Rupak Banerjee

Rupak K. Banerjee


Rhodes Hall


CEAS - Biomedical Eng - 0072

Research Support

Grant: #3100472621 Investigators:Banerjee, Rupak 07-01-2016 -06-30-2019 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 3D Modeling of CHD Role:PI $41,286.30 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #NSF CBET-1403356 09-01-2014 -08-31-2017 National Science Foundation Enhanced thermal ablation of biomaterials using HIFU energized magnetic nanoparticles Role:PI $299,996.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #VA - ECAs Banerjee 10-01-2012 -12-31-2014 Department of Veterans Affairs Improved Assessment of Coronary Flow Dysfunction using Fundamental Fluid Dynamics (ECA- KK Kolli) Role:PI $108,915.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 008053 05-21-2012 -09-30-2013 ONDA Corporation Assessment of Acoustic Fields of HIFU Transducers Role:PI $121,365.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #VA ECA 01-01-2012 -12-31-2012 Department of Veterans Affairs Improved Assessment of Coronary Flow Dysfunction using Fundamental Fluid Dynamics (Educational Collaboration Agreement) Role:PI $23,870.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CBET-1137166 01-01-2012 -12-31-2013 Food and Drug Administration Assessment of Derating Procedure Using Remote Temperature Measurements During HIFU Sonication Role:PI $124,409.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #VA ECA 10-01-2011 -09-30-2012 Department of Veterans Affairs Improved Assessment of Coronary Flow Disfunction using Fundamental Fluid Dynamics (Educational Collaborative Agreement for KK Kolli) Role:PI $23,870.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #VA ECA 10-01-2011 -09-30-2012 Department of Veterans Affairs Hemodynamic Analysis of AV fistula stenosis (Educational Collaborative Agreement: ER Jaghargh) Role:PI $25,723.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #VA IPA 10-01-2011 -09-30-2012 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for Rupak Banerjee Role:PI $12,656.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #T42 OH008432 07-01-2011 -06-30-2016 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center Role:Collaborator $6,006,722.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #10019799-01/ DK088777 07-01-2011 -04-30-2016 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Hemodynamics and Vascular Wall Biology Determine Ateriovenous Fistula Maturation Role:Collaborator $226,358.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CBET-1127262 05-01-2011 -04-30-2014 National Science Foundation Biotransport Education Initiative at Summer Bioengineering Conference Role:PI $18,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CBET-1041508 01-01-2011 -06-30-2012 National Science Foundation Nonlinear Derating in Pre-Clinical Testing of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Systems Role:PI $112,113.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 007223 10-01-2010 -09-30-2011 Department of Veterans Affairs Improved Assessment of Coronary Flow Dysfunction Using Fundamental Fluid Dynamics Role:PI $23,502.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 007287 10-01-2010 -12-31-2011 Department of Veterans Affairs Improved Assessment of Coronary Flow Dysfunction using Fundamental Fluid Dynamics Role:PI $23,503.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 006956 07-02-2010 -03-31-2012 ACIST Medical Systems, Inc. Computational and Bench Testing of an Improved Pressure Catheter Device Role:PI $55,995.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #SRS 006837 03-31-2010 -05-18-2012 Air Force Research Laboratory Assessment of an Actively Cooled Micro-Channel Heat Sink Device using Electro-Osmotic Flow Role:PI $24,150.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 006690 01-01-2010 -06-30-2016 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Evaluation of Right Ventricular Inefficiency in Repaired TOF using Energy Calculation from Cardiac MRI Data Role:PI $168,807.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #SRS 006645 10-01-2009 -09-30-2011 Department of Veterans Affairs ECA: Hemodynamic Analysis of AV Fistula Stenosis Role:PI $30,085.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 006145 10-01-2008 -09-30-2011 Department of Veterans Affairs Hemodynamic Analysis of AV Fistula Senosis: Part B IPA Role:PI $58,496.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #U01 DK082218 09-10-2008 -05-31-2015 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Clinical, Hemodynamic and Biological Markers of AV Fistula Maturation Role:Collaborator $1,382,449.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #F33615-03-D-5408 / USAF-5408-25-SC-0007 08-25-2008 -09-01-2009 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Biomaterials for Actively Cooled Microchannel Heat Sink System Role:PI $70,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #AHA 0755236B 07-01-2007 -06-30-2010 American Heart Association - Great Rivers Affiliate Delineation of Epicardial Stenoses from Microvascular Impairments Role:PI $118,269.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #SRS 004779 01-01-2007 -12-31-2010 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Characterization of Pulmonary Arterial Hemodynamics by Use of MRI-flow Measurements in Combination with Computational Fluid Dynamics Role:PI $38,421.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #BES-0552036 03-15-2006 -08-31-2009 National Science Foundation Influence of Blood Flow on Temperature Rise in Reconstructed Vasculatures during High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Role:PI $159,191.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #OSP 05190 07-01-2005 -06-30-2006 Cleveland Clinic Calculations of Intra-Aortic Hemodynamic Forces on Endografts Role:PI $5,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #NNC04GB46G/2 08-17-2004 -06-30-2007 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Bio-Transport and Metabolism under Microgravity Supporting Human Physiologic Processes Role:PI $37,134.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #033527ON/3 07-01-2003 -06-30-2008 American Heart Association - National Chapter Influence of Guide-Wire Catheter on Pulsatile Flow Rate-Pressure Drop Diagnostics in Significant Coronary Stenoses Role:PI $260,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #CBET-2045234 Investigators:Banerjee, Rupak; Kasper, Susan 06-01-2021 -05-31-2024 National Science Foundation HIFU energized functionalized nanoparticles mediated enhanced thermal ablation of tumors Role:PI 382179.00 Awarded Level:Federal

08-15-2021 -08-14-2024 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Evaluate the intraventricular flow dynamics across heart valves in CHD patients Role:PI 117308.10 Hold Level:Non Profit

08-15-2021 -08-14-2024 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Evaluate the intraventricular flow dynamics across heart valves in CHD patients Role:PI 117308.10 Hold Level:Non Profit


Published Abstracts

Peer Reviewed Publications

Bio-fluid Dynamics: Clinical, In vivo, In vitro, Computational Hemodynamics with Arterial Wall Interaction .

