Samantha Jo Boch
Asst Professor
University Hall
CON Population Health - 0038
Professional Summary
Dr. Samantha Boch is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health at the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and affiliate faculty at the James M Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. She earned her MSN (2015) and PhD (2017) from The Ohio State University College of Nursing funded by the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) fellowship. Her post-doctoral training was completed in 2020 at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Research Institute. Her clinical background is in corrections nursing, working mostly as a prison staff nurse at the Ohio Reformatory for Women. Her work has been supported and sponsored by numerous internal and external awards via the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators, Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services, AHRQ/PCORI K12 PEDSnet Scholars Career Development Training Program, the NIH-NIMHD, NCATS, NIDA, and the DOJ. Her work has been promoted through National Public Radio, the Washington Post, USA Today, the CDC, AAS, among others.
This research directory profile is updated each May. Additional information surrounding Boch's scholarship, including prior to the 2020-2021 academic year, can be found in her CV (available upon request).
PhD: The Ohio State University, 2017 (Nursing Science with a Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in University and College Teaching)
MS: The Ohio State University, 2015 (Nursing Science; Specialization in Public Health Nursing)
BS: The Ohio State University, 2012 (Nursing)
Post-Doctoral Scientist: (Nationwide Children's Hospital- Abigail Wexner Research Institute 2018-2020)
Research Support
Grant: #2019-IG-BX-0004 Investigators:Boch, Samantha 07-22-2020 -09-30-2022 Department of Justice Incarcerated Fathers and their Adolescent Children Role:PI $39,829.86 Active
Investigators:Boch, Samantha 01-01-2021 -12-31-2022 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and Patient Centered Outcomes Research; "Social Justice and Equity: Bridging data science approaches to better understand and care for children of incarcerated parents" Role:PI institutional Type:Fellowship Level:National
Grant: #WVXL5308 Investigators:Boch, S 09-01-2021 -09-01-2023 NIH-NIMHD Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds Role:PI $50,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #UL1TR002733 Investigators:Boch, S., Chisolm D., 06-01-2020 -06-02-2021 NCATS Development of a Deep Learning Model Prototype for Identification of Children Exposed to Parental Incarceration Role:PI $40,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Boch, S 07-01-2019 -07-01-2020 Nationwide Children's Hospital Office of Trainee Affairs Barriers and Facilitators of Supporting Youth of Incarcerated Parents: A Community Based Research Project Role:PI $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #2UL1TR001425-05A2. Investigators:Boch, S 07-01-2022 -06-30-2023 UC CCTST Care Coordination of Adults with Histories of Justice Involvement Role:PI $5000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Boch, S 06-01-2021 -06-01-2022 University of Cincinnati – Dean’s New Investigator Award Correctional Keyword Search in Pediatric Health Records $8,400 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #2UL1TR001425 Investigators:Murnan, A., Boch, S. (Co-PIs) 04-01-2023 -03-31-2024 UC CCTST Maternal Justice Involvement and Infant Health Data Hub Linkage Role:Co-PI 40,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #Grant #2UL1TR001425 Investigators:Murnan, A., Boch, S. (Co-PIs) 05-01-2022 -09-01-2022 UC CCTST UC CCTST Maternal Justice Involvement and Infant Health Data Hub Linkage Role:Co-PI $5000 Completed Type:Grant Level:Local
Grant: #3UH3DA050174-02S3 Investigators:Slesnick (PI) and Kelleher (mPI) 07-01-2023 -06-30-2024 NIDA Supplement to HOME Trial: Role of Justice-Involvement in Implementation and Effectiveness of Housing First for Youth Experiencing Homelessness Role:Consultant 169233 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #Betty Irene Moore Nurse Scholar Award Investigators:Boch, Samantha 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 University of California, Davis Mass (Parental) Incarceration, Child Health, and Foster Care Role:PI 450000 Active
