Rachel B. Baker , PhD, RN, MSW

Instructor - Adj Clin

Procter Hall

CON Population Health - 0038


BA: The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 12-1996 (Psychology & Women's Studies)

Masters: The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 12-1999 (Social Work)

BSN: The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 08-2003 (Nursing)

PhD: The University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Cincinnati, OH, 08-2006 (Nursing)

Positions and Work Experience

03-2009 -To Present Research Nurse III, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

07-2007 -03-2009 Research Nurse II, In this position, I act as a liaison between study investigators and study coordinators and the Clinical Translational Research Center staff. I help investigators develop physician orders, coordinate services needed to complete the study, educate CTRC staff about the study, and follow-up with investigators about the outcomes of the studies., Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

01-2007 -07-2007 Outcomes Manager, I worked as part of a leadership team on a 24-bed inpatient pediatric general medical unit. I was involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of quality improvement initiatives on the unit., Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

01-2007 -To Present Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing, I developed several online research and statistics courses for graduate students: Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice, Research for Advanced Nursing Practice, and Statistical Analysis for Advanced Nursing Practice. These courses are offered to students in the women’s health and midwifery nurse practitioner programs. I also have facilitated and instructed various other masters level nursing courses., University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH

10-2006 -01-2007 Registered Nurse II, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

12-2003 -10-2006 Registered Nurse, I worked as a registered nurse providing patient care on a 12-bed inpatient unit, specializing in endocrine disorders. In addition, the unit houses the Clinical Research Center and I am involved in prociding care to patients enrolled in research protocols., Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

09-2002 -12-2005 Graduate Assistant, I participated on an NIH-funded research team that was studying the use of colposcopy in forensic examinations following sexual assault. I recruited participants, collected data, entered data, and presented findings., College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

01-2001 -05-2002 Project Coordinator, I worked on a study examining the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral intervention to improve attention, concentration, and memory in children who were long-term survivors of cancer., Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

10-2000 -06-2002 Counseling Coordinator, In this position, I provided pregnancy options counseling, birth control options counseling, and HIV testing and prevention counseling. I also trained and supervised counselors., Planned Parenthood, Cincinnati, OH

09-1999 -12-1999 Graduate Student Instructor, I assisted in teaching an undergraduate women's studies course entitled "Perspectives in Women's Health." I led discussion groups, graded papers, and prepared examinations., Women's Studies Department, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

01-1999 -10-2000 Counselor, I provided crisis intervention and support to clients, conducted HIV testing and prevention counseling, and provided educational programs to high schools., Planned Parenthood, Ann Arbor, MI

Research Support

Investigators:Baker, R. 08-2009 Carolyn Stoll Nursing Research Fund Waste not, want not: Determining optimal waste volume from an IV catheter

Investigators:Baker, R. & Sommers, M. 05-2007 -05-2011 National Institute of Nursing Research R01 grant Injury from Sexual Assault: Addressing Health Disparity Role:Consultant

Investigators:Baker, R. 01-2006 -08-2006 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA predoctoral fellowship) Genital injuries in adolescents after sexual assault

Investigators:Baker, R. 07-2003 -06-2004 NIOSH Education and Research Center Training Grant. Graduate Student grant. Injuries following consensual sexual intercourse among white college-aged women Role:PI

Grant: #1 F31 NR009727 Investigators:Baker, Rachel 01-01-2006 -12-31-2007 National Institute of Nursing Research Genital Injuries in Adolescents after Sexual Assault Role:PI $33,700.00 Closed Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Baker, R.B., Sommers, M.S., Fargo, J.D., & Shambley-Ebron, D. (2010. ) A source of healthcare disparity: Race, skin color, and injuries after rape among adolescents and young adults .Journal of Forensic Nursing, , 6 ,144-150

Zink, T., Fargo, J.D., Baker, R.B., Buschur, C., Fisher, B.S., & Sommers, M.S. (2010. ) Comparison of methods for identifying ano-genital injury after consensual intercourse .The Journal of Emergency Medicine, , 39 ,113-118

Tucker, K., Brewer, T.L., Baker, R.B., Demerritt, B., & Vossmeyer, M.T. (2009. ) Prospective evaluation of a pediatric inpatient early warning scoring system. Journal of Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, , 14 ,79-85

Sommers, M.S., Fargo, J.D., Baker, R.B., Fisher, B.S., Buschur, C., & Zink, T.M. (2009. ) Health disparities in the forensic sexual assault examination related to skin color .Journal of Forensic Nursing, , 5 ,191-200