Coronary artery and microvascular disease diagnostics .

Banerjee RK, Ramadurai S, Manegaonkar SM, Rao MB, Rakkimuthu S, Effat MA (2021. ) A comparison between 5-years and 1-year outcomes using cut-off values of Pressure Drop Coefficient (CDP) and Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) for diagnosing Coronary artery diseases. Frontiers in Physiology, , More Information

Hebbar UU, Effat MA, Peelukhana SV, Arif I, Banerjee RK (2017. ) Delineation of epicardial stenosis in patients with microvascular disease using pressure drop coefficient: A pilot outcome study. World journal of cardiology, , 9 (12 ) ,813 More Information

Peelukhana SV, Banerjee RK, van dH, Kolli KK, Effat M, Helmy T, Leesar M, Kerr H, Piek JJ, Succop P (2018. ) Evaluation of lesion flow coefficient for the detection of coronary artery disease in patient groups from two academic medical centers. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, , 19 (3 ) ,348 -354More Information

Effat MA, Peelukhana SV, Banerjee RK (2016. ) Clinical outcomes of combined flow-pressure drop measurements using newly developed diagnostic endpoint: Pressure drop coefficient in patients with coronary artery dysfunction. World journal of cardiology, , 8 (3 ) ,283 More Information

Kolli KK, van dH, Effat MA, Banerjee RK, Peelukhana SV, Succop P, Leesar MA, Imran A, Piek JJ, Helmy TA (2016. ) Diagnostic cutoff for pressure drop coefficient in relation to fractional flow reserve and coronary flow reserve: A Patient‐Level Analysis. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, , 87 (2 ) ,273 -282More Information

Peelukhana SV, Banerjee R, Kolli KK, Fernandez-Ulloa M, Arif I, Effat M, Helmy T, Kerr H (2015. ) Benefit of ECG-gated rest and stress N-13 cardiac PET imaging for quantification of LVEF in ischemic patients. Nuclear medicine communications, , 36 (10 ) ,986 -998More Information

Peelukhana SV, Effat M, Kolli KK, Arif I, Helmy T, Leesar M, Kerr H, Back LH, Banerjee R (2015. ) Lesion Flow Coefficient: A Combined Anatomical and Functional Parameter for Detection of Coronary Artery Disease — A Clinical Study . J Invasive Cardiol, , 27 (1 ) ,54 -64

D’Souza GA, Peelukhana SV, Banerjee RK (2014. ) Diagnostic uncertainties during assessment of serial coronary stenoses: an in vitro study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 136 (2 ) , More Information

Helmy TA, Leesar MA, Effat MA, Banerjee RK (2014. ) Diagnostic performance of pressure drop coefficient in relation to fractional flow reserve and coronary flow reserve . Screening, , 50 ,10

Kolli KK, Effat M, Peelukhana SV, Succop P, Back LH, Leesar M, Helmy T, Imran A, Banerjee R (2014. ) Hyperemia-free delineation of epicardial and microvascular impairments using a basal index. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 42 (8 ) ,1681 -1690More Information

Moh J, Cho YI, Cho DJ, Kim D, Banerjee RK (2014. ) Influence of non-Newtonian viscosity of blood on microvascular impairment. Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation, , 57 (2 ) ,111 -118More Information

Peelukhana SV, Kerr H, Kolli KK, Fernandez-Ulloa M, Gerson M, Effat M, Arif I, Helmy T, Banerjee R (2014. ) Benefit of cardiac N-13 PET CFR for combined anatomical and functional diagnosis of ischemic coronary artery disease: a pilot study. Annals of Nuclear Medicine, , 28 (8 ) ,746 -760More Information

D'Souza GA, Peelukhana SV, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Numerical validation of diagnostic uncertainties during in vitro assessment of serial coronary stenoses. Journal of Medical Devices, , 7 (4 ) , More Information

Goswami I, Peelukhana SV, Al-Rjoub MF, Back LH, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Influence of variable native arterial diameter and vasculature status on coronary diagnostic parameters. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 135 (9 ) , More Information

Kolli KK, Helmy TA, Peelukhana SV, Arif I, Leesar MA, Back LH, Banerjee RK, Effat MA (2014. ) Functional diagnosis of coronary stenoses using pressure drop coefficient: a pilot study in humans. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, , 83 (3 ) ,377 -385More Information

Kolli KK, Paul AK, Back LH, Effat MA, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Optimization of balloon obstruction for simulating equivalent pressure drop in physiological stenoses. Biorheology, , 50 (5-6 ) ,257 -268More Information

Peelukhana SV, Kolli KK, Leesar MA, Effat MA, Helmy TA, Arif I, Schneeberger EW, Succop P, Banerjee RK (2014. ) Effect of myocardial contractility on hemodynamic end points under concomitant microvascular disease in a porcine model. Heart and vessels, , 29 (1 ) ,97 -109More Information

