Thomas C. Blakeman , MSc.,RRT
Field Service Assistant Professor
Medical Sciences Building
COM Surgery Trauma Research - 0558
Bachelor's Degree: Morehead State University 1982
Master of Science Degree: George Washington University 2010
Research Support
Grant: #FA8650-12-2-6B13 Agreement Order 13 Under FA8650-10-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 06-27-2012 -12-26-2013 Department of the Air Force Tracheal Tube Safety at Altitude Role:PI $57,464.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-12-2-6B12 Task 12 Under Master Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 07-11-2012 -12-10-2013 Department of the Air Force Performance of the VDR at Altitude Role:Collaborator $136,979.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B22 Under Master FA-8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay 04-18-2014 -04-17-2015 Air Force Research Laboratory Correction of Altitude Induced Changes in Performance of the Volumetric Diffusive Respirator (VDR) Ventilator Role:Collaborator $86,524.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B23 Under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay 04-24-2014 -04-23-2015 Air Force Research Laboratory Automatic Tracheal Tube Cuff Management at Altitude Role:PI $96,055.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B26 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay 08-05-2014 -02-04-2016 Air Force Research Laboratory Correlation between endotracheal tube cuff pressure and tracheal wall pressure Role:PI $89,304.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B31 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 08-06-2014 -08-05-2015 Air Force Research Laboratory Performance characteristics of pneumatic tourniquet/compression devices in a hypobaric environment Role:Collaborator $101,964.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-13-2-6B16 (Task 16) / USAF FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 03-28-2013 -12-27-2014 Air Force Research Laboratory Performance of Portable Ventilators and Chemical Oxygen Generators and Concentrators for En Route Care at Altitude Role:PI $250,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B27 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 08-05-2014 -02-04-2016 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of mechanical ventilator use with liquid oxygen systems Role:PI $165,109.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B34 (Task under FA8650-10-2-6140) 03-31-2015 -09-30-2016 Air Force Research Laboratory Comparison of iSTAT and EPOC blood analyzers Role:PI $220,371.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B38 (Task under FA8650-10-2-6140) 08-12-2015 -02-11-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Enhancing operability in a hypobaric hypoxic environment with a small oxygen storage system Role:PI $187,547.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6G01 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) 09-29-2015 -03-28-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluations of Recently Deployed Medical Devices at Altitude Role:PI $32,916.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G04 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Athota, Krishna; Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy 02-01-2016 -01-31-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Intercostal liposomal bupivacaine for the management of blunt chest trauma Role:Collaborator $271,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G06 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 02-19-2016 -08-18-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Stability in Trauma Patients Role:Collaborator $194,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G03 (task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 02-22-2016 -02-21-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory A Randomized Controlled Trial for Early Identification and Prevention of Acute Lung Injury After Hemorrhage Role:Collaborator $349,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G08 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay 03-22-2016 -08-21-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Intrathoracic Pressure Regulation Impact on Resuscitation Post Traumatic Insult and Elevated ICP With and Without Lung Injury Role:Collaborator $675,053.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G09 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay 05-25-2016 -02-24-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Advancing mechanical ventilation management through simulation Role:Collaborator $527,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G10 (task under FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 06-27-2016 -12-26-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Performance Characteristics of Fluid Warming Technology in Austere Environments Role:PI $121,315.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G12 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay; Kanter, Daniel 09-19-2016 -09-18-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Respiratory Mechanics in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – The Effect of Inhaled Nitric Oxide Role:Collaborator $282,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G16 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 09-19-2016 -09-18-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Retrospective Review: Incidence of airway injury/complications as a consequence of prolonged endotracheal intubation in the combat casualty versus civilian trauma patients with no altitude exposure Role:Collaborator $194,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G21 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 02-17-2017 -08-16-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory ETT Cuff Pressure Assessment – Feel versus Measurement Role:PI $71,177.