Jody Beckington
Asst Professor - Clin
College of Nursing Proctor Hall
3110 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Phone 5135587056
Email jody.miniard@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Jody Beckington is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner with 18 years of experiencing caring for neurosurgical patients. She first served as an adjunct faculty member at the College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati starting in the summer of 2012. She then transitioned to full time faculty in the Fall of 2014, and Assistant Professor in 2017. Dr. Beckington currently serves as the coordinator of the Adult Gerontology Acure Care Nurse Practitioner program at the College of Nursing. Jody is passionate about the education of nurses and the profession's role in the transformation of healthcare.
BSN: Indiana Unviersity IUPUI Indianapolis , 2000 (Nursing)
MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2004 (Nursing - Acute Care NP program )
DNP: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2017 (Nursing )
Positions and Work Experience
2005 -To Present Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Mayfield Clinic, Cincinnati, Ohio
2012 -2014 Adjunct Faculty, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing
2014 -2015 Visitng Instructor, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing
2015 -2017 99% Adj. Instructor - REP, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing
08-2017 -To Present Assistant Professor , University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, Ohio
11-2018 -To Present Access Manager, Manages APPs and patient access processes at Mayfield., Mayfiled Brain and Spine, Cincinnati, Ohio
04-2022 -To Present Coordinator of Adult Gero Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, Ohio
Research Support
Grant: #1R13HS027763-01 Investigators:Minirad, J. & Ballman, K. 2020 -2020 AHRQ AHRQ Conference Grant Programs (R13), Neuroscience Cadaver Lab for Advanced Practice Providers Role:PI Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Lakeberg, J., Miniard, J. & Vest, C. 08-2022 -08-2023 College of Nursing Dean’s Teaching/Learning Project Award; Integration of POCUS Education for AG-ACNP Students Role:Co-Investigator $4,939.14 Active Type:Grant Level:College
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sobol, S., Baker, A., Konrad, R., & Miniard, J. (2015. ) Fecal microbiota transplant: Could your stool save a life? .The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, , 11 (9 ) ,878 -879, 880, 881, 882
Miniard, J. & Ballman, K. (2018. ) Miniard, J. & Ballman, K. (2018). NP triage of the outpatient neurosurgical patient: Improving patient access. .Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, , 50 (4 ) ,244 -244-246
Vest, C. & Miniard, J. (2021. ) Using simulation to teach the coma exam .NEUROLOGY, ,
Barnes, R. & Beckington. J. (2023. ) Improving compliance with home exercise programs for osteoarthritis patients. .Arthritis Research and Therapy Journal , ,
Other Publications
Andriot, R. & Miniard, J. (2016. ) The Leadless pacemaker .Advance for NPs & PAs website, Advance Helthcare Network
Tran, A. & Miniard, J. (2017. ) Preventing infections after renal transplant .Nursing2017, 47 (1 ) , Nursing2017
Book Chapter
Vest, C., Lakeberg, J., & Miniard, J. (2023 ) Scope and Standards of Professional Practice Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certification Review .(pp. 522 -539).New York, NY, Springer Publishing Company (Co-Author)
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certification Review
Electronic Journal
Andriot, R. & Miniard, J. (2016. ) The Leadless pacemaker .ADVANCE for NPs & PAs, July ,
Invited Presentations
Miniard, J. (02-28-2017. ) (In Press. ) Postoperative considerations after Sacroiliac Joint Fusion. Westin Snowmass, Snowmass, CO. Conference. . Level:National
Miniard, J. (02-27-2018. ) (In Press. ) Impersonating Spinal Radiculopathy/Myelopathy: Lessons for the Skilled Provider .Westin Snowmass, Snowmass, CO. Conference. . Level:National
Miniard, J. (03-2019. ) NP Protocols and Processes .Winter Clinics , Snowmass, CO. Level:National
Miniard, J. (03-2019. ) Nurse practitioner protocols and processes. .Podium Presentation, Snowmass, CO. Level:National
Miniard, J. (03-2020. ) Spinal nerve root dermatomes and muscle innervation: Important missing links for advance practice providers .Conference Podium Presentation, Snowmass, CO. Level:National
Miniard, J. (03-2022. ) APP Practice Model Updates: Improving Patient Access .Conference Podium Presentation, Snowmass, CO. Level:International
Beckington, J. (03-2023. ) (In Press. ) Spinal Trauma .AANS Conference - Winter Clinics, Snowmass, CO. Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Beckington, J. (03-2024. ) Role of the APP .Snowmass, CO.. Level:National
Beckington, J. (03-2024. ) Role of the APP .Snowmass, CO.. Level:National
Beckington, J. (09-2023. ) Neurosurgical Consults .Cleveland, OH. Level:Regional