Kolli KK, Banerjee R, Peelukhana SV, Effat M, Leesar M, Arif I, Schneeberger E, Succop P, Gottliebson W, Helmy TA (2012. ) Effect of changes in contractility on pressure drop coefficient and fractional flow reserve in a porcine model . Journal of Invasive Cardiology, , 24 (1 ) ,6

Peelukhana SV, Banerjee RK, Kolli KK, Effat MA, Helmy TA, Leesar MA, Schneeberger EW, Succop P, Gottliebson W, Irif A (2012. ) Effect of heart rate on hemodynamic endpoints under concomitant microvascular disease in a porcine model. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, , 302 (8 ) ,H1563 -H1573More Information

Konala BC, Das A, Banerjee RK (2011. ) Influence of arterial wall compliance on the pressure drop across coronary artery stenoses under hyperemic flow condition . Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, , 8 (1 ) ,1

Konala BC, Das A, Banerjee RK (2011. ) Influence of arterial wall-stenosis compliance on the coronary diagnostic parameters. Journal of Biomechanics, , 44 (5 ) ,842 -847More Information

Rajabi-Jaghargh E, Kolli KK, Back LH, Banerjee RK (2011. ) Effect of guidewire on contribution of loss due to momentum change and viscous loss to the translesional pressure drop across coronary artery stenosis: an analytical approach. Biomedical engineering online, , 10 (1 ) ,1 -22More Information

Kolli KK, Banerjee RK, Peelukhana SV, Helmy TA, Leesar MA, Arif I, Schneeberger EW, Hand D, Succop P, Gottliebson WM (2011. ) Influence of heart rate on fractional flow reserve, pressure drop coefficient, and lesion flow coefficient for epicardial coronary stenosis in a porcine model. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, , 300 (1 ) ,H382 -H387More Information

Kolli KK, Helmy T, Effat M, Imran A, Leesar M, Schneeberger EW, Hand D, Gottliebson W, Succop P, Peelukhana SV (2010. ) Influence of contractility and heart rate on pressure drop coefficient and fractional flow reserve for epicardial stenosis. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, , 3 (11 ) ,214 More Information

Banerjee RK, Ashtekar KD, Effat MA, Helmy TA, Kim E, Schneeberger EW, Sinha RA, Gottliebson WM, Back LH (2009. ) Concurrent assessment of epicardial coronary artery stenosis and microvascular dysfunction using diagnostic endpoints derived from fundamental fluid dynamics principles. The Journal of invasive cardiology, , 21 (10 ) ,511 -517

Peelukhana SV, Back LH, Banerjee RK (2009. ) Influence of coronary collateral flow on coronary diagnostic parameters: an in vitro study. Journal of Biomechanics, , 42 (16 ) ,2753 -2759More Information

Banerjee RK, Ashtekar KD, Helmy TA, Effat MA, Back LH, Khoury SF (2008. ) Hemodynamic diagnostics of epicardial coronary stenoses: in-vitro experimental and computational study. Biomedical engineering online, , 7 (1 ) ,1 -22More Information

Roy AS, Back MR, Khoury SF, Schneeberger EW, Back LH, Velury VV, Millard RW, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Functional and anatomical diagnosis of coronary artery stenoses. Journal of Surgical Research, , 150 (1 ) ,24 -33More Information

Ashtekar KD, Back LH, Khoury SF, Banerjee RK (2007. ) In vitro quantification of guidewire flow-obstruction effect in model coronary stenoses for interventional diagnostic procedure. More Information

Banerjee RK, Roy AS, Back LH, Back MR, Khoury SF, Millard RW (2007. ) Characterizing momentum change and viscous loss of a hemodynamic endpoint in assessment of coronary lesions. Journal of Biomechanics, , 40 (3 ) ,652 -662More Information

Roy AS, Back LH, Banerjee RK (2006. ) Guidewire flow obstruction effect on pressure drop-flow relationship in moderate coronary artery stenosis. Journal of Biomechanics, , 39 (5 ) ,853 -864More Information

Roy AS, Banerjee RK, Back LH, Back MR, Khoury S, Millard RW (2005. ) Delineating the guide-wire flow obstruction effect in assessment of fractional flow reserve and coronary flow reserve measurements. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, , 289 (1 ) ,H392 -H397More Information

Banerjee RK, Back LH, Back MR (2003. ) Effects of diagnostic guidewire catheter presence on translesional hemodynamic measurements across significant coronary artery stenoses . Biorheology, , 40 (6 ) ,613 -635

Banerjee RK, Back LH, Back MR, Cho YI (2003. ) Physiological flow analysis in significant human coronary artery stenoses . Biorheology, , 40 (4 ) ,451 -476

Back L, Banerjee R (2000. ) Estimated flow resistance increase in a spiral human coronary artery segment. J.Biomech.Eng., , 122 (6 ) ,675 -677More Information

Banerjee RK, Back LH, Back MR, Cho YI (2000. ) Physiological flow simulation in residual human stenoses after coronary angioplasty. J.Biomech.Eng., , 122 (4 ) ,310 -320More Information

Banerjee R, Back L, Back M, Cho Y (1999. ) Catheter obstruction effect on pulsatile flow rate-pressure drop during coronary angioplasty. More Information

Congenital heart disease .

Hebbar UU, Banerjee RK (2019. ) Influence of coupled hemodynamics-arterial wall interaction on compliance in a realistic pulmonary artery with variable intravascular wall properties. Medical image analysis, , 57 ,56 -71More Information

D’Souzaa GA, Taylorb MD, Banerjeea RK, Banerjee RK (2019. ) Methodology for Hemodynamic Assessment of a 3D Printed Patient-Specific Vascular Test Device .

