Tamilyn Bakas , PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
Professor and Jane E. Procter Endowed Chair
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
3110 Vine Street Room, Procter Hall Room 231
PO Box 210038
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0038
Phone 513-558-2254
Fax 513-558-2142
Email tamilyn.bakas@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Bakas is Professor and Jane E. Procter Endowed Chair at the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing. She conducts research aimed at improving the quality of life of family caregivers of persons with chronic illness. Her research in this area has resulted in publications focusing on the needs and concerns of family caregivers, the development of clinical assessment tools and measurement instruments for family caregiving research, and the design and evaluation of theory-based interventions to improve quality of life outcomes in family caregivers of stroke survivors. She also conducts research using telehealth to promote healthy aging. Dr. Bakas is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. She is also a Fellow of the American Heart Association and has been an active participant on various committees in both the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing and the Stroke Council. She has taught courses that focus on research design, instrumentation, and data analysis. She has mentored both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty and colleagues in conducting research. As the Jane E. Proctor Endowed Chair, she is creatively leveraging the use of technology to lead the transformation of healthcare in partnership with others to advance the health of persons with chronic illness.
PhD: Indiana University School of Nursing Indianapolis, IN, 1996 (Nursing Synthesis with Minor in Interdisciplinary Gerontology)
MSN: Indiana University School of Nursing Indianapolis, IN, 1988 (Adult Primary Care with Minor in Gerontology)
BSN: Indiana University School of Nursing Indianapolis, IN, 1985 (Nursing)
ASN: Purdue University School of Nursing West Lafayette, IN, 1981 (Nursing )
Positions and Work Experience
07-01-2022 -06-30-2023 Interim Associate Dean for Research, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
08-15-2015 -To Present Professor with Tenure and Jane E. Procter Endowed Chair,, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing,, Cincinnati, Ohio
08-14-2015 -To Present Professor Emeritus,, Indiana University School of Nursing,, Indianapolis, IN
07-01-2009 -08-14-2015 Professor with Tenure, , Chair, Department of Science of Nursing Care 2013-2015, PhD Program Coordinator 2012-2013, Interim Director, Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic Illness 2008-2010,, Indiana University School of Nursing,, Indianapolis, IN
07-01-2002 -06-30-2009 Associate Professor with Tenure, , Interim Director, Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic Illness 2008-2010, Co-Director Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic Illness 2007-2008, , Indiana University School of Nursing,, Indianapolis, IN
08-01-1996 -06-30-2002 Assistant Professor,, Indiana University School of Nursing,, Indianapolis, IN
Research Support
Grant: #11-22-JDFHD-06 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Cohen, Robert; Lambert, Joshua; Zhang, Yuqing 11-15-2022 -11-14-2025 American Diabetes Association Oral self-care to reduce oral health disparities in the population with diabetes Role:Co-I 137995.00
Grant: #11-22-JDFHD Investigators:Zhang (PI), Bakas (Co-I), Cohen (Co-I), Lambert (Co-I) 11-15-2022 -11-14-2025 American Diabetes Association Oral self-care to reduce oral health disparities in the population with diabetes Role:Co-I 413,969 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #Master FEO-see 014410 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn 06-29-2022 -06-28-2027 Mercy Health Cincinnati LLC Master Research Services Agreement Role:PI 0.00 Active
Grant: #R01NR020184 Investigators:Tamilyn Bakas (PI), Elaine Miller, Holly Jones, Matt Rota, Natalie Kreitzer, Brett Harnett, Kari Dunning, Heidi Sucharew 04-12-2022 -01-31-2027 National Institute of Nursing Research Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Stroke Caregivers (TASK III) Role:PI $2,945,052 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #R01NR020184 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Dunning, Kari; Harnett, Brett; Jones, Holly; Kreitzer, Natalie; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 04-12-2022 -01-31-2023 National Institute of Nursing Research Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Stroke Caregivers (TASK III) Role:PI 636524.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #1K23 HD102555-01A1 Investigators:Natalie Kreitzer (PI), Tamilyn Bakas (Primary Mentor), Ope Adeoye (Co-Mentor), Brad Kurowski (Co-Mentor), Shari Wade (Co-Mentor) 04-01-2021 -03-31-2026 NIH/CCHD-K Caregiver Wellness after Traumatic Brain Injury (CG-WELL): An Intervention Designed to Promote Well-being in Caregivers of Acute Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries Role:Co-Mentor $878,013 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #NIH K08 DA049948-01A1 Investigators:Brittany Punches (PI), Michael Lyons (Primary Mentor), Gordon Gillespie (Co-Mentor), Jennifer Brown (Co-Mentor), Tamilyn Bakas (Collaborator), Jill Martin-Boone (Collaborator), Uwe Stolz (Collaborator), 04-01-2021 -03-31-2026 NIH Decision-Making Factors for Therapeutic Opioid Use after Emergency Care Role:Collaborator $1,051,269 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1K23NR019081-01A1 Investigators:Weber, A.M. (PI), Kaplan, H. (Primary Mentor), Bakas, T. (Co-Mentor) 09-25-2020 -07-31-2023 NIH National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) PREEMIE PROGRESS: A family management program for parents of preterm infants Role:Co-Mentor $454,960 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Kreitzer, N., Adeoye, O., Bakas, T., Kurowski, B. 07-15-2019 -06-14-2021 NeuroNEXT, University of Cincinnati Development and Validation of a Caregiver Checklist and Intervention after TBI. Role:Co-Mentor $20,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #KL2 1UL1TR001425 Investigators:Perazzo, J., (KL2 PI), Fichtenbaum, C.J. (KL2 Primary Mentor), Del Rio, C., Bakas, T., Bauermeister, J., Lambert, J.W., 07-01-2019 -06-30-2022 NIH - University of Cincinnati CCTST Pathway2Health Intervention for HIV care Role:Expert Advisor $292,861 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1 K01 HL141676-01A1 Investigators:Jones, H. (PI), Bakas, T. (Primary Mentor), Butsch-Kovacic, M. (Co-Mentor), Lambert, J. (Biostatistician) 07-01-2019 -06-30-2022 NIH - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Stress-reduction Wellness Program for Midlife Black Women (B-SWELL) Role:Primary Mentor $522,660 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Shehab, M. (PI), Bakas, T. (Dissertation Chairperson), Brehm, B., Cohen, R. 04-01-2019 -05-30-2020 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing: Beta Iota Chapter The Accuracy and Feasibility of a Smartphone Application for Carbohydrate Counting in Adults with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes. Role:Dissertation Chairperson $3950 Active Type:Grant Level:Regional
Grant: #1003898-01 sub AHA 17MCPRP33670674 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn 08-01-2018 -06-30-2019 American Heart Association - National Chapter Developing a Quality of Relationship Intervention to Prevent Depression in Stroke Survivors and Caregivers Role:PI $11,716.56 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #1 R21 NR016992-01 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn (PI), Miller, Elaine (Co-I), Brehm, Bonnie (Co-I), Dunning, Kari (Co-I), McCarthy, Michael (Co-I), Rota, Matthew (Co-I), Sucharew, Heidi (Co-I), Kissela, Brett (Co-I) 07-20-2018 -06-30-2021 National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Caregiver Self-Management Needs Through Skill-Building Role:PI $455,388 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1R21NR016992-01A1 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Brehm, Bonnie; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett; McCarthy, Michael; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 07-20-2018 -06-30-2021 National Institute of Nursing Research Caregiver Self-Management Needs through Skill-Building Role:PI 455388.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01AG056325-01A1 Investigators:Fowler, N. (PI), Callahan, C., Boustani, M., Gao, S., Perkins, A., Head, K., & Bakas, T. 07-01-2018 -06-30-2023 NIH - National Institute of Aging The Caregiver Outcomes of Alzheimer’s Disease Screening (COADS) Trial Role:Consultant $3,238,803 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Kum, C. (PI), Bakas, T. (Faculty Advisor/Primary Mentor) 05-24-2018 -05-25-2021 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation adn the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Robert Wood Johnson Future of Nursing Scholar Role:Faculty Advisor/Primary Mentor $125,000 Active Type:Fellowship Level:National
