
Ph. D.: Purdue University 1972 (Environmental Engineering)

M.S.C.E: Purdue University 1970 (Environmental Engineering)

B.S.C.E: Northeastern University 1968 (Civil Engineering)

Positions and Work Experience

2016 - Fullbright Specialist, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, India,

2015 - Visiting Professor, Parthenope University of Naples, Naples, Italy,

2014 -To Present Consultant, ABET Foundation Inc,

2013 - Fulbright Distinguished Chair of Environmental Engineering, Parthenope University of Naples, Naples, Italy,

2011 -To Present Professor Emeritus of Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati,

2011 -To Present Associate Dean of Engineering, University of Rhode Island,

2009 -2011 Environmental Engineering Program Director, National Science Foundation,

2008 -2009 Environmental Implications of Emerging Technologies Program Director, National Science Foundation,

2006 -2009 Associate Vice President for Research, University of Cincinnati,

2005 -2008 Director, UC/NIEHS Superfund Basic Research Program, University of Cincinnati,

2004 -2008 Professor of Environmental Health (College of Medicine), University of Cincinnati,

2000 -2006 Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, University of Cincinnati,

1996 -2007 Herman Schneider Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati,

1993 -2011 Professor of Environmental Eng, University of Cincinnati,

1987 -1993 William Thoms Professor and Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati,

1986 -1987 Guest Professor, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark,

1982 -1987 Professor, University of New Hampshire,

1980 - Visiting Professor, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland,

1977 -1980 Associate Professor and Chairman, University of New Hampshire ,

1976 -1982 Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire,

1972 -1976 Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire,

Research Support

Grant: #CBET-0829356 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 04-14-2008 -09-01-2011 National Science Foundation Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment with the NSF Role:PI $925,698.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 005369 Investigators:Ahn, Chong; Bishop, Paul; Jang, Am 12-15-2007 -12-14-2010 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Development of a Portable Multi-Analyte Sensor to Simultaneously Measure Chloride, Potassium, ORP, and pH in RO Membrane Systems Role:Collaborator $97,976.83 Active Level:Foreign Institution of Higher Education