D'Souza GA, Banerjee RK, Taylor MD (2018. ) Evaluation of pulmonary artery stenosis in congenital heart disease patients using functional diagnostic parameters: an in vitro study. Journal of Biomechanics, , 81 ,58 -67More Information

D'Souza GA, Taylor MD, Banerjee RK (2017. ) Evaluation of pulmonary artery wall properties in congenital heart disease patients using cardiac magnetic resonance. Progress in pediatric cardiology, , 47 ,49 -57More Information

Das A, Wansapura JP, Gottliebson WM, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Methodology for implementing patient-specific spatial boundary condition during a cardiac cycle from phase-contrast MRI for hemodynamic assessment. Medical image analysis, , 19 (1 ) ,121 -136More Information

Lee N, Taylor MD, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Right ventricle-pulmonary circulation dysfunction: a review of energy-based approach. Biomedical engineering online, , 14 (1 ) ,1 -20More Information

Lee N, Das A, Taylor M, Hor K, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Energy transfer ratio as a metric of right ventricular efficiency in repaired congenital heart disease. Congenital heart disease, , 8 (4 ) ,328 -342More Information

Lee N, Taylor MD, Hor KN, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Non-invasive evaluation of energy loss in the pulmonary arteries using 4D phase contrast MR measurement: a proof of concept. Biomedical engineering online, , 12 (1 ) ,1 -18More Information

Das A, Gottliebson WM, Karve M, Banerjee R (2011. ) Comparison of hemodynamic endpoints between normal subject and tetralogy patient using Womersley velocity profile and MR based flow measurements. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, , 8 (1 ) ,21 More Information

Lee N, Das A, Banerjee RK, Gottliebson WM (2013. ) Comparison of stroke work between repaired tetralogy of Fallot and normal right ventricular physiologies. Heart and vessels, , 28 (1 ) ,76 -85More Information

Das A, Banerjee RK, Gottliebson WM (2010. ) Right ventricular inefficiency in repaired tetralogy of fallot: proof of concept for energy calculations from cardiac MRI data. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 38 (12 ) ,3674 -3687More Information

Hemodialysis vascular access dysfunction .

Rajabi‐Jagahrgh E, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Functional diagnostic parameters for arteriovenous fistula. Artificial Organs, , 39 (6 ) ,492 -501More Information

Rajabi-Jaghargh E, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Combined functional and anatomical diagnostic endpoints for assessing arteriovenous fistula dysfunction. World journal of nephrology, , 4 (1 ) ,6 More Information

Rajabi‐Jagahrgh E, Roy‐Chaudhury P, Wang Y, Al‐Rjoub M, Campos‐Naciff B, Choe A, Dumoulin C, Banerjee RK (2014. ) New techniques for determining the longitudinal effects of local hemodynamics on the intima‐media thickness in arteriovenous fistulae in an animal model.27 (4 ) ,424 -435More Information

Krishnamoorthy MK, Banerjee RK, Wang Y, Choe AK, Rigger D, Roy-Chaudhury P (2012. ) Anatomic configuration affects the flow rate and diameter of porcine arteriovenous fistulae. Kidney international, , 81 (8 ) ,745 -750More Information

Rajabi‐Jagahrgh E, Krishnamoorthy MK, Roy‐Chaudhury P, Succop P, Wang Y, Choe A, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Longitudinal assessment of hemodynamic endpoints in predicting arteriovenous fistula maturation.26 (2 ) ,208 -215More Information

Rajabi‐Jagahrgh E, Krishnamoorthy MK, Wang Y, Choe A, Roy‐Chaudhury P, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Influence of Temporal Variation in Wall Shear Stress on Intima‐Media Thickening in Arteriovenous Fistulae.26 (4 ) ,511 -519More Information

Lee T, Chauhan V, Krishnamoorthy M, Wang Y, Arend L, Mistry MJ, El-Khatib M, Banerjee R, Munda R, Roy-Chaudhury P (2011. ) Severe venous neointimal hyperplasia prior to dialysis access surgery. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, , 26 (7 ) ,2264 -2270More Information

Roy-Chaudhury P, Wang Y, Krishnamoorthy M, Zhang J, Banerjee R, Munda R, Heffelfinger S, Arend L (2009. ) Cellular phenotypes in human stenotic lesions from haemodialysis vascular access. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, , 24 (9 ) ,2786 -2791More Information

Krishnamoorthy M, Roy-Chaudhury P, Wang Y, Roy A, Zhang J, Khoury S, Munda R, Banerjee R (2008. ) Measurement of hemodynamic and anatomic parameters in a swine arteriovenous fistula model. The journal of vascular access, , 9 (1 ) ,28 -34More Information

Krishnamoorthy MK, Banerjee RK, Wang Y, Zhang J, Roy AS, Khoury SF, Arend LJ, Rudich S, Roy-Chaudhury P (2008. ) Hemodynamic wall shear stress profiles influence the magnitude and pattern of stenosis in a pig AV fistula. Kidney international, , 74 (11 ) ,1410 -1419More Information

Roy-Chaudhury P, Arend L, Zhang J, Krishnamoorthy M, Wang Y, Banerjee R, Samaha A, Munda R (2007. ) Neointimal hyperplasia in early arteriovenous fistula failure. American journal of kidney diseases, , 50 (5 ) ,782 -790More Information

Wang Y, Krishnamoorthy M, Banerjee R, Zhang J, Rudich S, Holland C, Arend L, Roy-Chaudhury P (2008. ) Venous stenosis in a pig arteriovenous fistula model—anatomy, mechanisms and cellular phenotypes. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, , 23 (2 ) ,525 -533More Information

Aortic valve disease .

