Kishan Bellur

Kishan Bellur

Assistant Professor

Rhodes Hall


CEAS - Mechanical Eng - 0072

Professional Summary

Dr. Bellur is an Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering at University of Cincinnati. He received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Milwaukee School of Engineering in 2013. He then briefly worked as a hydraulics engineer at The Raymond Corp. in Greene, NY before starting graduate school at Michigan Tech. He received an MS in 2016 and PhD in 2018, both in Mechanical Engineering. He received postdoctoral training at Michigan Tech and University of Michigan. His research is focused on liquid-vapor phase change (evaporation/condensation) and associated interfacial phenomena. He leads the UC Lab for Interfacial Dynamics (UCLID).

Select publications and presentations are shown below. For a more complete list please visit Google Scholar or Lab Website


PhD: Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI, 2018 (Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics)

MS: Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI, 2016 (Mechanical Engineering)

BS: Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee, WI, 2013 (Mechanical Engineering)

Research and Practice Interests

Dr. Bellur's research is focused on liquid-vapor phase change and associated interfacial phenomena. He is primarily interested in multi-scale modeling and visualization of transport phenomena at (1) micro-/nano- scales, (2) cryogenic temperatures, and (3) reduced-gravity. Other interests include, but are not limited to, capillary phenomena, micro-scale thermophysics, cryogenic heat and mass transfer, two-phase flow, optical characterization, interferometry, surface plasmon resonance imaging, image processing, computational fluid dynamics, molecular dynamics, scientific and high performance computing.

Research Support

Grant: #80NSSC19K0160 Investigators:Jeffrey Allen and Kishan Bellur 10-2018 -10-2021 NASA "Testing the Equivalence of Evaporation and Condensation Coefficients using the Constrained Vapor Bubble (CVB) Data from ISS Experiments" Role:Co-I / Postdoc $198,580

Investigators:Kishan Bellur 06-2022 -08-2022 UC Office of the Provost "Toward an open-source CFD based evaporation/condensation model without tuning parameters" Role:PI $3,500

Investigators:Kishan Bellur 07-2022 -07-2023 UC Office of Research - Research Launch Award Role:PI $2,500

Grant: #CBET-2323023 Investigators:Kishan Bellur, Ying Sun, Yongfeng Xu 08-01-2023 -07-31-2026 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: ISS: Probing Interfacial Instabilities in Flow Boiling and Condensation via Acoustic Signatures Role:Collaborator $274,086

Grant: #CBET-2339757 Investigators:Kishan Bellur 02-01-2024 -01-31-2029 National Science Foundation CAREER: A coupled multi-scale study of phase change dynamics at curved liquid-vapor interfaces Role:PI $532,654

Investigators:Je-Hyeong Bahk, Sarah Watzman, Kishan Bellur, Raj Manglik, Milind Jog, Ashley Paz Y Puente, Peng Zhang 2022 -2023 UC Office of Research; Collaborative Research Advancement Program Next-generation Air Conditioning Systems and Materials Based on Solid-State Thermoelectric Energy Conversion $25,000

Grant: #MTU 23-8005-Z1 (80NSSC24K0193) Investigators:Kishan Bellur 10-01-2023 -09-30-2025 NASA Reduced-order modeling of interfacial dynamics to enable large-scale, mission-length simulations of low-gravity propellant management using CVB PSI data Role:Institutional PI $20,000

Grant: #EEC-2349580 Investigators:Kishan Bellur, Eric Payton, David Reeping, Annette Rowe, Matthew Steiner, Ying Sun, Sarah Watzman, Amanda Webb 04-01-2024 -03-31-2027 National Science Foundation REU Site: Research Experiences for American Leadership of Industry with Zero Emissions by 2050 (REALIZE-2050) Role:Collaborator $445,485 Active


Peer Reviewed Publications

Bellur K.; Médici E.F.; Kulshreshtha M.; Konduru V.; Tyrewala D.; Tamilarasan A.; McQuillen J.; Leão J.B.; Hussey D.S.; Jacobson D.L.; Scherschligt J.; Hermanson J.C.; Choi C.K.; Allen J.S. (03-01-2016. ) A new experiment for investigating evaporation and condensation of cryogenic propellants. Cryogenics, , 74 ,131-137 More Information

