advances, , 10 (14 ) ,8421-8434 More Information
Ziabari A.;Parsa M.;Xuan Y.;Bahk J.H.;Yazawa K.;Alvarez F.X.;Shakouri A. (03-02-2020. ) Far-field thermal imaging below diffraction limit.Optics Express, , 28 (5 ) ,7036-7050 More Information
Published Books
K. Yazawa, J.-H. Bahk, and A. Shakouri (2021. ) Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Devices and Systems .World Scientific (Co-Author)
Honors and Awards
2016 Faculty development award University of Cincinnati
2010 Editor’s choice paper award Journal of Electronic Materials
2004 -2006 Scholarship for studying abroad Ministry of Information and Communication, Korea
2001 Awarded by Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence and Operations (Major general) Headquarter, Republic of Korea Army
Other Information
Contact Information
490 Rhodes Hall
Phone: 5135564608