Grant: #17MCPRP33670674 Investigators:McCarthy, Michael (PI), Bakas, Tamilyn (Primary Mentor); Kissela, Brett (Co-I); Kleindorfer, Dawn (Co-I); Whitton, Sarah (Co-I) 07-01-2017 -06-30-2019 American Heart Association - Mentored Clinical and Population Research Award; Development and Validation of a Quality of Relationship Intervention to Prevent Depression in Stroke Survivors and Caregivers; Role:Primary Mentor $152,630.00 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:PI: Natalie Kreitzer, Co-I Opeolu Adeoye, Co-I Christopher Lindsell, Co-I Brad Kurowski, Co-I Tamilyn Bakas 07-01-2016 -06-30-2017 UCNI-Neurobiology Research Center Pilot Research Program, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Needs and Concerns of the Traumatic Brain Injured Patient Admitted to the ICU Role:Co-I $24,967 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:PI: Michael McCarthy, Co-PI Eric Nelson, Co-I Tamilyn Bakas 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 College of Medicine Targeted Seed Grant: Stress Studio Category: The Biology of Empathy/Caregiver Stress, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH Understanding Critical Stress Episodes for Stroke Caregivers Role:Co-I $24,417 Withdrawn Type:Grant
Investigators:PI: Aimee Deitz, Co-PI: Michael McCarthy, Co-I: Tamilyn Bakas, Co-I Dana Harley, Co-I Rachel Gleason, Co-I Jennifer Vannest, Co-I Kari Dunning 05-01-2016 -Bad Format: 20170431 College of Allied Health Sciences Collaborative Research Proposal, (CAHS) University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Adapted Yoga for Chronic Post Stroke Aphasia. Role:Co-I $9900 Withdrawn Type:Grant
Grant: #1-UL1TR001425-01 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn (PI); Miller, ET (Co-I); Dunning, K (Co-I); Brehm, B (Co-I); McCarthy, M (Co-I); Rota, M (Co-I) 04-2016 -09-2016 NIH Clinical and translational Science Award (CTSA): CCTST Pilot Grant Program: Processes and Methods Pilot Grant. University of Cincinnati CCTST, Cincinnati OH Self-management of African American Stroke Caregiver Needs through Skill-Building Role:PI $10,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Sampsel, D. (PI); Bakas, T. (Co-PI); and others (Co-I) 01-2016 -12-2016 University of Cincinnnati and UC Health; Health Care Delivery Innovation Competition, Cincinnati OH The T-CHAT Project: Using telehealth to optimize healthy independent living in older adults Role:Co-PI $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #1R01AG043465 Investigators:Monahan, Patrick, O. (PI); Bakas, T.; Boustani, M.; Callahan, C.; Kroenke, K.; 08-01-2013 -05-31-2016 National Institute of Aging DEVELOP AND VALIDATE TOOL TO MONITOR PATIENT CENTERED OUTCOMES THROUGH CAREGIVERS Role:Co-investigator $1,526,270 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:PI: Doug Poe, Co-PI Tamilyn Bakas 09-01-2012 -08-31-2013 Indiana Minority Health Coalition, Indianapolis Indiana (in partnership with American Indian Center, Indianapolis, IN). Access to Health-care and Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Practices of American Indians and their Family Caregivers Living in Indiana. Role:Co-PI $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #R21NR013755 Investigators:Lu, Yueh-Feng Yvonne (PI); Austrom, M.; Bakas, T.; Haase, J.; Weaver, M.T. 07-05-2012 -07-30-2016 National Institute of Nursing Research MEANINGFUL ACTIVITY INTERVENTION FOR PERSONS WITH MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT Role:Co-investigator $418,860 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:PI Wendy R. Miller, Primary Sponsor: Tamilyn Bakas, Co-Sponsor: Malaz Boustani, Co-Sponsor: Jan Buelow 06-01-2012 -12-31-2015 KL2 CTSI Faculty Fellowship, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN Development of a Tailored Epilepsy Self-Management Intervention for Older Adults. Role:Primary Sponsor $75,000 plus $7,500 pilot Completed Type:Fellowship
Grant: #1R01NR010388 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn (PI); McLennon, S.M.; Weaver, M.T.; Habermann, B.; Li, Y; Morrison, G. 05-21-2010 -02-28-2016 National Institute of Nursing Research TELEPHONE ASSESSMENT AND SKILL-BUILDING INTERVENTION FOR STROKE CAREGIVERS Role:PI $1,885,969 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #5F31NR010156 Investigators:Johnson, E.A. (PI); Bakas, T. (Sponsor); Pressler, S.J. (Co-Sponsor); Williams, L.S. 09-01-2006 -05-31-2008 National Institute of Nursing Research FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH POST-STROKE DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS AND QUALITY OF LIFE Role:Primary Sponsor $51,570 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1K01NR008712 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn (PI); Farran, C. (Sponsor); Austin, J.K. (Co-Sponsor); Given, B. (Co-Sponsor) 05-01-2004 -03-31-2007 National Institute of Nursing Research CAREGIVER TELEPHONE ASSESSMENT AND SKILL-BUILDING KIT Role:PI $270,301 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #5R01NS039571 Investigators:Williams, Linda S. (PI); Bakas, T.; Kroenke, K.; Tu, W.; Weinberger, M. 09-30-2000 -06-30-2005 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke RANDOMIZED TRIAL OF TREATMENT FOR POST-STROKE DEPRESSION Role:Co-investigator $2,239,110 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Published Abstracts
Jones, H.J., Kovacic, M.B., & Bakas, T. (2021. ) Establishing validity of a midlife black women wellness program. Circulation,
Bakas, T., ., Sucharew, H., Brehm, B.J., Dunning, K., McCarthy, M.J., Rota, M., Israel, J., Stacy, K., Kissela, B., & Miller, E.L. (2021. ) Feasibility of the Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK III) for stroke family caregivers. .[Abstract]Circulation,
McCarthy, M.J., Garcia, Y.E., Lyons, K.S., Sanchez, A., & Bakas, T. (2020. ) Feasibility test of a customizable relationship intervention for stroke survivor-family caregiver dyads. .[Abstract]Gerontologist.,
McCarthy, M.J., Sanchez, A., Garcia, Y.E., Dunn, D., Williamson, H., Baldwin, J., & Bakas, T., (2020. ) Systematic review of interventions for Latinx and American Indian family dyads coping with chronic illness. .[Abstract]Gerontologist. ,
Gaillard, T., Miller, E.T., Bakas, T. (2018. ) Assessment of traditional and non-traditional risk factors in older adults with and without metabolic syndrome. American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA. .[Abstract]Stroke, 49. ,
McCarthy, M., Bakas, T., Nelson, E., Shellinger, J., Black, K., & Kissela, B. (2018. ) Association between incongruence about survivor function and outcomes among stroke survivors and family caregivers. American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA. .[Abstract]Stroke, 49 ,
Bakas T, McLennon S, & Miller ET. (2017. ) Satisfaction with the Stroke Caregiver Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK II). American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, Houston, TX. February 22, 2017 .[Abstract]Stroke, 48 ,A25
Gaillard T, Miller ET, Sampsel D, & Bakas T. (2017. ) Mild Cognitive Impairment the New Risk Factor for Stroke? American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, Houston, TX. February 22, 2017. Stroke. , 48 ,A25
Bakas, T., Austin, J.K., Habermann, B., Jessup, N., McLennon, S.M., Mitchell, P.H., Morrison, G., Yang, Z., Stump, T., Weaver, M.T. (2016. ) Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit for Stroke Caregivers (TASK II): A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Late Breaking Abstracts Poster Presentation at the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN, February 1-13, 2015. .[Abstract]Stroke, 46 ,LB P7.
