Anne M. Bauer
Teachers College
CECH Special Education - 0002
Professional Summary
Annie M. Bauer, received her doctorate in Learning and Development from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in 1983. Dr. Bauer is a professor of Special Education, and is assigned as the NCATE Coordinator in the Office of Assessment and continuous Improvement. She has served with Dr. Lawrence J. Johnson as co-editor of Teacher Education and Special Education. The author of twenty books on issues related to disability, inclusive environments, and classroom management, Dr. Bauer has also published in journals such as The Journal of Special Education, School Psychology Quarterly, The Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, and Topics in Early Childhood and Special Education.
Ed. D.: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 1983 (Learning and Development)
M. S. : Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 1977 (Special Education)
B. A.: Fontbonne College Saint Louis, 1975 (Elementary and Special Education)
Research Support
Grant: #SEPDAC Investigators:Bauer, Anne 12-16-2005 -12-31-2011 Department of Education Special Education Personnel Development Advisory Committee Role:PI $100,803.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #062927-6B-SE-06 Investigators:Bauer, Anne 07-01-2005 -09-30-2006 Department of Education Training Licensed Educators to Become Intervention Specialists for Ohio Role:PI $199,809.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #TCAS Title IIA Investigators:Bauer, Anne; Vondrell, James 01-20-2006 -05-31-2006 Department of Education Teacher Candidate and Unit Assessment System Role:Collaborator $10,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #0629276BSE07 Investigators:Bauer, Anne 07-01-2006 -09-30-2007 Department of Education Pathways to Full Licensure Role:PI $200,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #H325T070001 Investigators:Barnett, David; Bauer, Anne; Hawkins, Renee; Kroeger, Stephen; Musti, Shobana; Troup, Karen 08-01-2007 -07-31-2013 Department of Education Capturing the Future: Cincinnati Model for HQT and Evidence-Based Intervention Services Preparation Role:Collaborator $470,005.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Harte, H., Dyke, K. S., Borders, C. M; and Bauer, A. M. (2009. ) Graduate School Discourse .Academic Exchance, , 13 (3 ) ,82-88
Barnett, D.;Bauer, A.;Bell, S.;Elliott, N.;Haski, H.;Barkley, E.;Baker, D.;Mackiewicz, K. (2007. ) Preschool intervention scripts: Lessons from 20 years of research and practice .Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis, , 2 (2 ) ,158 -181
Sapona,Regina; Etienne,Jerry; Bauer,Anne; Fordon,Ann E.; Johnson,Lawrence J.; Hendricks-Lee, Martha; Vincent,Nelson C. (2006. ) Teacher education reform within university special education programs .Focus on Exceptional Children, , 38 (5 ) ,1 -12
Bauer, A.M.;Johnson, L.J.;Sapona, R.H. (2004. ) Reflections on 20 years of preparing special education teachers .Exceptionality, , 12 (4 ) ,239 -246
Bauer, A.M.;Johnson, L.J.;Kreig, J. (2003. ) Teacher education and special education: A second look back .Teacher Education & Special Education, , 26 (4 ) ,341 -348
Ulrich, M.E.;Bauer, A.M. (2003. ) Levels of awareness .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 35 (6 ) ,20 -24
Ulrich,Mary E.; Bauer,Anne M. (2003. ) Levels of awareness: a closer look at communication between parents and professionals .TEACHING Exceptional Children, , 35 (6 ) ,20 -24
Bauer, A.M.;Ulrich, M.E. (2002. ) I’ve got a palm in my pocket .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 35 (2 ) ,18 -22
LaMontagne,M.J.; Johnson,Lawrence J.; Kilgo,Jennifer L.; Stayton,Vicki; Carr,Victoria; Bauer,Anne M.; Carpenter,Jenny (2002. ) Unified early childhood personnel preparation programs: perceptions from the field .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 25 (3 ) ,236 -246
Bauer, A.M.;Ulrich, M.E.;Rich, J.;Matuszek, K. (2001. ) Everyone at the table: A culture of inclusion at an inner urban high school .70 -73
Bauer, A.M.;Barnett, D.W. (2001. ) Infants at risk: Marker variables related to the early lives of children .Journal of Children & Poverty, , 7 (2 ) ,121 -134
Bauer, A.M.;Ulrich, M.E. (2001. ) The dog ate my Palm Pilot .31 (11 ) ,34 -36
Barnett, D.W.;Bell, S.H.;Bauer, A.;Macmann, G.;Stollar, S.;Ehrhardt, K.E. (1997. ) Ecological foundations of early intervention: Planned activities and strategic sampling .30 (4 ) ,471 -490
Barnett, D.W.;Bell, S.H.;Bauer, A.M.;Lentz, F.E.;Petrelli, S.;Air, A.;Hannum, L.;Ehrhardt, K.E.;Peters, C.A. (1997. ) The early childhood intervention project: Building capacity for service .12 ,292 -315
Barnett,David W.; Bell,Susan H.; Bauer,Annie; Lentz, Francis E.,Jr.; Petrelli,Sabrina; Air,Amy; Hannum,Laurel; Ehrhardt,Kristal E.; Peters,Cynthia A.; Barnhouse,Lisa; Reifin,Linda H.; Stollar,Stephanie (1997. ) The early childhood intervention project: building capacity for service delivery .School Psychology Quarterly, , 12 (4 ) ,293 -315
Barnett, D.W.;Bauer, A.M.;Ehrnhardt, K.E.;Lentz, F.E.;Stollar, S.A. (1996. ) Keystone strategies for change: Planning for wide spread social consequences .11(2) ,95 -117
Williams, C.L.;Freppon, P.A.;Bauer, A.;Barry, P. (1995. ) Final report of the even start family literacy program evaluation .