Bellur K.; Medici E.; Allen J.; Choi C.K.; Hermanson J.; Tamilarasan A.; Hussey D.; Jacobson D.; Leao J.B.; McQuillen J. (01-01-2015. ) Neutron radiography of condensation and evaporation of hydrogen in a cryogenic condition. Journal of Heat Transfer, , 137 (8 ) , More Information

Bellur K.; Konduru V.; Kulshreshtha M.; Tyrewala D.; Medici E.; Allen J.S.; Choi C.K.; Hussey D.S.; Jacobson D.C.; Leão J.B.; McQuillen J.; Hermanson J.; Tamilarasan A. (02-01-2016. ) Contact angle measurement of liquid hydrogen (LH2) in stainless steel and aluminium. Journal of Heat Transfer, , 138 (2 ) , More Information

Bellur K.; Konduru V.; Médici E.F.; Hussey D.S.; Jacobson D.L.; LaManna J.M.; Allen J.S.; Choi C.K. (01-01-2016. ) Visualization of the evaporation and condensation phenomena in cryogenic propellants. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, , 23 (1-2 ) ,137-156 More Information

Bellur K.; Hussey D.; Jacobson D.; Lamana J.; Medici E.; Hermanson J.; Allen J.S.; Choi C.K. (03-01-2018. ) Neutron attenuation analysis of cryogenic propellants. Journal of Heat Transfer, , 140 (3 ) , More Information

Bellur K.; Médici E.; Hermanson J.; Choi C.; Allen J. (04-01-2018. ) Determining solid-fluid interface temperature distribution during phase change of cryogenic propellants using transient thermal modeling. Cryogenics, , 91 ,103-111 More Information

Narkar A.; Kendrick C.; Bellur K.; Leftwich T.; Zhang Z.; Lee B. (07-10-2019. ) Rapidly responsive smart adhesive-coated micropillars utilizing catechol-boronate complexation chemistry. Soft matter, , 15 (27 ) ,5474-5482 More Information

Ahangar S.B.; Bellur K.; Medici E.; Tajiri K.; Allen J.S.; Choi C.K. (01-01-2019. ) Optical properties and swelling of thin film perfluorinated sulfonic-acid ionomer. ECS Transactions, , 92 (8 ) ,197-204 More Information

Bellur K.; Médici E.F.; Choi C.K.; Hermanson J.C.; Allen J.S. (02-10-2020. ) Multiscale approach to model steady meniscus evaporation in a wetting fluid. Physical Review Fluids, , 5 (2 ) , More Information

Akkus Y.; Gurer A.T.; Bellur K. (01-01-2021. ) Drifting mass accommodation coefficients: in situ measurements from a steady state molecular dynamics setup. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, , 25 (1 ) ,25-45 More Information

Bellur K.; Médici E.F.; Hussey D.S.; Jacobson D.L.; LaManna J.; Leão J.B.; Scherschligt J.; Hermanson J.C.; Choi C.K.; Allen J.S. (07-01-2022. ) Results from neutron imaging phase change experiments with LH2 and LCH4. Cryogenics, , 125 ,103517 More Information

Bellur K.; Medici E.F.; Hussey D.S.; Jacobson D.L.; LaManna J.; Leao J.B.; Scherschligt J.; Hermanson J.C.; Choi C.K.; Allen J.S. (08-01-2022. ) Data from cryo-neutron phase change experiments with LH2 and LCH4. Data in Brief, , 43 , More Information

Bellur K.; Médici E.F.; Hermanson J.C.; Choi C.K.; Allen J.S. (10-20-2023. ) Modeling liquid–vapor phase change experiments: Cryogenic hydrogen and methane.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, , 675 , More Information

Vinnakota M.; Bellur K.; Starnes S.L.; Schulz M.J. (07-01-2023. ) Design and Modeling of a Miniature Hydraulic Motor for Powering a Cutting Tool for Minimally Invasiv.Micromachines, , 14 (7 ) , More Information

Lakew E.; Sarchami A.; Giustini G.; Kim H.; Bellur K. (04-01-2023. ) Thin Film Evaporation Modeling of the Liquid Microlayer Region in a Dewetting Water Bubble.Fluids, , 8 (4 ) , More Information

