Gregory Beaucage
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Chemical Eng - 0012
Post Doctoral Fellow: Sandia National Laboratory Albuquerque, NM , 1991 (Organic Materials Group Characterization of nanomaterials using scattering & scattering theory)
Ph.D.: University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA , 1991 (Polymer Science and Engineering. Advisor: Richard S. Stein. A Morphological, Mechanical and Thermodynamic Investigation of the Isotactic-PVME/PS Polymer Blend.)
B.S.: University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI , 1982 (Chemical Engineering; High Distinction. (Elected to Phi Kappa Phi))
B.S.: University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI , 1980 (Zoology; Highest Distinction. (National Merit Scholar Finalist, Elected to Phi Beta Kappa))
Research Support
Grant: #IIP 1939038 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 01-15-2020 -12-31-2020 National Science Foundation Planning Grant: I/UCRC for The Center for Hierarchical Emergent Materials (CHEM) Role:PI $15,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #CMMI-1635865 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 09-01-2016 -08-31-2019 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: The design of polymer nanocomposites guided by mesoscale simulations and scattering Role:PI $231,991.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Scattering Studies II Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 09-01-2016 -08-30-2017 Procter & Gamble Company Beaucage Scattering Studies II Role:PI $50,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #211-2016-M-90456 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 07-01-2016 -09-30-2017 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Development of Instrumentation and method for measurement of crystalline silica aerosol Role:PI $45,847.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #UC Exhibit A - Scattering Studies Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 11-01-2014 -10-31-2015 Procter & Gamble Company Scattering Studies Role:PI $166,731.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #Std Industry Agreement Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory; Kuppa, Vikram 09-01-2014 -08-31-2015 Bridgestone Corporation Quantification of morphology of ternary elastomer/nanoparticle blends by scattering and simulation Role:Collaborator $137,028.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #DMR-1429390 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory; Kuppa, Vikram; Schaefer, Dale 08-15-2014 -10-21-2015 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of USAXS Ultra Small Angle X-Ray Scattering System Role:Collaborator 0.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OBR Action Fund #1053 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory; Kuppa, Vikram; Schaefer, Dale 07-01-2014 -10-21-2015 Ohio Department of Higher Education OBR Action Fund for MRI: Acquisition of USAXS Ultra Small Angle X-Ray Scattering System Role:Collaborator 0.00 Closed Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #SET-100-11-GR101 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory; Elleh, Nnamdi; Larkin, Lisa 09-20-2013 -09-19-2015 Department of State U.S.- Ethiopian University Linkage Seed Money Role:PI 15000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #4000108291 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 08-24-2011 -09-30-2011 Department of Energy NanoPower Africa: Photovoltaics for Sub-Saharan Africa Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #IIP-113483 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 07-15-2011 -06-30-2012 National Science Foundation Planning Grant: I/UCRC for the Center for Macromolecular Topology (CMT) Role:PI $14,500.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NED130-9743-ZAF-11-02 / 674-A-00-11-00018-00 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 02-21-2011 -09-30-2013 Agency for International Development Nano-Power for Africa Role:PI $1,134,415.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #AEG-A-00-05-00007-00 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 11-05-2009 -03-31-2010 Higher Education for Development Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative Planning Grant: Development of Inexpensive, Indigenous Graetzel Cells for Local Power Generation Role:PI $49,995.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #EM01844 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 06-01-2009 -05-31-2011 ExxonMobil Global Services Company Materials Characterization Role:PI $16,057.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #SRS 006233 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 04-01-2009 -03-01-2010 Procter & Gamble Company P&G Capability Enhancement in Small Angle X-ray Scattering (USAXS) Role:PI $18,222.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #PO 4400959912 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 03-09-2009 -12-31-2010 Equistar Chemicals LP Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Studies Role:PI $75,332.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #SRS 005792 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 07-01-2008 -07-15-2009 Equistar Chemicals LP Integrated Method for Determination of Long and Short Chain Branching Architecture in Polyethylene Resins Role:PI $58,016.