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-51UC Investigators:Bishop, Paul; Boccelli, Dominic; Ioannides, Anastasios; Papautsky, Ian; Suidan, Makram 09-30-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Construction and Commencement: Pipe Leak Detection Experimental Station Role:PI $44,549.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #U54 EB007954 Investigators:Air, Dorothy; Beyette, Fred; Bishop, Paul; Broderick, Joseph; Clark, Joseph; Haridas, Balakrishna; Helmicki, Arthur; Jauch, Edward; Kanter, Daniel; Pancioli, Arthur; Papautsky, Ian; Privitera, Mary Beth; Shutter, Lori; Steckl, Andrew; Todd, Anita; Tomsick, Thomas; Wilsey, Philip 09-30-2007 -06-30-2014 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Point of Care-Care Center for Emerging Neurotechnologies Role:Collaborator $9,416,342.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-31UC, PTS WA #1-31 Investigators:Bishop, Paul; Suidan, Makram 01-04-2007 -01-24-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Resistance of Spore Forming Bacteria on Drinking Water Biofilm and Evaluation of Decontamination Methods Role:PI $156,779.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #1 R01 ES015446-01 Investigators:Ahn, Chong; Bishop, Paul 08-01-2006 -05-31-2010 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences PAH Bioremediation and Monitoring in Biowalls Role:PI $976,469.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #johnsondiversey Investigators:Bishop, Paul 01-23-2006 -05-31-2006 JohnsonDiversey, Inc. The Ability to Chlorine Dioxide Films to Retain Their Disinfecting Concentration Role:PI $2,500.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #BES-0529217 Investigators:Beyette, Fred; Bishop, Paul; Papautsky, Ian 10-01-2005 -09-30-2009 National Science Foundation Integrated Multi-Analyte Microelectrode Sensors for In Situ Environmental Monitoring Role:Collaborator $340,788.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #15 X 8938 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 02-01-2005 -09-30-2005 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Improvement of Wet Weather Treatment Facility Performance with Use of Polymer Addition and Ultra Violet Disinfection Role:PI $40,000.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #OSP 05149 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 12-03-2004 -12-31-2008 General Electric Company Research & Development Transactions - Master Agreement Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Bishop, Paul 07-01-2004 -12-31-2005 JohnsonDiversey, Inc. Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Disinfection of Biofilms in Pipes and Food Process Equipment Role:PI $52,442.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #OSP 05-133 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 05-01-2004 -03-31-2005 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Microelectrodes for Environmental Monitoring Role:PI $44,535.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #11999/NCE Investigators:Bishop, Paul 04-01-2004 -12-31-2006 The Boeing Company Master Agreement Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #745431/Supp #3 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 08-01-2003 -09-30-2007 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Propulsion 21 Project Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #New Master Agreement Investigators:Bishop, Paul 05-15-2003 -05-14-2004 Ford Motor Company Ford Academic Partnerships Master Agreement Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #OSP03134 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 09-30-2002 -07-31-2004 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Microelectrodes for Environmental Monitoring Role:PI $114,740.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #MSD 15X8938 Task 5 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 05-01-2002 -08-31-2003 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Performance Evaluation of Satellite Combined Sewer Overflow Primary Treatment Units Role:PI $47,439.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #MSD 15X8938 Task 7 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 05-01-2002 -05-31-2004 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Biological Nutrient Removal in Metropolitan Sewer District Treatment Plants Role:PI $95,284.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Bishop, Paul 09-01-2001 -08-31-2005 Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Substances Research Center Role:PI $107,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #15 x 8939 Task 04 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 06-01-2001 -12-31-2001 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Use of Oxidation Reduction Potential for Control of Wastewater Treatment Operations Role:PI $29,887.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #01TP000527 Mod 3 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 05-10-2001 -09-30-2005 Department of Energy Provide Research Support through Various Task Orders Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #P42 ES004908 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 04-01-2001 -03-31-2008 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Health Effects and Biodegradation of Complex Mixtures Role:PI $6,386,444.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #15 x 8938 Task 1 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 03-21-2001 -12-31-2002 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Performance Evaluation of Satellite Combined Sewer Overflow Primary Treatment Units Role:PI $79,000.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #Contract 15 X 8938 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 02-21-2001 -12-31-2005 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Research Regarding Sewers, Watewater, Airpollution, and Infrastructure Development Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #Task Order 53 Mod B Investigators:Bishop, Paul 11-20-2000 -03-29-2002 Department of Energy Support of the Fernald Post Closure Stewardship Technology Project Role:PI $45,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #Task Order 52 -Mod A Investigators:Bishop, Paul 09-25-2000 -01-24-2001 Department of Energy On Site Disposal Facility Role:PI $35,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #Delph 01 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 09-07-2000 -12-31-2005 Delphi Automotive Systems Master Agreement to Cover Research with Dephi Automotive Systems Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO #31 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 08-01-2000 -09-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Leachability of Metals from Mineral Processing Waste Role:PI $72,627.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #Task Order 50 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 06-02-2000 -10-31-2000 Department of Energy Fernald Stewardship Workshop Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CDO/D-96-16 Cinergy Investigators:Bishop, Paul 07-01-1998 -01-31-2001 Cinergy Corporation Use of Reclaimed Magnesium Hydroxide as a Wastewater Treatment Reagent Role:PI $124,877.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #CDO/D-96-16 DRA NCE Investigators:Bishop, Paul 07-01-1998 -08-31-2001 Dravo Lime Company Use of Reclaimed Magnesium Hydroxide as a Wastewater Treatment Reagent Role:PI $48,670.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #CDO/D-96-16 NCE Investigators:Bishop, Paul 10-01-1997 -01-31-2002 Ohio Department of Development Use of Reclaimed Magnesium Hydroxide as a Wastewater Treatment Reagent Role:PI $275,575.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #85X8374 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 03-01-1997 -12-31-2000 Cincinnati, City of Improved Aeration Efficiency at the Mill Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Role:PI $281,800.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #BES-9630739-002 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 09-15-1996 -08-31-2000 National Science Foundation Stabilization, Solidification and Possible Catalytic Destruction of Organically Contaminated Wastes Role:PI $459,587.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #OSP97133-Buchanan Investigators:Bishop, Paul 09-15-1996 -08-31-1999 Calgon Carbon Corporation Stabilization, Solidification and Possible Catalytic Destruction of Organic Wastes Using Reactivated Carbon Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #LBIO-71114 Investigators:Bishop, Paul 09-15-1996 -08-31-1999 E. I. Depont De Nemours & Co. Stabilization, Solidification and Possible Catalytic Destruction of Organically Contaminated Wastes Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Industry