Paul AK, Effat MA, Paquin JJ, Narayanan A, Helmy TA, Arif I, Leesar MA, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Non-invasive assessment of the severity of aortic stenosis by doppler derived aortic valve coefficient: a retrospective feasibility study in humans. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, , 177 -191More Information

Paul AK, Banerjee RK, Narayanan A, Effat MA, Paquin JJ (2014. ) Reducing the Inconsistency between Doppler and Invasive Measurements of the Severity of Aortic Stenosis Using Aortic Valve Coefficient: A Retrospective Study on Humans. Journal of Computational Medicine, , 2014 , More Information

Peripheral vascular disease .

Sharma N, Sastry S, Sankovic JM, Kadambi JR, Banerjee RK (2020. ) Influence of near-wall PIV data on recirculation hemodynamics in a patient-specific moderate stenosis: Experimental-numerical comparison. Biorheology, , (Preprint ) ,1 -24More Information

Banerjee RK, D'Souza GA, Paul AK, Das A (2017. ) Evaluation of Hemodynamics in a Prestressed and Compliant Tapered Femoral Artery Using an Optimization-Based Inverse Algorithm. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 139 (4 ) , More Information

Das A, Paul A, Taylor MD, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Pulsatile arterial wall-blood flow interaction with wall pre-stress computed using an inverse algorithm. Biomedical engineering online, , 14 (1 ) ,1 -19More Information

Roy AS, Back LH, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Evaluation of compliance of arterial vessel using coupled fluid structure interaction analysis . Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, , 5 (4 ) ,229

Banerjee R, Cho Y, Kensey K (1998. ) A study of local hydrodynamics in a 90 branched vessel with extreme pulsatile flows. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, , 9 (1 ) ,23 -42More Information

Banerjee RK, Gonzalez CF, Cho YI, Picard L (1996. ) Hemodynamic changes in recurrent intracranial terminal aneurysm after endovascular treatment. Academic Radiology, , 3 (3 ) ,202 -211More Information

Banerjee R, Back L, Cho Y (1995. ) Flow-pressure drop measurement and calculation in a tapered femoral artery of a dog. Biorheology, , 32 (6 ) ,655 -684More Information

Banerjee R, Cho Y, Back L (1993. ) Numerical studies of three-dimensional arterial flows in reverse curvature geometry: part I—peak flow. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 115 (3 ) ,316 -326More Information

Tasciyan TA, Banerjee R, Cho YI, Kim R (1993. ) Two‐dimensional pulsatile hemodynamic analysis in the magnetic resonance angiography interpretation of a stenosed carotid arterial bifurcation. Medical physics, , 20 (4 ) ,1059 -1070More Information

Medical devices and Stents .

Hariharan P, Sharma N, Guha S, Banerjee RK, D’Souza G, Myers MR (2021. ) A computational model for predicting changes in infection dynamics due to leakage through N95 respirators. Scientific Reports, , 11 (1 ) ,1 -19More Information

Banerjee RK, Peelukhana SV, Goswami I (2014. ) Influence of newly designed monorail pressure sensor catheter on coronary diagnostic parameters: An in vitro study. Journal of Biomechanics, , 47 (3 ) ,617 -624More Information

Banerjee RK, Devarakonda SB, Rajamohan D, Back LH (2007. ) Developed pulsatile flow in a deployed coronary stent . Biorheology, , 44 (2 ) ,91 -102

Roy A, West K, Rontala R, Greenberg R, Banerje R (2007. ) In vitro measurement and calculation of drag force on iliac limb stentgraft in a compliant arterial wall model . Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, , 4 (4 ) ,211

Rajamohan D, Banerjee RK, Back LH, Ibrahim AA, Jog MA (2006. ) Developing pulsatile flow in a deployed coronary stent. More Information

Peristalsis .

Hariharan P, Seshadri V, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Peristaltic transport of non-Newtonian fluid in a diverging tube with different wave forms. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, , 48 (7-8 ) ,998 -1017More Information

Thermal Therapy .

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) ablation .

Devarakonda SB, Stringer K, Rao M, Myers M, Banerjee R (2019. ) Assessment of Enhanced Thermal Effect Due to Gold Nanoparticles during MR-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Procedures Using a Mouse-Tumor Model. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, , 5 (8 ) ,4102 -4111More Information

Devarakonda SB, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2018. ) Comparison of heat transfer enhancement between magnetic and gold nanoparticles during HIFU sonication. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 140 (8 ) , More Information

Bera C, Devarakonda SB, Kumar V, Ganguli AK, Banerjee RK (2017. ) The mechanism of nanoparticle-mediated enhanced energy transfer during high-intensity focused ultrasound sonication. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, , 19 (29 ) ,19075 -19082More Information

Devarakonda SB, Myers MR, Giridhar D, Dibaji SA, Banerjee RK (2017. ) Enhanced thermal effect using magnetic nano-particles during high-intensity focused ultrasound. PloS one, , 12 (4 ) , -e0175093More Information

Devarakonda SB, Myers MR, Lanier M, Dumoulin C, Banerjee RK (2017. ) Assessment of gold nanoparticle-mediated-enhanced hyperthermia using MR-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation procedure. Nano letters, , 17 (4 ) ,2532 -2538More Information

Devarakonda S, Ahmad RD, Hariharan P, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2016. ) Characterization of Focal Location During High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation in a Tissue Phantom Using Remote Thermocouple Arrays. Journal of Medical Devices, , 10 (2 ) , More Information

Dibaji SA, Banerjee RK, Liu Y, Soneson JE, Myers MR (2016. ) Experimental validation of a nonlinear derating technique based upon Gaussian-modal representation of focused ultrasound beams. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 139 (5 ) ,2624 -2634More Information

