George (Tom) T Black
Associate Professor of Practice Emeritus
732 Rhodes Hall
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 937-380-6201
Email blackgr@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
George "Tom" Black is a Assistant Professor - Practice. He teaches undergraduate classes in systems engineering, classical control theory and flight mechanics, and a senior/graduate class in flight test engineering. He retired from his first career - an aerospace engineer at Wright-Patterson AFB - in December 2011 after 34 years, specializing in aircraft flying qualities and flight controls. During that time he was lead flying qualities engineer for the development of the F-22, lead flight sciences engineer for the X-45 UCAV/J-UCAS program, lead flight systems engineer for the KC-X and T-6A/B programs and chief engineer for the Combat Systems Division. He has also worked in AFRL and in technical intelligence, as an aerodynamics and flight test engineer for Beech Aircraft, and as an instructor, a flight instructor and research test pilot for the Ohio State University.
Tom has a BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Cincinnati (1977) and an MS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the Ohio State University (1983). He also has a Commercial Pilot's License with Single-Engine Land, Multi-Engine Land and Instrument Ratings. He has logged over 1,000 flight hours and has flown 50 major types of aircraft, including T-38, P-51, B-26 and Ford Tri-motor. He also has a Remote Pilot License with Small UAS rating. He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Experimental Aircraft Association, Warbirds of America, and is an Associate Member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots. His research and teaching interests include aircraft flying qualities, air and space vehicle dynamics and controls, and air and space vehicle flight testing.
Research Support
Grant: #OSGC STEM Fellowship Macmann sub ODHE Investigators:Black, George 04-01-2020 -03-31-2021 NASA Headquarters Flight Quality and Safety Assurance for Low-Boom Supersonic Commercial Aircraft Role:PI $20,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #N00014-18-1-2851 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Black, George; Liu, Hongxing; Ma, Ou; McGhan, Catharine 08-15-2018 -08-14-2020 Office of Naval Research HABsat-2 - Multi-resolution, radiation resistant, VNIR hyperspectral imaging 6U CubeSat Constellation for littoral ocean, Great Lakes and tributary inland water studies. Role:Collaborator $165,945.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSU 60064677 sub ODHE HABSat-1 Investigators:Beck, Richard; Black, George; Liu, Hongxing; Ma, Ou; McGhan, Catharine 04-04-2018 -06-30-2019 Ohio Department of Higher Education HABsat-1 (Harmful Algal Bloom Satellite-1) Role:Collaborator $131,083.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSGC SICHOP_Richards_ck no.1974 Investigators:Black, George 10-01-2017 -09-30-2018 NASA Headquarters Programmable Flight Simulator for Teaching and Research Role:PI $5,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC SICHOP 2017 (CubeCats Heimholtz Cage) Investigators:Black, George; McGhan, Catharine 05-08-2017 -05-07-2018 National Aeronautics and Space Administration UC CubeCats Helmholtz Cage (Jason Roll) Role:PI $4,740.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC SICHOP 2017 (CubeCats CubSat Groundstation) Investigators:Black, George; McGhan, Catharine 05-08-2017 -05-07-2018 National Aeronautics and Space Administration UC CubeCats CubSat Groundstation (Reeve Lambert) Role:PI $1,530.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Park, Caroline; Grant, Jennifer; Garigipati, Priya; Kuhlenschmidt, Kali; Black, George; Bhat, Sneha; Abdelfattah, Kareem; Cripps, Michael; Dumas, Ryan P (2021. ) Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta: simulation improves performance but may require interval training to prevent skill degradation.European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society, , More Information