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #SRS 004188 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 03-01-2007 -07-15-2009 Equistar Chemicals LP Integrated Method for Determination of Long and Short Chain Branching of Architecture in Polyethylene Resins Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #CTS-0626063 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 09-01-2006 -08-31-2010 National Science Foundation Spray Jet Flames for Supported Gold Catalysts: New Catalyst Role:PI $316,052.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CTS-0070214 NCE Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 07-01-2000 -06-30-2004 National Science Foundation Room Temperature Nano-Structure Synthesis in Aerosols Role:PI $240,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CTS-9986656-NCE Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 02-01-2000 -01-31-2002 National Science Foundation Aero-Sol-Gel Amorphous Mixed Oxides for Epoxidation Catalysts Role:PI $54,703.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #99S44200145C1/Mod 1 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 09-15-1999 -03-15-2000 Department of the Air Force Innovative Wear Resistant Materials for Space Applications Role:PI $8,843.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #No cost extension Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 07-15-1996 -06-30-2000 Procter & Gamble Company Quantitative Characterization of Diaper Components Using Small Angle Light Scattering Role:PI $40,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #CBET-2409292 Investigators:Beaucage, Gregory 05-01-2024 -04-30-2027 National Science Foundation Mechanism for nanoparticle release from automotive tire tread Role:PI 410610.00 Active Level:Federal
Invited Publications
Beaucage G (2008. ) Towards resolution of ambiguity for the unfolded state .Biophysical J. , 95 ,503-509
Ramachandran R, Beaucage G, Kulkarni AS, McFaddin D, Merrick-Mack J, Galiatsatos V (2008. ) Persistence Length of Short-Chain Branched Polyethylene .Macromolecules,
Kulkarni A, Beaucage G (2006. ) Quantification of branching in disordered materials .J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. , 44 ,1395-1405
Kammler HK, Beaucage G, Kohls DJ, Agashe N. Ilavsky J. (2005. ) In situ studies of nano-particle growth dynamics in premixed flames .J Appl. Phys. , 95 (5 ) ,Article 054309
Beaucage G, Kammler HK, Mueller R, Strobel R, Agashe N, Pratsinis SE and Narayanan T (2004. ) Probing the dynamics of nanoparticle growth in a flame using synchrotron radiation. Nature Mater, 3 ,370-373
Beaucage G (2004. ) Determination of branch fraction and minimum dimension of mass-fractal aggregates .Phys. Rev. E, 70 ,031401
Bafna A, Beaucage G, Mirabella F (2003. ) 3D Hierarchical orientation in polymer-clay nanocomposite films .Polymer , 44 ,1103-1115
Sukumaran SK, Beaucage G (2002. ) A structural model for equilibrium swollen networks .Europhysics Letters , 59 ,714-720
Beaucage G (1996. ) Small-Angle Scattering from Polymeric Mass Fractals of Arbitrary Mass-Fractal Dimension. J. Appl. Crystallogr, 29 ,134-146
Beaucage G (1995. ) Approximations leading to a unified exponential/power-law approach to small-angle scattering .J. Appl. Crystallogr, 28 ,717-728
Student Advising
Amit Kulkarni (Doctoral )
Ayush Bafna (Doctoral )
Doug Kohls (Doctoral )
Durgesh Rai (Doctoral )
G. Skillas (Postdoctoral )
Hao Liu (Undergrad )
Hashard Chavan (Master )
J. Hyeon-Lee (Doctoral )
Kurt Woodford (Undergrad )
Ling Guo (Master )
Maesa Idries (Undergrad )
Mangesh Champhekar (Master )
Nikhil Agashe (Doctoral )
Ramnath Ramachandran (Doctoral )
Robin Holland (Undergrad )
Ryan Breese (Doctoral )
S. Rane (Doctoral )
S. Sukumaran (Doctoral )
Sachit Chopras (Doctoral )
Stephanie Berger (Undergrad )
Suresh Murugesan (Doctoral )
Professional Affiliation
2010 -To Present: Director http://www.eng.uc.edu/~gbeaucag/NanoPowerAfrica.html Nanopower Africa,
2008 -To Present: Professor Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Cincinnati,
2008: Fellow American Physical Society
2004 -2005: Chair of the Small Angle Scattering Special Interest Group ACryS
2003 -2004: Program Chair Small Angle Scattering Special Interest Group ACryS
2003 -To Present: Founding Member of LENS Neutron Scattering Facility Indiana University,
2003 -2004: Visiting Professor Funded by Swiss NSF and Dupont Corporation ETHZ, Zurich Switzerland,
2000 -2008: Advisory Board Intense Pulse Neutron Source Argonne Natonal Laboraotry,
2000 -2007: Associate Professor University of Cincinnati,
2000 -To Present: Founding Member of LSU Synchrotron CAMD SAXS User Group
1995 -To Present: Panel and Individual Referee for NSF/PRF/DOE/Commerce Proposals
1994 -2000: Assistant Professor University of Cincinnati,
1993 -1994: Staff Member Organic Materials Group 1815. Cooperative research agreements with U.S. industrial partners Sandia National Laboratory,
1992 -To Present: Member American Crystallographic Society
1990 -To Present: Member American Physical Society
1982 -1986: Patent Examiner Biomedical Materials US Patent and Trademark Office,
1980 -To Present: Member American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Other Information
Graduate & Postdoctoral Advisors
Dr. Richard S. Stein, Emeritus Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Member NAS and NAE.
Dr. D. W. Schaefer, Professor of Engineering (Formerly Dean of Engineering), U. Cincinnati.
Dr. J. G. Curro, Former Head of Polymer Group,Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque NM.
Contact Information
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
University of Cincinnati
Ohio, 45221-0012
Phone: 513 556-3063
Fax: 513 556-3473