Ahmad RD, Wansapura J, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2014. ) In vivo monitoring of HIFU induced temperature rise in porcine liver using magnetic resonance thermometry. Journal of Medical Devices, , 8 (3 ) , More Information

Hariharan P, Dibaji SA, Banerjee RK, Nagaraja S, Myers MR (2014. ) Localization of focused-ultrasound beams in a tissue phantom, using remote thermocouple arrays. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, , 61 (12 ) ,2019 -2031More Information

Ahmad RD, Al-Rjoub MF, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Enhanced heat transfer and thermal dose using magnetic nanoparticles during HIFU thermal ablation—an in-vitro study. Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, , 4 (4 ) , More Information

Ahmad RD, Banerjee RK, Soneson JE, Myers MR (2013. ) Nonlinear derating of high-intensity focused ultrasound beams using Gaussian modal sums. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 134 (5 ) ,3435 -3445More Information

Dasgupta S, Banerjee RK, Hariharan P, Myers MR (2011. ) Beam localization in HIFU temperature measurements using thermocouples, with application to cooling by large blood vessels. Ultrasonics, , 51 (2 ) ,171 -180More Information

Dasgupta S, Das P, Wansapura J, Hariharan P, Pratt R, Witte D, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2011. ) Reduction of noise from MR thermometry measurements during HIFU characterization procedures. Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, , 2 (2 ) , More Information

Dasgupta S, Wansapura J, Hariharan P, Pratt R, Witte D, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2010. ) HIFU lesion volume as a function of sonication time, as determined by MRI, histology, and computations. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 132 (8 ) , More Information

Hariharan P, Myers MR, Robinson RA, Maruvada SH, Sliwa J, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Characterization of high intensity focused ultrasound transducers using acoustic streaming. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 123 (3 ) ,1706 -1719More Information

Myers MR, Hariharan P, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Direct methods for characterizing high-intensity focused ultrasound transducers using acoustic streaming. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 124 (3 ) ,1790 -1802More Information

Hariharan P, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2007. ) HIFU procedures at moderate intensities—effect of large blood vessels . Physics in Medicine & Biology, , 52 (12 ) ,3493

Radio Frequency (RF) ablation .

Hariharan P, Chang I, Myers MR, Banerjee RK (2007. ) Radio-frequency ablation in a realistic reconstructed hepatic tissue. More Information

Laser photocoagulation .

Zhu L, Banerjee RK, Salloum M, Bachmann A, Flower RW (2008. ) Temperature distribution during ICG-dye-enhanced laser photocoagulation of feeder vessels in treatment of AMD-related choroidal neovascularization. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 130 (3 ) , More Information

Banerjee RK, Zhu L, Gopalakrishnan P, Kazmierczak MJ (2007. ) Influence of laser parameters on selective retinal treatment using single‐phase heat transfer analyses. Medical physics, , 34 (5 ) ,1828 -1841More Information

Tissue preservation .

Arunachalam BK, Millard RW, Kazmierczak MJ, Rodriguez-Rilo HL, Banerjee RK (2006. ) Evaluation of thermal efficacy of hypothermic tissue preservation methods. Cell Preservation Technology, , 4 (2 ) ,97 -116More Information

Human whole-body heat transfer .

Al-Rjoub M, Kazmierczak MJ, Bhattacharya A, Rakkimuthu S, Ramadurai S, Stuckey JP, Banerjee RK (2021. ) Better thermoregulation of brain temperature using phase change material-mediated head cooling system. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, , 173 ,121204 More Information

Devarakonda SB, Bulusu P, Al-Rjoub M, Bhattacharya A, Banerjee RK (2018. ) Influence of external head cooling on the head, core body and blood temperatures using 3D whole-body model. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, , More Information

Banerjee RK, Kalathil RT, Zachariah SA, Paul AK, Bhattacharya A, Horn GP, Smith DL (2019. ) Comparison Between Experimental and Heart Rate-Derived Core Body Temperatures Using a Three-Dimensional Whole Body Model. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, , 11 (2 ) , More Information

Kalathil RT, D'Souza GA, Bhattacharya A, Banerjee RK (2017. ) Uncertainty analysis of the core body temperature under thermal and physical stress using a three-dimensional whole body model. Journal of heat transfer, , 139 (3 ) , More Information

Paul AK, Zachariah S, Zhu L, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Predicting temperature changes during cold water immersion and exercise scenarios: application of a tissue–blood interactive whole-body model. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, , 68 (6 ) ,598 -618More Information

Drug Delivery and Mass Transport .

Ocular drug delivery .

Manna S, Faraj RQ, Riemann B, Rao MB, Nair V, Riemann CD, Augsburger JJ, Correa ZM, Banerjee RK (2021. ) Non-invasive evaluation of toxicity in vitreoretinal domain following insertion of sustained release methotrexate micro-implant. Experimental eye research, , 205 ,108505 More Information

Manna S, Donnell AM, Kaval N, Al-Rjoub MF, Augsburger JJ, Banerjee RK (2018. ) Improved design and characterization of PLGA/PLA-coated Chitosan based micro-implants for controlled release of hydrophilic drugs. International journal of pharmaceutics, , 547 (1-2 ) ,122 -132More Information

Manna S, Augsburger JJ, Correa ZM, Al-Rjoub MF, Rao MB, Banerjee RK (2016. ) Noninvasive electroretinography assessment of intravitreal sustained-release methotrexate microimplants in rabbit eyes. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, , 32 (9 ) ,583 -594More Information

