Richard Allan Beck , BS, MS, MS, PhD
Braunstein Hall
A&S Geography - 0131
Professional Summary
Geographical information networks, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climate Change, South Asia, Water Resources.
Ph.D.: University of Southern California Los Angeles, 1995 (Earth Science)
M.S.: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2004 (Information Science)
M.S.: Iowa State University Ames, IA, 1985 (Earth Sciences )
B.S.: Iowa State University Ames, IA, 1982 (Earth Sciences)
Research and Practice Interests
My formal training is in Earth Science (B.S. and M.S. in Earth Science from Iowa State University and Ph.D. in Earth Science from University of Southern California) and another Master of Information Science (M.I.S. from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). My first Master's thesis focused on the origin and timing of Laramide foreland Basins. My last Master's thesis focused on plans for a National Emergency Mapping Informaiton System and supporting imaging and communications satellite data networks for environmental and public safety applications. My PhD dissertation focused on the origin and behavior of the Indus and Ganges Rivers since 16 million years B.P. and the orgin and timing of the ophiolitic belt along the Pakistan-Afghan border.
My reseach is focused on developing tools based on Geographic Information Science applied to physical geography. These tools include integrated space-based wireless networks, information architectures for monitoring climate change, regional satellite image networks, automated ground truth systems and GPS-aware Internet browsers. Applications of these tools include hyperspectral remote sensing, geologic carbon sequestration, Arctic climate change studies and water resources.
Positions and Work Experience
2009 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati
1999 -2009 Research Faculty, First OhioView and AmericaView Director & Research Faculty Member Introductory and Environmental Remote Sensing , Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati
2005 -2006 Visiting Asst. Professor, Earth Sciences, International Center for Water Resources Management, Central State University ,
1995 -1999 Assistant Professor, Stratigraphy/Sedimentology, Geological Remote Sensing, Field Station Instructor/Director, OhioView Project Founder and PI , Geology - Miami University,
1994 -1995 Research Assistant, Dissertation Research-Tectonics & Climate change, Historical Geology, C.S.U., Dominguez Hills, Environmental Geology (Instructor) , University of Southern California, LA, CA
1993 -1994 Visiting Scholar, M.I.T. ,
1991 -1992 Contractor-consultant, Amoco Pakistan Expl. Co., Pakistan
1989 -1991 Research Assistantship, Geology, Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, LA, CA
1988 -1989 Fulbright Fellowship, University of Cambridge, UK
1987 -1988 Fulbright Fellowship, Peshawar, Pakistan
1985 -1986 Teaching Assistant, Geology, Earth Sciences, University of Southern California,
1984 -1985 Teaching Assistant, Geology, Earth Sciences, Iowa State University,
1983 -1984 Teaching Assistant, Geography, Earth Sciences, Iowa State University,
1981 -1982 Undergraduate Research, Ames Laboratory, USDOE, Coal,
2006 - Participating Guest, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab,
2004 - Visiting Scientist, USGS EROS Data Center,
2003 - Visiting Scientist, USGS EROS Data Center,
2002 - Visiting Scientist, USGS EROS Data Center,
2001 - Visiting Scientist, USGS EROS Data Center,
2000 - Visiting Scientist, NASA Glenn Research Center,
1998 - Visiting Scientist, NASA Glenn Research Center,
1996 -1998 Field Methods Instructor, Miami U. Geol. Field Station,
1988 - Research Assistant, Computer modeling, U.S.C.,
1987 - Research Assistant, Paleomagnetics, U.S.C.,
1987 - Research Assistant, Coastal Sedimentology, U.S. Army ,
1986 - Field Camp TA , White Mountains, CA, U.S.C. ,
1985 - Field Camp TA , Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, I.S.U,
Research Support
1984 Chevron Field-Related Thesis Program
1985 Graduate School ISU Electron Microscopy
1986 Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
1987 Chevron Field-Related Thesis Program
1987 Geological Society of America
1987 Wrote first draft of National Geographic Field Research Grant proposal "Quantitative Basin Analysis, Potwar Plateau, Northern Pakistan" revised and submitted by Dr. Douglas Burbank. $27,000
1988 -1989 National Science Foundation Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of the Northwest Himalayan Foreland Basin, 12 Ma to Present (2 years). $100,000