Brown, Matthew T; Kiani, Soroosh; Black, George B; Lu, Marvin L R; Lloyd, Michael; Leon, Angel R; Shah, Anand; Westerman, Stacy; Merchant, Faisal M; El-Chami, Mikhael (2021. ) Ablation of manifest septal accessory pathways: a single-center experience.Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing, , 61 (2 ) ,349-355 More Information
El Hechi, Majed; Kongkaewpaisan, Napaporn; El Moheb, Mohamad; Aicher, Brittany; Diaz, Jose; O?Meara, Lindsay; Decker, Cassandra; Rodriquez, Jennifer; Schroeppel, Thomas; Rattan, Rishi; Vasileiou, Georgia; Yeh, D Dante; Simonosk, Ursula; Turay, David; Cullinane, Daniel; Emmert, Cory; McCrum, Marta; Wall, Natalie; Badach, Jeremy; Goldenberg-Sanda, Anna; Carmichael, Heather; Velopulos, Catherine; Choron, Rachel; Sakran, Joseph; Bekdache, Khaldoun; Black, George; Shoultz, Thomas; Chadnick, Zachary; Sim, Vasiliy; Madbak, Firas; Steadman, Daniel; Camazine, Maraya; Zielinski, Martin; Hardman, Claire; Walusimbi, Mbaga; Kim, Mirhee; Rodier, Simon; Papadopoulos, Vasileios; Tsoulfas, Georgios; Perez, Javier; Kaafarani, Haytham (2021. ) The emergency surgery score (ESS) and outcomes in elderly patients undergoing emergency laparotomy: A post-hoc analysis of an EAST multicenter study.American journal of surgery, , 221 (5 ) ,1069-1075 More Information
El Hechi, Majed; Kongkaewpaisan, Napaporn; Naar, Leon; Aicher, Brittany; Diaz, Jose; O'Meara, Lindsay; Decker, Cassandra; Rodriquez, Jennifer; Schroeppel, Thomas; Rattan, Rishi; Vasileiou, Georgia; Yeh, D Dante; Simonoski, Ursula; Turay, David; Cullinane, Daniel; Emmert, Cory; McCrum, Marta; Wall, Natalie; Badach, Jeremy; Goldenberg-Sandau, Anna; Carmichael, Heather; Velopulos, Catherine; Choron, Rachel; Sakran, Joseph; Bekdache, Khaldoun; Black, George; Shoultz, Thomas; Chadnick, Zachary; Sim, Vasiliy; Madbak, Firas; Steadman, Daniel; Camazine, Maraya; Zielinski, Martin; Hardman, Claire; Walusimbi, Mbaga; Kim, Mirhee; Rodier, Simon; Papadopoulos, Vasileios; Tsoulfas, Georgios; Perez, Javier; Kaafarani, Haytham M A (2021. ) The Emergency Surgery Score accurately predicts the need for postdischarge respiratory and renal support after emergent laparotomies: A prospective EAST multicenter study.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 90 (3 ) ,557-564 More Information
Kaafarani, Haytham M A; Kongkaewpaisan, Napaporn; Aicher, Brittany O; Diaz, Jose J; O'Meara, Lindsay B; Decker, Cassandra; Rodriquez, Jennifer; Schroeppel, Thomas; Rattan, Rishi; Vasileiou, Georgia; Yeh, D Dante; Simonoski, Ursula J; Turay, David; Cullinane, Daniel C; Emmert, Cory B; McCrum, Marta L; Wall, Natalie; Badach, Jeremy; Goldenberg-Sandau, Anna; Carmichael, Heather; Velopulos, Catherine; Choron, Rachel; Sakran, Joseph V; Bekdache, Khaldoun; Black, George; Shoultz, Thomas; Chadnick, Zachary; Sim, Vasiliy; Madbak, Firas; Steadman, Daniel; Camazine, Maraya; Zielinski, Martin D; Hardman, Claire; Walusimbi, Mbaga; Kim, Mirhee; Rodier, Simon; Papadopoulos, Vasileios N; Tsoulfas, Georgios; Perez, Javier Martin; Velmahos, George C (2020. ) Prospective validation of the Emergency Surgery Score in emergency general surgery: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter study.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 89 (1 ) ,118-124 More Information
Kiani, Soroosh; Kamioka, Norihiko; Black, George B; Lu, Marvin Louis Roy; Lisko, John C; Rao, Birju; Mengistu, Andenet; Gleason, Patrick T; Stewart, James P; Caughron, Hope; Dong, Andy; Patel, Hima; Grubb, Kendra J; Greenbaum, Adam B; Devireddy, Chandan M; Guyton, Robert A; Leshnower, Bradley; Merchant, Faisal M; El-Chami, Mikhael; Westerman, Stacy B; Lloyd, Michael S; Babaliaros, Vasilis C; Hoskins, Michael H (2019. ) Development of a Risk Score to Predict New Pacemaker Implantation After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.JACC. Cardiovascular interventions, , 12 (21 ) ,2133-2142 More Information
