Professional Summary
Omotayo Banjo, PhD (Penn State University, 2009) focuses on representation and audience responses to racial and cultural media. Her work has been published in peer reviewed journals including Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Communication Theory, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Media and Religion, and Race and Social Problems. She has also presented her research at regional, national and international conferences which include the International Communication Association, National Communication Association, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, and the Collegium for African-American Research. Dr. Banjo teaches courses related to media theory, identity, and race. She is also an affiliate faculty of Africana Studies, Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, and Journalism.
B.A.: Penn State University State College, PA, 2004 (Psychology)
PhD: Penn State University State College, PA, 2009 (Mass Communication)
Research and Practice Interests
- Media Effects
- Race and Media
- Media and Identity
Research Support
2008 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Barrow’s Minority Scholarship
2006 Pennsylvania State University GSIC Student Paper Award
2006 Africana Research Center For us only?: Hostile media perception in the presence of a White audience
Investigators:Banjo, O 05-2010 Provost’s Committee on Faculty Diversity Role:PI 9984 Active Type:Grant
Abbreviated Publications
Book Chapter
Sanders, M. & Banjo, O. (2013). Mass Media and African American identities: examining Black self-concept and intersectionality (pp. 126-148). In D. Lasorsa & A. Rodriguez (Eds.) Media and Identity: New Agendas in Communication. New York: Routledge.
Banjo, O., Whembolua, G., Howard, S., Frederick, N., & Lindsey, J. (Forthcoming). Gangsters’ Paradox: Materialism, Misogyny, Subjectivity and Health Consequences. In C. Jones & E. Wallace (Eds). Black Sociology: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions.
Banjo, O. (2015). Now you see me: The visibility of whiteness in Black context film. In V. Berry, A. Fleming-Rife, & A. Dayo (Eds) Black Culture and Experience: Contemporary Issues. 257-270. New York: Peter Lang Publishing,
Electronic Journal
Banjo, O.Hu, Y., and Sundar, S. (2008) Cell phone usage and social interaction with proximate others: Ringing in a theoretical model. The Open Communication Journal, 2, 127-135. [Electronic version].
Peer Reviewed Publications
Banjo, O. (2011) What are you laughing at? Examining predictors of Whites’ enjoyment of Black Entertainment. [lead article] Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media,55(2), 137-159. doi:10.1080/08838151.2011.570822
Banjo, O. & Morant Williams, K. (2011). A house divided? Christian music in Black and White Communities. [lead article] Journal of Media & Religion, 10(3) 115-137. doi: 10.1080/15348423.2011.599640
Oliver, M. B., Banjo, O., & Kim, J. (2003). Judging a movie by its cover: A content analysis of sexual portrayals on video rental jackets. Sexuality & Culture, 7(3), 38-56.
Banjo, O. (2002). The effects of media consumption on the perception of romantic relationships. Penn State McNair Journal, 9, 9-33.
Oh, D. & Banjo, O. (2012) Outsourcing postracialism: Voicing neoliberal multiculturalism in Outsourced. Communication Theory, 22(4), 449-470. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2885.2012.01414.x
Banjo, O.O. (2013). For Us Only? Examining the Effect of Viewing Context on Black Audiences’ Perceived Influence of Black Entertainment. Race and Social Problems, 5 (1), pp. 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s12552-013-9106-x
More InformationMorant Williams, K & Banjo, O.O. (2013). From where we stand: Exploring Christian listeners social location and Christian music listening". Journal of Media and Religion, 12(4), 196-216. doi: 10.1080/15348423.2013.845027
Banjo, O.O & Fraley, T. (2014). The wannabe, the man, and whitebread: Portrayals of whiteness in the Black films. Western Journal of Black Studies
Banjo, O.O., Appiah, O., Wang, Z.J. Brown, C., & Walther, W. (2015). Co-viewing effects of ethnic-oriented programming: An examination of in-‐group bias and racial comedy exposure. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. , 92, 662-680
Banjo, O.O .& Morant Williams, K. (2015). Behind the music: Exploring audiences’ attitudes toward gospel and contemporary Christian music. Submitted to Journal of Communication and Religion, 37(3) 117-138.
Teaching and Resource Materials
Banjo, O. (2005). Personalizing your college education. In C. Glenn (Ed.), Making Sense: A Real-world Rhetorical Reader 2nd ed. (pg. 521). Boston: Bedford, Freeman & Worth.