1990 -1991 National Science Foundation Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of the Kohat Plateau Region Pakistan, 14 Ma to Present (2 years). $120,000
1991 -1992 Field and Analytical Support by Amoco Production Co. Academic-Industrial Geological Survey of the Waziristan and Kurram Tribal Areas, NW Frontier Province, Pakistan $250,000
1995 Hampton Fund - Faculty International Initiatives $3,000
1996 Ohio Board of Regents - Remote Sensing $8,800
1998 USGS P.I. - LANDSAT Data Grant $21,000
1998 USGS Applications of Landsat, ASTER and MODIS Data to Land Cover Mapping in Ohio Role:P.I. $121,000
1998 USGS OhioView Metadata Clearinghouse Grant Role:CoPI $38,638
1999 USGS , LANDSAT Data Grant Role:CoPI $21,000
1999 USGS Applications of Landsat, ASTER and MODIS Data to Land Cover Mapping in Ohio Role:CoPI $184,000
1999 USGS Low-Cost Internet GIS Prototype-Phase1 Role:CoPI $11,000
1999 USGS Low-Cost Internet GIS Prototype-Phase1 $92,000
2000 USGS Applications of Landsat, ASTER and MODIS Data to Land Cover Mapping in Ohio Role:CoPI $480,000
2000 NASA A Secure GPS-Aware Internet Browser Role:P.I. $70,000
2000 NASA Undergraduate Distance Learning Prototype Role:P.I. $360,000
2000 USGS Low-Cost Internet GIS Prototype-Phase2 Role:CoPI $25,000
2001 -2003 OhioEPA Statewide Land Use Classification Role:CoPI $220,000
2001 -2002 NASA GLOBE and OhioView Data Integration Role:P.I. $53,000
2001 -2002 USGS Applications of Landsat, ASTER and MODIS Data to Land Cover Mapping in Ohio subcontract worth $25,000 of Role:CoPI $480,000
2002 -2004 Ohio Board of Regents OhioView Virtual University subcontract Role:CoPI $304,731
2002 -2003 NASA Remote Sensing Tech. Development Role:P.I. $95,000
2002 -2004 NASA Mars Extravehicular Activity Prototype Role:P.I. $103,000
2003 -2006 National Science Foundation Investigation of paleoenvironment, geomorphic processes, and carbon stocks, of drained thaw-lake basins, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Role:CoPI $210,000
2006 -2007 Department of Energy Carbon Sequestration Role:P.I. $18,000
2007 -2010 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Changes in Lake Dynamics on the Arctic Coastal Plain of North America Over the Past Half-Century Role:CoPI $378,618
2007 -2008 National Science Foundation Barrow Arctic Research Facility – Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Role:P.I. $875,000
2007 Dept. of the Army Sensor & Communications Network -1 – Army Space and Missile Defense Battle Laboratory Role:P.I. $155,000
2008 -2009 National Science Foundation Barrow Arctic Research Facility – Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Role:P.I. $177,000
2008 Dept. of the Army Sensor & Communications Network -2 – Army Space and Missile Defense Battle Laboratory Role:P.I. $479,000
2009 Dept. of the Army Sensor & Communications Network -3 – Army Space and Missile Defense Battle Laboratory Role:P.I. $525,000
2009 -2010 National Science Foundation Barrow Arctic Research Facility – Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Role:P.I. $187,000
2010 Dept. of the Army Sensor & Communications Network -4 – Army Space and Missile Defense Battle Laboratory Role:P.I. $227,000
2011 Dept. of the Army Sensor & Communications Network -5 – Pending - Army Space and Missile Defense Battle Lab Role:P.I. $69,985 Completed
2011 UrbanAlta, Inc. Cincinnati Green Station Network $25,216
2011 -2015 NSF CALON: Circum-Arctic Lake Observation Network Role:Co-PI $950,000
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Beck, Richard 06-01-2003 -12-31-2004 National Aeronautics and Space Administration OhioView Remote Sensing Education - Phase 3 Role:PI $33,102.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R-300-100375-40106 Investigators:Beck, Richard 12-01-2004 -10-31-2005 National Aeronautics and Space Administration OhioView Undergraduate Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Role:PI $5,381.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Beck, Richard 05-01-2002 -09-30-2004 National Aeronautics and Space Administration OhioView Remote Sensing Education and Outreach Technology Development Role:PI $95,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP02176 Investigators:Beck, Richard 01-26-2002 -08-31-2003 Ohio Board of Regents OhioView Virtual University Role:PI $30,473.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #NCC3-981 Investigators:Beck, Richard 07-08-2002 -07-07-2004 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Mars Rover Geological and Geophysical Prototype Role:PI $88,965.