Professional Summary
Anna Belza is a PhD candidate in Aegean Prehistory. Her dissertation project, entitled "The Cyclades in the Mycenaean Period: A View from Ayia Irini, Kea,” is a study of the pottery, small finds, and architecture dated to Late Bronze Age IIB–IIIC from the port town of Ayia Irini, on the Cycladic island of Kea in Greece. She received her B.A. in Classical Studies from Sweet Briar College and her M.A. from Brandeis University. She completed an M.A. thesis at the University of Cincinnati entitled “(Re)assessing the Western String Model: Archaeological Data from the Cyclades Post-1979.” Her research interests include Aegean Prehistory, Early-Late Bronze Age Greece, the Cyclades, archaeological theory, and the history of archaeology. She has excavated in Greece and Bulgaria, and currently participates in the survey of small Cycladic islands in Greece. Anna was the Emily Townsend Vermeule Fellow at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (2021-2022), the Edward Capps Advanced Fellow (2022-2023), and the AIA Harriet and Leon Pomerance Fellow (2024-2025).
Research Support
2021 -2022 American School of Classical Studies at Athens Emily Townsend Vermeule Fellowship
2022 American School of Classical Studies at Athens Paul Rehak Memorial Travelling Fellowship
2022 -2023 American School of Classical Studies at Athens Edward Capps Advanced Fellowship
2024 -2025 Archaeological Institute of America Harriet and Leon Pomerance Fellowship
Abbreviated Publications
Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Belza, A. 2023. “Between Crete and the Mainland: From the Neopalatial to the Mycenaean Cyclades,” in Sympozjum Egejskie: Papers in Aegean Archaeology 4, ed. S. Aulsebrook, K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska, and K. Lewartowski, Warsaw, pp. 119–132.
Other Publication
Belza, A. 2018. “(Re)assessing the Western String Model: Archaeological Data from the Cyclades Post-1979” (MA thesis, Univ. of Cincinnati)
Work in Progress
Belza. A. (in prep.). Current Archaeological Data from the Cyclades: The Middle–early Late Bronze Age.
D. Athanasoulis, A. Knodell, Ž. Tankosić, A. A. Belza, J. Cherry, T. Garrison, R. Campbell, E. Levine, D. Nenova, H. Öztürk. “An Archaeological Survey of Polyaigos and a Newly Discovered Bronze Age Settlement: Landscape, Lidar, and Long-Term History on the Largest “Uninhabited” Island in the Aegean”
Under Review
Belza, A. “Ceramic Consumption Patterns at Ayia Irini, Kea in the Mycenaean Period,” in Proceedings of an International Workshop on Regionalism in Mycenaean Pottery October 22–23, 2022, ed. B. Lis, Warsaw.
Paper Presentations
(2015. ) The Imagined Boundary: Mycenaean Messenia Hither and Further Lands .Boston University 12th Biennial Graduate Conference.
(2015. ) You Can’t Sit With Us: Social Stratification in Mycenaean Feasting .Brandeis University Second Graduate Student Symposium.
(2015. ) The Philistine Question: Continuity or Imitation of Mycenaean Material Culture? .The 2015 Canadian Institute in Greece’s Biannual Student Conference.
(2012. ) Portraying the Cultural Other: The Exoticism of Ancient Greek Art .Sweet Briar College Senior Colloquia.
(2021. ) Between Crete and the Mainland: From the Neopalatial to the Mycenaean Cyclades .University of Warsaw, Poland.
(10-2022. ) Ceramic Consumption Patterns at Ayia Irini, Kea in the Mycenaean Period .Workshop. Level:International
Belza, A. (01-2023. ) The Cyclades in the Mycenaean Period: A View from Ayia Irini, Kea .American School of Classical Studies at Athens .
A. R. Knodell, D. Athanasoulis, J. R. Banks, A. A. Belza, R. Campbell, J. F. Cherry, T. G. Garrison, M. Giannakopoulou, H. Indgjerd, E. Levine, and B. Manquen. (12-2023. ) Regional Survey in the Eastern Cyclades: Island Size, Nodality, and Occupational History .Vienna, Austria.
A. R. Knodell, D. Athanasoulis, J. R. Banks, A. A. Belza, R. Campbell, J. F. Cherry, T. G. Garrison, M. Giannakopoulou, H. Indgjerd, E. Levine, and B. Manquen (01-2024. ) The Small Cycladic Islands Project 2023: The Islets of Andros, Tenos, Mykonos, and Amorgos .