Beckington, J. (09-2024. ) Neurosurgical Post-operative complications .Columbus, OH. Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Andrea Thomas & Jody Miniard (02-2022. ) (Under Review. ) Risk stratification model to resume antithrombotic medications after traumatic intracranial hemorrhage .AANN National 2022 Conference, Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Beckington, J. (Bad Format: 202430##. ) NP Evidenced based practice model updates: Improving patient access .AANN National Conference: APP Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT. . Level:National
Barnes, R. & Beckington. J. (04-2024. ) Improving compliance with home exercise programs for osteoarthritis patients .National EBP Conference , Level:National
Miniard, Jody (04-2017. ) Diagnostic Imaging .University of Cincinnati, Cinicinnati, OH. UC. Level:University
Miniard, Jody (03-2017. ) Leadership for the professional nurse .University of Cincinnati, Cinicinnati, OH. UC. Level:College
Miniard, Jody (04-2016. ) Diagnostic Imaging .University of Cincinnati, Cinicinnati, OH. UC. Level:College
Jody Miniard, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC (04-2018. ) Diagnostic Imaging .CON. UC. Level:College
Jody Miniard, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC (04-2019. ) Diagnostic Imaging .CON. UC. Level:College
Miniard, Jody (10-2016. ) Next Lives Here Innovation Summit .University of Cincinnati, Cinicinnati, OH. UC. Level:University
Miniard, J. (10-29-2017. ) • Sigma Theta Tau International 44th Biennial Convention, October 29, 2017 Nurse Practitioner Triage of the Neurosurgical Patient: A Patient Centered Care Delivery Model .Indianapolis, Indiana. Conference. Level:International
Miniard, J. (03-18-2018. ) Nurse practitioner triage of the outpatient neurosurgical spine patient. .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:National
Miniard, J. (03-23-2018. ) Nurse practitioners forging the path to improvements in patient care. Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:National
Miniard, J. (Bad Format: 20181000. ) Nurse practitioners forge the path to improvements in access and outcomes for the neurosurgical patient. Palm Springs, CA. Conference. Level:National
Beckington, J. & Vest, C. (04-2021. ) Improving Patient Access, Care, and Outcomes for the Neurological Patient: Thriving in a NP Led Team .New Orleans, LA. Conference. Level:National
Beckington, J. (06-2023. ) Exploring the how and why of neurological disorders .Salt Lake City, UT. Conference. Level:National
Event Organized
Neurological Cadaver Lab for the Advanced Practice ProviderNeurological Cadaver Lab for the Advanced Practice Provider Workshop 04-2022 04-2022 Cincinnati, OH Level:National
Honors and Awards
2018 -2018 Meridel Newman Outstanding Teaching Award Meridel Newman Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
2018 -2018 Nurse of the Year Award (Educator) March of Dimes Status:Nomination Level:State Type:Recognition
2018 -2018 Outstanding NP Award American Association of Neurological Nurses Status:Nomination Level:Professional Org. Type:Recognition
2017 -2017 Outstanding DNP Student Award UC CON Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2020 -2020 Rising Star Award, NONPF National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculities Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Non-Monetary
Student Advising
Sara Ruby (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 04-2016
(MSN program ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2014
(NP Specialty ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:College 08-2014
(NP Practicum/Seminar Task Force ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 04-2016
First Church Other Type:Community Service Level:Local 09-2012
(Faculty Search Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2018 -2020
(Faculty Search Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2020 -2022
(Faculty Affairs Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2021 -2023
(Workload Taskforce ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2022 -2023
(AD Hoc Committee for APN Unit Head ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2023 -2024
(RPT Council ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2023 -2025
(Space Taskforce ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 2023 -2023
(Advanced Practice RPT Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2024 -2005
(Ohio State Neurosurgical Society ) Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 09-2024 -09-2026
Post Graduate Training and Education
2015-2016 CEN, Certificate in Nursing Education , University of Cincinnati, , Cincinnati, Ohio
Professional Affiliation
2005 -To Present: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Active member AANP,
2015 -To Present: American Nurses Association Active member of ANA and ONA
2008 -To Present: American Academy of Neuroscience Nurses Active member AANN,
2014 -To Present: NONPF Member
2015 -To Present: PCNA Member
2017 -To Present: American Association of Colleges of Nursing
2022 -To Present: American Association of Critical Care Nurses
2023 -To Present: Ohio State Neurological Society
Courses Taught