McLennon, S.M., Bakas, T., & Jessup, N. (2015. ) Stroke Family Caregiver Perceptions of Palliative and End of Life Care Needs. Oral Presentation at the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN, February 1-13, 2015 .[Abstract]Stroke, 46 ,A69
Peer Reviewed Publications
Williams-Farrelly, Monica M; Schroeder, Matthew W; Li, Claudia; Perkins, Anthony J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Head, Katharine J; Boustani, Malaz; Fowler, Nicole R (2024. ) Loneliness in older primary care patients and its relationship to physical and mental health-related quality of life.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, , More Information
Jones, Holly J; Kovacic, Melinda Butsch; Bacchus, Patricia; Almallah, Wala'a; Bakas, Tamilyn (2024. ) Participant Satisfaction in a Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Intervention for Midlife Black Women.Western journal of nursing research, , 46 (1 ) ,3-9 More Information
Kum, Cleopatra; Jones, Holly J; Miller, Elaine L; Kreitzer, Natalie; Bakas, Tamilyn (2024. ) Theoretically Based Factors Associated With Stroke Family Caregiver Health.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 49 (3 ) ,86-94 More Information
Shehab, Mohammad; Cohen, Robert M; Brehm, Bonnie; Bakas, Tamilyn (2024. ) Accuracy and Feasibility of Using a Smartphone Application for Carbohydrate Counting Versus Traditional Carbohydrate Counting for Adults With Insulin-Treated Diabetes.Journal of diabetes science and technology, , 19322968241248606 More Information
Abu-Alhaija, Dania; Bakas, Tamilyn; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Miller, Elaine (2023. ) The Factors That Influence Chemotherapy Exposure Among Nurses: An Integrative Review.Workplace health & safety, , 21650799221140583 More Information
Kreitzer, Natalie; Adeoye, Opeolu; Wade, Shari L; Kurowki, Brad G; Thomas, Stephanie; Gillespie, Lauren; Bakas, Tamilyn (2023. ) Iterative Development of the Caregiver Wellness After Traumatic Brain Injury Program (CG-Well).The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, , More Information
Weber, Ashley; Bakas, Tamilyn; Schulman-Green, Dena; Voos, Kristin C; Rice, Jared B; Bailey, Richard; Reigel, Alexandra; Oudat, Qutaibah; Holmes, Maya; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L; Kaplan, Heather C (2023. ) Family Management Skills Reported by Parents of Preterm Infants in the NICU Using the Self- and Family Management Framework (SFMF).Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, , More Information
Abu-Alhaija, Dania; Miller, Elaine; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Bakas, Tamilyn (2023. ) Psychometric Testing of the Oncology Nurses Health Behaviors Determinants Scale: A Cross-Sectional Study.Seminars in oncology nursing, , 39 (6 ) ,151515 More Information
Fowler, Nicole R; Perkins, Anthony J; Park, Seho; Schroeder, Matthew W; Boustani, Malaz A; Head, Katharine J; Bakas, Tamilyn (2023. ) Relationship between health-related quality of life, depression, and anxiety in older primary care patients and their family members.Aging & mental health, , 1-7 More Information
Stacy, Kelly E; Lambert, Joshua; Shatz, Rhonna; Bakas, Tamilyn (2023. ) Development and Validation of the Lewy Body Disease Caregiver Activities Scale.Journal of nursing measurement, , 31 (4 ) ,606-614 More Information
Oudat, Qutaibah; Bakas, Tamilyn (2023. ) Merits and Pitfalls of Social Media as a Platform for Recruitment of Study Participants.Journal of medical Internet research, , 25 ,e47705 More Information
Punches, Brittany E; Brown, Jennifer L; Taul, Natalie K; Sall, Hawa A; Bakas, Tamilyn; Gillespie, Gordon L; Martin-Boone, Jill E; Boyer, Edward W; Lyons, Michael S (2023. ) Patient motivators to use opioids for acute pain after emergency care.Frontiers in pain research (Lausanne, Switzerland), , 4 ,1151704 More Information
Seibert, Tara; Schroeder, Matthew W; Perkins, Anthony J; Park, Seho; Batista-Malat, Eleanor; Head, Katharine J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Boustani, Malaz; Fowler, Nicole R (2022. ) The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Older Primary Care Patients and Their Family Members.Journal of aging research, , 2022 ,6909413 More Information
Jones, Holly J; Butsch Kovacic, Melinda; Lambert, Joshua; Almallah, Wala'a R; Becker, Richard; de Las Fuentes, Lisa; Bakas, Tamilyn (2022. ) A randomized feasibility trial of the Midlife Black Women's Stress and Wellness intervention (B-SWELL); a community participatory intervention to increase adoption of Life's Simple 7 healthy lifestyle behaviors.Translational behavioral medicine, , More Information
Miller, Elaine T; Stacy, Kelly E; Bakas, Tamilyn (2022. ) Stroke Family Caregiver Life Changes From the COVID-19 Pandemic.The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 54 (4 ) ,159-164 More Information
Abu-Alhaija, Dania; Miller, Elaine; Bakas, Tamilyn; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth (2022. ) The Development and the Content Validation of the Oncology Nurses Health Behaviors Determinants Scale.Seminars in oncology nursing, , 151317 More Information
Head, Katharine J; Hartsock, Jane A; Bakas, Tamilyn; Boustani, Malaz A; Schroeder, Matthew; Fowler, Nicole R (2022. ) Development of Written Materials for Participants in an Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Screening Trial.Journal of patient experience, , 9 ,23743735221092573 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McCarthy, Michael J; Miller, Elaine L (2022. ) Systematic Review of the Evidence for Stroke Family Caregiver and Dyad Interventions.Stroke, , STROKEAHA121034090 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Miller, Elaine L. (2022. ) Family Caregiving across the Lifespan and Conditions: Special Issue on Family Caregiving.Western journal of nursing research, , 44 (3 ) ,203-204 More Information
Chung, Shu-Yu; Bakas, Tamilyn; Rawl, Susan M; Welch, Janet; Jones, Josette; Ellis, Rebecca; Hacker, Eileen D (2022. ) The Kidney Transplant Self-Management Scale: Instrument Development and Psychometric Testing.Western journal of nursing research, , 1939459211072368 More Information
Jones, Holly J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Nared, Sheila; Humphries, Jacqueline; Wijesooriya, Julie; Butsch Kovacic, Melinda (2022. ) Co-Designing a Program to Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Midlife Black Women.International journal of environmental research and public health, , 19 (3 ) , More Information
Thomas, Anisa O; Bakas, Tamilyn; Miller, Elaine; Johnson, Kimberly; Cooley, Heather L Tubbs (2022. ) Burnout and Turnover among NICU Nurses.MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing, , 47 (1 ) ,33-39 More Information
Jones, Holly J; Kovacic, Melinda Butsch; Bakas, Tamilyn (2021. ) Establishing Validity of the Midlife Black Women's Stress-Reduction Wellness Program Materials Using a Mixed Methods Approach.The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, , More Information
McCarthy, M.J., Sanchez, A., Garcia, Y.E., Lyons, K.S., & Bakas, T. (2021. ) Feasibility of the “Hand in Hand” relationship intervention for stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: A randomized trial. .Research on Social Work Practice, , 31 (1 ) ,75 -89More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McCarthy, Michael J; Israel, Jahmeel; Brehm, Bonnie J; Dunning, Kari; Rota, Matthew; Turner, Mickenna; Miller, Elaine L (2021. ) Adapting the telephone assessment and skill-building kit to the telehealth technology preferences of stroke family caregivers.Research in nursing & health, , 44 (1 ) ,81-91 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Jones, Holly; Israel, Jahmeel; Kum, Cleopatra; Miller, Elaine L (2021. ) Designing and Evaluating a Goal-Setting Tip Sheet for Stroke Family Caregiver Health.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Commiskey, Patricia (2021. ) Stroke Family Caregiving and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact and Future Directions.Stroke, , 52 (4 ) ,1415-1417 More Information
McCarthy, Michael J; Sanchez, Angelica; Garcia, Y Evie; Bakas, Tamilyn (2021. ) A systematic review of psychosocial interventions for Latinx and American Indian patient-family caregiver dyads coping with chronic health conditions.Translational behavioral medicine, , More Information