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NCC3-1083/rebudget Investigators:Beck, Richard 07-15-2003 -09-30-2004 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar and Planetary Science Module - Phase 2 Role:PI $14,998.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NCE NAG3-2437/1 Investigators:Beck, Richard 05-16-2000 -09-30-2001 National Aeronautics and Space Administration OhioView Undergraduate Distance Learning Prototype Role:PI $360,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Rebudget Investigators:Beck, Richard 05-01-2001 -09-30-2002 National Aeronautics and Space Administration K-12 Prototype for a Remote Sensing Education System at NASA Glenn Role:PI $55,740.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ARC-0641623 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Eisner, Wendy; Hinkel, Kenneth 09-15-2007 -08-31-2010 National Science Foundation Advanced End-to-End Cyberinfrastructure Installation, Validation, and Optimization for the Barrow Global Climate Change Research Facility Role:PI $1,183,196.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OAI DOD W 91260-06D0005 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Eisner, Wendy; Frohn, Robert; Hinkel, Kenneth; South, Robert Browning 04-25-2007 -09-30-2008 Department of the Army SCAN-1 Role:PI $77,500.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ARC 0713813 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Eisner, Wendy; Hinkel, Kenneth; Maurer, Eric 09-01-2007 -08-31-2011 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Changes in Lake Dynamics on the Arctic Coastal Plain Role:Collaborator $378,618.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #06S-0190 / W91260-06-D-005 Investigators:Beck, Richard; South, Robert Browning 08-01-2008 -08-31-2011 Department of the Army SCAN-1 Role:PI $1,303,104.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 007347 Investigators:Beck, Richard 01-03-2011 -08-31-2011 Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati Green Learning Station Sensor Network Role:PI $25,216.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #ARC 1107607 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Eisner, Wendy; Hinkel, Kenneth; Kim, Changjoo; Liu, Hongxing; Townsend-Small, Amy 09-15-2011 -08-31-2015 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Toward a Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON)--Multiscale Observations of Lacustrine Systems Role:Collaborator $966,001.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #7500125451 / W91278-10-D-0104 Investigators:Beck, Richard 06-16-2014 -09-11-2014 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Water Quality Ground Truth Data Collection to Support Algorithm Development and Mapping with Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery on Harsha Lake, SW Ohio for USACE Pilot Remote Sensing Project Role:PI $19,998.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ACI-1440539 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Burton, Bruce; Ghia, Urmila; Kang, Lei; Sokoloff, Michael 12-01-2014 -11-30-2016 National Science Foundation CC-IIE Networking Infrastructure: UCScienceNet (UCSN) - A High Bandwidth Science DMZ to Enable STEM Discovery Role:Collaborator $499,741.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #7500127120 / W91278-10-D-0104 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Liu, Hongxing; Tong, Tak Yung 10-15-2014 -04-30-2015 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Water Quality Ground Truth Data Collection to Support Algorithm Development and Map part II (second $10K) Role:PI $10,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #AV14-NASAGRC-UC01 / NASA NNC15VA80P Investigators:Beck, Richard; Liu, Hongxing 11-14-2014 -05-11-2015 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ground Data Acquisition & Processing for Hyperspectral Imaging of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Role:Collaborator $5,060.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #AV14-OH-UC01 Mod 1 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Liu, Hongxing 10-01-2015 -12-31-2015 U.S. Geological Survey Monitoring and modeling water quality and harmful algal blooms in the inland waters in Southern Ohio Region with remote sensing and in situ observations Role:Collaborator $12,650.