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G24 (Task under FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay 03-21-2017 -03-20-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Closed Loop Control Fluid and Ventilation/Oxygenation Role:Collaborator $354,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G20 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay 05-18-2017 -08-17-2020 Air Force Research Laboratory Closed Loop Control (CLC) of Oxygen Concentration Role:Collaborator $393,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G22 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay 05-23-2017 -09-22-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Automated Decision-Assist/Closed Loop Control of Mechanical Ventilation Role:Collaborator $443,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G28 (under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 09-07-2017 -06-06-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Maximizing Oxygen Delivery Across Deployed Services Role:PI $151,989.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-18-2-6G30, under FA8650-15-2-6605 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay; McMullan, Jason 07-17-2018 -09-28-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Free O2 Autonomous Oxygen System (U.S. Trial) Role:Collaborator $282,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-19-2-6G32 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 08-22-2019 -11-22-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Automated Assessment of Pulmonary Mechanics & Fluid Responsiveness Role:Collaborator $210,509.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-19-2-6G35 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 08-22-2019 -05-22-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Enhancing Lung Injury Treatment Modalitites will Nitric Oxide Role:Collaborator $293,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-19-2-6G34 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 07-01-2019 -04-01-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Re-breathing System for Mechanical Ventilation Role:Collaborator $180,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-20-2-6G36 (under Master Agrm FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Athota, Krishna; Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Satish, Latha 11-19-2019 -08-19-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Negative pressure wound therapy at altitude for complex wounds Role:Collaborator $325,998.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-20-2-6G33 (Under Master Agr FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 11-19-2019 -02-19-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Closed Loop Control Reversal of Altitude-induced Hypoxemia in Normal Subjects Role:Collaborator $301,002.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-20-2-6G37 under Master Agrmt FA8650-15-2-6605 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Vagal, Achala 12-04-2019 -03-04-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Hypobaria or hypoxia: which insult matters most to the injured brain Role:Collaborator $372,091.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #19-84478-01 / W81XWH-18-C-0156 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 08-31-2018 -08-27-2020 Department of the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Smart Oxygenation System (SOS) Provides Early Warning of Lung Injury Role:Collaborator $25,176.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6G38 / Master FA8650-15-2-6605 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 11-24-2020 -02-24-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Detecting Asynchrony and Risk of Aspiration (DARS) Role:Collaborator $140,590.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #WBSRA-21-002-UC / FA8650-18-3-9326 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas 11-01-2020 -01-31-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Vulcan-V Testing Role:PI $45,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6285 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Caldwell, Charles; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Lentsch, Alex; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2021 -09-29-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory Expeditionary Medicine, Trauma, and Enroute Care (EMTEC) Research and Technology Development Co-op Agreement Role:Collaborator 49000000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K01 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2021 -12-29-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Targeted Intravascular Therapy to Stop Non-compressible Torso Role:Collaborator 2082279.15 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K02 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 09-29-2021 -12-28-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Detecting Asynchrony and Risk of Aspiration (DARS) Phase II Role:Collaborator 251410.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K03 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Heyl, Judith; Pritts, Timothy 10-01-2021 -01-01-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Multiple Patients on a Single Ventilator - Potential Solutions Role:Collaborator 1999988.