Peer Reviewed Publications

Lega, M., Ferrara, C., Persechino, G. and Bishop, P.L (2014. ) Remote sensing in environmental police investigations: aerial platforms and an innovative application of thermography to detect several illegal activities .Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, , 186 (8 ) ,

Hosni, A.A., Shane, W.T., Szabo, J.G. and Bishop, P.L (2013. ) The disinfection efficacy of chlorine and chlorine dioxide as disinfectants of B. globigii, a surrogate for B. anthracis, in water networks: a comparative study .Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, , 8 (2 ) ,

Jang, A. and Bishop, P.L. (2012. ) Remediation potential of mulch for removing lead .Environmental Technology, , 33 ,623-660

Lee, W.H., Choi, W.-H., Guo, X., Heineman, W.R., and Bishop, P.L. (2012. ) Materials science chemistry of electrochemical microsensors and applications for biofilm research .Key Engineering Materials: Innovations in Materials Science II, , 521 ,113-139

Clinton, C., Kupferle, M. and Bishop, P.L. (2012. ) Transformation of a university climate action plan into a sustainability plan .EM – AWMA’s Magazine for Environmental Managers, ,

Pressman, J.G., Lee, W.H., Bishop, P.L., and Wahman, D.G. (2012. ) Effect of free ammonia concentration on monochloramine penetration within a nitrifying biofilm and its effect on activity, viability, and recovery .Water Research, , 46 ,882-894

Lee, W.H., Pressman, J.G., Wahman, D.G. and Bishop, P.L (2011. ) Free chlorine and monochloramine application to nitrifying biofilm: comparison of biofilm penetration, activity and viability .Environmental Science & Technology, , 45 (4 ) ,1412-1419

Jang, A. and Bishop, P.L (2011. ) Remediation potential of mulch for removing lead .Environmental Technology, ,

Lee, W.H., Lee, J.-H., Choi, W.-H., Hosni, A., Papautsky, I. and Bishop, P.L (2011. ) Needle-type environmental micro-sensors: design, construction and use of microelectrodes and multi-analyte MEMS sensor arrays .Measurement Science and Technology, ,

Hosni, A.A., Szabo, J.G. and Bishop, P.L (2011. ) The efficacy of chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant for Bacillus spores in drinking water biofilms .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 137 ,569-575

Jang, A., Zou, Z., Lee, K.K., Ahn, C.H. and Bishop, P.L (2011. ) State-of-the-art lab chip sensors for environmental water monitoring .Measurement Science and Technology, ,

Shane, W.T., Szabo, J.G. and Bishop, P.L (2011. ) Persistence of spore forming bacteria in drinking water biofilm and evaluation of decontamination methods .Environmental Technology, , 32 (8 ) ,847-855

Wang, J. and Bishop, P.L (2010. ) Fabrication, calibration and evaluation of a phosphate ion-selective microelectrode .Environmental Pollution , , 158 (12 ) ,3612-3617