Manna S, Banerjee RK, Augsburger JJ, Al-Rjoub MF, Correa ZM (2016. ) Ultrasonographical assessment of implanted biodegradable device for long-term slow release of methotrexate into the vitreous. Experimental eye research, , 148 ,30 -32More Information

Manna S, Banerjee RK, Augsburger JJ, Al-Rjoub MF, Donnell A, Correa ZM (2015. ) Biodegradable chitosan and polylactic acid-based intraocular micro-implant for sustained release of methotrexate into vitreous: analysis of pharmacokinetics and toxicity in rabbit eyes. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, , 253 (8 ) ,1297 -1305More Information

Manna S, Augsburger JJ, Correa ZM, Landero JA, Banerjee RK (2014. ) Development of chitosan and polylactic acid based methotrexate intravitreal micro-implants to treat primary intraocular lymphoma: an in vitro study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 136 (2 ) , More Information

Palakurthi NK, Correa ZM, Augsburger JJ, Banerjee RK (2011. ) Toxicity of a biodegradable microneedle implant loaded with methotrexate as a sustained release device in normal rabbit eye: a pilot study. Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics, , 27 (2 ) ,151 -156More Information

Palakurthi NK, Krishnamoorthy M, Augsburger JJ, Correa ZM, Banerjee RK (2010. ) Investigation of kinetics of methotrexate for therapeutic treatment of intraocular lymphoma. Current eye research, , 35 (12 ) ,1105 -1115More Information

Krishnamoorthy MK, Park J, Augsburger JJ, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Effect of retinal permeability, diffusivity, and aqueous humor hydrodynamics on pharmacokinetics of drugs in the eye. Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics, , 24 (3 ) ,255 -267More Information

Park J, Franco RS, Augsburger JJ, Banerjee RK (2007. ) Comparison of 2-methoxyestradiol and methotrexate effects on non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphoma. Current eye research, , 32 (7-8 ) ,659 -667More Information

Park J, Bungay PM, Lutz RJ, Augsburger JJ, Millard RW, Roy AS, Banerjee RK (2005. ) Evaluation of coupled convective–diffusive transport of drugs administered by intravitreal injection and controlled release implant. Journal of Controlled Release, , 105 (3 ) ,279 -295More Information

Mass transport in vasculature .

Banerjee RK, Kwon O, Vaidya VS, Back LH (2008. ) Coupled oxygen transport analysis in the avascular wall of a coronary artery stenosis during angioplasty. Journal of Biomechanics, , 41 (2 ) ,475 -479More Information

Kwon O, Krishnamoorthy M, Cho YI, Sankovic JM, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Effect of blood viscosity on oxygen transport in residual stenosed artery following angioplasty. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 130 (1 ) , More Information

Vaidya VS, Back LH, Banerjee RK (2005. ) Coupled oxygen transport analysis in the avascular wall of a post-angioplasty coronary artery stenosis . Biorheology, , 42 (4 ) ,249 -269

Oxygen-dependent gene expression in microgravity .

Kwon O, Tranter M, Jones W, Sankovic JM, Banerjee RK (2009. ) Differential translocation of nuclear factor-kappaB in a cardiac muscle cell line under gravitational changes. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 131 (6 ) , More Information

Kwon O, Devarakonda SB, Sankovic JM, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Oxygen transport and consumption by suspended cells in microgravity: a multiphase analysis. Biotechnology and bioengineering, , 99 (1 ) ,99 -107More Information

Kwon O, Sartor M, Tomlinson CR, Millard RW, Olah ME, Sankovic JM, Banerjee RK (2006. ) Effect of simulated microgravity on oxidation-sensitive gene expression in PC12 cells. Advances in Space Research, , 38 (6 ) ,1168 -1176More Information

Tumor and Spinal .

Sarntinoranont M, Banerjee RK, Lonser RR, Morrison PF (2003. ) A computational model of direct interstitial infusion of macromolecules into the spinal cord. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 31 (4 ) ,448 -461More Information

Banerjee RK, Sung C, Bungay PM, Dedrick RL, van OW (2002. ) Antibody penetration into a spherical prevascular tumor nodule embedded in normal tissue. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 30 (6 ) ,828 -839More Information

Banerjee RK, van OW, Bungay PM, Sung C, Dedrick RL (2001. ) Finite element model of antibody penetration in a prevascular tumor nodule embedded in normal tissue. Journal of Controlled Release, , 74 (1-3 ) ,193 -202More Information

Micro- and Nano- Fluidics and Heat Transfer .

Electro-hydrodynamics .

Al-Rjoub MF, Roy AK, Ganguli S, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Enhanced heat transfer in a micro-scale heat exchanger using nano-particle laden electro-osmotic flow. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, , 68 ,228 -235More Information

Al-Rjoub MF, Roy AK, Ganguli S, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Improved flow rate in electro-osmotic micropumps for combinations of substrates and different liquids with and without nanoparticles. Journal of Electronic Packaging, , 137 (2 ) , More Information

Al-Rjoub MF, Roy AK, Ganguli S, Banerjee RK (2011. ) Assessment of an active-cooling micro-channel heat sink device, using electro-osmotic flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, , 54 (21-22 ) ,4560 -4569More Information

Comandur KA, Bhagat AA, Dasgupta S, Papautsky I, Banerjee RK (2010. ) Transport and reaction of nanoliter samples in a microfluidic reactor using electro-osmotic flow. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, , 20 (3 ) ,035017 More Information

Dasgupta S, Bhagat AA, Horner M, Papautsky I, Banerjee RK (2008. ) Effects of applied electric field and microchannel wetted perimeter on electroosmotic velocity. Microfluidics and nanofluidics, , 5 (2 ) ,185 -192More Information

Devarakonda SB, Han J, Ahn C, Banerjee R (2007. ) Bioparticle separation in non-Newtonian fluid using pulsed flow in micro-channels. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, , 3 (4 ) ,391 -401More Information

Magneto-electro hydrodynamics .