Kiani, Soroosh; Black, George B; Rao, Birju; Thakkar, Nancy; Massad, Christopher; Patel, Akshar V; Merchant, Faisal M; Hoskins, Michael H; De Lurgio, David B; Patel, Anshul M; Shah, Anand D; Leon, Angel R; Westerman, Stacy B; Lloyd, Michael S; El-Chami, Mikhael F (2019. ) Outcomes of Micra leadless pacemaker implantation with uninterrupted anticoagulation.Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology, , 30 (8 ) ,1313-1318 More Information
Do, Woo S; Forte, Dominic M; Sheldon, Rowan R; Weiss, Jessica B; Barron, Morgan R; Sokol, Kyle K; Black, George E; Hegge, Sara R; Eckert, Matthew J; Martin, Matthew J (2019. ) Preperitoneal balloon tamponade and resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta: Alternatives to open packing for pelvic fracture-associated hemorrhage.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 87 (1 ) ,18-26 More Information
Kiani, Soroosh; Black, George B; Rao, Birju; Thakkar, Nancy; Massad, Christopher; Patel, Akshar V; Lu, Marvin Louis Roy; Merchant, Faisal M; Hoskins, Michael H; De Lurgio, David B; Patel, Anshul M; Shah, Anand D; Leon, Angel R; Westerman, Stacy B; Lloyd, Michael S; El-Chami, Mikhael F (2019. ) The Safety and Feasibility of Same-Day Discharge After Implantation of MICRA Transcatheter Leadless Pacemaker System.Journal of atrial fibrillation, , 12 (1 ) ,2153 More Information
Do, Woo S; Forte, Dominic M; Sheldon, Rowan R; Weiss, Jessica B; Barron, Morgan R; Sokol, Kyle K; Black, George E; Hegge, Sara R; Eckert, Matthew J; Martin, Matthew J (2019. ) Minimally invasive preperitoneal balloon tamponade and abdominal aortic junctional tourniquet versus open packing for pelvic fracture-associated hemorrhage: Not all extrinsic compression is equal.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 86 (4 ) ,625-634 More Information
Black, George Edward; Sokol, Kyle K; Moe, Donald M; Simmons, Jon D; Muscat, David; Pastukh, Victor; Capley, Gina; Gorodnya, Olena; Ruchko, Mykhaylo; Roth, Mark B; Gillespie, Mark; Martin, Matthew J (2017. ) Impact of a novel phosphoinositol-3 kinase inhibitor in preventing mitochondrial DNA damage and damage-associated molecular pattern accumulation: Results from the Biochronicity Project.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 83 (4 ) ,683-689 More Information
Sokol, Kyle K; Black, George E; Willey, Sandra B; Kniery, Kevin; Marko, Shannon T; Eckert, Matthew J; Martin, Matthew J (2017. ) There's an app for that: A handheld smartphone-based infrared imaging device to assess adequacy and level of aortic occlusion during REBOA.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 82 (1 ) ,102-108 More Information
Sokol, Kyle K; Black, George E; Willey, Sandra B; Song, Michelle Y; Marko, Shannon T; Eckert, Matthew J; Inaba, Kenji; Martin, Matthew J (2016. ) Preperitoneal balloon tamponade for lethal closed retroperitoneal pelvic hemorrhage in a swine model: A comparable and minimally invasive alternative to open pre-peritoneal pelvic packing.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 81 (6 ) ,1046-1055 More Information
Black, George E; Sokol, Kyle K; Shawhan, Robert R; Eckert, Matthew J; Salgar, Shashikumar; Marko, Shannon T; Hoffer, Zachary S; Keyes, Christopher C; Roth, Mark B; Martin, Matthew J (2016. ) Inducing metabolic suppression in severe hemorrhagic shock: Pilot study results from the Biochronicity Project.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 81 (6 ) ,1003-1011 More Information
Mazimba, Sula; Mejia-Lopez, Eliany; Black, George; Kennedy, Jamie L W; Bergin, James; Tallaj, Jose A; Abuannadi, Mohammad; Mihalek, Andrew D; Bilchick, Kenneth C (2016. ) Diastolic pulmonary gradient predicts outcomes in group 1 pulmonary hypertension (analysis of the NIH primary pulmonary hypertension registry).Respiratory medicine, , 119 ,81-86 More Information
Sokol, Kyle K; Black, George E; Shawhan, Robert; Marko, Shannon T; Eckert, Matthew J; Tran, Nam T; Starnes, Benjamin W; Martin, Matthew J (2016. ) Efficacy of a novel fluoroscopy-free endovascular balloon device with pressure release capabilities in the setting of uncontrolled junctional hemorrhage.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 80 (6 ) ,907-14 More Information