Jang, A., Zou, Z., Lee, K.K., Ahn, C.H. and Bishop, P.L (2010. ) Potentiometric and voltammetric polymer lab chip sensors for determination of nitrate, pH and Cd(II) in water .Talanta, , 83 ,1-8

Lee, W.H and Bishop, P.L (2010. ) In situ microscale analyses of activated sludge flocs in the enhanced biological phosphate removal process by in situ hybridization and the use of microelectrodes .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 136 (6 ) ,561-567

Wang, J. and Bishop, P.L (2010. ) Use of pilot-scale batch reactors to explore improvements in biological phosphorus removal at full-scale treatment plants .Environmental Engineer: Applied Research and Practice, , 11 ,37-41

Lee, W.H., Pressman, J.G., Wahman, D.G. and Bishop, P.L (2010. ) Characterization and application of a chlorine microelectrode for measuring monochloramine within a drinking water distribution system biofilm .Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, , 145 ,734-742

Hosni, A.A., Shane, W.T., Szabo, J.G. and Bishop, P.L (2009. ) The disinfection efficacy of chlorine and chlorine dioxide as disinfectants of B. globigii, a surrogate for B. anthracis, in water networks: a comparative study .Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, , 36 ,732-737

Stellaci, P., Liberti, L., Notarnicola, M. and Bishop, P.L (2009. ) Valorization of coal fly ash by mechano-chemical activation. Part I. Enhancing pozzolanic capacity .Chemical Engineering Journal, , 149 ,19-24

Stellaci, P., Liberti, L., Notarnicola, M. and Bishop, P.L (2009. ) Valorization of coal fly ash by mechano-chemical activation. Part I. Enhancing adsorption capacity .Chemical Engineering Journal, , 149 ,11-18

Lee, W.H., Seo, Y. and Bishop, P.L (2009. ) Characteristics of cobalt-based phosphate microelectrode for in situ detection of phosphate in biological analyses .Sensors & Actuators: B, ,

Seo, Y., Lee, W.H., Sorial, G. and Bishop, P.L (2009. ) The application of a mulch biofilm barrier for surfactant enhanced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon bioremediation .Environmental Pollution, , 157 ,95-101

Rodriguez, S. and Bishop, P.L (2008. ) Enhancing the Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). Effects of Nonionic Surfactant Addition on Biofilm Function and Structure .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 134 (7 ) ,505-512

Seo, Y. and Bishop, P.L. (2008. ) The monitoring of biofilm formation in a mulch biowall barrier and its effect on performance .Chemosphere, , 70 ,480-488

Seo, Y., Jang, A. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Organic mulch biowall for PAH contaminated groundwater remediation .European Journal of Soil Biology, , 43 ,304-309

Wu, Q. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Struvite precipitation to improve sludge digestion .SCOPE Newsletter, CEEP no 69, ,

Seo, Y. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Influence of nonionic surfactant on attached biofilm formation and phenanthrene bioavailability during simulated surfactant enhanced bioremediation .Environmental Science & Technology, , 41 ,7107-7113

Uribe-Jongbloed, A. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Comparative study of PAH removal efficiency under absence of molecular oxygen: Effect of electron acceptor and hydrodynamic conditions .Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, , 6 (4 ) ,367-376

Jin, P. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Comparison of ion-selective and carbon fiber mercury film microelectrodes for cadmium measurement .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 133 (6 ) ,608-615

Szabo, J., Rice, E. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Persistence and decontamination of Bacillus atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores on corroded iron in a model drinking water system .Applied & Environmental Microbiology, , 73 (8 ) ,2451-2457

Jang, A., Lee, S.-W., Kim, K.-Y., Kim, I.S. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Application of mulch for treating metals in urban runoff: batch and column tests .Water Science & Technology, , 55 (1-2 ) ,95-103

Bishop, P.L (2007. ) The role of biofilms in water reclamation and reuse .Water Science & Technology, , 55 (1-2 ) ,19-26

Rodriguez, S. and Bishop, P.L (2007. ) Three-dimensional quantification of soil biofilms using image analysis .Environmental Engineering Science, , 24 ,96-103