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K05 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 06-20-2022 -06-20-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Advancing Mechanical Ventilation through Simulation Phase II Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K06 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; McMullan, Jason 06-20-2022 -06-20-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Pharmacostability of Medication exposed to Cold Environments Role:Collaborator 749662.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K07 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 08-01-2022 -07-31-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Airway Heat & Humidification: Impact on body temperature and airway function in hypothermia Role:Collaborator 599598.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K04 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 09-19-2022 -06-19-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Whole Blood Salvage & Ratios Role:Collaborator 2345000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-23-2-6K08 / master FA8650-21-2-6285 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 11-29-2022 -02-27-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Closed Loop Control with Fluid and PEEP: Novel Dicision Support Fluid Resuscitation Strategies for Treating Acute Lung Injury with PEEP Optimization Role:PI 842571.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-23-2-6K12 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard 09-11-2023 -12-10-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Operational Capability Assessment of Fluid Warmers Role:PI 517284.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K17 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Ring, Brian 04-11-2024 -10-10-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of Allowance Standard Equipment in Extreme Cold Exposure Role:Collaborator 349910.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K18 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Ring, Brian 05-01-2024 -10-31-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory A Rapid, Automated Method for Determining Lung-to-Periphery Oxygenation Delay Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K16 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 05-01-2024 -04-30-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory Nanomedicine Systems for Targeted Treatment of TBI + Hemorrhagic Shock Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K13 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 04-15-2024 -07-14-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Identifying Unsafe Operating Regions for Multiple Physiologic Closed-loop Controllers in Polytrauma Role:Collaborator 804668.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K20 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Frasier, Lane; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Ring, Brian 09-24-2024 -06-23-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Advanced Development of Autonomous Closed Loop Control (ACLC) Mechanical Ventilation (MV) Fraction-inspired Oxygen (FIO2) Role:Collaborator 2441067.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gustafson, Joshua D; Yang, Sung; Blakeman, Thomas Chris; Dorlac, Warren C; Branson, Richard (2013. ) Pulsed dosed delivery of oxygen in mechanically ventilated pigs with acute lung injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 75 (5 ) ,775-9 More Information
Robinson, Bryce Rh; Blakeman, Thomas C; Toth, Peter; Hanseman, Dennis J; Mueller, Eric; Branson, Richard D (2013. ) Patient-ventilator asynchrony in a traumatically injured population.Respiratory care, , 58 (11 ) ,1847-55 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C (2013. ) Evidence for oxygen use in the hospitalized patient: is more really the enemy of good?.Respiratory care, , 58 (10 ) ,1679-93 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Branson, Richard D (2013. ) Inter- and intra-hospital transport of the critically ill.Respiratory care, , 58 (6 ) ,1008-23 More Information
Branson, Richard D; Blakeman, Thomas C; Robinson, Bryce R H (2013. ) Asynchrony and dyspnea.Respiratory care, , 58 (6 ) ,973-89 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Branson, Richard D (2013. ) Evaluation of 4 new generation portable ventilators.Respiratory care, , 58 (2 ) ,264-72 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Branson, Richard D (2013. ) Oxygen supplies in disaster management.Respiratory care, , 58 (1 ) ,173-83 More Information
Branson, Richard D; Blakeman, Thomas C; Robinson, Bryce Rh; Johannigman, Jay A (2012. ) Use of a single ventilator to support 4 patients: laboratory evaluation of a limited concept.Respiratory care, , 57 (3 ) ,399-403 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Hanseman, Dennis; Branson, Richard D (2011. ) Bench evaluation of 7 home-care ventilators.Respiratory care, , 56 (11 ) ,1791-8 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Dorlac, Warren C; Hanseman, Dennis J; Hattery, Ellie; Branson, Richard D (2011. ) Performance of portable ventilators for mass-casualty care.Prehospital and disaster medicine, , 26 (5 ) ,330-4 More Information
Branson, Richard; Blakeman, Thomas C (2011. ) Weighed, measured, and found wanting.Critical care medicine, , 39 (3 ) ,598-9 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Toth, Peter; Rodriquez, Dario; Branson, Richard D (2010. ) Mechanical ventilators in the hot zone: effects of a CBRN filter on patient protection and battery life.Resuscitation, , 81 (9 ) ,1148-51 More Information