Nelson, Daniel W; Black, George E; Thomas, Richard L; Eckert, Matthew J; Hoffer, Zachary S; Martin, Matthew J (2015. ) Sugar or salt? The relative roles of the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid axes in traumatic shock.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 79 (6 ) ,1023-9 More Information
Sokol, Kyle K; Black, George E; Azarow, Kenneth S; Long, William; Martin, Matthew J; Eckert, Matthew J (2015. ) Prehospital interventions in severely injured pediatric patients: Rethinking the ABCs.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 79 (6 ) ,983-9; discussion 98 More Information
Jerrell, Jeanette M; Shuler, C Osborne; Tripathi, Avnish; Black, George B; Park, Yong-Moon Mark (2015. ) Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children and Adolescents With Congenital Heart Disease.The primary care companion for CNS disorders, , 17 (5 ) , More Information
Chesley, Patrick M; Black, George E; Martin, Matthew J; Johnson, Eric K; Maykel, Justin A; Steele, Scott R (2015. ) The utility of pathologic evaluation of adult hernia specimens.American journal of surgery, , 209 (5 ) ,783-6; discussion 78 More Information
Walker, Avery; Hatch, Quinton; Drake, Thurston; Nelson, Daniel W; Fitzpatrick, Emilie; Bingham, Jason; Black, George; Maykel, Justin A; Steele, Scott R (2014. ) Predictors of appendiceal perforation in an equal access system.The Journal of surgical research, , 190 (1 ) ,87-92 More Information
Tripathi, Avnish; Black, George B; Park, Yong-Moon Mark; Jerrell, Jeanette M (2014. ) Factors associated with the occurrence and treatment of supraventricular tachycardia in a pediatric congenital heart disease cohort.Pediatric cardiology, , 35 (2 ) ,368-73 More Information
Shuler, C Osborne; Tripathi, Avnish; Black, George B; Park, Yong-Moon Mark; Jerrell, Jeanette M (2013. ) Prevalence of treatment, risk factors, and management of atrial septal defects in a pediatric Medicaid cohort.Pediatric cardiology, , 34 (7 ) ,1723-8 More Information
Tripathi, Avnish; Black, George B; Park, Yong-Moon Mark; Jerrell, Jeanette M (2013. ) Prevalence and management of patent ductus arteriosus in a pediatric medicaid cohort.Clinical cardiology, , 36 (9 ) ,502-6 More Information
Shuler, C Osborne; Tripathi, Avnish; Black, George B; Park, Yong-Moon Mark; Jerrell, Jeanette M (2013. ) Individual risk factors and complexity associated with congenital heart disease in a pediatric medicaid cohort.Southern medical journal, , 106 (7 ) ,385-90 More Information
Walker, Avery; Stoddard, Doug; Black, George; Causey, Marlin; Rush, Robert; Steele, Scott; Johnson, Eric (2013. ) What is the real cost of an overnight stay after an ambulatory general surgical procedure?.Military medicine, , 178 (6 ) ,665-8 More Information
Shuler, C Osborne; Black, George B; Jerrell, Jeanette M (2013. ) Population-based treated prevalence of congenital heart disease in a pediatric cohort.Pediatric cardiology, , 34 (3 ) ,606-11 More Information
Jerrell, Jeanette M; McIntyre, Roger S; Black, George B (2012. ) Economic grand rounds: economic costs of failure to monitor adverse effects of second-generation antipsychotics: an underestimated factor.Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), , 63 (3 ) ,202-4 More Information
Albertson, Timothy E; Panacek, Edward A; MacArthur, Rodger D; Johnson, Steven B; Benjamin, Ernest; Matuschak, George M; Zaloga, Gary; Maki, Dennis; Silverstein, Jeffrey; Tobias, Jeffrey K; Haenftling, Kathy; Black, George; Cowens, J Wayne (2003. ) Multicenter evaluation of a human monoclonal antibody to Enterobacteriaceae common antigen in patients with Gram-negative sepsis.Critical care medicine, , 31 (2 ) ,419-27 More Information
Other Publications
Harris, Jeffery J. and G. Thomas Black (08-1996. ) F-22 Control Law Development and Flying Qualities .American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) , paper 96-3379 ,