Hosni, A., Coughlin, M. and Bishop, P.L (2006. ) Diffusion of chlorine dioxide through aqueous and oil films .Food and Bioproducts Processing, , 84 ,346-352

Jang, A., Szabo, J., Hosni, A., Coughlin, M. and Bishop, P.L (2006. ) Measurement of chlorine dioxide penetration in dairy process pipe biofilms during disinfection .Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, , 72 ,368-376

Szabo, J.G., Rice, E.W. and Bishop, P.L (2006. ) Persistence of Klebsiella pneumoniae on simulated biofilm in a model drinking water system .Environmental Science & Technology, , 40 ,4996-5002

Kupferle, M.J., Galal, A. and Bishop, P.L. (2006. ) Electrolytic treatment of azo dye wastewaters: Impact of matrix chloride content .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 132 (5 ) ,514-518

Piao, H. and Bishop, P.L (2006. ) Stabilization of mercury-containing waste using sulfide .Environmental Pollution, , 139 ,498-506

Jin, P. and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) Cadmium transfer and distribution in a multi-species biofilm and the impact on naphthalene removal .Water Science & Technology, , 52 (7 ) ,41-47

Rodriguez, S. and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) Competitive metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mixtures in porous media biofilms .Water Science & Technology, , 52 (7 ) ,27-34

Jang, A., Lee, J.-H., Bhadri, P., Kumar, S., Papautsky, I., Beyette, F., Timmons, W. and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) Miniaturized redox potential probe for in situ environmental monitoring .Environmental Science and Technology, , 39 ,6191-6197

Jang, A., Okabe, S., Ito, T., Watanabe, Y. Kim, I. And Bishop, P.L (2005. ) Measurement of growth rate of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in partially submerged rotating biological contactor by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) .Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, , 4 ,413-420

Jang, A., Bum, M., Ahn, Y., Kim, I.S. and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) Assessment of characteristics of biofilm formed on autotrophic denitrification .Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, , 455-460 ,

Gillam, D. and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) A study of glutathione-gated potassium efflux in biofilms using potassium microelectrodes .Environmental Engineering Science, , 22 ,489-495

Wang, J. and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) Development of a phosphate ion-selective microelectrode and its use in studies of the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process .Environmental Technology, , 26 ,381-388

Szabo, J., Buchberger, S. and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) Performance of a wet weather treatment facility for control of combined sewer overflows: Case study in Cincinnati, Ohio .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 131 ,375-386

Jang, A., Seo, Y-W and Bishop, P.L (2005. ) The removal of heavy metals in urban runoff by sorption on mulch .Environmental Pollution, , 133 ,117-128

Li, J. and Bishop, P.L (2004. ) Time course observations of nitrifying biofilm development using microelectrodes .Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, , 3 ,523-528

Li, B. and Bishop, P.L (2004. ) Electrolytic treatment of azo dyes containing o,o’-dihydroxyazo complexation sites .Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, , 3 ,223-229

Wu, Q. and Bishop, P.L (2004. ) Enhancing struvite crystallization from anaerobic supernatant .Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, , 3 ,21-29

Li, B. and Bishop, P.L. (2004. ) Micro-profiles of activated sludge floc determined using microelectrodes .Water Research, , 38 ,1248-1258

Jang, A., Yoon, Y-H, Kim, I.S. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) Characterization and evaluation of aerobic granules in sequencing batch reactor .Journal of Biotechnology, , 105 ,71-82

Li, B. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) Modeling of the microenvironment of activated sludge floc with experimental and theoretical methods .Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, , 2 ,27-37

Li, B. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) Structure-function dynamics and modeling analysis of the micro-environment of activated sludge floc in wastewater treatment processes studied using microelectrodes .Water Science and Technology, , 47 (11 ) ,267-273

Coughlin, M. F., Kinkle, B.K. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) High performance degradation of azo dye Acid Orange 7 and sulfanilic acid in a laboratory scale reactor after seeding with cultured bacterial strains .Water Research, , 37 ,2757-2763