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #ACI-1541410 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Burton, Bruce; Combs, Jane; Wang, Xia 01-01-2016 -12-31-2017 National Science Foundation CC*DNI ENGINEER: University Of Cincinnati Cyberinfrastructure Engineer And Educator (CI2E) Role:Collaborator $197,705.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NNC16MF95P Investigators:Beck, Richard; Liu, Hongxing 12-04-2015 -12-31-2016 NASA Glenn Research Center Algorithm Development and Comparison for Deriving Water Quality Parameters for Inland Lakes and Rivers from Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images Role:Collaborator $29,900.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #UOC-18-S-019 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Liu, Hongxing; Tong, Tak Yung 04-17-2018 -09-30-2018 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE - Grad Student Summer Support and Algorithm Dev Role:PI $45,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSU 60064677 sub ODHE HABSat-1 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Black, George; Liu, Hongxing; Ma, Ou; McGhan, Catharine 04-04-2018 -06-30-2019 Ohio Department of Higher Education HABsat-1 (Harmful Algal Bloom Satellite-1) Role:Collaborator $131,083.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #N00014-18-1-2851 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Black, George; Liu, Hongxing; Ma, Ou; McGhan, Catharine 08-15-2018 -08-14-2020 Office of Naval Research HABsat-2 - Multi-resolution, radiation resistant, VNIR hyperspectral imaging 6U CubeSat Constellation for littoral ocean, Great Lakes and tributary inland water studies. Role:PI $165,945.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Nonreimbursable Space Act Agreement HABSat 2 Investigators:Beck, Richard 06-11-2019 -06-10-2022 NASA Glenn Research Center NASA Non-Reimbursable Space Act Agreement Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #UOC-20-D-005 / W91278-19-D-0038 Investigators:Beck, Richard 01-21-2020 -06-01-2024 Woolpert Woolpert Master Agreement Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #UA A23-0185-S001 (NASA 80NSSC23KO173) Investigators:Beck, Richard 02-01-2023 -01-31-2026 NASA Headquarters UC subcontract to U. Alabama - African Great Lakes NASA/USAID SERVIR Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #A23-0297-S001 (5174) Investigators:Beck, Richard; Tong, Tak Yung 09-01-2023 -05-01-2025 Water Research Foundation Efficient Satellite and Drone Monitoring Techniques for Drinking Water Quality Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Abbreviated Publications
In Press
Jones, Benjamin M, Arp, Christopher D, Hinkel, Kenneth M, Beck, Richard A, Schmutz, Joel A, & Winston, Barry (2009). Arctic lake physical processes and regimes with implications for winter water availability and management in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska. Environmental management, 43(6), 1071-84.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Beck, R.A., Vondra, C.F., Filkins, J.E., and Olander, J., 1988, Syntectonic sedimentation and Laramide basement-thrusting, Cordilleran foreland; Timing of Deformation, In, Interaction of the Cordilleran Thrust Belt and Cordilleran Foreland; Schmidt, C.J., and Perry, W.J., (eds.), Geological Society of America Memoir 171, p. 465-487 (Master's thesis).
Beck, R., Zhan, S., Liu, H. et al. (2016), Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, 178, 15-30.
Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Johansen, R.; Liu, H.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, H.; Young, J.; Nietch, C.; Macke, D.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z. and Huang, Y. 2019. Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating turbidity and cyanobacterial concentrations in productive freshwaters using hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 45, 413-433.
Beck, R.A., Zhan, S., Liu, H., Tong, S., Yang, B., Xu, M., Ye, Z., Huang, Y., Wu, Q., Wang, S., Berling, K., Murray, A., Emery, E., Reif, M., Harwood, J., Young, J., Nietch, C., Macke, D., Martin, M., Stillings, G., Stump, R., 2017, Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating phycocyanin in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sensing, vol. 9, 25 May 2017, pages 1-30.
Beck, R.A., Zhan, S., Liu, H., Tong, S., Yang, B., Xu, M., Ye, Z., Huang, Y., Wu, Q., Wang, S., Berling, K., Murray, A., Emery, E., Reif, M., Harwood, J., Young, J., Nietch, C., Macke, D., Martin, M., Stillings, G., Stump, R., 2016, Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 178, 01 June 2016, pages 15-30.