Black, G. Thomas (07-1993. ) Transitioning Promising Ideas Into Real-World Hardware: Agility, Flying Qualities and Aircraft Development .Keynote address, 7th Interservice / Industry Colloquium "Agile Flight in the Dynamic Environment",
Schilling, Keigh L., G. Thomas Black, and William T. Thomas (04-1992. ) Advanced Tactical Fighter High Angle of Attack Flying Qualities Requirements .NASA High Angle of Attack Projects Technology Conference, CP3137 Volume 4 ,
Leggett, David B. and G. Thomas Black (10-1990. ) MIL-STD-1797 Is Not a Cookbook .NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) Conference Proceedings 508 "Flying Qualities",
Black, G. Thomas, Walter A. Grady, and Dann C. McDonald (10-1990. ) Do Civil Flying Qualities Requirements Address Military Missions for "Off-the-Shelf" Procurement? .NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) Conference Proceedings 508 "Flying Qualities",
Black, G. Thomas (08-1990. ) Thirty Years as a Customer of Design for Good Flying Qualities .American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), paper 2009-6324 ,
Bise, Michael E. and G. Thomas Black (05-1990. ) Is Agility Implicit in Flying Qualities? .1990 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) National Aerospace Electronics Conference, pp. 484-489
Black, G. Thomas and William T. Thomas (05-1989. ) Flying Qualities Lessons Learned – 1988 .1989 IEEE National Aerospace Electronics Conference 88CH2759-9, pp. 299-306
Gregorek, Gerald M., G. Thomas Black, and Richard L. Neuman (04-1983. ) Aeroacoustic Flight Test of Four Single-Engine Propellers .Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) paper number 830731,
Black, G. Thomas (09-1981. ) Substantiation of Performance Development and Methodology of the Model C-12D .Beech Aircraft Corporation report number 101E1451,
Black, G. Thomas (09-1981. ) Substantiation of Performance Development and Methodology of the Model C-12C .Beech Aircraft Corporation report number 101E1450,
Black, G. Thomas (09-1981. ) Substantiation of Performance Development and Methodology of the Model C-12A .Beech Aircraft Corporation report number 101E1449,
Black, G. Thomas (01-1981. ) Model C-12A Military Operator's Manual Performance Substantiation .Beech Aircraft Corporation report number 101E1247F,
Black, G. Thomas (04-1976. ) High-Angle-of-Attack Dynamics of Lightweight-Fighter Type Aircraft (An Analytical Study) .1976 AIAA Midwest Student Conference,
Black, G. Thomas (09-1975. ) Another View of Control-Surface Pumping as a Spin-Recovery Technique .AFFDL-TM-142-FGC,
Technical Reports
Black, G. Thomas (09-2008. ) Integration of Systems with Varying Levels of Autonomy .NATO Research and Technology Organization Technical Report TR-SCI-144,
Black, G. Thomas and Jeffrey J. Harris (05-2002. ) Interesting Steps Along the Way to a Level 1 Flight Control System Design .NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO) Symposium on “Challenges in Dynamic System Identification, Control, and Handling Qualities for Land, Air, Sea, and Space Vehicles”,
Black, G. Thomas (12-2000. ) Flight Control Design - Best Practices .NATO Research and Technology Organization Technical Report RTO-TR-29,
Black, G. Thomas (07-1985. ) AA-6 ACRID Intelligence Data Input Package (IDIP) (U) .SECRET, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report,
Black, G. Thomas (05-1983. ) Performance and Acoustic Flight Test of Four Propellers for Single-Engine General Aviation Aircraft .M. S. Thesis, The Ohio State University,
Macheers, Frank and G. Thomas Black (06-1981. ) Preliminary Performance Estimates of Five Alternate Configurations for Model 200 Growth Study .Beech Aircraft Corporation report number E23458 (BAR 1214),
Black, G. Thomas and David J. Moorhouse (10-1979. ) Flying Qualities Design Requirements for Sidestick Controllers .AFFDL-TR-79-3126,
Black, G. Thomas, David J. Moorhouse, and Robert J. Woodcock (12-1978. ) Proceedings of AFFDL Flying Qualities Symposium held at Wright State University 12-15 September 1978 .AFFDL-TR-78-171,
Contact Information
Academic - 732 Rhodes Hall
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 937-380-6201