Mary Boat
Associate Professor
Teachers College
CECH Education - 0002
Professional Summary
Dr. Mary Boat received her PhD. in Educational Psychology-Special Education with concentrations in early childhood and developmental disabilities from the University of Minnesota. Prior to coming to the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Boat was a faculty member at Western Carolina University where she worked with the interdisciplinary birth through kindergarten teacher licensure program. Dr. Boat's primary focus is young children with or at risk for disabilities. She has conducted research and published in the areas of social competence in preschool age children with disabilities, program development in teacher education, effective instruction in preschool settings/Head start, and assessment in early childhood. She is the recipient of federal and state funding including grants related to assessment and instruction in early childhood/Head Start and developing on-line teacher education for working with infants and toddlers and their families.
Research Support
Grant: #90YD0271-01 Investigators:Boat, Mary Barbara; Holstrom, Lisa; Neal, Melissa 09-30-2008 -09-29-2012 Administration for Children and Families Online Associates Degree for Infant/Toddler Teachers Role:Collaborator $3,000,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #NSF DRL-1114674 Investigators:Boat, Mary Barbara; Brown, Rhonda; Carr, Victoria; Johnson, Carla; Kloos, Adelheid; Kuschner, David; Meyer, Helen; Moomaw, Sally Coup; Pan, Wei; Plevyak, Linda 10-01-2011 -09-30-2013 National Science Foundation Playscapes: Designed Nature Environments to Promote Informal Science Learning Role:Collaborator $330,124.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DRL-1516191 Investigators:Boat, Mary Barbara; Brown, Rhonda; Carr, Victoria; Kloos, Adelheid; Maltbie, Catherine; Plano Clark, Vicki 01-15-2016 -12-31-2018 National Science Foundation STEM in the PlayScape: Building Knowledge for Educational Practice Role:Collaborator $1,116,905.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Boat, Mary Barbara; Camp, Emilie 04-01-2022 -09-30-2024 Ohio Department of Higher Education Expanding Pathways to Initial Licensure Role:PI 231347.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #Diversifying Educator Pipeline FY24 / S425U210035 Investigators:Boat, Mary Barbara; Camp, Emilie 07-01-2023 -06-30-2024 Department of Education Expanding Pathways to Initial Licensure Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Dinnebeil, L.A., Boat, M.B., & Bae, Y. (2012. ) Integrating Principles of Universal Design into the Early Childhood Curriculum. Dimensions in Early Childhood, ,
Boat, M.B., Dinnebeil, L.A., Bae, Y (2010. ) Individualizing instruction for preschool children. .Dimensions in Early Childhood, , 38, ,3-11
Moomaw, S., Carr, V, Boat, M.B., & Barnett, D (2010. ) Preschoolers’ number sense. .Teaching Children Mathematics (NCTM), , , 16, ,332-340
Boat, M.B., Carr, V.C., Barnett, D, Macmann, G., Moomaw, S., Pan, W., & Nichols, A (2009. ) Instructional change in preschool classrooms: A study of empirically-based teacher support. NHSA Dialog: A Research to Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, , 12 (4 ) ,307-326.
Boat, M.B., Carr, V.C., Barnett, D, Macmann, G., Moomaw, S., Pan, W., & Nichols, A. (2009. ) Improving instruction in head start preschool classrooms through feedback and support to teachers. .NHSA Dialog: A Research to Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, , , 12 (4 ) ,347-353
Boat,M.B., Zorn, D., Austin, J.T. (2005. ) Assessment for accountability in early childhood programs: Lessons learned in Ohio. .NHSA Dialog: A Research to Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, , 8 (1 ) , 5-15
Carpenter, D., Bloom, L., & Boat, M.B (1999. ) Socially valid outcomes as quality indicators for special education practices. .Intervention in Schools and Clinics, , 34 (3 ) ,143-149
Hupp, S.C., Boat, M.B., & Alpert, A.S. (1992. ) Impact of adult interaction on play behaviors and emotional responses of preschoolers with developmental delays. .Education and Training in Mental Retardation, , , 27, ,145-152
Book Chapter
Malone, D.M.; Boat, M.B. (2005 ) Intellectual and developmental disabilities: Toward full community (3rd ed.) Early childhood intervention .(pp. 51 -92).Austin, TX, Pro-ed
Boat, M.B. (2005 ) Case studies in human services consultation School based collaborative teaming in special education services .Florence, KY, Brooks/Cole publishing
Boat,M.B.; V,Carr (2004 ) Creating a place for all children: responding to challenging behaviors in early childhood setting How do I know when I need outside help? .Baltimore, MD,
Malone, D.M.; Boat, M.B. (2002 ) Mental retardation and developmental disabilities (3rd ed.) Early childhood intervention .Austin, TX, ProEd Publishers
Boat, M.B.; Boat, B.W. (1995 ) Case studies in human services consultation School-based collaborative learning in special education services .Pacific Grove, CA,