Gong, P. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) Evaluation of organics leaching from solidified/stabilized hazardous wastes using a powder reactivated carbon additive .Environmental Technology, , 24 ,445-455

Li, J. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) Monitoring the influence of toxic compounds on microbial denitrifying biofilm processes .Water Science and Technology, , 47 (5 ) ,211-216

Zhang, J. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) Application of stabilization/solidification in high mercury wastes treatment using reactivated carbon and cement .Practical Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management, , 7 (1 ) ,31-36

Zhang, X. and Bishop, P.L (2003. ) Biodegradability of biofilm extracellular polymeric substances .Chemosphere, , 50 ,63-69

Strack, G.D. and Bishop, P.L (2002. ) Internal audit for publicly owned treatment works enforcement response plan .Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Policy, , 4 ,191-195

Ebihara, T. and Bishop, P (2002. ) Effect of acetate on biofilms utilized in PAH bioremediation .Environmental Engineering Science, , 19 ,305-320

Li, B. and Bishop, P.L (2002. ) Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) regulation of nutrient removal in three activated sludge wastewater treatment plants .Water Science and Technology, , 46 (1-2 ) ,35-39

Li, J. and Bishop, P.L (2002. ) In situ identification of azo dye inhibition effects on nitrifying biofilms using microelectrodes .Water Science and Technology, , 46 (1-2 ) ,207-214

Zhang, J. and Bishop, P.L (2002. ) Stabilization/solidification (S/S) of mercury-containing wastes using reactivated carbon and Portland cement .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 92 ,199-212

Ebihara, T. and Bishop, P.L (2002. ) Influence of supplemental acetate on bioremediation for dissolved PAHs .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 128 ,505-513

Coughlin, M., Kinkle, M. and Bishop, P.L (2002. ) Degradation of Acid Orange 7 in an aerobic biofilm .Chemosphere, , 46 ,11-19

Li, B. and Bishop, P.L (2001. ) The application of ORP in activated sludge wastewater treatment processes .Environmental Engineering Science, , 18 ,309-322

Zhang, X. and Bishop, P.L (2001. ) Spatial distribution of extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 127 ,850-856

Yu, T. and Bishop, P.L (2001. ) Stratification and redox potential change in an aerobic and sulfate-reducing biofilm studied using microelectrodes .Water Environment Research, , 73 ,368-373

Rho, H., Arafat, H., Kountz, B., Buchanan, R., Pinto, N. and Bishop, P (2001. ) Decomposition of hazardous organic materials in the solidification/stabilization process using catalytic activated carbon .Waste Management, , 21 (4 ) ,343-356

Bishop, P (2000. ) Pollution prevention: a new paradigm for engineering education .Water Air, and Soil Pollution, , 123 (1-4 ) ,505-515

Bishop, P.L (2000. ) Environmental engineering education in North America .Water Science & Technology, , 41 (2 ) ,9-16

Coughlin, M., Kinkle, B.K. and Bishop, P.L (1999. ) Degradation of azo dyes derived from amino-2-naphthol by Sphingomonas strain 1CH .Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, , 23 ,341-346

Yu, T. and Bishop, P.L (1999. ) A microelectrode study of redox potential change in biofilms .Water Science & Technology, , 39 (7 ) ,179-185

Ebihara, T. and Bishop, P.L (1999. ) Biofilm structural forms in porous media utilized in organic compound degradation .Water Science & Technology, , 39 (7 ) ,203-210

Atta, N.F., Galal, A., Mark, H.B., Yu, T. and Bishop, P.L (1998. ) Conducting polymer ion sensor electrodes -- III. Potentiometric sulfide ion selective electrode .Talanta, , 47 ,987-999

Yu, T. and Bishop, P (1998. ) Stratification of microbial metabolic processes and redox potential change in sulfate-reducing biofilms studied using oxygen, sulfide, pH and redox potential microelectrodes .Water Science and Technology, , 37 (4-5 ) ,195-198