Rodriquez, Dario; Blakeman, Thomas C; Dorlac, Warren; Johannigman, Jay A; Branson, Richard D (2010. ) Maximizing oxygen delivery during mechanical ventilation with a portable oxygen concentrator.The Journal of trauma, , 69 Suppl 1 ,S87-93 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Robinson, Bryce R H; Branson, Richard D (2010. ) Battery performance of 4 intensive care ventilator models. Respiratory care, , 55 (3 ) ,317-21
Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Branson, Richard D (2009. ) Accuracy of the oxygen cylinder duration calculator of the LTV-1000 portable ventilator. Respiratory care, , 54 (9 ) ,1183-6
Blakeman, Thomas; Rodriquez, Dario; Petro, Michael; Dorlac, Warren; Branson, Richard (2011. ) Laboratory evaluation of the SAVe simplified automated resuscitator .Military Medicine, , 176 (1 ) ,84-88
Blakeman, Thomas C (2015. ) Comparison of Aerosol Delivery by Face Mask and Tracheostomy Collar.Respiratory care, , 60 (9 ) ,1365-6 More Information
Jernigan, Peter L; Hoehn, Richard S; Blakeman, Thomas C; Heyl, Judy; Robinson, Bryce R H; Pritts, Timothy A; Branson, Richard D (2015. ) Portable mechanical ventilation with closed-loop control of inspired fraction of oxygen maintains oxygenation in the setting of hemorrhage and lung injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 79 (1 ) ,53-9; discussion 59 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Gerlach, Travis W; Dorlac, Warren C; Johannigman, Jay A; Branson, Richard D (2015. ) Oxygen requirement to reverse altitude-induced hypoxemia with continuous flow and pulsed dose oxygen.Aerospace medicine and human performance, , 86 (4 ) ,351-6 More Information
Johannigman, Jay A; Zonies, David; Dubose, Joseph; Blakeman, Thomas C; Hanseman, Dennis; Branson, Richard D (2015. ) Reducing secondary insults in traumatic brain injury.Military medicine, , 180 (3 Suppl ) ,50-5 More Information
Britton, Tyler; Blakeman, Thomas C; Eggert, John; Rodriquez, Dario; Ortiz, Heather; Branson, Richard D (2014. ) Managing endotracheal tube cuff pressure at altitude: a comparison of four methods.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 77 (3 Suppl 2 ) ,S240-4 More Information
Tsuei, Betty J; Hanseman, Dennis J; Blakeman, Michael J; Blakeman, Thomas C; Yang, Sung H; Branson, Richard D; Gerlach, Travis W (2014. ) Accuracy of noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring in patients at risk for hemorrhage.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 77 (3 Suppl 2 ) ,S134-9 More Information
Gangidine, Matthew M; Blakeman, Thomas C; Branson, Richard D; Johannigman, Jay A (2016. ) System Design Verification for Closed Loop Control of Oxygenation With Concentrator Integration.Military medicine, , 181 (5 Suppl ) ,177-83 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Britton, Tyler J; Johannigman, Jay A; Petro, Michael C; Branson, Richard D (2016. ) Evaluation of Oxygen Concentrators and Chemical Oxygen Generators at Altitude and Temperature Extremes.Military medicine, , 181 (5 Suppl ) ,160-8 More Information
Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Britton, Tyler J; Johannigman, Jay A; Petro, Michael C; Branson, Richard D (2016. ) Performance of Portable Ventilators Following Storage at Temperature Extremes.Military medicine, , 181 (5 Suppl ) ,156-9 More Information
Gomaa, Dina; Rodriquez, Dario; Petro, Michael; Blakeman, Thomas C; Branson, Richard D (2017. ) Impact of Oxygenation Status on the Noninvasive Measurement of Hemoglobin.Military medicine, , 182 (S1 ) ,87-91 More Information
Morris M.C.;Kim Y.;Blakeman T.C.;Stevens-Topie S.;Jung A.D.;Cox D.B.;Robinson B.B.R.;Pritts T.A.;Makley A.T.;Goodman M.D. (03-01-2020. ) Early Identification of Acute Lung Injury in a Porcine Model of Hemorrhagic Shock.Journal of Surgical Research, , 247 ,453-460 More Information
Blakeman T.;Rodriquez D.;Johannigman J.;Branson R. (05-01-2019. ) Pulsed dose oxygen delivery during mechanical ventilation: Impact on oxygenation.Military Medicine, , 184 (5-6 ) ,e312-e318 More Information
Pham T.;Serpa Neto A.;Pelosi P.;Laffey J.G.;De Haro C.;Lorente J.A.;Bellani G.;Fan E.;Brochard L.J.;Pesenti A.;Schultz M.J.;Artigas A.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Wrigge H.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.P.;Kurahashi K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.M.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Larsson A.;Piquilloud L.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C. (02-01-2019. ) Outcomes of Patients Presenting with Mild Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Insights from the LUN.Anesthesiology, , 130 (2 ) ,263-283 More Information
Boyle A.J.;Madotto F.;Laffey J.G.;Bellani G.;Pham T.;Pesenti A.;Thompson B.T.;O'Kane C.M.;Deane A.M.;McAuley D.F.;Rios F.;Van Haren F.;Faruq M.O.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Fan E.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Wrigge H.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Gomersall C.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Kurahashi K.;Koh Y.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Kashif W.;Synclair J.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Larsson A.;Piquilloud L.;Patjanasoontorn B.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Francois G.M.;Rabboni F.;Conti S.;Sula H.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A. (10-27-2018. ) Identifying associations between diabetes and acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with a.Critical Care, , 22 (1 ) , More Information