Weber, Ashley; Kaplan, Heather; Voos, Kristin; Elder, Mason; Close, Emma; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather; Bakas, Tamilyn; Hall, Sue (2021. ) Neonatal Nurses' Report of Family-Centered Care Resources and Practices.Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, , More Information
Kum, Cleopatra; Miller, Elaine L; Jones, Holly; Kean, Emily B; Kreitzer, Natalie; Bakas, Tamilyn (2021. ) Theoretically Based Factors Affecting Stroke Family Caregiver Health: An Integrative Review.Western journal of nursing research, , 1939459211050955 More Information
Stacy, Kelly E; Perazzo, Joseph; Shatz, Rhonna; Bakas, Tamilyn (2021. ) Needs and Concerns of Lewy Body Disease Family Caregivers: A Qualitative Study.Western journal of nursing research, , 1939459211050957 More Information
Almojaibel, Abdullah A; Munk, Niki; Goodfellow, Lynda T; Fisher, Thomas F; Miller, Kristine K; Comer, Amber R; Bakas, Tamilyn; Justiss, Michael D (2021. ) Determinants of Telerehabilitation Acceptance among Patients Attending Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs in the United States.Saudi journal of medicine & medical sciences, , 9 (3 ) ,230-234 More Information
Weber, Ashley M; Voos, Kristin C; Bakas, Tamilyn M; Rice, Jared B; Blatz, Mary Ann; Ribeiro, Ana Paula Duarte; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L; Rota, Matthew J; Kaplan, Heather C (2021. ) A clinical-academic partnership to develop a family management intervention for parents of preterm infants.Journal of clinical nursing, , More Information
Dietz, Aimee; Mamlekar, Chitrali R; Bakas, Katrina L; McCarthy, Michael J; Harley, Dana; Bakas, Tamilyn (2020. ) A scoping review of PhotoVoice for people with post-stroke aphasia.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 28 (3 ) ,219-235 More Information
Ogboenyiya, Anisa A; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L; Miller, Elaine; Johnson, Kimberly; Bakas, Tamilyn (2020. ) Missed Nursing Care in Pediatric and Neonatal Care Settings: An Integrative Review.MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing, , 45 (5 ) ,254-264 More Information
Kreitzer, Natalie; Bakas, Tamilyn; Kurowski, Brad; Lindsell, Christopher J; Ferioli, Simona; Foreman, Brandon; Ngwenya, Laura B; Thomas, Stephanie; Keegan, Sara; Adeoye, Opeolu (2020. ) The Experience of Caregivers Following a Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Requiring ICU Admission.The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, , 35 (3 ) ,E299-E309 More Information
McCarthy, Michael J; Garcia, Y Evie; Dunn, Dorothy J; Lyons, Karen S; Bakas, Tamilyn (2020. ) Development and validation of a quality of relationship intervention for stroke survivor-family caregiver dyads.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 27 (4 ) ,305-315 More Information
Fowler, Nicole R; Head, Katharine J; Perkins, Anthony J; Gao, Sujuan; Callahan, Christopher M; Bakas, Tamilyn; Suarez, Shelley D; Boustani, Malaz A (2020. ) Examining the benefits and harms of Alzheimer's disease screening for family members of older adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Trials, , 21 (1 ) ,202 More Information
McCarthy, Michael J; Lyons, Karen S; Schellinger, Jeffrey; Stapleton, Katie; Bakas, Tamilyn (2020. ) Interpersonal relationship challenges among stroke survivors and family caregivers.Social work in health care, , 59 (2 ) ,91-107 More Information
Alhaj Ali, Abeer; Miller, Elaine; Ballman, Kathleen; Bakas, Tamilyn; Geis, Gary; Ying, Jun (2020. ) The impact of debriefing modalities on nurse practitioner students' knowledge and leadership skills in managing fatal dysrhythmias: A pilot study.Nurse education in practice, , 42 ,102687 More Information
Jones, Holly J; Norwood, Carolette R; Bankston, Karen; Bakas, Tamilyn (2020. ) Stress Reduction Strategies Used by Midlife Black Women to Target Cardiovascular Risk.The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, , 34 (6 ) ,483-490 More Information
Almojaibel, Abdullah A; Munk, Niki; Goodfellow, Lynda T; Fisher, Thomas F; Miller, Kristine K; Comer, Amber R; Bakas, Tamilyn; Justiss, Michael D (2020. ) Health Care Practitioners' Determinants of Telerehabilitation Acceptance.International journal of telerehabilitation, , 12 (1 ) ,43-50 More Information
Arter, Sara; Miller, Elaine; Bakas, Tamilyn; Cooper, David S (2019. ) Psychometric testing of the developmental care scale for neonates with congenital heart disease.Cardiology in the young, , 1-7 More Information
Monahan, Patrick O; Kroenke, Kurt; Callahan, Christopher M; Bakas, Tamilyn; Harrawood, Amanda; Lofton, Phillip; Frye, Danielle; Draucker, Claire; Stump, Timothy; Saliba, Debra; Galvin, James E; Keegan, Amanda; Austrom, Mary G; Boustani, Malaz (2019. ) Reliability and Validity of SymTrak, a Multi-Domain Tool for Monitoring Symptoms of Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions.Journal of general internal medicine, , 34 (6 ) ,908-914 More Information
Monahan, Patrick O; Kroenke, Kurt; Callahan, Christopher M; Bakas, Tamilyn; Harrawood, Amanda; Lofton, Phillip; Frye, Danielle; Draucker, Claire; Stump, Timothy; Saliba, Debra; Galvin, James E; Keegan, Amanda; Austrom, Mary G; Boustani, Malaz (2019. ) Development and Feasibility of SymTrak, aMulti-domain Tool for Monitoring Symptoms of Older Adults in Primary Care.Journal of general internal medicine, , 34 (6 ) ,915-922 More Information
Almojaibel, Abdullah A; Munk, Niki; Goodfellow, Lynda T; Fisher, Thomas F; Miller, Kristine K; Comer, Amber R; Bakas, Tamilyn; Justiss, Michael D (2019. ) Development and Validation of the Tele-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Acceptance Scale.Respiratory care, , More Information
Chung, Shu-Yu; Hacker, Eileen D; Rawl, Susan; Ellis, Rebecca; Bakas, Tamilyn; Jones, Josette; Welch, Janet (2019. ) Using Facebook in Recruiting Kidney Transplant Recipients for a REDCap Study.Western journal of nursing research, , 193945919832600 More Information
Kreitzer, Natalie; Rath, Kelly; Kurowski, Brad G; Bakas, Tamilyn; Hart, Kim; Lindsell, Christopher J; Adeoye, Opeolu (2019. ) Rehabilitation Practices in Patients With Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, , More Information
Burke, Sara; Miller, Elaine; Bakas, Tamilyn; Cooper, David (2019. ) Content validity of the developmental care scale for neonates with CHD.Cardiology in the young, , 29 (1 ) ,48-53 More Information
Kreitzer, N., Bakas, T., Kurowski, B., Lindsell, C., Ferioli, S., Foreman, B., Ngwenya, L., Thomas, S., Keegan, S., Adeoye, O. (2019. ) The experience of caregivers following a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury requiring ICU admission. .Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. , ,
McCarthy, Michael J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Schellinger, Jeffrey; Stapleton, Katie; Kissela, Brett M (2018. ) Association between incongruence about survivor function and outcomes among stroke survivors and family caregivers.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 25 (8 ) ,569-575 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Sampsel, Debi; Israel, Jahmeel; Chamnikar, Ameya; Ellard, Angela; Clark, John Greer; Ulrich, Megan Gresham; Vanderelst, Dieter (2018. ) Satisfaction and Technology Evaluation of a Telehealth Robotic Program to Optimize Healthy Independent Living for Older Adults.Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, , 50 (6 ) ,666-675 More Information
Hopgood, Daniel A; Czosek, Richard J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Garritano, Nicole; Gillespie, Gordon L (2018. ) The Capture Gap: Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Quality of Life.Clinical nursing research, , 1054773818803741 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Sampsel, Debi; Israel, Jahmeel; Chamnikar, Ameya; Bodnarik, Barbara; Clark, John Greer; Ulrich, Megan Gresham; Vanderelst, Dieter (2018. ) Using telehealth to optimize healthy independent living for older adults: A feasibility study.Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.), , 39 (5 ) ,566-573 More Information
Kreitzer, Natalie; Kurowski, Brad G; Bakas, Tamilyn (2018. ) Systematic Review of Caregiver and Dyad Interventions After Adult Traumatic Brain Injury.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 99 (11 ) ,2342-2354 More Information
Dunbar, Sandra B; Khavjou, Olga A; Bakas, Tamilyn; Hunt, Gail; Kirch, Rebecca A; Leib, Alyssa R; Morrison, R Sean; Poehler, Diana C; Roger, Veronique L; Whitsel, Laurie P (2018. ) Projected Costs of Informal Caregiving for Cardiovascular Disease: 2015 to 2035: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association.Circulation, , 137 (19 ) ,e558-e577 More Information