Safferman, S. and Bishop, P.L (1997. ) Internal media cleaning device for aerobic fluidized bed reactors .Biotechnology Advances, , 15 (1 ) ,163-164

Siddiqui, K., Pehkonen, S., Lin, C. and Bishop, P (1997. ) Developing regulations for effluent color elimination at wastewater treatment plants .Water Environment Laboratory Solutions, ,

Safferman, S. and Bishop, P (1997. ) Operating strategies for aerobic fluidized bed reactors .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 54 ,241-253

Zhou, Q. and Bishop, P (1997. ) Determination of oxygen profiles and diffusivity in encapsulated biomass k-carrageenan gel beads .Water Science & Technology, , 36 ,271-277

Palsdottir, G. and Bishop, P (1997. ) Nitrifying biotower upsets due to snails and their control .Water Science & Technology , , 36 ,247-254

Coughlin, M., Tepper, A., Kinkle, B. and Bishop, P (1997. ) Characterization of aerobic azo-dye degrading bacteria and their activity in a wastewater biofilm .Water Science & Technology, , 36 ,215-220

Baker, P. and Bishop, P (1997. ) Prediction of metals leaching rates from actual S/S wastes using the shrinking unreacted core leaching procedure .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 52 ,311-333

Taylor, D.G., Breen, A. and Bishop, P.L (1997. ) Determination of phenol-degrader distribution in biofilms using gene probes .Water Research, , 31 ,119-129

Kudlich, M., Knackmuss, H.-J., Stolz, A. and Bishop, P (1996. ) Synchronous anaerobic and aerobic degradation of the sulfonated azo dye Mordant Yellow 3 by immobilized cells from a naphthalenesulfonate-degrading mixed culture .Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , , 46 ,597-603

Zhang, T. and Bishop, P (1996. ) Evaluation of substrate and pH effects in a nitrifying biofilm .Water Environment Research, , 68 ,1107-1115

You, G., Sayles, G., Kupferle, M., Kim, S. and Bishop, P (1996. ) Anaerobic DDT biodegradation: enhancement by application of surfactants and low oxidation reduction potential .Chemosphere, , 32 ,2269-2284

Safferman, S. and Bishop, P (1996. ) An aerobic fluidized bed reactor with internal media cleaning .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 122 ,284-291

Fu, Y. and Bishop, P (1995. ) The evaluation of respiration rate in fixed-film systems under various organic loading rates .Water Environment Research, , 67 ,1036-1043

Bishop, P (1995. ) The application of solidification/stabilization to waste materials: a review .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 44 ,103-104

Zhang, T., Fu, Y. and Bishop, P (1995. ) Competition for substrate and space in biofilms .Water Environment Research, , 67 ,992-1003

Kupferle, M., Chen, T., Gallardo, V., Lindberg, D., Safferman, S., Bishop, D. and Bishop, P (1995. ) Anaerobic/aerobic treatment of hazardous waste leachates in publicly-owned treatment works: An innovative approach .Water Environment Research, , 67 ,910-920

Fitzgerald, S. and Bishop, P (1995. ) Two stage anaerobic/aerobic treatment of sulfonated azo dyes .Journal of Environmental Science and Health, , 30 ,1251-1276

Zhang, T. and Bishop, P (1994. ) Experimental determination of the dissolved oxygen boundary layer and mass transfer resistance near the fluid-biofilm interface .Water Science and Technology, , 30 (11 ) ,47-58

Ma, Y., Galal, A., Zimmer, H., Mark, H., Huang, Z. and Bishop, P (1994. ) Potentiometric selective determination of hydrogen sulfide by an electropolymerized membrane electrode based on binaphthyl-20-crown-6 .Analytica Chimica Acta, , 289 ,21-26

Jiang, H. and Bishop, P (1994. ) Aerobic biodegradation of azo dyes in biofilms .Water Science and Technology, , 29 (10-11 ) ,525-530

