Siham Bouamer

Siham Bouamer , PHD

Assoc Professor

Old Chemistry Building


A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat - 0377

Professional Summary

My research foci include French and Francophone literature and film of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, colonial and postcolonial literatures, with a specialization in transnational movements to and from the Maghreb. I also have a broad comparative interest in my research by reaching into disciplines such as Arabic, cultural, gender, and queer studies.

My first research area considers French women travelers’ narratives during the protectorate in Morocco (1912-1956). I investigate how tourism discourse in those accounts served as a subtext for the promotion of French imperial expansion in Morocco. The hierarchies of class, gender, race, religion, and sexuality, constitutive of imperial legacies that still persist in contemporary discourses, guide my second research area. This work specifically focuses on intersectional oppression in contemporary France through the lenses of migration, gender, postcolonial, and queer studies. 

My research on contemporary Francophone studies and my commitment to diversity and inclusion inform my teaching pedagogy. As co-founder of the Diversity, Decolonization, and the French Curriculum collective, I strive to implement and share best practices in curriculum development grounded in decolonial and anti-racist pedagogy. 


Ph.D. : Washington University in St. Louis Saint Louis, MO, 2016 (French Language and Literature)

MA: Saint Louis University Saint Louis, MO, 2009 (French)

BA: Université de Haute-Alsace Mulhouse, France, 2007 (English)

Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Washington University in St. Louis Saint Louis, MO, 2016 (Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)

Positions and Work Experience

2016 -2017 Visiting Assistant Professor, Francophone studies, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

2017 -2022 Assistant Professor, Francophone studies, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

2022 -2024 Assistant Professor, Global French, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2024 - Associate Professor, Global French, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH


Peer Reviewed Publications

Siham Bouamer (2020. ) "Aïcha la rebelle, Aïcha la nomade: Résistance au féminin sous l’occupation coloniale espagnole au Maroc” .Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, , 13 ,69-96

Siham Bouamer (2020. ) “Integration à tout prix: Islam, Islamism, and the Hijab, in Yamina Benguigui’s Aïcha” .French Studies, , 75 (1 ) ,85-100

Siham Bouamer (2020. ) “Du néoréalisme italien au néoréalisme marseillais: Entretien avec Jean-Bernard Marlin sur son film Shéhérazade (2018),” .Francosphères, , 9 (2 ) ,193-202

Siham Bouamer (2020. ) “Parcours initiatique musical dans Infidèles de Abdellah Taïa” .Expressions Maghrébines, , 19 ,107-124

Siham Bouamer (2019. ) “Monstrous Moroccan Women in French Women’s Travel Narratives during the Protectorate” .INTERTEXTS: a Journal of Comparative and Theoretical Reflection, , 23 (1 ) ,65-90

Siham Bouamer (2019. ) “Souvenirs du Maroc et nostalgie du pré-protectorat dans Ce Monde disparu. Souvenirs de Madeleine Saint-René Taillandier” .Études Francophones, , 30 ,116-135

Yazan, B., Uzum, B., Zahrawi, S., Bouamer, S., & Malakaj, E. (2021. ) “A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Representations in Collegiate World Language Textbooks (Arabic, French, and German)” .Linguistics and Education, , 61 ,

Siham Bouamer (2022. ) Humor, Love, and Universalism: “Happy Ending” for Undocumented Migrants in Samba (2014)? .Contemporary French Civilization, , 47 (4 ) ,443-466.

Siham Bouamer & Denis M. Provencher (2022. ) Introducing CFC Intersections .CFC Intersections, , 1 (1 ) ,1-12

Other Publications

Siham Bouamer (2021. ) “On Accessibility and Relevance: Recentering Colonial History and Racism in French Textbooks” .H-France Salon: Special Issue on Race, Racism and the Study of France and the Francophone World, 13 (18 ) , H-France

Published Books

Denis M. Provencher and Siham Bouamer (2021. ) Abdellah Taïa’s Queer Migrations: Non-Places, Affect, Temporalities .Lexington Books (Co-Editor)

Siham Bouamer and Loic Bourdeau (2022. ) Diversity and Decolonization in French Studies: New Approaches to Teaching .Palgrave (Co-Editor)

Siham Bouamer and Sonja Stojanovic (2022. ) ‘Taking up Space’: Women at Work in Contemporary France (forthcoming) .University of Wales Press (Co-Editor)

Siham Bouamer, Denis M. Provencher, Ryan Schroth Queer Realms of Memory: LGBTQ Sexualities and Identities in the French National Narrative (forthcoming) . (Co-Editor)

Siham Bouamer Mapping Imperial Anxieties: French Women’s Guidebooks on Morocco (in progress) . (Author)

Siham Bouamer Moroccan Culturo-migrancy and Global-isms .

Book Chapter

Siham Bouamer (2022 ) “‘Be Proud of all the Fatimas’: From Alienation of Labor to Poetic Consciousness in Philippe Faucon’s Fatima.” Taking up Space’: Women at Work in Contemporary France .University of Wales Press (Author)

Siham Bouamer (2021 ) “He Loves me/He Loves me not: Cruel Optimism in Abdellah Taïa’s L’armée du salut” Abdellah Taïa’s Queer Migrations: Non-Places, Affect, Temporalities .(pp. 113-126).Lexington Books (Author)

Siham Bouamer (2015 ) “Lettres Parisiennes: De l’exil à la migrance” Les écritures migrantes: de l’exil à la migrance littéraire dans le roman francophone .(pp. 211-234).L'Harmattan (Author)

Siham Bouamer Fatima Daas’s La Petite Dernière (2020): A fugitive lieux de mémoire for the undercommons (forthcoming) Queer Realms of Memory: An Archive of LGBTQ Sites and Symbols in the French National .


Modern Language Association (LLC Francophone Executive Committee ) Elected Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2020 -2025

Women in French (Regional Representative ) Elected Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2021 -2022

Liverpool University Press (Book Series: Studies in Modern and Contemporary France ) Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2021

CFC Intersections Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2021

Contemporary French Civilization (Book Review Editor ) Type:Editorial Service Level:International

Diversity, Decolonization, and the French Curriculum Collective Co-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2019