Brown, M.S.;Bauer, A.M.;Kretschmer, R.R. (1995. ) Social participation and teachers’ lessons .13 ,468 -483
Brown, M.S.;Bauer, A.M.;Kretschmer, R.R. (1995. ) Dual agenda: Social participation and teachers’ lessons .8 ,265 -280
Bauer,Anne M. (1993. ) Children and youth in foster care .Intervention in School and Clinic, , 28 (3 ) ,134 -142
Bauer,Anne M. (1991. ) Drug and alcohol exposed children: implications for special education for students identified as behaviorally disordered .Behavioral Disorders, , (1 ) ,72 -79
Kroeger, S. D., Borders, C. M., Bauer, A. M., & Troup, K. Preservice teacher decision making. .International Journal of Applied Educational Studies, ,
Clarke, L. S., Haydon, T., & Bauer, A. Use of picture response cards in the general education classroom to increase participation of students with mild intellectual disabilities .Psychology in the Schools, ,
Kroeger, S., Troup, T., Bauer, A., Harrelson, M., & Idoine, T. “You Sound Like a Teacher”: Practicing Strategies for Teacher Talk .Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, ,
Borders, C. M., Bauer, A. M. & Barnett, D. W. (2010). (2010. ) How are they really doing? Observation of inclusionary classroom participation for children with mild to moderate hearing impairment. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, , 10 ,
Clarke, L., Eldridge, D., & Bauer, A. M. (2014. ) Managing incontinence in the classroom: Minding dignity and safety. .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 46 (3 ) ,6
Published Books
Walter, J.;Shea, T.M.;Bauer, A.M. (2006. ) Behavior management: A practical handbook (9th ed.) .Columbus, OH , Merrill/Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.M.;Kroeger, S.D. (2004. ) Exploring diversity: A video case approach .Columbus, OH , Merrill-Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.;Kroeger, S.D. (2004. ) Video cases on CD-rom activity and learning guide to accompany the inclusive classroom .Columbus, OH , Merrill-Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.;Ulrich, M.E. (2003. ) A PDA in the hand: Introduction to special education .Columbus, OH , Merrill Education/Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.M.;Shea, T.M. (2003. ) Parents and teachers of children with disabilities: Creating successful partnerships .Columbus, OH , Merrill
Walker, J.;Shea, T.M.;Bauer, A.M. (2003. ) Behavior Management: A practical handbook (8th Ed.) .Columbus, OH , Merrill/Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.M.;Keefe, C.;Shea, T.M. (2001. ) Students with emotional/behavioral disorders and learning disabilities .Columbus, OH , Prentice-Hall
Bauer, A.M.;Myree, G. (2001. ) Adolescence and inclusion: Transforming secondary schools .Baltimore, MD , Paul H. Brookes
Bauer, A.M. (2001. ) Students with learning disabilities or emotional behavioral disorders .Upper Saddle River, NJ , Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.M. (2000. ) What makes it work: A case study of inclusive high school (TASH Conference Yearbook) .Baltimore, MD , TASH Disability Advocacy Worldwide
Bauer, A.;Shea, T. (1999. ) Inclusion 101: How to teach all learners .Baltimore, MD , Paul. H. Brookes
Bauer, A.;Shea, T. (1999. ) Learners with emotional and behavioral disorders .Upper Saddle River, NJ , Prentice Hall
Johnson, L.J.;LaMontagne, M.;Elgas, P.;Bauer, A.M. (1998. ) Blending early childhood and early childhood special education practices: Collaboration to meet the needs of children and their families .Baltimore, MD , Paul H. Brookes
Boyle, J.;Danforth, S.;Shea, T.M.;Bauer, A.M. (1997. ) Cases in special education .Madison, WI , Brown & Benchmark
Bauer, A.M.;Shea, T.M. (1997. ) Instructors manual and test bank: Introduction to special education: A social systems perspective .Madison, WI , Brown & Benchmark
Shea, T.M.;Bauer, A.M. (1997. ) Introduction to special education: A social systems perspective (2nd ed.) .Madison, WI , Brown & Benchmark
Johnson,Lawrence J.; Bauer,Anne M. (1992. ) Meeting the needs of special students: legal, ethical, and practical ramifications. successful schools: guidebooks to effective educational leadership. volume 6 .
