Mandi L Cafasso , DNP
Assoc Professor - Clin
College of Nursing
P.O. Box 210038
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Email Barcikml@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Mandi Cafasso is an Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati, where she teaches courses preparing post masters and BSN students to become leaders in healthcare through the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.
Mandi has focused her career on educating advanced practice nurses about Ohio law and rule and has served as a guest lecturer on this topic for a number of national, regional and local organizations and facilities. She is actively involved in a number of professional organizations both for clinical growth and as an advocate for the APRN role.
In addition to her advocacy work and clinical expertise, she has served as a primary investigator for a drug trial, worked on numerous quality improvement committees and enjoys opportunities to volunteer in the community
BSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2002 (Nursing)
MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2005 (Pediatric Nursing- Primary Care)
Doctor of Nursing Practice: Otterbein University Columbus, Ohio, 2015
Research and Practice Interests
Mandi has an interest in health policy and grassroots advocacy for APRN practice. She is involved in a number of professional organizations for this cause.
Clinical interests and expertise in pediatric endcrinology and diabetes care with special interest in treatment of precocious puberty and obesity. Also spends time working with professional organizations on grassroots advocacy related to Endocrine health policy issues.
She also would like to work towards increasing cultural competency and heathcare equity for members of the LGBTQIA community.
Positions and Work Experience
01-2007 -07-31-2022 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner- Endocrinology/ Diabetes, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
01-2017 - Adjunct Instructor, College of Nursing- Post Graduate , University of Cincinnati,
01-2018 - Instructor Adjunct- represented, College of Nursing- Post- Graduate, University of Cincinnati,
07-2005 -01-2007 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner- Liver/Small Bowel Transplant, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
08-2002 -07-2005 Registered Nurse, Pediatric Nurse- Inpatient Liver/Small Bowel and Airway population, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
06-2018 -08-2024 Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Univeristy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
08-2024 - Associate Professor, College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
Published Abstracts
Jennings, C., Barcikowski, M. & Rose, SR (2009. ) Efficacy of 3-Month Depot GnRH Agonist in Control of Inappropriate Puberty .[Abstract]Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 24 (3 ) ,233Co-Author
Efficacy of 3-Month Depot GnRH Agonist in Control of Inappropriate Puberty
Peer Reviewed Publications
Howell, J., Cafasso, M., Backeljauw, P. (2011. ) Superior mesenteric artery syndrome as a presentation of Graves disease in adolescence. Diabetology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, , 18 (3 ) ,
Cafasso, M., Elder, D. A., Blum, S., Weis,T., Hornung, L., Khoury, J., Stenger, . Rose, S.R. (2015. ) Treatment of central precocious puberty using GnRH agonists.The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, , 11 (7 ) ,686-694 More Information
Cafasso, M (2019. ) Patient Advocacy: A Primer on Influencing Healthcare Delivery for Endocrine Patients.Journal Pediatric Nursing, , 45 (March-April ) ,83 -84
Patient Advocacy: A Primer for Influencing Healthcare Delivery for Endocrine Patients
More InformationMcDowell, M., Cafasso, M., Harris, L. (2023. ) Mental health patients’ perspective on the use of telepsychiatry services. Telemedicine and e-Health, , P-33
Merriweather, C., Cafasso, M. (2023. ) Identifying Concerns and Solutions: Efforts to Improve Nurse Retention. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, , 71 ,143-144
Ruehlmann, H., Cafasso, M, and Varney, S. (2024. ) Acuity-Based Assignments: Implementing a Workload Tool to Influence Nurse Satisfaction and Nurse Turnover .Computer, Informatics Nursing, ,
Invited Publications
Cafasso, M. (2019. ) Patient Advocacy: A Primer on Influencing Healthcare Delivery for Endocrine Patients. .Journal Pediatric Nursing, 45 ,83 -84 More Information
Other Publications
Troxel, B., Cafasso, M, and Maylyn, J. (2023. ) Developing a Clinical Practice Guideline for Lactation Support in the Pediatric Primary Care Setting .Journal for Pediatric Nurses,
Book Chapter
Cafasso, Mandi L. (2020 ) Management of Endocrine Disorders Primary Care Pediatrics for the Nurse Practitioner .(pp. 657-675).New York, Springer (Author)