Zhang, T., Fu, Y. and Bishop, P (1994. ) Competition in biofilms .Water Science and Technology, , 29 (10-11 ) ,263-270

Zhang, T. and Bishop, P (1994. ) Structure, activity and composition of biofilms .Water Science and Technology, , 29 (7 ) ,335-344

Fu, Y., Jiang, H. and Bishop, P (1994. ) An inhibition study of the effect of azo dyes on bioactivity of biofilms .Water Science and Technology, , 29 (7 ) ,365-372

Zhang, T. and Bishop, P (1994. ) Evaluation of tortuosity factors and effective diffusivities in biofilms .Water Research, , 28 ,2279-2287

He, Y. and Bishop, P (1994. ) The effect of Acid Orange 7 on the nitrification process .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 120 ,108-121

Harmer, C. and Bishop, P (1992. ) Transformation of azo dye AO-7 by wastewater biofilms .Water Science and Technology, , 26 (3-4 ) ,627-636

Cheng, K. and Bishop, P (1992. ) Adsorption, important in stabilized/solidified waste forms .Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, , 9 ,289-296

Cheng, K. and Bishop, P (1992. ) Metals distribution in solidified/stabilized waste forms after leaching .Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials, , 9 ,163-171

Cheng, K. and Bishop, P (1992. ) Leaching boundary movement in solidified/stabilized waste forms .Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, , 42 ,164-168

Cheng, K. and Bishop, P (1990. ) Developing a Kinetic Leaching Model for Solidified/Stabilized Hazardous Wastes .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 24 ,213-224

Eighmy, T. and Bishop, P (1989. ) Distribution and role of bacterial nitrifying populations in aquatic treatment systems .Water Research, , 23 ,947-955

Ferrara, C., Lega, M., Fusco, G. and Bishop, P.L. Thermal remote and proximal sensing for water quality monitoring and assessment .Science of the Total Environment, ,

Published Books

Bishop, P.L. (2004. ) Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice .Long Grove, IL , Waveland Press

Wuertz, S., Bishop, P.L. and Wilderer, P.A. (2003. ) Biofilms in Wastewater Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach .London , IWA Publishing

Bishop, P.L. (2000. ) Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice .New York , McGraw-Hill

Bishop, P.L. (2000. ) Solutions Manual to Accompany Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice .New York , McGraw-Hill

Colombo, P., Barth, E., Bishop, P.L., Buelt, J. and Conner, J. (1994. ) Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Stabilization/Solidification .Annapolis, MD , American Academy of Environmental Engineers

Bishop, P.L. (1983. ) Marine Pollution and Its Control .New York , McGraw-Hill Book Co

Honors and Awards

2014 Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors-Fellow

2013 Simon Freese Prize and Lecture, Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers

2012 American Chemical Society Special Symposium to Honor Dr. Paul L. Bishop

2011 International Water Association – Fellow

2011 Water Environment Federation – Fellow

2010 National Science Foundation Director’s Award for Collaborative Integration

2010 American Society of Civil Engineers – Life Member

2009 Water Environment Federation – Water Hero Award

2007 UC College of Engineering Distinguished Engineering Research Award

2006 International Water Association (IWA) Outstanding Service Award

2005 AEESP /Malcolm Pirnie Frontier in Research Award

1997 American Society of Civil Engineers – Fellow

1997 University of Cincinnati Faculty Achievement Award

1996 -To Present Herman Schneider Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati

1995 AEEP/Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Advisor Award

1988 -1993 William Thoms Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

1985 -To Present Diplomate - American Academy of Environmental Engineers

1984 ASTM Faculty Fellow

Patents and Inventions

# 4534865 Method and Apparatus for Reducing Levels of Organics in Liquids

# 5487829 Aerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor with Internal Media Cleaning

60/621,504 Potentiometric Microelectrode Sensors for In Situ Environmental Monitoring

11/257,418 Micro Sensor Arrays for In Situ Measurements