Baker, R.B. & Sommers, M.S. (2008. ) Physical injury from intimate partner violence: measurement strategies and challenges .Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, , 37 ,228-233

Baker, R.B. & Sommers, M.S. (2008. ) Relationship of genital injuries and age in adolescent and young adult rape survivors .Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, , 37 (282-289 ) ,

Sommers, M.S., Zink, T.M., Fargo, J.D., Baker, R.B., Buschur, C., Shambley-Ebron, D.Z., & Fisher B.S. (2008. ) Forensic sexual assault examination and genital injury: Is skin color a source of health disparity? .American Journal of Emergency Medicine, , 26 (857-866 ) ,

Sommers, M.S., J.C., Zink, T., Baker, R.B., Fargo, J.D., Porter, J., Weybright, D. & Schafer, J.C. (2006. ) The Effects of Age and Ethnicity on Physical Injury from Rape .Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, , 35 ,199 -207

Sommers, M.S., & Baker, R. B. Color awareness in nursing assessment. .American Nurse Today, ,


Poster Presentations

Raab, D.L., Smith, C.R., Blum, S., & Baker, R.B. (11-2010. ) Innovative Solutions for Ensuring the Involvement of Research RNs in Decision-making and Leadership Around the Professional Practice of Nursing at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Poster session presented at the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses conference, Bethesda, MD. .

Baker, R.B., Summer, S.S., Shova, A.B., Lawrence, M., McGraw, C., & Khoury, J. (11-2010. ) Waste not, want not: Determining optimal waste volume from an IV catheter .Poster session presented at the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses conference, Bethesda, MD. .

Baker, R.B., Summer, S.S., Shova, A.B., Lawrence, M., McGraw, C., & Khoury, J. (05-2010. ) Waste not, want not: Determining optimal waste volume from an IV catheter .Poster session presented at the 2010 Research/EBP/QI Poster Day, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. .

Lawrence, M., Baker, R.B., McGraw, C., Shova, A.B., & Summer, S.S. (05-2009. ) Waste not, want not: Determining optimal waste volume from an IV catheter .Poster session presented at the 2009 Nursing Research/EBP/QI Poster Day. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. .

Lawrence, M., Baker, R.B., McGraw, C., Shova, A.B., & Summer, S.S. (02-2009. ) Waste not, want not: Determining optimal waste volume from an IV catheter .Poster session presented at the 10th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Glendale, AZ. .

Buschur, C; Baker, RB; & Sommers, MS (09-2006. ) Demographic, Assault, and Injury Data from a SAFE Program .International Association of Forensic Nurses Conference, Vancouver, BC. .

Baker, RB; Sommers, MS & Fargo, JD (04-2006. ) Variations in Skin, Mucous Membrane, and Vaginal Wall Color .Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. .

Baker, RB; Sommers, MS & Fargo, JD (04-2005. ) Quantifying Skin Color from Digital Images: An Innovative Technique .Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Cincinnati, OH. .

Baker, RB & Sommers, MS (04-2005. ) Descriptive Study of Sexual Assault Against Adolescent Females .University of Cincinnati Graduate Student Poster Session, Cincinnati, OH. .

Baker, RB & Sommers, MS (10-2004. ) Sexual Assault Among Adolescent Females .National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research, Washington DC. .

Sommers, MS; Zink, T; Baker, R; Schafer, J; & Fargo, J (10-2004. ) Physical Injury After Consensual Sex as Compared to Injury After Rape .National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research, Washington DC. .

Beekman, R; Fargo, J; & Sommers, MS (06-2004. ) Descriptive Study of Adolescent Sexual Assault Victims .7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Vienna, Austria. .

Beekman, R; Sommers, MS & Fargo, J (02-2004. ) Adolescent Victims of Sexual Assault .Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, St Louis, Missouri. .

Sommers, MS; Zink, T, Beekman, R; Fargo, J & Schafer, J (02-2004. ) Sexual Assault and Injury in Older Black and White Women .Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, St Louis, Missouri. .

Paper Presentations

Office for Clinical and Translational Research translational training symposium (04-2010. ) You make the call - Interactive discussion and practical tips for conducting a clinical trial .

Buschur, C., Baker, R.B., King, L., & Sommers, M.S. (12-2007. ) Demographic, assault, and injury data review from SAFE program. Cincinnati, OH.