Invited Presentations
Mandi Cafasso (05-2018. ) Grassroots Advocacy: A Necessary Skill in Nursing .Pediatric Endocrine Nurse Society , Bonita Springs, FL. Conference. . Level:National
Mandi Cafasso (03-2018. ) Incrementalism: Beginning a Successful Path to Full Practice Authority .National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Chicago, IL. Conference. . Level:National
Mandi Cafasso (04-2017. ) Klinefelter Syndrome: A near miss in a child with congenital hypothyroidism .Pediatric Endocrine Nurse Society, Minneapolis, MN. Conference. . Level:National
Mandi Cafasso (05-2018. ) Ohio Law Update .Ohio Chapter National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Columbus, Ohio. Conference. . Level:State
Mandi Cafasso (03-2017. ) Law and Rule for the School Nurse .Ohio Department of Health, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Professional Meeting. . Level:State
Cafasso, M., Miller, K & Pfister, MP (01-2019. ) APP Advocacy: Beyond the Bedside .Hospital, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Other Institution. . Level:Local
Riley, A & Cafasso, M. (02-2019. ) Catching up with the times: The state of pediatric obesity and impact of technology based tools .Hospital, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Other Institution. .
Cafasso, M (02-2019. ) APRN Advocacy: Beyond the Bedside .Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Professional Meeting. .
Cafasso, M. (03-2019. ) Precocious puberty .Webinar, Conference. .
Cafasso, M. (04-2019. ) The Politics that Influence Pediatric Endocrine Care .Hotel, Long Beach, CA. Conference. .
Cafasso, M. (05-2019. ) APRN Advocacy: Beyond the Bedside .University, Athens, Ohio. Conference. .
Cafasso, M. & Harding, K. (06-2021. ) Ohio Law Update .Virtual Webinar, Conference. . Level:State
Cafasso, M. (10-2021. ) Pediatric Endocrine Rapid Fire Session .Conference, Columbus, Ohio. Conference. .
Cafasso, M. (01-2022. ) Pediatric Endocrine Topics .Conference, Louisville, KY. Conference. .
Cafasso, M. & Miller, K. (10-2020. ) Category A: Laws and Rules for APRNs 2020 .Virtual, Cincinnati, Ohio. Other Institution. .
Cafasso, M. (2023. ) Nurses and Health Policy: Why We Need to Be Involved .Pediatric Endocrine Society, San Antonio, Texas. Level:International
Cafasso, M. (03-08-2024. ) Labor and Sex Trafficking Overview for Healthcare Professionals .OAAPN Northwest Regional Conference, Bowling Green, Ohio. Level:Regional
Cafasso, M. (05-2024. ) Labor and Sex Trafficking Overview for Healthcare Professionals .Kroger Little Clinic, Virtual. Level:National
Cafasso, M (2024. ) Labor and Sex Trafficking Overview for Healthcare Professionals .Saint Vincent DePaul, Cincinnati. Level:Local
Poster Presentations
Mandi Cafasso, Susan Rose, Tammy Weis, Lindsey Hornung, Jane Khoury, Peggy Stenger, Deborah Elder (06-2012. ) Clinical Efficacy of Three Month Depot GnRH Agonist in Suppression of Central Puberty .Pediatric Endocrine Society, Houston, TX. . Level:National
Mandi Cafasso, Susan Rose, Cindy Jennings, Samantha Blum (04-2009. ) Efficacy of Three Month Depot GnRH Agonist in the Control of Inappropriate Puberty .Pediatric Endocrine Nurse Society, Newport, Rhode Island. . Conference. . Level:National
Cafasso, M., Harding, K. (2022. ) Development of an Online Community and Resource to Foster Faculty-Student Engagement and Success .DNP National Conference, Tampa, FL. . . Level:National
Elliott, T., Cafasso, M., Wrona, S. and Albrecht, J. (03-14-2024. ) Increasing the Feasibility and Sustainability of Kangaroo Care for Premature Infants in the NICU .NAPNAP’s 45th National Conference on Pediatric Health Care, Denver, Colorado. . Level:National
Maier, S. Cafasso, M., and Dandoy, C. (2022. ) Status Post Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cel Transplant: Preparing Caregivers for Discharge .American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, Salt Lake, Utah. . Level:National
Event Organized
Doctoral ShowcaseDoctoral Showcase Other 04-10-2024 virtual Level:College
Honors and Awards
03-2019 OAAPN Amazing APRN
2021 Advanced Practice Provider Spotlight Honoree Level:Department Type:Recognition
2023 Child Advocate of the Year National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners- Ohio Chapter Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
Student Advising
Taylor Foley (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2019
Christina Busick (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2019
Temitayo Olagbemi (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Mallory Widecan (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Rachel Weber (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Tina Arstingstall (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Jennifer Murphy (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed
Kelsey Byrne (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 12-01-2021