Beck, R.A., Liu, H., Johansen, R., Xu, M, McGhan, C, Black, G.T., Ma, O., UC CubeCats, Tolbert, C., Lekki, J., Tokars, R., Reif, M., Emery, E.B., Stumpf, R., Emerick, G., Nelson, R., 2018, Adapting Low-Cost Drone Technology to CubeSats for Environmental Monitoring and Management: Harmful Algal Bloom Satellite-1 (HABsat-1), Proceedings of the 32nd, Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites (“SmallSat”) 2018, 12 pages. - SSC18-WKIV-01.
Invited Presentations
Beck, R.A., Rettig, A., Lein, J.K., Frohn, R.C., Hinkel, K., Eisner, W., Jones, B., Arp, C., Lambert, C., Miller, D., and Kriegel, K. (2010. ) End-to-End Working Prototypes for Standardized Operational Environmental Geographic Information Networks: Examples from the Great Lakes and Arctic for Invasive Species and Climate Monitoring .Fort Worth, TX, Level:National
Hinkel, K.M., Frohn, R.C., Jones, B.M., Nelson, F.E., Eisner, W.R., Peterson, K.M., and Beck, R.A. (2005. ) Thaw Lakes in Continuous Permafrost: Recent Research and Controversies .American Geophysical Union, Level:National
Beck, R.A. (2002. ) Don’t drink the water! Near-real-time environmental satellite monitoring systems and public policy .American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Poster Presentations
Rettig, A., and Beck, R.A. (2010. ) An Open Geospatial Consortium Standards-based Arctic Climatology Sensor Network Prototype .American Association of Geographers, Annual Meeting, Washington DC. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Ivenso, C., Rettig, A., and Beck, R.A. (2011. ) An OGC Based Geographic Information Network Methodology for Monitoring Microcystis Bloom Events in Maumee Bay, Lake Erie .Seattle, WA. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Hinkel, K.M., Sheng, Y., Lenters, J., Lyons, E., and Beck, R..A. (2010. ) Arctic Lake Water Temperature Patterns as Impacted by Climatic and Geomorphic Controls . Level:National
Arp, C., Jones, B., Beck, R., Whitman, M., Derry, J., Lilly, M., Grosse, G. (2010. ) Variation in Snow-water Equivalent (SWE) and Ice-thickness across Arctic Streams and Lakes in Northern Alaska . Level:National
Rettig, A., and Beck, R.A. (2010. ) Software and Hardware Tools for Climatology and Meteorolgy .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:National
Beck, R.A., Rettig, A., Eisner, W, Hinkel, K., Jones, B., Arp, C., Whiteman, D., Thomas, B. (2010. ) Ice Dynamics of the Meade River - Arctic Alaska, from Freezeup to Breakup from Time Series Ground Imagery .Washington DC. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Hinkel, K.M., Lenters, J., Sheng, Y., Lyons, E., Winston, B.S., Jones, S., Shah, C.A., Smith, L.C., Healey, N. and Beck, R. (2009. ) Hydroclimatology of Thaw Lakes in Arctic Alaska: Preliminary Results .Las Vegas, NV. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Hinkel, K.M., Eisner, W., Winston, B., Lenters, J., Beck, R.A. (2008. ) Assessing Seasonal Lake Dynamics in Arctic Alaska: Eos Trans .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Uden, M., Doria, A., and Beck, R.A. (2007. ) Arctic Action, ICT: ICT for a sustainable future in the Arctic .
Beck, R.A., K. Fall, S. Burleigh, and D. Pleva (2006. ) GPSDTN: Velocity-enabled DTN networks for Arctic Research? .San Diego, CA.
Beck, R.A., Eisner, W., Hinkel, K., Bulger, R., and Sheehan, G. (2005. ) High Technology in the cryosphere: The Barrow Global Climate Change Research Facility (BGCCRF) and its implications for arctic geographic research .Denver, CO. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Bellian, J.A., Kerans, C., Beck, R.A., Lucia, J., Loucks, R.G. (2005. ) Ordovican Karst Mapping with Hyperspectral and LIDAR Data .Calgary, Canada. Professional Meeting.