Abe T.;Madotto F.;Pham T.;Nagata I.;Uchida M.;Tamiya N.;Kurahashi K.;Bellani G.;Laffey J.G.;Francois G.M.;Rabboni F.;Conti S.;Fan E.;Pesenti A.;Brochard L.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Piquilloud L.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpair G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Milstein C.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J. (08-17-2018. ) Epidemiology and patterns of tracheostomy practice in patients with acute respiratory distress syndr.Critical Care, , 22 (1 ) , More Information
Cortegiani A.;Madotto F.;Gregoretti C.;Bellani G.;Laffey J.G.;Pham T.;Van Haren F.;Giarratano A.;Antonelli M.;Pesenti A.;Grasselli G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A.;Rodgers H.J.;Millar R.T.;Mckenna T.E.;Bailey I.M.;Hanlon G.C.;Aneman A.;Lynch J.M.;Azad R.;Neal J.;Woods P.W.;Roberts B.L.;Kol M.R.;Wong H.S.;Riss K.C.;Staudinger T.;Wittebole X.;Berghe C.;Bulpa P.A.;Dive A.M.;Verstraete R.;Lebbinck H.;Depuydt P.;Vermassen J.;Meersseman P.;Ceunen H.;Rosa J.I.;Beraldo D.O.;Piras C.;Rampinelli A.M.;Nassar A.P.;Mataloun S.;Moock M.;Thompson M.M.;Gonçalves C.H.;Antônio A.C.P.;Ascoli A.;Biondi R.S.;Fontenele D.C.;Nobrega D.;Sales Brunei V.M.;Shindhe S.;Binti Pengiran Haji Ismail D.H.M.A.;Beloncle F.;Davies K.G. (06-12-2018. ) Immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: Secondary analysis of the LUNG .Critical Care, , 22 (1 ) , More Information
Madotto F.;Pham T.;Bellani G.;Bos L.D.;Simonis F.D.;Fan E.;Artigas A.;Brochard L.;Schultz M.J.;Laffey J.G.;Pesenti A.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Fan E.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Wrigge H.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Kurahashi K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Larsson A.;Piquilloud L.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C. (05-01-2018. ) Resolved versus confirmed ARDS after 24 h: insights from the LUNG SAFE study.Intensive Care Medicine, , 44 (5 ) ,564-577 More Information
Laffey J.G.;Bellani G.;Pham T.;Fan E.;Madotto F.;Bajwa E.K.;Brochard L.;Clarkson K.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Heunks L.M.;Kurahashi K.;Laake J.H.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;McNamee L.;Nin N.;Qiu H.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.D.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Pesenti A.;Francois G.M.;Rabboni F.;Conti S.;Theresa U.M.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A.;Rodgers H.J.;Millar R.T.;Mckenna T.E.;Bailey I.M.;Hanlon G.C.;Aneman A.;Lynch J.M.;Azad R.;Neal J.;Woods P.W.;Roberts B.L.;Kol M.R.;Wong H.S.;Riss K.C.;Staudinger T.;Wittebole X.;Berghe C.;Bulpa P.A.;Dive A.M.;Verstraete R.;Lebbinck H.;Depuydt P.;Vermassen J.;Meersseman P.;Ceunen H.;Rosa J.I. (01-01-2018. ) Correction to: Potentially modifiable factors contributing to outcome from acute respiratory distres.Intensive Care Medicine, , 44 (1 ) ,157-165 More Information
Blakeman T.;Rodriquez D.;Petro M.;Branson R. (09-01-2017. ) Evaluation of Intensive Care Unit Ventilators at Altitude.Air Medical Journal, , 36 (5 ) ,258-262 More Information
Laffey J.G.;Madotto F.;Bellani G.;Pham T.;Fan E.;Brochard L.;Amin P.;Arabi Y.;Bajwa E.K.;Bruhn A.;Cerny V.;Clarkson K.;Heunks L.;Kurahashi K.;Laake J.H.;Lorente J.A.;McNamee L.;Nin N.;Palo J.E.;Piquilloud L.;Qiu H.;Jiménez J.I.S.;Esteban A.;McAuley D.F.;van Haren F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Pesenti A.;Gattinoni L.;Larsson A.;Thompson B.T.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Hashemian S.M.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Fernandes A.D.V.;Sandesc D.;Bumbasierevic V.;Abroug F.;Hurtado J.;Démpaire G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A.;Rodgers H.;Millar R.;Mckenna T. (08-01-2017. ) Geo-economic variations in epidemiology, patterns of care, and outcomes in patients with acute respi.The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, , 5 (8 ) ,627-638 More Information
Bellani G.;Laffey J.G.;Pham T.;Madotto F.;Fan E.;Brochard L.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;Bumbasirevic V.;Piquilloud L.;Van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Bauer P.R.;Arabi Y.M.;Ranieri M.;Antonelli M.;Rubenfeld G.D.;Taylor Thompson B.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Pesenti A.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Kurahashi K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Francois G.M.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A. (01-01-2017. ) Noninvasive Ventilation of Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Insights from the LUNG.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, , 195 (1 ) ,67-77 More Information
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Morris, Mackenzie C; Niziolek, Grace M; Blakeman, Thomas C; Stevens-Topie, Sabre; Veile, Rosalie; Heh, Victor; Zingarelli, Basilia; Rodriquez, Dario; Branson, Richard D; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Intrathoracic Pressure Regulator Performance in the Setting of Hemorrhage and Acute Lung Injury.Military medicine, , 185 (7-8 ) ,e1083-e1090 More Information
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Zingg, S Whitney; Gomaa, Dina; Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Salvator, Ann; Goodman, Michael D; Janowak, Christopher F (2022. ) Oxygenation and Respiratory System Compliance Associated With Pulmonary Contusion.Respiratory care, , 67 (9 ) ,1100-1108 More Information
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Seitz, Aaron; Baker, Jennifer E; Levinsky, Nick C; Morris, Mackenzie C; Edwards, Michael J; Gulbins, Erich; Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Branson, Richard D; Goodman, Michael (2021. ) Antimicrobial Coating Prevents Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in a 72 hour Large Animal Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 267 ,424-431 More Information