Scarton, Lisa J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Miller, Wendy R; McLennon, Susan M; Huber, Lesa L; Hull, Margie A (2017. ) Development and Psychometric Testing of the Diabetes Caregiver Activity and Support Scale.The Diabetes educator, , 43 (5 ) ,465-475 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McCarthy, Michael; Miller, Elaine T (2017. ) Update on the State of the Evidence for Stroke Family Caregiver and Dyad Interventions.Stroke, , 48 (5 ) ,e122-e125 More Information
Miller, Wendy R; Weaver, Michael; Bakoyannis, Girogos; Bakas, Tamilyn; Buelow, Janice; Sabau, Dragos (2017. ) Psychometric Testing of the Life Changes in Epilepsy Scale.Journal of nursing measurement, , 25 (1 ) ,41-55 More Information
Reynolds, Staci Sue; McLennon, Susan M; Ebright, Patricia R; Murray, Laura L; Bakas, Tamilyn (2017. ) Program evaluation of neuroscience competency programs to implement evidence-based practices.Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, , 23 (1 ) ,149-155 More Information
Reynolds, Staci Sue; Murray, Laura L; McLennon, Susan M; Bakas, Tamilyn (2016. ) Implementation of a Stroke Competency Program to Improve Nurses' Knowledge of and Adherence to Stroke Guidelines.The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 48 (6 ) ,328-335 More Information
Reynolds, Staci Sue; Murray, Laura L; McLennon, Susan M; Ebright, Patricia R; Bakas, Tamilyn (2016. ) Implementation Strategies to Improve Knowledge and Adherence to Spinal Cord Injury Guidelines.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , More Information
McLennon, Susan M; Hancock, Rebecca D; Redelman, Kathleen; Scarton, Lisa J; Riley, Elizabeth; Sweeney, Bobbie; Habermann, Barbara; Jessup, Nenette M; Bakas, Tamilyn (2016. ) Comparing treatment fidelity between study arms of a randomized controlled clinical trial for stroke family caregivers.Clinical rehabilitation, , 30 ,495-507 More Information
Sullivan, Barbara-Jean; Marcuccilli, Linda; Sloan, Rebecca; Gradus-Pizlo, Irmina; Bakas, Tamilyn; Jung, Miyeon; Pressler, Susan J (2016. ) Competence, Compassion, and Care of the Self: Family Caregiving Needs and Concerns in Heart Failure.The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, , 31 ,209-214 More Information
Chung, Misook L; Bakas, Tamilyn; Plue, Laura D; Williams, Linda S (2016. ) Effects of Self-esteem, Optimism, and Perceived Control on Depressive Symptoms in Stroke Survivor-Spouse Dyads.The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, , 31 ,E8-E16 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Jessup, Nenette M; McLennon, Susan M; Habermann, Barbara; Weaver, Michael T; Morrison, Gwendolyn (2016. ) Tracking patterns of needs during a telephone follow-up programme for family caregivers of persons with stroke.Disability and rehabilitation, , 38 ,1780-1790 More Information
Lu, Yvonne Yueh-Feng; Ellis, Jennifer; Yang, Ziyi; Weaver, Michael T; Bakas, Tamilyn; Austrom, Mary Guerriero; Haase, Joan E (2016. ) Satisfaction With a Family-Focused Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment Dyads.Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau, , 48 (4 ) ,334-44 More Information
Lu, Yvonne Yueh-Feng; Bakas, Tamilyn; Yang, Ziyi; Weaver, Michael T; Austrom, Mary Guerriero; Haase, Joan E (2016. ) Feasibility and Effect Sizes of the Revised Daily Engagement of Meaningful Activities Intervention for Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Their Caregivers.Journal of gerontological nursing, , 42 (3 ) ,45-58 More Information
Scarton, Lisa J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Poe, G Doug; Hull, Margie A; Ongwela, Loice A; Miller, Wendy R (2016. ) Needs and Concerns of Family Caregivers of American Indians, African Americans, and Caucasians With Type 2 Diabetes: a qualitative analysis.Clinical nursing research, , 25 ,139-156 More Information
Jessup, Nenette M; Bakas, Tamilyn; McLennon, Susan M; Weaver, Michael T (2015. ) Are there gender, racial or relationship differences in caregiver task difficulty, depressive symptoms and life changes among stroke family caregivers?.Brain injury, , 29 (1 ) ,17-24 More Information
Feather, Rebecca A; Ebright, Patricia; Bakas, Tamilyn (2015. ) Nurse Manager Behaviors That RNs Perceive to Affect Their Job Satisfaction.Nursing forum, , 50 (2 ) ,125-36 More Information
Miller, Wendy R; Bakas, Tamilyn; Weaver, Michael T; Buelow, Janice M; Sabau, Dragos (2015. ) The life changes in epilepsy scale: development and establishment of content and face validity.Clinical nurse specialist CNS, , 29 (2 ) ,95-9 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Austin, Joan K; Habermann, Barbara; Jessup, Nenette M; McLennon, Susan M; Mitchell, Pamela H; Morrison, Gwendolyn; Yang, Ziyi; Stump, Timothy E; Weaver, Michael T (2015. ) Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit for Stroke Caregivers: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 46 ,3478-3487 More Information
McLennon, Susan M; Bakas, Tamilyn; Jessup, Nenette M; Habermann, Barbara; Weaver, Michael T (2014. ) Task difficulty and life changes among stroke family caregivers: relationship to depressive symptoms.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 95 (12 ) ,2484-90 More Information
Welch, Janet L; Thomas-Hawkins, Charlotte; Bakas, Tamilyn; McLennon, Susan M; Byers, Doris M; Monetti, Catherine J; Decker, Brian S (2014. ) Needs, concerns, strategies, and advice of daily home hemodialysis caregivers.Clinical nursing research, , 23 (6 ) ,644-63 More Information
Marcuccilli, Linda; Casida, Jesus Jessie; Bakas, Tamilynn; Pagani, Francis D (2014. ) Family caregivers' inside perspectives: caring for an adult with a left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy.Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.), , 24 (4 ) ,332-40 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Clark, Patricia C; Kelly-Hayes, Margaret; King, Rosemarie B; Lutz, Barbara J; Miller, Elaine L (2014. ) Evidence for stroke family caregiver and dyad interventions: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 45 (9 ) ,2836-52 More Information
McLennon, Susan M; Bakas, Tamilyn; Habermann, Barbara; Meuser, Thomas M (2014. ) Content and face validity of the marwitmeuser caregiver grief inventory (short form) in African American caregivers.Death studies, , 38 (6-10 ) ,365-73 More Information
Scarton, Lisa J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Miller, Wendy R; Poe, G Doug; Huber, Lesa L (2014. ) Needs and Concerns of Family Caregivers of Persons With Type 2 Diabetes: An Integrated Review of Cross-cultural Literature With Implications for the American Indian Population.The Diabetes educator, , 40 (4 ) ,444-452 More Information
Pittman, Joyce; Bakas, Tamilyn; Ellett, Marsha; Sloan, Rebecca; Rawl, Susan M (2014. ) Psychometric evaluation of the ostomy complication severity index.Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society / WOCN, , 41 (2 ) ,147-57 More Information
Miller, Wendy R; Bakas, Tamilyn; Buelow, Janice M (2014. ) Problems, needs, and useful strategies in older adults self-managing epilepsy: implications for patient education and future intervention programs.Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, , 31 ,25-30 More Information
Miller, Wendy R; Buelow, Janice M; Bakas, Tamilyn (2014. ) Older adults and new-onset epilepsy: experiences with diagnosis.The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 46 (1 ) ,2-10 More Information
Miller, Wendy R; Bakas, Tamilyn; Buelow, Janice M; Habermann, Barbara (2013. ) Research involving participants with chronic diseases: overcoming recruitment obstacles.Clinical nurse specialist CNS, , 27 (6 ) ,307-13 More Information
Gonzalez, Carmanny; Bakas, Tamilyn (2013. ) Factors associated with stroke survivor behaviors as identified by family caregivers.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 38 (4 ) ,202-11 More Information
Lu, Yvonne Yueh-Feng; Bakas, Tamilyn; Haase, Joan E (2013. ) Cost template for meaningful activity intervention for mild cognitive impairment.Clinical nurse specialist CNS, , 27 (2 ) ,88-95 More Information
Daggett, Virginia S; Bakas, Tamilyn; Buelow, Janice; Habermann, Barbara; Murray, Laura L (2013. ) Needs and concerns of male combat Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of rehabilitation research and development, , 50 (3 ) ,327-40