Miller S, Weiss AA, Heineman WR, Banerjee RK (2019. ) Electroosmotic flow driven microfluidic device for bacteria isolation using magnetic microbeads. Scientific reports, , 9 (1 ) ,1 -11More Information

Miller SA, Heineman WR, Weiss AA, Banerjee RK (2018. ) Analysis of magnetic microbead capture with and without bacteria in a microfluidic device under different flow scenarios. Journal of Medical Devices, , 12 (4 ) , More Information

Das D, Al-Rjoub MF, Heineman WR, Banerjee RK (2016. ) Efficient capture of magnetic microbeads by sequentially switched electroosmotic flow—an experimental study. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, , 26 (5 ) ,055013 More Information

Das D, Al-Rjoub MF, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Enhanced capture of magnetic microbeads using combination of reduced magnetic field strength and sequentially switched electroosmotic flow—a numerical study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 137 (5 ) , More Information

Tissue and Cell Mechanics .

Peelukhana SV, Goenka S, Kim B, Kim J, Bhattacharya A, Stringer KF, Banerjee RK (2015. ) Effect of higher frequency components and duration of vibration on bone tissue alterations in the rat-tail model. Industrial health, , 2014 -0117More Information

Goenka S, Peelukhana SV, Kim J, Stringer KF, Banerjee RK (2013. ) Dependence of vascular damage on higher frequency components in the rat-tail model. Industrial health, , 2012 -0060More Information

Pattnaik S, Banerjee R, Kim J (2012. ) Spatial resonance in a small artery excited by vibration input as a possible mechanism to cause hand–arm vascular disorders. Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 331 (8 ) ,1951 -1960More Information

Macro-Fluidics and Meat Transfer .

Banerjee RK, Karve M, Ha JH, Lee DH, Cho YI (2012. ) Evaluation of enhanced heat transfer within a four row finned tube array of an air cooled steam condenser. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, , 61 (10 ) ,735 -753More Information

Kazmierczak M, Kumar R, Gopalakrishnan P, Banerjee R (2007. ) Experimental measurement of thermal heating of millimeter sized spheres using IR imaging subjected to synchrotron X-ray beam with comparison to theoretical predictions . Journal of heat transfer, , 129 (8 ) ,

Mhaisekar A, Kazmierczak MJ, Banerjee RK (2005. ) Steady conjugate heat transfer from X-ray or laser-heated sphere in external flow at low Reynolds number. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, , 47 (9 ) ,849 -874More Information

Mhaisekar A, Kazmierczak MJ, Banerjee R (2005. ) Three-dimensional numerical analysis of convection and conduction cooling of spherical biocrystals with localized heating from synchrotron X-ray beams. Journal of synchrotron radiation, , 12 (3 ) ,318 -328More Information

Education .

Banerjee RK, D'Souza GA, Rylander C, Devireddy R (2014. ) A Review of Biotransport Education in the 21st Century: Lessons Learned From Experts. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 136 (11 ) , More Information

Book Chapter

Roy-Chaudhury P, and Banerjee RK (2012 ) . Flowdynamics, maturity and access failure. In: Interventional nephrology. First edition: McGraw-Hill professional.

Banerjee RK and Dasgupta S. (2010 ) . Characterization of HIFU thermal field for therapeutic applications. Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol 4. Elsevier Inc.

Banerjee RK, Back LH, Cho YI. (2000 ) . Computational fluid dynamics modeling techniques using finite element methods to predict arterial blood flow . Biomechanical Systems Techniques & Applications: Biofluid Methods in Vascular and Pulmonary Systems. Vol 4, Chap 8: . CRC Press

Banerjee RK, Sinha Roy A, Back LH (2006 ) Coronary angioplasty and guidewire diagnostics In: Webster JG, ed. Wiley Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation. Vol 6. 2 ed: . John Wiley & Sons

Patents and Inventions

United States Patent Application Number: 14/052,172. Biodegradable polymer based microimplant for ocular drug delivery. Banerjee RK, Manna S, Augsburger, JJ., 10-11-2013

Application Number: 11/642989. United States Patent Application 20070204671. Two alternative optical techniques for the noninvasive 3D characterization of ultrasound beams-and particularly of high power (HIFU) beams. Sliwa JW, Robinson RA, Hariharan P, Myers MR, Wear KA, Herman B, Matchette S, Maruvada S, Banerjee RK, Harris GR., 09-06-2007

Application Number: 62106883. United States Provisional Patent Application EFS ID: 21291639. Enhanced capture of magnetic microbeads using combination of reduced magnetic field strength and sequentially switched electro-osmotic flow-A numerical study. Banerjee RK, Das D, Al-Rjoub M and Yadav J., 01-23-2015

Application Number: 62/048417. United States Provisional Patent Application EFS ID: 20097645. Non-invasive CINE phase contrast MRI based diagnostic procedure. 4. Banerjee RK, Das A, Wansapura J. and Gottliebson W. , 09-10-2014

Application Number: 62/029028. United States Provisional Patent Application EFS ID: 19682403. Pulsatile arterial wall-blood flow interaction with wall pre-stress computed using an inverse algorithm. Banerjee RK, Das A. , 07-25-2014

Application Number: 61/358,573. United States Provisional Patent Application EFS ID: 7894209. Inverse heat transfer method to characterize High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) induced thermal field. Banerjee RK, Myers MR, Dasgupta S, Hariharan P. , 06-25-2010