Tiziano Boggio
University of Cincinnati
Ohio 45221
Phone (513) 372-5073
Email boggioto@mail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Tiziano Boggio is a fifth year PhD candidate in Classical Philology. At the University of Pisa (Italy), he received his BA in 2011 with a thesis entitled:"The Dodecahedron in Plato's Phaedo" and his MA in 2016 with an Italian translation of "The Gothic War" by the Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea. His main interests include Platonic philosophy, Greek and Roman Rhetoric, Satire and Roman Novel. His dissertation investigates the theme of silence in Cicero's works, with a special focus on the opposition between eloquence and tyranny in the late republic.
Bachelor: University of Pisa Pisa (Italy), 2011 (Classical Philology)
Master: University of Pisa Pisa (Italy), 2016 (Classical Philology and Ancient History)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Tiziano Boggio (2021. ) Una nota su μιμούμενος in Timoteo, Persiani 70–71 .ZPE, , 220 ,18-21
Tiziano Boggio (2022. ) A New Emendation for Matavitatau in Petronius' Satyricon .Philologus, , 166 ,99-117
Tiziano Boggio (2023. ) P.Oxy. 77.5105 (Leonidas of Alexandria) vv. 1-7: A Dionysiac Procession? .Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, , Forthcoming ,
Paper Presentations
Tiziano Boggio (03-25-2022. ) Simonides' Ode to Scopas in Plato's Protagoras and the Value of Poetic Interpretation in Book 10 of the Republic .CAMWS 2022, Winston-Salem, NC. Conference.
Tiziano Boggio (01-06-2023. ) Body Hair and Lost Morality in Juvenal's Satires .SCS 2023, New Orleans, LA. Conference.
Tiziano Boggio (03-31-2023. ) Homosexuality, Romanness and Dismemberment in Ovid's Metamorphoses .CAMWS 2023, Provo, UT. Conference.
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati
Ohio, 45221
Phone: (513) 372-5073