Mosher, Catherine E; Bakas, Tamilyn; Champion, Victoria L (2013. ) Physical health, mental health, and life changes among family caregivers of patients with lung cancer.Oncology nursing forum, , 40 (1 ) ,53-61 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McLennon, Susan M; Carpenter, Janet S; Buelow, Janice M; Otte, Julie L; Hanna, Kathleen M; Ellett, Marsha L; Hadler, Kimberly A; Welch, Janet L (2012. ) Systematic review of health-related quality of life models.Health and quality of life outcomes, , 10 ,134 More Information
Wuchner, Staci Sue; Bakas, Tamilyn; Adams, Georgann; Buelow, Janice; Cohn, Jennifer (2012. ) Nursing interventions and assessments for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients: a mixed methods study involving practicing nurses.The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 44 (4 ) ,177-85; quiz 186-7 More Information
Schmid, Arlene A; Damush, Teresa; Tu, Wanzhu; Bakas, Tamilyn; Kroenke, Kurt; Hendrie, Hugh C; Williams, Linda S (2012. ) Depression improvement is related to social role functioning after stroke.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 93 (6 ) ,978-82 More Information
Johnson, Melissa; Cohn, Jennifer; Bakas, Tamilyn (2011. ) Emergency department nurses' perceived barriers and facilitators to caring for stroke patients.The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 43 (5 ) ,238-43; quiz 244-5 More Information
Schmid, A A; Kroenke, K; Hendrie, H C; Bakas, T; Sutherland, J M; Williams, L S (2011. ) Poststroke depression and treatment effects on functional outcomes.Neurology, , 76 (11 ) ,1000-5 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Li, Yong; Habermann, Barbara; McLennon, Susan M; Weaver, Michael T (2011. ) Developing a cost template for a nurse-led stroke caregiver intervention program.Clinical nurse specialist CNS, , 25 (1 ) ,41-6 More Information
Nauser, Julie A; Bakas, Tamilyn; Welch, Janet L (2011. ) A new instrument to measure quality of life of heart failure family caregivers.The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, , 26 (1 ) ,53-64 More Information
Johnson, Elizabeth A; Bakas, Tamilyn; Williams, Linda S (2011. ) Psychometric evaluation of the appraisal of health scale in stroke survivors. Journal of nursing measurement, , 19 (3 ) ,146-59
Pittman, Joyce; Bakas, Tamilyn (2010. ) Measurement and instrument design.Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society / WOCN, , 37 (6 ) ,603-7 More Information
Miller, Elaine L; Murray, Laura; Richards, Lorie; Zorowitz, Richard D; Bakas, Tamilyn; Clark, Patricia; Billinger, Sandra A (2010. ) Comprehensive overview of nursing and interdisciplinary rehabilitation care of the stroke patient: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 41 (10 ) ,2402-48 More Information
Johnson, Melissa; Bakas, Tamilyn (2010. ) A review of barriers to thrombolytic therapy: implications for nursing care in the emergency department. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 42 (2 ) ,88-94
Schmid, Arlene A; Damush, Teresa M; Plue, Laurie; Subramanian, Usha; Bakas, Tamilyn; Williams, Linda S (2009. ) Current blood pressure self-management: a qualitative study. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 34 (6 ) ,223-9
Schwamm, Lee H; Holloway, Robert G; Amarenco, Pierre; Audebert, Heinrich J; Bakas, Tamilyn; Chumbler, Neale R; Handschu, Rene; Jauch, Edward C; Knight, William A; Levine, Steven R; Mayberg, Marc; Meyer, Brett C; Meyers, Philip M; Skalabrin, Elaine; Wechsler, Lawrence R (2009. ) A review of the evidence for the use of telemedicine within stroke systems of care: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 40 (7 ) ,2616-34 More Information
Daggett, Virginia; Bakas, Tamilyn; Habermann, Barbara (2009. ) A review of health-related quality of life in adult traumatic brain injury survivors in the context of combat veterans. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 41 (2 ) ,59-71
Bakas, Tamilyn; Farran, Carol J; Austin, Joan K; Given, Barbara A; Johnson, Elizabeth A; Williams, Linda S (2009. ) Stroke caregiver outcomes from the Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK).Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 16 (2 ) ,105-21 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Farran, Carol J; Austin, Joan K; Given, Barbara A; Johnson, Elizabeth A; Williams, Linda S (2009. ) Content validity and satisfaction with a stroke caregiver intervention program.Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau, , 41 (4 ) ,368-75 More Information
Johnson, Elizabeth A; Bakas, Tamilyn; Lyon, Brenda L (2008. ) Cognitive Appraisal of Health Scale: early instrument development in stroke.Clinical nurse specialist CNS, , 22 (1 ) ,12-8 More Information
Halm, Margo A; Bakas, Tamilyn (2007. ) Factors associated with caregiver depressive symptoms, outcomes, and perceived physical health after coronary artery bypass surgery.The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, , 22 (6 ) ,508-15 More Information
Damush, Teresa M; Plue, Laurie; Bakas, Tamilyn; Schmid, Arlene; Williams, Linda S (2007. ) Barriers and facilitators to exercise among stroke survivors. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 32 (6 ) ,253-60, 262
Lu, Yueh-Feng Yvonne; Austrom, Mary Guerriero; Perkins, Susan M; Bakas, Tamilyn; Farlow, Martin R; He, Feng; Jin, Shelia; Gamst, Anthony (2007. ) Depressed mood in informal caregivers of individuals with mild cognitive impairment.American journal of Alzheimer, , 22 (4 ) ,273-85 More Information
Williams, Linda S; Kroenke, Kurt; Bakas, Tamilyn; Plue, Laurie D; Brizendine, Edward; Tu, Wanzhu; Hendrie, Hugh (2007. ) Care management of poststroke depression: a randomized, controlled trial.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 38 (3 ) ,998-1003 More Information
Johnson EA, Bakas T, & Williams LS (2007. ) Post-stroke depression: Focus on diagnosis and management during stroke rehabilitation .Geriatrics & Aging, , 10 (8 ) ,492-496
Bakas, Tamilyn; Champion, Victoria; Perkins, Susan M; Farran, Carol J; Williams, Linda S (2006. ) Psychometric testing of the revised 15-item Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scale. Nursing research, , 55 (5 ) ,346-55
Bakas, Tamilyn; Farran, Carol J; Williams, Linda S (2006. ) Writing with a collaborative team. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 31 (5 ) ,222-4
Williams, Linda S; Bakas, Tamilyn; Brizendine, Edward; Plue, Laurie; Tu, Wanzhu; Hendrie, Hugh; Kroenke, Kurt (2006. ) How valid are family proxy assessments of stroke patients' health-related quality of life?.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 37 (8 ) ,2081-5 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Pressler, Susan J; Johnson, Elizabeth A; Nauser, Julie A; Shaneyfelt, Terrence (2006. ) Family caregiving in heart failure. Nursing research, , 55 (3 ) ,180-8
Bakas, Tamilyn; Kroenke, Kurt; Plue, Laurie D; Perkins, Susan M; Williams, Linda S (2006. ) Outcomes among family caregivers of aphasic versus nonaphasic stroke survivors. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 31 (1 ) ,33-42
Williams, Linda S; Brizendine, Edward J; Plue, Laurie; Bakas, Tamilyn; Tu, Wanzhu; Hendrie, Hugh; Kroenke, Kurt (2005. ) Performance of the PHQ-9 as a screening tool for depression after stroke.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 36 (3 ) ,635-8 More Information
Maze, Lenora M; Bakas, Tamilyn (2004. ) Factors associated with hospital arrival time for stroke patients. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 36 (3 ) ,136-41, 155
Bakas, Tamilyn; Austin, Joan K; Jessup, Samantha L; Williams, Linda S; Oberst, Marilyn T (2004. ) Time and difficulty of tasks provided by family caregivers of stroke survivors. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 36 (2 ) ,95-106
Bakas, Tamilyn; Austin, Joan K; Okonkwo, Kenechi F; Lewis, Rebecca R; Chadwick, Linda (2002. ) Needs, concerns, strategies, and advice of stroke caregivers the first 6 months after discharge. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 34 (5 ) ,242-51
Bakas, Tamilyn; Burgener, Sandy C (2002. ) Predictors of emotional distress, general health, and caregiving outcomes in family caregivers of stroke survivors.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 9 (1 ) ,34-45 More Information
Mather, Kristin Funderburg; Bakas, Tamilyn (2002. ) Nursing assistants' perceptions of their ability to provide continence care. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.), , 23 (2 ) ,76-81
Bakas, T; Lewis, R R; Parsons, J E (2001. ) Caregiving tasks among family caregivers of patients with lung cancer. Oncology nursing forum, , 28 (5 ) ,847-54
