Susan Bourke
Professor Emerita and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Professional Summary
Professor Bourke received her B.S. degree from Eastern Kentucky University with a double major in Law Enforcement and Social Work, and an M.S. in Criminal Justice from UC. Prior to joining the faculty, she worked for the Kentucky Cabinet for Juvenile Justice as a juvenile counselor in a Day Treatment Program, was a Juvenile Court Probation Officer, and an Administrator for the Kenton County Juvenile Court. She began teaching as an adjunct instructor in the Criminal Justice Technology Program in 1986, and joined the faculty full-time in January 1996. Her area of expertise is corrections, particularly juvenile justice. Currently, she is the Emeritus Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Criminal Justice, as well as Faculty Adviser to the Criminal Justice Field Placement Program and the Faculty Adviser to the Criminal Justice Society.
Research Support
Grant: #2008-JJ-DMC-0210 Investigators:Bourke, Susan; Schwartz, John 11-01-2010 -12-31-2011 Department of Justice Community Control as an Alternative to Secure Detention Role:Collaborator $80,010.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 007894 Investigators:Bourke, Susan; Schwartz, John 01-01-2012 -01-31-2013 Department of Justice Hamilton County Disproportionate Minority Contact Agreement for 2012 Role:Collaborator $80,010.00 Closed Level:Federal
Invited Presentations
Bourke, S. (03-2006. ) Active classroom learning: A real goal of university teaching .17th Annual Teaching Academic Survival Skills Conference, West Palm Beach, FL.