Grant: #2022-AR-SWP-1204 Investigators:Boch, Samantha; Hayes, Brittany 03-01-2024 -06-30-2026 Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services Hospital-Based Intervention Program Evaluation Role:Collaborator 296658.58 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #PACT_15PJDP-24-GG-01673-COIP Investigators:Boch, Samantha 10-01-2024 -09-30-2027 Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Parent and Child Together (PACT) Role:PI 64063.09 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Boch, Samantha Jo (2017. ) Urban Youth Exposed to Parental Incarceration: The Biosocial Linkages in an Understudied Adverse Childhood Exposure .OSU Knowledge Bank, , 31 (Dissertation/Thesis ) ,603-622
Boch, S. J.; Ford, J. L. (2018. ) Health Outcomes of Youth in the United States Exposed to Parental Incarceration: An Integrative Review .J Forensic Nurs, , 14 (2 ) ,61-71
Boch, S. J.; Warren, B. J.; Ford, J. L. (2019. ) Attention, Externalizing, and Internalizing Problems of Youth Exposed to Parental Incarceration .Issues Ment Health Nurs, , 132 (2 ) ,1-10
Axelson, Andrew; Kelleher, Kelly; Chisolm, Deena; Boch, Samantha (2020. ) "How do I help this kid adjust to what real life is for them?": Youth service providers experiences on supporting children with incarcerated parents .Children and Youth Services Review, , 110 ,104802
Boch, Samantha; Keedy, Hannah; Chavez, Laura; Dolce, Millie; Chisolm, Deena (2020. ) An Integrative Review of Social Determinants of Health Screenings used in Primary Care Settings .Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, , 31 (2 ) ,603-622
Ebersole, A., Boch, S., Bonny, A., Chisolm, D., Berlan, E. (2020. ) Metropolitan and non-Metropolitan Differences in HIV Sex Education and Testing. .Journal of Adolescent Health, ,
Boch, Samantha; Sezgin, Emre; Ruch, Donna; Kelleher, Kelly; Chisolm, Deena; Lin, Simon (2021. ) Unjust: the health records of youth with personal/family justice involvement in a large pediatric health system.Health & justice, , 9 (1 ) ,20 More Information
Hardy, Rose; Boch, Samantha; Keedy, Hannah; Chisolm, Deena (2021. ) Social Determinants of Health Needs and Pediatric Health Care Use.The Journal of pediatrics, , More Information
Ford, Jodi L; Browning, Christopher R; Boch, Samantha J; Kertes, Darlene A; Tarrence, Jake; Way, Baldwin M; Schmeer, Kammi K (2021. ) Racial and Economic Adversity Differences in Stress Markers and Immune Function Among Urban Adolescents.Nursing research, , More Information
Boch, Samantha J; Ford, Jodi L (2021. ) Protective Factors to Promote Health and Flourishing in Black Youth Exposed to Parental Incarceration.Nursing research, , More Information
Boch, Samantha J; Chisolm, Deena J; Kaminski, Jennifer W; Kelleher, Kelly J (2021. ) Home quality and child health: Analysis of the Survey of Income and Program Participation.Journal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and community, , 1367493520975956 More Information
Keller, Elizabeth; Boch, Samantha; Hittle, Beverly M (2022. ) Unsafe and Unsettling: An Integrative Review on Correctional Nursing Work Environments and Stressors.Journal of forensic nursing, , More Information
Ruch, Donna A; Steelesmith, Danielle L; Brock, Guy; Boch, Samantha J; Quinn, Camille R; Bridge, Jeffrey A; Campo, John V; Fontanella, Cynthia A (2021. ) Mortality and Cause of Death Among Youths Previously Incarcerated in the Juvenile Legal System.JAMA network open, , 4 (12 ) ,e2140352 More Information
Boch S, Hussain SA, Bambach S, DeShetler C, Chisolm D, Linwood. (2022. ) Locating Youth Exposed to Parental Justice-Involvement in the Electronic Health Record: Development of a Natural Language Processing Model. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, ,
Boch, Samantha; Sezgin, Emre; Lin Linwood, Simon (2022. ) Ethical artificial intelligence in paediatrics.The Lancet. Child & adolescent health, , More Information
Keller, Elizabeth; Jones, Leslie; Kelleher, Kelly; Chisolm, Deena; Boch, Samantha (2022. ) A time to 'make amends and bring pieces together': A phenomenological study of family experiences and considerations when a parent returns home from incarceration.Health & social care in the community, , More Information
Keller, Elizabeth G; Hittle, Beverly M; Boch, Samantha; Davis, Kermit; Gillespie, Gordon L (2023. ) Modeling wellbeing for U.S. correctional nurses: A cross sectional survey.International journal of nursing studies, , 147 ,104589 More Information
Boch, Samantha J; Murnan, Aaron W; Pollard, Jordan F; Nidey, Nichole L; Hardy, Rose Y; Iruka, Iheoma U (2023. ) Assessment of US Federal Funding of Incarceration-Related Research, 1985 to 2022.JAMA network open, , 6 (2 ) ,e230803 More Information
Hardy, Rose Y; Boch, Samantha J; Davenport, Mattina A; Chavez, Laura J; Kelleher, Kelly J (2023. ) Rural-urban differences in social and emotional protective factors and their association with child health and flourishing.The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association, , More Information