Bakas, T; Champion, V (1999. ) Development and psychometric testing of the Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scale. Nursing research, , 48 (5 ) ,250-9
Burgener, S C; Bakas, T; Murray, C; Dunahee, J; Tossey, S (1998. ) Effective caregiving approaches for patients with Alzheimer's disease. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.), , 19 (3 ) ,121-6
Invited Publications
Kreitzer, N., Rodrigues, N., & Bakas, T. (2023. ) Recommendations for Family Presence at the Bedside in Neurocritical Care. .Current Treatment Options in Neurology, 25 ,369 More Information
Book Chapter
Bakas, T. & Scarton, L. (2015 ) Chapter 47: Stroke and the Family Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation (2nd ed.) .(pp. 782).New York, NY, Demos Medical Publishing (Author)
Bakas, T. (2009 ) Chapter 42: Stroke and the Family Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation .Woodbridge, CT, Demos Publishing. (Author)
Backer, J., Bakas, T., Bennett, S., & Pierce, P. (2000 ) Coping with stress: Programs of nursing research. Handbook of Stress, Coping, and Health: Implications for Nursing Research, Theory, and Practice. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications (Co-Author)
Deets, C. & Jones, T (AKA Bakas) (1990 ) The bases of social power Practice, theory, and research in nursing administration .(pp. 192).New York, NY, C.V. Mosby (Co-Author)
Encyclopedia Article
Bakas, T. (2023. ) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being .143-2, Switzerland, Springer (Author)
Bakas, T. & Reynolds, SS. (2017. ) J.J. Fitzpatrick (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (ENR). 4th ed., New York, Springer
Bakas, T. (2014. ) A.C. Michalos. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Volume 1 .Heidelberg, Germany, Springer (Author)
Bakas, T. & Wuchner, S. (2012. ) J.J. Fitzpatrick & M. Wallace (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (ENR) (3rd ed.) .492New York, NY, Springer (Author)
Bakas, T. (2006. ) J.J. Fitzpatrick & M. Wallace (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (ENR) (2nd ed.) .New York, NY, Springer (Author)
Invited Presentations
Miller, E.L., Stacy, K., & Bakas, T. (01-18-2024. ) Stroke Family Caregiver Life Changes During COVID. .Sigma Theta Tau Eta Nu Chapter Membership Education Session, , Virtual. . Level:Regional
Sampsel, D. & Bakas, T. (01-09-2024. ) The Future of Telehealth Nursing. .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Alumni Presentation, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Bakas, T. (09-20-2023. ) Research Accomplishments at the UC College of Nursing. University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, , Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Bakas, T. (10-19-2022. ) The UC College of Nursing: Opportunities for Collaboration. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds,, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Bakas, T. (05-17-2022. ) The Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK III) for Stroke Family Caregivers. University of Cincinnati UC Health Stroke Team, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Bakas, T. (01-28-2022. ) The Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK III) for Stroke Family Caregivers. Cincinnati Center for Clinical Effectiveness, CCTST, University of Cincinnati,, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Bakas, T. (03-03-2021. ) Mentoring the Research-Focused Doctoral Student. .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing INRS Educational Forum, , Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Bakas, T. (11-10-2019. ) Unpaid but not free: Economic and health impacts of family caregiving in cardiovascular diseases. .American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL.
Miller, E.T., Bakas, T. (02-06-2019. ) NIH/NINR Caregiver Self-Management Needs through Skill-Building .American Stroke Association, International Stroke Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. Conference. . Level:International
Lesser, J., Heller, H., Bakas, T., Drake, D., Cruz, Y. (2018. ) (PANEL) Caregiving across the lifespan: The disparate impact of caregiving on women and opportunities for change. .2018 Women's Health Empowerment Summit, Coalition for Women's Health Equity, Hadassah, American Heart Association, Heart, Women Against Alzheimers, among other organizations. , Washington DC. Level:National
Sampsel, D., Bakas, T., Israel, J., Chamnikar, A. (2017. ) Operational aspects of creating and delivering a telehealth program to older adults. National Telehealth Conference,, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.. Level:National
Scarton, L., Bakas, T., Poe, D., Hull, M., & Miller, W (2017. ) Family Caregivers of Persons with Type 2 Diabetes: Needs and Concerns Across Cultures. 2017 International Indigenous Nursing Research Summit , Florida State University College of Nursing. Tallahassee, FL. Level:National
Bakas, T. (2017. ) The Importance of Caregivers in Optimizing Community Re-Integration Post Stroke. American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference State of the Science Nursing Symposium, Plenary Session,, Houston, TX.. Level:National
Bakas, T., Bodnarik, B. (2016. ) Recognizing unmet palliative care needs of stroke family caregivers. .American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA. Level:National
Bakas, T. (2016. ) Family caregiver and dyad interventions in stroke care: Where’s the evidence? .CVSN Stroke Article of the Year Award Presentation. American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference, , Los Angeles, CA. Level:National
Bakas, T., (2015. ) Family transitions following a stroke. Cardiovascular Seminar: Emerging Family Science in Cardiovascular Disease. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, , Orlando, FL.. Level:National
Mauk, K., Miller, E., Bakas, T., Lutz, B.J., (2015. ) Models to promote best practice in interprofessional care of stroke survivors and family caregivers. .American Conference for Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) 92nd Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research., Level:National
Lu, Y., Austrom, M.G., Bakas, T., Haase, J.E., Yang, Z., & Weaver, M.T. (2015. ) Patients with mild cognitive impairment – Caregiver Dyads’ satisfaction of meaningful intervention. .National Institute for Nursing Research 30th Anniversary Symposium,, Bethesda, MD.. Level:National
Bakas, T. (2015. ) Telephone assessment and skill-building intervention for stroke caregivers. .American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL.. Level:National
Bakas, T. (2014. ) Recognition and Risk of Depression in Stroke Caregivers and their Caregivers: Factors Associated with Symptoms of Depression in Caregivers. .American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, , Chicago, IL..
Poster Presentations
Almallah, W.R., Morrison, C.F., Bakas, T., & Shaughnessy, E. (04-24-2024. ) Determinants of Initiating Cancer Treatment of Breast Cancer Survivors: A Descriptive Qualitative Study. .Oncology Nursing Society Congress 2024, , Washington DC. . . Level:National
Singh, D., Stacy, K., Miller, E., Shatz, R.S., & Bakas, T. (04-05-2024. ) Facilitators and Barriers to In-Home Respite Care Use: An Integrative Review. .Southern Ohio Northern Kentucky (SONK) Consortium 2024, , Cincinnati, OH.. . Level:Regional
Jones, H.J., Bakas, T., & Butsch Kovacic, M. (03-18-2024. ) Leveraging Community-Engaged Research Methods to Improve Recruitment and Retention of Midlife Black Women in Cardiovascular Research. .American Heart Association EPI/Lifestyle Scientific Sessions, 2024, Chicago, IL. . Level:National
Martin, A., Stacy, K.E., & Bakas, T. (02-29-2024. ) Lewy Body Disease Caregiver Activities Scale (LBD-CAS). .Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference, Minneapolis, MN. . . Level:Regional
Kum, C.E., Jones, H., Miller, E.L., Kreitzer, N., Bakas, T. (11-08-2023. ) Theoretically Based Factors Associated with Stroke Family Caregiver Health. .Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting, Tampa, FL. . Level:National
Alqahtani, J., Morrison, C., Kreitzer, N., Miller, E., Bakas, T. (10-30-2023. ) Family Caregiver Experiences with Neurobehavioral Changes in TBI Survivors: A Qualitative Exploration of Needs and Concerns. .ACRM 100th Annual Conference: Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Atlanta, GA. . .