Konduru V.; Bellur K.; Médici E.F.; Allen J.S.; Choi C.K.; Hussey D.S.; Jacobson D.; Leão J.B.; McQuillen J.; Hermanson J.C. (08-01-2016. ) Examining Liquid Hydrogen Wettability Using Neutron Imaging.Journal of Heat Transfer, , 138 (8 ) , More Information

Tousi M.; Sarchami A.; Najafi M.; Bellur K. (11-25-2023. ) Investigating the efficiency of a novel combined Direct/Indirect thermal management system in optimi.Applied Thermal Engineering, , 235 , More Information

Bellur, Kishan; Medici, Ezequiel F; Hussey, Daniel S; Jacobson, David L; LaManna, Jacob; Leao, Juscelino B; Scherschligt, Julia; Hermanson, James C; Choi, Chang Kyoung; Allen, Jeffrey S (2022. ) Data from cryo-neutron phase change experiments with LH2 and LCH4.Data in brief, , 43 ,108474 More Information

Reeping D.; Villalva R.; Bellur K.; Cuppoletti D.; Khare P. (01-01-2024. ) LESSONS LEARNED FROM PANDEMIC-DRIVEN REMOTE LEARNING AND SUSTAINING BEST PRACTICES IN TURBOMACHINERY.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 6 , More Information

Vinnakota M.; Bellur K.; Starnes S.L.; Schulz M.J. (01-01-2024. ) Scaling a Hydraulic Motor for Minimally Invasive Medical Devices.Micromachines, , 15 (1 ) , More Information


Invited Presentations

Bellur, K. (11-29-2019. ) Neutron Imaging: a non-destructive diagnostic tool for cryogenic propellant investigations . Vijaya College, Bangalore University, Bangalore.

Bellur, K. (08-16-2019. ) Aerospace Engineering 101 . Portage Lake District Library (summer program on space science), Houghton, MI.

Bellur, K. (10-16-2018. ) Grant Writing as a Graduate Student: Practical Tips and Benefits . Materials Science and Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.

Bellur, K. (09-11-2018. ) Using neutron imaging to investigate cryogenic phase change . Materials Science and Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.

Bellur, K. (05-25-2018. ) Modeling of liquid-vapor phase change and associated processes . Portland State University, Portland, OR.

Bellur, K. (09-03-2021. ) Liquid-vapor phase change : a cryo/neutron study .Mechanical Engineering Seminar, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

Bellur, K (01-24-2023. ) Addressing fundamental challenges in liquid-vapor interface transport modeling for space applications .Modeling and simulation seminar, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

Poster Presentations

Bellur K.; Medici E. F; Choi C. K.; Allen J. S.; (03-27-2018. ) Multiscale modeling of evaporation in cryogenic propellants . Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) workshop on “Dynamic Contact Lines: Progress and Opportunities”, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. .

Bellur K.; Medici E. F; Hermanson, J; Choi C. K.; Allen J. S.; (12-2020. ) Mass accommodation coefficients of LH2 and LCH4 . NSF Workshop on “New Frontiers of Thermal Transport”, University of Central Florida (virtual meeting). .

Paper Presentations

Allen J. S.; Bellur K.; Medici E. F; Choi C. K. (11-20-2014. ) A new experiment for determining evaporation and condensation coefficients of cryogenic propellants . Early Stage Innovation Workshop on measuring accommodation coefficients, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH.

Honors and Awards

Best poster award, American Society of Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) annual meeting, 2018.

1st place award for best oral presentation, Graduate Research Colloquium, Michigan Tech, 2018.

Dean's award for outstanding scholarship, Michigan Tech, 2018.

Doctoral finishing fellowship, Michigan Tech, 2018.

Winnikow fellowship, Michigan Tech, 2016 - 2017.

T.H.K. Frederking Space Cryogenics Workshop Student Scholarship, 2017.

American Society of Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) annual meeting travel award, 2017.

2nd place award, 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, Michigan Tech, 2017.

3rd place award for best poster, ACS UPLS Student Research Symposium, 2017.

Multiple travel grant awards from the Graduate Student Government at Michigan Tech, 2016 - 2018.

Best paper award, Cryogenics (Elsevier), 2022.

NSF CAREER Award, 2024.

CEAS Distinguished Researcher Award, 2024.

Post Graduate Training and Education

2018-2020 Postdoctoral Scholar, Michigan Tech / University of Michigan, , Houghton, MI / Ann Arbor, MI

Contact Information

Rhodes 687