Shea, T.M.;Bauer, A.M. (1983. ) Problems and characteristics of children and youth with emotional/behavioral disorders .Englewood Cliffs, NJ , Prentice Hall
Shea, T. M. & Bauer, A. M. (2011. ) Behavior management: A practical handbook (10th Ed.). .Columbus, OH , Pearson
Shea, T.M., & Bauer, A.M. (2011. ) Behavior Management: A Practice Guide. (10th Edition). Columbus, OH , Merill/Pearson
Shea, T.M.& Bauer, A.M. (2011. ) Korean Translation of: Behavior Management: A Practical Guide. London, UK , Sigma Press.
Book Chapter
Kroeger, S.D.;Bauer, A.M. (2004 ) A video case approach instructor’s manual to accompany 2004 multimedia edition multicultural education in a pluralistic society Exploring diversity .Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.M.;Kroeger, S.D. (2004 ) Strategies for Effective Instruction Video cases on CD-ROM activity and learning guide to accompany the inclusive classroom .Columbus, OH, Merrill-Prentice Hall
Bauer, A.M.;Battle, M.;Johnson, L.J. (2004 ) Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings: Creating a place for all children Engaging parents as partners in changing behavior .(pp. 33 -48).Baltimore, MD, Paul H. Brookes
Bauer, A.M.;Ulrich, M.E. (2003 ) Introduction to special education (7th Edition) A PDA in the hand .(pp. 54 -56).Columbus, OH, Merrill Education/Prentice Hall
Miller, P.;Bauer, A.;Plevyak, L.;Carr, V.;Johnson, L.J.;Fong, L. (2002 ) DEC personnel preparation in early childhood education: Implementing the DEC Recommended Practices Characteristics of faculty members in personnel preparation programs .(pp. 139 -159).
Bauer, A.M. (2001 ) Educating young adolescent girls Girls with disabilities .Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum
Sapona, R.H.;Etienne, J.F.;Bauer, A.M.;Fordon, A.E.;Johnson, L.J.;Hendricks-Lee, M.;Vincent, N.C. (1997 ) Teacher education in transition: Collaborative programs to prepare general and special educators Teacher education reform within the special education program at the University of Cincinnati: An ongoing journey .(pp. 128 -151).Denver, CO, Love Publishing
Bauer, A. M (1998 ) Professional Development and Promotion In F. Obiakor, R. Algozzine, & J. Boston, (Eds). Publish and Flourish (2nd Ed.) .Alexandria, VA, Council for Exceptional Children
Etienne, J.;Sapona, R.;Bauer, A.;Johnson, L.J.;Fordon, A.;Hendricks-Lee, M.;Vincent, N.C. Forum on teacher education The ongoing journey to change: Transformation of a special education program .Tucson, AZ, Love Publishing
aine, C., Bauer, A. M., Johnson, H. (2010). (2010 ) Dispositions in urban teaching. Teaching as a Moral Practice Defining, Developing, and Assessing Professional Dispositions in Teacher Education .Cambridge, MA, Harvard Education Press
Laine, C.H.; Bauer, A.M.; Kroeger, S.D.; Johnson, H.; Meyer, H. From reaction to reflection: A case of moving toward learning for all Developing the moral aspects of teaching .Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press
Invited Presentations
Bauer, A. M. (03-2007. ) Preparing teachers to work in a three-tiered approach to academic and behavior intervention and prevention .Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, OH.
Bauer, A., Johnson, L. J., Vondrell, J., Vincent, N., & Sapona, R (03-2005. ) Calling all data: Tracking and monitoring assessment systems .Presentation at the Ohio Department of Education Assessment Conference, Columbus, OH.
Bauer, A., Vondrell, J., Vincent, N., Johnson, L. J., & Sapona, R. (02-2005. ) Implementing unit-wide assessment including dispositions and student learning .Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, DC.
Johnson, L. J., Sapona, R., Vincent, N., Bauer, A.M., & Vondrell, J. (02-2003. ) The challenge and opportunity of continuous improvement: Changing the culture of teacher preparation programs .Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Colleges for Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA.
Bauer, A.M. (04-2002. ) Improving the use of handheld technology in K-12 teaching and learning .Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Bauer, A.M. (02-2002. ) Using handheld technology for self-management with middle school students .Ohio Schoolnet, Columbus, OH.
Allen, S.J., Bauer, A.M., Brinker, L., Bobango, J., Sapona, R.H., & Vincent, N. (02-2002. ) Partners and participation: Meeting the challenges of NCATE 2000 .Paper presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education, New York, NY.
Paper Presentations
Bauer, A. M (07-2008. ) The KWL of Improving Preservice Education of Special Education .Columbus, OH.
Bauer, A.M.; Laine, C.H. (2010. ) The transformational initiative: UC .Atlanta, GA.
Bauer, A.M.; Johnson, L.J. (2010. ) The transformation initiative; Standard 3; Pushing the Envelope in Assessment .Louisville, KY.
Bauer, A.M. (2012. ) Chicago, IL.
Laine, C.H.; Bauer, A.M.; Troup, K.; Johnson, H. (2010. ) Developing Capacities of Moral Agency and Ethical Practice in Teachers and Teaching .Denver, CO.
teacher education, teacher preparation, special education teacher preparation, special education teacher education, accreditation, assessment, NCATE, assessment systems