Invited Presentations
Banjo, O (03-2009. ) Black humor: For mature audiences only” Black knowledge and the arts: Music, drama, and film. .Conference of the Collegium for African American Research, Bremen, Germany. Conference. . Level:International
Banjo, O (03-2008. ) Third-person effects in Black entertainment. Issues of race in entertainment panel, .Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Pittsburgh, PA. Conference. . Level:Regional
Banjo, O. (04-06-2013. ) Hip Hop , Ethnic Identification and Sexual Health .Cincinnati, OH, AARC. UC. . Level:University
Banjo, O. & Morant, K (04-2011. ) (In Progress. ) Stirring the Souls of Black Folk: ♂ Unpacking the Intersection of Spiritual and Social identity of Black Gospel Music Listeners .Conference of the Collegium for African American Research, Paris,France. Conference. . Level:International
Morant, K & Banjo, O. (04-2011. ) (In Progress. ) Praising God in Black & White: An analysis of the rhetorical power of Contemporary Christian music and Black Gospel music .Eastern Communication Association, Washington D.C.. Conference. . Level:Regional
Banjo,O (04-2010. ) Personal to Me, Universal to You: Understanding White Audiences and Tyler Perry .Eastern Communication Association, Baltimore, MD. Conference. . Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Banjo, O,, Early, M., & Granger, E (03-2005. ) The effects of social identity on perceptions of racism in print news media. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication , San Antonio, TX. . Conference. . Level:National
Banjo, O. (11-2006. ) Are you in the family? Determining relationship investment by cell phone provider. .National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX. . Conference. . Level:National
Banjo, O & Morant, K. (06-2010. ) A house divided? Christian music in Black and White .International Communication Association, Singapore, Singapore. . Level:International
Banjo, O., Early, M., & Granger, E. (03-2005. ) The effects of social identity on perceptions of racism in print news media .Penn State’s Graduate Exhibition, University Park, PA. .
Banjo, O (05-2012. ) Why Can’t We Be Friends? Understanding Comedy and Cultural Competence .International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. . Level:International
Banjo, O. (04-2011). The Dave Chappelle Effect: Humor, Race, and Reception . Department of Sociology Research Colloquium, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Paper Presentations
Banjo, O (05-2008. ) For us only?: Hostile media perception in the presence of a White audience. Montreal, CAN. Conference. Level:International
Banjo, O, & Fraley, T (05-2008. ) Portrayals of whiteness in Black films. .Montreal, CAN. Conference. Level:International
Tsay, M., & Banjo, O. (05-2007. ) A true test of friendship: Testing the interpersonal nature of parasocial interactions. .San Francisco, CA. Conference. Level:International
Banjo, O., Hu, Y., & Sundar, S. (03-2006. ) Cell phone usage and social interaction with proximate others: Ringing in a theoretical model. .Dresden, Germany. Conference. Level:International
Banjo, O., Hu, Y., & Sundar, S. (03-2006. ) Cell phone usage and social interaction with proximate others: Ringing in a theoretical model .University Park, PA.
Banjo, O., Early, M., & Granger, E. (03-2005. ) The effects of social identity on perceptions of racism in print news media .Kennesaw, Georgia.
Banjo,O (06-2010. ) What are you laughing at?: Understanding Whites’ enjoyment of Black entertainment. .Singapore, Singapore. Conference. Level:International
Banjo, O.O. Wang, Z.J., Appiah, O., Brown, C., Walther, W., Hedstrom, A., & Irwin, M. (05-20-2015. ) Wait, Can I Laugh at This? Group Viewing and Racial Humor Messages. .San Juan, Puerto Rico.. Conference. Level:International
Oh, D & Banjo, O. (11-2011. ) Outsourcing postracialism: Voicing neoliberal multiculturalism in Outsourced. New Orleans, Louisanna. Conference. Level:National
Banjo, O & Morant Williams, K. (05-2012. ) ) Behind the Music: Exploring Audiences’ Attitudes toward Gospel and Contemporary Christian Music .Phoenix, AZ. Conference. Level:International
Neuwirth, K. , Frederi, E. & Banjo, O. (11-2011. ) Racial Identity, Racial Perceptions and Person Effects .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:Regional
Banjo,O Co-viewing effects of ethnic-oriented programming: An examination of in-group bias and racial comedy exposure .London, UK. UC. Level:International
Banjo,O (11-06-2011. ) Ethnic Entertainment, Audiences and Effects .Terre Haute, Indiana.
Courses Taught
Media & Identity Level:Undergraduate
Media Literacy Level:Undergraduate
Seminar Analysis in Media Level:Graduate
15-COMM-392 PROJECT IN COMMUNIC Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM-861 DIR PROBLEMS COMM Level:Graduate