Youkoy, K., Izeh, B., Okunade, S.A., Beck, R.A., Laki, S.L., Nedunuri, K.V., and Sritharan, S.I. (2005. ) A General Purpose Rock and Mineral Hyperspectral Reflectance Library for Earth Science Education and Research (350 to 2500 nanometers) .Minneapolis. Professional Meeting.
Hinkel, K.M., Beck, R.A., Eisner, W.R., Tweedie, C.E. (2004. ) Preliminary Hyperspectral Land Cover Classification of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain – Application to Landscape Chronologies and the Thaw-Lake Geomorphic Cycle .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Beck, R.A., and Zanter, K. (2004. ) Practical Atmospheric Correction of EO-1 Hyperion Hyperspectral Imagery, How-to Course .St. Louis, MO. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Beck, R.A., Eisner, W., Hinkel, K. (2004. ) Uniting the Arctic Community with a Wireless Arctic Network for Circumpolar Communications .University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska..
Beck, R.A. (2003. ) AmeriSat - Requirements Analysis for a Hyperspectral Land Remote Sensor Constellation for Energy Exploration .NASA Jet Propulsion Laborarory, Pasadena, CA..
Beck, R.A., Vincent, R., Watts, D., Seibert, M., Pleva, D., Cauley, M., Ramos, C., Scott, T., Harter, D., Ross, A.J., Kosmo, J., Groneman, K., Rojas, J. (2003. ) NASA Mobile Lunar and Planetary Science Module .Houston, Texas.
DeJong, K. and Beck, R.A. (2002. ) Structural Style of the Kohat Plateau, Pakistan: Transpression Tectonics, Multiple Detachment Faulting, and Gravity Spreading .Denver, CO. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Frohn, R.C., Bailey, K.H., and Beck, R.A. (2001. ) An Image based Resource Management and Planning Database for the Leech Lake Reservation in Minnesota .
Frohn, R.C., Bailey, K.H., and Beck, R.A. (2001. ) Providing a Digital Gateway to the Earth for Native Americans through Native View .University of Cincinnati. Conference. Level:National
Beck, R.A. (2000. ) Draft Vision for Gateway to the Earth: OhioView Pilot .NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Conference. Level:National
Beck, R.A. (2000. ) Gateway to the Earth: OhioView Pilot .American Association of Geographers, Oxford, Ohio.
Beck, R., J. Conley, L. Mayer, J. Millard, B. Quirk, J. Faundeen, E. Bobinsky, C. Ramos, J. Horowitz, and D. Pleva (1999. ) Gateway to the Future: OhioView Pilot: Test-bed for a National Space-Based Geospatial Information Network .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Frohn, R.C. and Beck, R.A. (1999. ) Creating a data and analysis networking structure of satellite and GIS data for the Midwest .
Frohn, R.C. and Beck, R.A. (1999. ) Applications of Remote Sensing to Agricultural issues of the Midwestern United States .
Frohn, R.C. and Beck, R.A. (1999. ) OhioView: A Space-Based Data and Analysis Infrastructure for Science, Education, Industry, and Government .
Beck, R.A., and Mayer, L. (1998. ) Gateway2Earth: The OhioView Pilot for the distribution of satellite data to schools, industry and the public .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Quirk, B., Beck, R.A., Conley, J.U. (1998. ) Gateway to the Future: The OhioView Pilot .
Beck, R.A. (1998. ) Gateway to the Future: The OhioView Pilot .County Engineers Association of Ohio.