Stephanie Smith (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 05-02-2022
Stephanie Maier (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 05-02-2022
Grizel Baja-Bello (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 05-2022
Suzanne Karcher (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 05-2022
Meagan Blackwell (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Talia Elliott (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 12-2023
April Stephens (Doctoral ) Committee Member
Ashleigh Horrell (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 12-2022
Cassandra Hazelrig (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 12-2022
Misty McDowell (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 12-2022
Siobhan Tellez (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Carly Taylor (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 01-2024
Ciara Merriweather (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Tatiana Degraffenreid (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 08-2023
Hannah Ruelhmann (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 08-2024
Ashley Walters (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 08-2023
Brittany Troxel (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 12-2023
Loren Rawls (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Matt Miller (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Deborah Meissner (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Lakin Shelpin (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Sierra Stepp (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Medical Executive Committee ) Elected Member Type:Other Level:Department 01-2016 -01-2018
(Curriculum Council ) Elected Member Type:Departmental Service Level:College 08-2020
(Doctoral Showcase Planning Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2020
Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses (Board ) Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 11-01-2019
(Committee for Equity and Inclusive Excellence ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-01-2022
Post Graduate Training and Education
05-2013-05-2015 Doctorate of Nursing Practice, Otterbein University, , Columbus, Ohio
Professional Affiliation
Legislative Chair Ohio Chapter National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners,
07-2021: Board of Directors Pediatric Endocrine Nurse Society,
Key Person Program Chair Ohio Association for Advanced Practice Nurses- taskforce for full practice authority. Grassroots education chair Ohio Association for Advanced Practice Nurses,
2024: Government Relations Co- Director Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses,
Courses Taught
-NDNP-8001 DNP ROLE SEM Level:Graduate
-NDNP-8002 ROLE SEM DNP APRN Level:Graduate
-NDNP-8002 ROLE SEM DNP APRN Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9030 PLAN MGT PROG PROJ Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9030 PLAN MGT PROG PROJ Level:Graduate
Planning, Management and Evaluation Level:Graduate
DNP Role Seminar Level:Graduate
Practicum I Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum II Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum I Level:Graduate
Planning Management and Evaluation Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum II Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum III Level:Graduate
DNP Role Seminar Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum I Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum II Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum III Level:Graduate
Writing Seminar Level:Graduate
DNP Scholarly Writing Level:Graduate
Planning Management and Evaluation Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum II
DNP Practicum III Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum I
Planning Management and Evaluation Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum III Level:Graduate
Writing Seminar Level:Graduate
DNP Role Seminar Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum I Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum II Level:Graduate
DNP Scholarly Writing Level:Graduate
Planning Management and Evaluation Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum II Level:Graduate
DNP Practicum III Level:Graduate
Writing Seminar Level:Graduate
-NDNP-8002 ROLE SEM DNP APRN Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9025 DNP PRACTICUM I Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9030 PLAN MGT PROG PROJ Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9035 DNP PRACTICUM II Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9038 DNP PRACTICUM III Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9040 DNP CAPSTONE Level:Graduate
-NDNP-9042 CAPSTONE SEMINAR Level:Graduate
Contact Information
Academic - College of Nursing
P.O. Box 210038
Ohio, 45221