Buschur, C., Baker, R.B., King, L., & Sommers, M.S. (12-2007. ) Better care for sexually assaulted patients. Cincinnati, OH.

Sommers, M.S., Buschur, C., Fargo, J., & Baker, R.B. (10-2007. ) Research to practice: Refining the sexual assault forensic exam .Salt Lake City, UT.

Baker, RB; Buscher, C & Sommers, MS (09-2006. ) Cutting Edge Research-Practice Interfacing .Vancouver, BC.

Baker, RB (05-2006. ) Injuries After Sexual Assault .The University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH.

Sommers, MS& Baker, RB (10-2005. ) Skin Injury and Quantifying Skin Color .Cincinnati, OH.

Baker, RB & Sommers, MS (04-2005. ) Injuries Following Consensual Sexual Intercourse Among White College-Aged Women .Cincinnati, OH.

Sommers, MS; Schafer, JC; Zink, T; Baker, RB & Fargo, JD (04-2005. ) A Descriptive Study of Ano-Genital Injury After Consensual Sex .Cincinnati, OH.

Honors and Awards

2009 Journal of Forensic Nursing Writing Award for Excellence in Research for Sommers, M.S., Fargo, J.D., Baker, R.B., Fisher, B.S., Buschur, C., & Zink, T.M. (2009). Health disparities in the forensic sexual assault examination related to skin color. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 5, 191-200.

2009 Research Article Award. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing for Tucker, K., Brewer, T.L., Baker, R.B., Demerritt, B., & Vossmeyer, M.T. (2009). Prospective evaluation of a pediatric inpatient early warning scoring system. Journal of Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 14, 79-85.

2005 Midwest Nursing Research Society’s Graduate Research Scholars’ Award

2004 Top 10 Poster Presentations: Beekman, R., Fargo, J., & Sommers, M.S. (2004, June). Descriptive study of adolescent sexual assault victims. Poster session presented at the 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Vienna, Austria.

2004 1st place Graduate Student Poster, Doctoral Level: Beekman, R., Sommers, M.S., & Fargo, J. (2004, February). Adolescent victims of sexual assault. Poster session presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Society conference, St. Louis, MO.

1996 Phi Beta Kappa Scholar, The University of Michigan

Professional Affiliation

2009 -To Present: International Association of Clinical Research Nurses (member of Nominations Committee)

2004 -To Present: Sigma Theta Tau

2004 -To Present: Midwest Nursing Research Society

Courses Taught

Developed Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 8 students)

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 12 students); Facilitator for Genetics Application to APN (NURS818; Instructor - Terry Beery; 20 students)

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 8 students); Facilitator for Advanced Reproductive Dynamics (NURS890; Instructor – Dianne Felblinger; 20 students)

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 12 students); Instructor for Genetics Application to APN (NURS818; 53 students) with supervision of 2 facilitators

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 18 students); Instructor for Genetics Application to APN (NURS 818; 81 students) with supervision of 2 facilitators; Developed Statistical Analysis for ANP (NURS804)

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 27 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Statistical Analysis for ANP with supervision of 1 facilitator (NURS804; 27 students)

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 26 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Genetics Application to APN (NURS818; 12 students); development of Research for ANP (NURS805)

Instructor for Research for ANP (NURS805; 21 students); Instructor for Statistical Analysis for ANP (NURS804; 74 students) with supervision of 2 facilitators

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 30 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Research for ANP (NURS805; 38 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator

Instructor for Research and Statistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS809; 10 students); Instructor for Research for ANP (NURS805; 38 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Statistical Analysis for ANP (NURS804; 71 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator

Instructor for Research for ANP (NURS805; 38 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 32 students)

Instructor for Research for ANP (NURS805; 26 students); Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 187 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Statistical Analysis for ANP (NURS804; 45 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; development of Research Methods (NURS806)

Instructor for Research for ANP (NURS805; 39 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Research Methods (NURS806; 208 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 392 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator.

Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 268 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator.

Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 143 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Research Methods (NURS806; 154 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator

Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 144 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Research Methods (NURS806; 147 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator

Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 189 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Research Methods (NURS806; 149 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator

Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 241 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Research Methods (NURS806; 146 students) with supervision of 3 facilitators

Instructor for Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice (NURS802; 200 students) with supervision of 1 facilitator; Instructor for Research Methods (NURS806; 360 students) with supervision of 4 facilitators