Beck, R.A., Shafique, N.A., Sinha, A., Gnos, E., and Khan, A.M. (1997. ) India-Asia collision as a possible trigger for Late Paleocene - Early Eocene global change .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Bellian, J.A., Beck, R.A., Shafique, N., Robinson, J.E., Gnos, E., and Sercombe, W.J. (1997. ) Regional Stratigraphy of the Western Indo-Pakistani Shelf: Implications for the origin and timing of the Kirther-Sulaiman Belt .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Robinson, J. E., Gnos, E., Badshah, M.S.A., Beck, R. A., and Vincent, R. K. (1997. ) New Copper Prospects in Waziristan, Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan from Decorrelation Stretched and Spectral Ratio LANDSAT TM Satellite Images and Field Data .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Shafique, N., Gnos, E., Badshah, M.S.A., Beck, R. A., Robinson, J. E., and Bellian, J. A. (1997. ) New Structural and Stratigraphic Insights for Waziristan and Northern Baluchistan (Pakistan) from Integrated Structural, Biostratigraphic, and LANDSAT Thematic Mapper Data .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Pivnik, D.A., Qayyum, M., Lawrence, R.D., and Beck, R.A. (1997. ) The Edges of the Himalayan Suture, Western Pakistan and Myanmar .Rome, Italy. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Beck, R. A., Khan, A.M., and Sercombe, W. (1996. ) Revised Tectonic History for the NW Indo-Pakistani Continental Margin .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Beck, R. A., Burbank, D. W., and Sercombe, W. J. (1996. ) Chronology of shelf collapse, ophiolite obduction and India-Asia collision in the westernmost Himalaya .Flagstaff, AZ.
Burris, J., Beck, R. A., Shafique, N.A., and Khan, A.M. (1996. ) Late Cretaceous collapse of the NW Indo-Pakistani continental margin .
Beck, R. A., Sercombe, W. J., and Burbank, D. W. (1995. ) Late Cretaceous ophiolite obduction and Paleocene India-Asia collision in the westernmost Himalaya .
Sercombe, W.J., Pivnik, D.A., Wilson, W.P., and Beck, R.A. Deformed Zone-Foreland Interfaces in Strike-Slip Regimes: Kurram and Sibi Areas . Level:National
Sercombe, W.J., Wilson, W.P., Pivnik, D.A., and Beck., R.A. Scale-independence, uniformitarianism and the genetic relationship between strike-slip and thrust belts .
Beck, R.A., Burbank, D.W., and Sercombe, W.J. (1995. ) Evidence for a very latest Cretaceous to Paleocene Indian-Eurasian collision: Paleogeographic, isotopic and climatic implications .
Beck, R. A., Burbank, D. W., Sercombe, W. J., Olson, T., and Khan, A.M. (1994. ) Organic carbon exhumation and climate change during the early Himalayan collision .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Meigs, A.J., Burbank, D.W., and Beck, R.A. (1994. ) Late Miocene (~11 Ma) initiation of the Main Boundary Thrust in the Western Himalaya .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Sercombe, W.J., Pivnik, D.A., Stratton, M.A., Albertin, M., Beck, R.A., Wilson, W.P., Roth, B.L., Nieuwenhuise, R.E. (1994. ) Wrench faulting in the Northern Pakistan Foreland Region: Rethinking a deformed belt .Denver, CO. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Beck, R.A., Sercombe, W.J. and Burbank, D.W. (1993. ) Structure, Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Himalayan Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone in NW Pakistan and E. Afghanistan .
Beck, R.A., and Burbank, D.W. (1990. ) Continental-scale diversion of rivers: A control of alluvial stratigraphy .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Beck, R.A., and Burbank, D.W. (1987. ) Synchronous sediment backstripping and tectonic subsidence analysis of Siwalik molasse, northwest Indo-Gangetic foredeep, Pakistan .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Beck, R.A., and Burbank, D.W. (1987. ) Basin-scale isochronous paleocurrent study of Chron 9 interval, Middle Siwaliks, Potwar Plateau, northern Pakistan .
Beck, R. A. and Burbank, D.W. (1989. ) fluvial facies variability within the C5N magnetic polarity interval, Siwalik Group, northwest Himalayan foredeep, Pakistan .Barcelona-Sitges, Spain.
Beck, R. A., Hogan, P.J., and Jolly, E. (1989. ) A test of predictive models for fluvial sandstone architecture in varying subsidence regimes .Barcelona-Sitges, Spain.
Burbank, D.W., Beck, R.A., and Mulder, T.J. (1989. ) Plio-Pleistocene fluvial depostion in the Northwestern Himalayan Foreland Basin .Barcelona-Sitges, Spain.