Keller, Elizabeth G; Hittle, Beverly M; Boch, Samantha J; Davis, Kermit G; Gillespie, Gordon L (2024. ) Unlocking Prevalence Data: Describing the Job Stress and Well-being of U.S. Correctional Nurses.Workplace health & safety, , 21650799231207977 More Information
Keller, Elizabeth; Boch, Samantha; Davis, Kermit G; Gillespie, Gordon L; Hittle, Beverly M (2024. ) "[It] Does Harden a Person Working in Such a Stressful Environment": U.S. Correctional Nurses Share Spillover Effects of Their Work.Journal of forensic nursing, , More Information
Dolce, Millie; Keedy, Hannah; Chavez, Laura; Boch, Samantha; Zaim, Hannah; Dias, Brennan; Chisolm, Deena (2022. ) Implementing an EMR-based Health-related Social Needs Screen in a Pediatric Hospital System.Pediatric quality & safety, , 7 (1 ) ,e512 More Information
Boch, Samantha; Wildeman, Christopher; Dexheimer, Judith; Kahn, Robert; Lambert, Joshua; Beal, Sarah (2024. ) Pediatric Health and System Impacts of Mass Incarceration, 2009-2020: A Matched Cohort Study.Academic pediatrics, , More Information
Duah, Henry Ofori; Boch, Samantha; Arter, Sara; Nidey, Nichole; Lambert, Joshua (2024. ) A guide to understanding big data for the nurse scientist: A discursive paper.Nursing inquiry, , 31 (3 ) ,e12648 More Information
Boch, Samantha J; Ford, Jodi L (2015. ) C-Reactive Protein Levels Among U.S. Adults Exposed to Parental Incarceration.Biological research for nursing, , 17 (5 ) ,574-84 More Information
Boch, Samantha; Omololu, Shammah O; Fan, Maretta; Murnan, Aaron; Kelleher, Kelly; Linwood, Simon L; Chisolm, Deena (2024. ) Clinician Note Documentation of Parental Justice Involvement: Preliminary Evidence from Pediatric Electronic Health Records. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, , 35 (3 ) ,777-789
von Sadovszky, Victoria; Draudt, Breana; Boch, Samantha (2014. ) A systematic review of reviews of behavioral interventions to promote condom use.Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, , 11 (2 ) ,107-17 More Information
Boch, Samantha; Keedy, Hannah; Chavez, Laura; Dolce, Millie; Chisolm, Deena (2020. ) An Integrative Review of Social Determinants of Health Screenings used in Primary Care Settings.Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, , 31 (2 ) ,603-622 More Information
Ford, Jodi L; Boch, Samantha J; McCarthy, Donna O (2016. ) Feasibility of Hair Collection for Cortisol Measurement in Population Research on Adolescent Health.Nursing research, , 65 (3 ) ,249-55 More Information
Boch, Samantha J; Taylor, Danielle M; Danielson, Melissa L; Chisolm, Deena J; Kelleher, Kelly J (2020. ) 'Home is where the health is': Housing quality and adult health outcomes in the Survey of Income and Program Participation.Preventive medicine, , 132 ,105990 More Information
Ford, Jodi L; Boch, Samantha J; Browning, Christopher R (2019. ) Hair cortisol and depressive symptoms in youth: An investigation of curvilinear relationships.Psychoneuroendocrinology, , 109 ,104376 More Information
Other Publications
Axelson, Andrew & Boch, Samantha (2019. ) A Hidden Epidemic: Parental Incarceration and What To Do When It Affects Your Patients .
A Hidden Epidemic: Parental Incarceration and What To Do When It Affects Your Patients
Invited Presentations
Boch, S., and Kelleher, K (04-2021. ) What They Need Us to Know: Children of Incarcerated Parents. Nationwide Children's Hospital ,
Nationwide Children's Hospital Pediatric Grand Rounds
Boch, S., et al (2022. ) Mass (Parental) Incarceration and Child Health .Health Policy Institute of Ohio,
Criminal justice and health: Keeping families together through criminal justice reform
Boch, S., and Kemper, A., (12-2023. ) Why You Should All Care About Parental Incarceration .Ohio Association of School Nurses Annual School Health Update Conference, Nationwide Children's Hospital.
Boch, S., Beal, S. (09-2022. ) Children of Incarcerated Parents .Ohio Court Appointed Special Advocates and Guardian Ad Litem Annual Conference , Columbus, Oh. Level:State
Paper Presentations
Boch, S, Beal, S, Lee, J., Williams-Butler, A (03-2022. ) Under-recognition of personal/family justice involvement and associated health concerns: A persistent problem for children and adolescents. .New Orleans, LA.
Boch, S (Presenter), Wildeman, C., Dexheimer, J., Kahn, R., Lambert, J., Beal, S. (06-2023. ) Disparities in Health Diagnoses and Healthcare Use among Children and Youth Exposed to Personal/Family Justice Involvement. .Dublin, Ireland.
Boch, S (Presenter), Wildeman, C., Dexheimer, J., Kahn, R., Lambert, J., Beal, S. (03-2024. ) The Health of Youth with Personal/Familial Incarceration: A Matched Cohort Study. .Minneapolis, MN.
Contact Information
College of Nursing