Rebecka M Bloomer , Ph.D., MSSW
Asst Professor
Health Sciences Bldg
3225 Eden Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Email bloomera@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Rebecka Bloomer holds a Ph.D. in Social Work from the Raymond A. Kent School of Social Work and Family Sciences at the University of Louisville (U of L). She completed a postdoc research position with The Center for Social Justice Youth Development Research in the School of Public Health & Information Sciences at U of L. Dr. Bloomer has worked on projects focused on the role of social justice youth development in improving outcomes for youth with historically excluded identities. She is currently co-leading a research evaluation project centering youth workers' professional development in social justice youth development application. She has over a decade of social work practice and research experience working with youth and families in community-based education spaces. The overarching goal of Dr. Bloomer’s research is to contribute to the well-being of youth facing discrimination and oppression by using methods and analytic techniques that amplify their voices and build critical consciousness. Her research seeks to challenge the paternalistic nature of youth serving systems and promote liberation through community-based participatory research methods. Her expertise is critical qualitative methodology, arts-based approaches, and community-based participatory research, but she also engages in mixed-methods research designs
Master of Science in Social Work: University of Louisville (Social Work)
Doctorate of Philosophy: University of Louisville 2021 (Social Work)
Research and Practice Interests
Social Justice Youth Development, immigrant and refugee youth and families, community-based youth serving spaces, youth worker professional development, ethnic-based community spaces, youth-participatory action research, photovoice, arts-based research
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bloomer, R., Harris, L.M., Brown, A. & Crosby, S. (2022. ) Exploring the promotion of youth voice in community-based youth development programs.Child & Family Social Work, , More Information
Harris, L., Williams, S., Nygeres, E., Bloomer, R. (2022. ) Beyond #FreeBritney: Teaching social workers surrogate decision making through the Spears case.Journal of Social Work Education, , More Information
Bloomer, R., Brown., A., Winters, A., & Domiray, A. (2021. ) “Trying to be Everything Else”: Describing Youth Development Worker Experiences with Challenges in the Context of Out of School Time Settings.Child and Youth Services Review, , More Information
Bloomer, R., & Brown, A. (2024. ) Moving from Second Sight to Critical Consciousness Building: Using Social Justice Youth Development and Youth Participatory Action Research to Promote Praxis in Out-of-School Time.Children and Schools, , 46 (4 ) ,213
More InformationPresentations
Paper Presentations
Bloomer, R. Brown, A., & Williams, S. (2025. ) Critical consciousness building in out of school time. .Seattle, WA. Conference. Level:National
Bloomer, R., Chipalo, E., Obasi, I., & Mwima, S. (2025. ) Social ecological determinants of cumulative adverse childhood experiences among children in households in the United States .Seattle, WA. Conference. Level:National
Harris, L., Byun, K., Bloomer, R., Williams, S., Winters, A.M., Thang, N.D., Osezua, V., Sato., D. (2024. ) Art-Making as Inquiry: Utilizing Interdisciplinary Expertise to Create an Arts-Based Program for Youth Impacted by HIV/AIDS in Hai Phong, Vietnam .Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. Conference. Level:International
Harris, L., Byun, K., Bloomer, R., Williams, S., Winters, A.M., Thang, N.D., Osezua, V., Sato., D. (2024. ) Our World Our Say: Leveraging Arts to Promote Health Equity in Partnership with Youth Impacted by HIV/AIDS in Hai Phong, Vietnam .Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. Conference. Level:International
Bloomer, R. & Farah, A (2023. ) Creating community spaces of care for foreign-born residents: Expanding social work and library collaborations .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National
Contact Information
Academic - Health Sciences Bldg
3225 Eden Ave
Ohio, 45267