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO DL Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8010 AGAC NP PRACT I Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8012 AGAC NP PRACT II Level:Graduate
-ANNA-8022 NA PRACTICUM II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8026 PM AGAC INTERN I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8027 PM AGAC INTERN II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8028 PM AGAC INTERN III Level:Graduate
-NURS-8026 DIFFERENTL DX ANP Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8014 AGAC NP PRACT III Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8024 AGAC NP SEMINAR III Level:Graduate
-NURS-8026 DIFFERENTL DX ANP Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8010 AGAC NP PRACT I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8020 AGAC NP SEMINAR I Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-NURS-8020C ADV HEALTH ASSESS Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8012 AGAC NP PRACT II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8022 AGAC NP SEMINAR II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8010 AGAC NP PRACT I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8014 AGAC NP PRACT III Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8020 AGAC NP SEMINAR I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8024 AGAC NP SEMINAR III Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8026 PM AGAC INTERN I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8027 PM AGAC INTERN II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8028 PM AGAC INTERN III Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8029 PM AGAC INTERN IV Level:Graduate
-NURS-8020C ADV HEALTH ASSESS Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8010 AGAC NP PRACT I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8020 AGAC NP SEMINAR I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8028 PM AGAC INTERN III Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Both
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
Advanced Phsyiology and Pathophysiology Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 1 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 1 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 1 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 2 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 2 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 3 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 3 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 3 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Practicum 3 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 1 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 1 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 1 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 2 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 2 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 2 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 3 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 3 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 3 Level:Graduate
AGACNP Seminar 3 Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8012 AGAC NP PRACT II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8022 AGAC NP SEMINAR II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8022 AGAC NP SEMINAR II Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8010 AGAC NP PRACT I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8014 AGAC NP PRACT III Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8024 AGAC NP SEMINAR III Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8012 AGAC NP PRACT II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8022 AGAC NP SEMINAR II Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8026 PM AGAC INTERN I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8027 PM AGAC INTERN II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8028 PM AGAC INTERN III Level:Graduate
-NURS-8022 ADV. PHYSIO & PATHO Level:Graduate
Faculty Development Activities
06-2015 AANP National Conference AANP Nashville Type:Conference Attendance
06-2014 AANP National Conference AANP Type:Conference Attendance
05-2016 -06-2016 NURS 8084 Curriculum Design and Student Assessment in Healthcare Part of CEN , UC CON Type:Online Class
01-2016 -04-2016 NURS 8082 Learner Centered Teaching in Healthcare UC CON Type:Online Class
06-2016 -08-2016 NURS8086 UC CON Type:Online Class
06-2016 -08-2016 NURS8088 The professional role in nursing education UC CON Type:Online Class
2015 Redesigning clinical education for APRNs: recommendations of the APRN clinical training task force webinar , AACN Online Type:Continuing Education Program
08-2014 Test Development and Item Writing v5.0.1 NCSBN Online learningext.com Type:Continuing Education Program
06-2023 -06-2023 AANP National Confreence AANP New Orleans, LA Type:Conference Attendance
Contact Information
Practice - Mayfield Clinic Brain and Spine
3825 Edwards Rd
Ohio, 45209
Phone: 513-221-1100
Fax: 513-684-4500
Academic - College of Nursing Proctor Hall
3110 Vine Street
Ohio, 45219
Phone: 5135587056