Kum, C., Kreitzer, N., Miller, E.L., Bakas, T. (03-29-2023. ) A systematic review of the psychometric instruments used ot measure stroke family caregiver health. .Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference, Des Moines, IA.. . Level:Regional
Almallah, W.R., Bakas, T., Shaughnessy, E., & Morrison, C.F. (03-29-2023. ) The factors and beliefs affecting women diagnosed with breast cancer to initiate cancer treatment: A systematic review. .Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference, Des Moines, IA.. . Level:Regional
Cawthon, G., Israel, J., Miller, E., Bakas, T. (03-29-2023. ) Caregiving tasks and life changes in family caregivers of stroke survivors. .Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference, Des Moines, IA. . Level:Regional
Perazzo, J.D., Bakas, T., Oudat, Q., Lambert, J., Fichtenbaum, C.J. (02-19-2023. ) A Randomized Controlled Trial of an HIV Care Intervention Bundle for People with HIV .2023 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections , Seattle, Washington . . Level:National
Kreitzer, N., Adeoye, O., Wade, S.L., Kurowki, B.G., Thomas, S., Gillespie, L., & Bakas, T. (11-08-2022. ) Iterative Development of the Caregiver Wellness after Traumatic Brain Injury Program (CG-Well). .American Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) , Chicago, IL. . Level:National
Fowler, N.R., Perkins, A.J., Park, S., Schroederr, M.W., Boustani, M.A., Head, K.J., Bakas, T. (11-02-2022. ) Association between Depression and Anxiety in Older Primary Care Patients and their Family Member’s Quality of Life. .Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting,, Indianapolis, IN.. . Level:National
Shehab, M., Brehm, B., Cohen, R.M., & Bakas, T. (03-30-2022. ) Accuracy and feasibility of carbohydrate counting using a smartphone application versus traditional method for adults with insulin-treated diabetes. Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference, Schaumburg, IL. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Algahtani, J., Miller, E., Morrison, C., Kreitzer, M., & Bakas, T. (03-30-2022. ) Needs and concerns of family caregivers of traumatic brain injury survivors: An integrative review. Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference, Schaumburg, IL. . Conference. .
Bakas, T., ., Sucharew, H., Brehm, B.J., Dunning, K., McCarthy, M.J., Rota, M., Israel, J., Stacy, K., Kissela, B., & Miller, E.L. (11-13-2021. ) Feasibility of the Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK III) for stroke family caregivers. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. , Boston MA, and Virtual. . . Conference. .
Jones, H.J., Kovacic, M.B., & Bakas, T. (11-13-2021. ) Establishing validity of a midlife black women wellness program. .American Heart Association Scientific Sessions., Boston MA, and Virtual. . .
Weber, A., Voos, K.C., Bakas, T., Rice, J., Tubbs Cooley, H.L., Kaplan American Heart Association Scientific Sessions., H.C., (09-15-2021. ) A NICU’s Clinical-Academic Partnership to Develop and Pilot Test a Family Management Intervention for Partents of Preterm Infants. .National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Conference. , Virtual. . Conference. .
Stacy, K. & Bakas, T (03-24-2021. ) An integrative review of the needs and concerns of family caregivers of persons with Lewy Body Disease. .Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference, Virtual. .
Bakas, T., McCarthy, M., Israel, J., Brehm, B., Dunning, K., Rota, M., Turner, M., & Miller, E. (03-17-2021. ) Adapting the Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit to the Telehealth Technology Preferences of Stroke Family Caregivers. .American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference (ISC). A Fully Virtual Experience. ,
Ogboenyiya, A.A., Tubbs Cooley, H.L., Bakas, T., Miller, E., Johnson, K.L. (06-03-2019. ) Associations of burnout, missed nursing care, and job satisfaction among neonatal intensive care nurses. .Academy Health 2019 Annual Research Conference, Washington DC. . .
Hopgood, D., Bakas, T., Garritano, N., Czosekia, R.G., Gillespie, G. (03-28-2019. ) An Integrative Review of Quality of Life in Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Disease and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators. .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Kansas City, MO. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Ogboenyiya, A., Bakas, T., Tubbs Cooley, H. (03-28-2019. ) Associations of Burnout and Turnover Among Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Kansas City, MO. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Kum, C.E., Bakas, T. (03-28-2019. ) Factors Associated with Unhealthy Days in Family Caregivers of Stroke Survivors .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Kansas City, MO. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Turner, M., Bakas, T. (03-27-2019. ) Refining the Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit for Stroke Family Caregivers .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Kansas City, MO. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Bakas, K., Dietz, A., Mamlekar, C., Spitz, S., Harley, D., McCarthy, M., Bakas, T. (11-21-2018. ) Photovoice in Aphasia: A scoping review with implications for clinical practice. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention., Boston, MA.. .
McCarthy, M., Lyons, K.S., Shellinger, J., Stapleton, K., Bakas, T. (11-17-2018. ) Interpersonal relationship challenges experienced by stroke survivors and family caregivers. .Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Sociatey of America, Boston, MA.. . Conference. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Weber, A., Voos, K.C., Bakas, T., Rice, J., Tubbs Cooley, H.L., Kaplan, H.C. (09-15-2021. ) A NICU’s Clinical-Academic Partnership to Develop and Pilot Test a Family Management Intervention for Partents of Preterm Infants. .
Weber, A., Kaplan, H., Hall, A., Hetland, B., Tubbs-Cooley, H., Elder, M., Bakas, T., Voos, K.C. (10-09-2019. ) Organizational Resources for Family-Centered Care may Influence Clinicians’ Attitudes towards Family Engagement. .Savannah, GA.
Honors and Awards
11-24-2023 Top Sponsored Award Recipient University of Cincinnati Office of Research, Sponsored Awards Reception Status:Recipient Level:University
10-19-2022 Distinguished Nurse Researcher Award Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH Status:Recipient Level:Regional
01-29-2020 Top Sponsored Award Recipient University of Cincinnati Office of Research, Sponsored Awards Reception Status:Recipient Level:University
2019 University of Cincinnati Graduate Fellow University of Cincinnati Graduate School Status:Recipient Level:University
2018 Mathy Mezey Excellence in Aging Award American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Status:Recipient Level:National
2017 Award for Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring. The Office of the Provost and The Office of Research, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2016 Honorary Nurse Scientist, Indiana University School of Nursing, Recognition of T32 Fellows and CEQL Scientists, Indianapolis, IN Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2015 Special Recognition for Outstanding Service on the International Stroke Conference Program Committee American Stroke Association Status:Recipient Level:International
2015 Stroke Article of the Year Award American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Status:Recipient Level:National
2015 Honor a Senior Researcher Award Midwest Nursing Research Society Status:Recipient Level:Regional
2013 Award of Meritorious Achievement: Stroke Nursing Task Force American Heart Association Status:Recipient Level:National
2013 IUPUI Prestigious External Award Recognition Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Status:Recipient Level:University
2012 Distinguished Achievement Award American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Status:Recipient Level:National
2010 Clinical Article of the Year Award American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Status:Recipient Level:National
2008 IUPUI Alvin S. Bynum Mentor Award Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Status:Recipient Level:University
2007 Mary and John Barron Quality of Life Research Award Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic Illness, Indiana University School of Nursing Status:Recipient Level:College
2007 Fellow, American Academy of Nursing American Academy of Nursing Status:Recipient Level:National
2001 Trustee Teaching Award Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Status:Recipient Level:University
2001 Excellence in Research Award Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Chapter Status:Recipient Level:Regional
2000 Lois C. Meier Excellence Award Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Status:Recipient Level:University
1999 Teaching Excellence Recognition Award Status:Recipient Level:College
1999 Fellow, American Heart Association American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing and Stroke Council Status:Recipient Level:National
1999 Gerontological Nurse Researcher Award Midwest Nursing Research Society, Gerontology Section Status:Recipient Level:Regional
1994 Outstanding Doctoral Student Poster Award, First Place Midwest Nursing Research Society Status:Recipient Level:Regional
stroke, family, caregiver, depression, stress, clinical trial, quality of life, behavioral research
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
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Ohio, 45221-0038
Phone: 513-558-2254
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