Beck, R.A., and Vondra, C.F. (1985. ) Sedimentary-tectonic model for Laramide basement-thrusting: Timing of deformation .Professional Meeting. Level:National
Beck, R.A., and Vondra, C.F. (1985. ) Syntectonic sedimentation and Laramide basement thrusting, Rocky Mountain Foreland, Wyoming, U.S.A. Fribourg Switzerland.
Beck, R.A., Kvale, E.P., and Vondra, C.F. (1987. ) Early Jurassic? through Early Eocene thrust-modulated sedimentary facies associations: Cordilleran thrust belt/foreland complex .
Burbank, D.W., Beck, R.A., and Talling, P. (1992. ) Controls on fluvial geometries exerted by tectonically modulated base-level changes .
Burbank, D.W., and Beck, R.A. (1990. ) long-term rates of erosion in NW Pakistan .
Burbank, D.W., Beck, R.A., and Mulder, T.J. (1989. ) -Pleistocene (3.5-1.5 Ma) Fluvial deposition in the northwestern Himalayan foreland basin .Barcelona-Sitges, Spain.
Burbank, D.W., Beck, R.A., and Tahirkheli, R.A.K. (1988. ) Neogene to Quaternary deposition and deformation in the northwestern Himalayan foreland basin .
Filkins, J.E., Olander, J.D., and Beck, R.A. (1986. ) Geochemical and mineralogical analysis of the Tatman Formation, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming .
Kvale, E.P., and Beck, R.A. (1985. ) Thrust-controlled sedimentation patterns of earliest Cretaceous non-marine sequence on the Montana-Idaho-Wyoming foreland basin .
Olander, J., Beck, R.A., and Filkins, J.E. (1985. ) Sedimentology of the Eocene Tatman Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming .Fort Collins, Colorado. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Wu, L., Beck, R.A., and Biggs, D.L. (1983. ) washability study of sized upper Freeport coal and its pyrite content: .
Honors and Awards
1982 Dean's List , Sigma Gamma Epsilon
1983 Departmental Service Award
1984 Pick of the Year
1984 Outstanding Teaching Award (World Cultural Geography)
1987 -1988 Achievement Reward for College Scientist Fellowship
1987 -1988 Fulbright Fellowship, Peshawar, Pakistan
1988 -1989 Achievement Reward for College Scientist Fellowship
1988 -1989 Fulbright Fellowship, Cambridge, United Kingdom
1989 -1990 Achievement Reward for College Scientist Fellowship
1995 AMOCO Best Paper Award
1996 Applied Research Award (Research Sabbatical)
2002 2002 NASA Glenn Research Center OhioView-AmericaView Service Award
2002 USGS EROS Data Center AmericaView Vision Award
2004 NASA Turning Goals Into Reality (TGIR) Award Exceptional Progress toward the Science and Engineering-Driven Architectures and Technologies Objective, Presented July 14, 2004- Ground Truthing Team
University of Cincinnati (Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate ) Representative Level:College 2010 -2013
(Dept. Geography Merit Pay ) Committee Member
(Dept. Geography Undergraduate Curriculum ) Member
Association of American Geographers (Teaching Geography of South Asia ) Review Board/Panel 2010
(Army HALE Executive Steering Committee ) Member
(GIESN Executive Steering Committee ) Member
Post Graduate Training and Education
01-2010Short Course, Delay Tolerant Networking, University of Tromsoe, , Norway
06-2005Short Course, ArcGIS 9, Capitol Planning Commission, ,
07-2004Short Course, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (Instructor), USGS EROS Data Center, ,
07-2001Short Course, Digital Elevation Models, USGS EROS Data Center, ,
1999Short Course, Parallel Computing, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, ,
1996Short Course, Remote Sensing Instrumentation, NASA-NOAA-JPL, , Pasadena, CA
1994Short Course, Processes of Global Change , NASA-NOAA-JPL, , Pasadena, CA
Geographical information networks, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climate Change, South Asia
Courses Taught
15-GEOG-211 GEOG OF LATIN AMER Level:Undergraduate
World Cultural Geography
Introductory Geology
Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
Field Methods (Classroom and Summer Field Camp)
Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS (Hyperspectral)
Applied Geographic Information Systems