Michael T Booth
Visiting Scholar
Rieveschl 820D
PO Box 210006
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-556-6253
Email michael.booth@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Aquatic ecology, fish biology, migration and dispersal, streams, limnology, invasive species
Bachelor of Science: University of California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA, 2004 (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Ph.D.: Cornell University Ithaca, NY, 2012 (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Positions and Work Experience
01-01-2016 -11-15-2017 Senior Ecologist, United Water Conservation District, Santa Paula, CA
01-2013 -12-2015 Associate Ecologist, United Water Conservation District, Santa Paula, CA
10-2011 -01-2013 Associate Fisheries Biologist, United Water Conservation District, Santa Paula, CA
Research Support
Grant: #Great Parks 2020 Grant Investigators:Booth, Michael 05-01-2020 -04-30-2021 Great Parks of Hamilton County Electrofishing Survey of the Campbell Lakes, Hamilton, Ohio - Great Parks Fisheries Surveys Role:PI $6,428.00 Awarded Level:Local Government
Grant: #ODNR Grant Investigators:Booth, Michael 07-01-2021 -06-30-2022 Ohio Department of Natural Resources Developing, validating, and applying fish habitat assessment methodology for littoral habitat in navigable waterbodies Role:PI 81464.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #Contractual Research Request 2021 Investigators:Booth, Michael 06-28-2021 -11-30-2021 Great Parks of Hamilton County Mike Booth - Great Parks - Fisheries Surveys Role:PI 10013.00 Hold Level:Local Government
Grant: #Ohio WRC 2021 104(b) / USGS award G21AP10593 Investigators:Booth, Michael; Matter, Stephen 09-01-2021 -08-31-2022 U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of large woody debris as a low-cost best management practice for improving water quality in urban headwater streams Role:PI 39017.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #GR127668 Investigators:Booth, Michael 07-01-2022 -06-30-2023 Ohio Department of Natural Resources Developing, validating, and applying fish habitat assessment methodology for littoral habitat in boatable waterbodies Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #ODNR 24/25 Investigators:Booth, Michael 07-01-2023 -06-30-2024 Department of the Interior Assessing spatial relationships between littoral habitat availability and sport fish populations in Ohio reservoirs (Backdoor) Role:PI 99196.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Howard, S and Booth, M.T. (2016. ) Range expansion of the Shimofuri goby (Tridentiger bifasciatus) in southern California, with emphasis on the Santa Clara River .California Fish and Game, , 102 (2 ) ,45-49
Booth, M.T., Hairston, N. G. Jr., Flecker, A. S. (2014. ) Is mobility a fixed trait? Summer movement patterns of catostomids using PIT telemetry .Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, , 143 (4 ) ,1098-1111
Is mobility a fixed trait? Summer movement patterns of catostomids using PIT telemetry
Booth, M.T., Hairston, N. G. Jr., Flecker, A. S. (2013. ) How mobile are fish populations? Diel movement, population turnover, and site fidelity in suckers .Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, , 70 (5 ) ,666-677
How mobile are fish populations? Diel movement, population turnover, and site fidelity in suckers
Booth, M.T and A. J. Shipley (2012. ) Spatial dynamics and growth of two native catastomid species: are movements restricted? .Southwestern Naturalist, , 57 (3 ) ,248-256
Capps, K. A., M. T. Booth, S. M. Collins, M. A. Davison, J. M. Moslemi, R. W. El-Sabaawi, J. L. Simonis, and A. S. Flecker (2011. ) Nutrient diffusing substrata: a field comparison of commonly used methods to assess nutrient limitation .Journal of the North American Benthological Society, , 30 (2 ) ,522-532
Capps, K.A., C.B. Turner, M.T. Booth, D.L. Lombardozzi, S.H. McArt, D. Chai, and N.G. Hairston, Jr. (2009. ) The behavioral and trophic ecology of an introduced fish, Gambusia affinis (Actinopterygii: Poeciliidae), and an endemic shrimp, Halocardina rubra (Malacostraca: Atyidae), in Hawaiian anchialine ponds .Pacific Science, , 63 (1 ) ,27-37
Dagit, Rosi; Booth, Michael T; Gomez, Mauricio; Hovey, T H Y; Howard, Steve; Lewis, Scott D (2020. ) Occurrences of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in southern California, 1994-2018 .California Fish and Wildlife, , 106 (1 ) ,39
Booth, Michael T.; Hairston, Nelson G.; Flecker, Alexander S. (2020. ) Consumer movement dynamics as hidden drivers of stream habitat structure: suckers as ecosystem engineers on the night shift .Oikos, , 129 (2 ) ,194 More Information
Booth, Michael T. (2020. ) Patterns and Potential Drivers of Steelhead Smolt Migration in Southern California .North American Journal of Fisheries Management, , 40 (4 ) ,1032 More Information
Booth, Michael T; Urbanic, Megan; Wang, Xia; Beaulieu, Jake J (2021. ) Bioturbation frequency alters methane emissions from reservoir sediments .Science of the Total Environment, , 789 ,148033 More Information
Hintz, Chelsea L.; Booth, Michael T.; Newcomer-Johnson, Tamara A.; Fritz, Ken M.; Buffam, Ishi (2022. ) Urban buried streams: Abrupt transitions in habitat and biodiversity.Science of The Total Environment, , 819 ,153050 More Information
Rowe, Annette; Urbanic, Megan; Trutschel, Leah; Shukle, John; Druschel, Gregory; Booth, Michael (2022. ) Sediment Disturbance Negatively Impacts Methanogen Abundance but Has Variable Effects on Total Methane Emissions.Frontiers in Microbiology, , 13 , More Information
Electronic Journal
Dagit, Rosi; Booth, Michael T; Gomez, Mauricio; Hovey, T H Y; Howard, Steve; Lewis, Scott D (2020. ) Occurrences of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in southern California, 1994-2018 .California Fish and Wildlife, 106 (1 ) ,
Booth, Michael T.; Hairston, Nelson G.; Flecker, Alexander S. (2020. ) Consumer movement dynamics as hidden drivers of stream habitat structure: suckers as ecosystem engineers on the night shift .Oikos, 129 (2 ) ,
Booth, Michael T. (2020. ) Patterns and Potential Drivers of Steelhead Smolt Migration in Southern California .North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 40 (4 ) ,
Booth, Michael T; Urbanic, Megan; Wang, Xia; Beaulieu, Jake J (2021. ) Bioturbation frequency alters methane emissions from reservoir sediments .Science of the Total Environment, 789 ,
Hintz, Chelsea L.; Booth, Michael T.; Newcomer-Johnson, Tamara A.; Fritz, Ken M.; Buffam, Ishi (2022. ) Urban buried streams: Abrupt transitions in habitat and biodiversity .Science of The Total Environment, 819 ,
Contact Information
Academic - Office
Rieveschl 820D
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-556-6253