Steven T Boyce , PhD
Shriner's Burn Institute
COM Surgery Emeriti - 0558
Doctoral Degree: University of Colorado 1985 (Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology)
Bachelor's Degree: University of Colorado 1975 (Biological Sciences)
Postdoctoral Training: University of California - San Diego 1988
Research and Practice Interests
Cell Biology, Tissue Regeneration, and Regenerative Medicine
Positions and Work Experience
2002 -BAD DATE Professor with tenure; Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
1999 -2002 Associate Professor with tenure; Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
1996 -1999 Associate Professor; Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
1989 -1997 Director, Electron Microscopy Laboratories; Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
1995 -1996 Research Associate Professor; Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
1989 -1995 Research Assistant Professor; Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
1990 -1995 Adjunct Assistant Professor; Department of Anantomy and Cell Biology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
2011 -To Present Adjunct Professor, Program in Biological and Medical Engineering, University of Cincinnati Colleges of Medicine & Engineering, Cincinnati, Ohio
2004 -2010 Adjunct Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati Colleges of Medicine & Engineering, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 -2004 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati Colleges of Medicine & Engineering, Cincinnati, Ohio
1989 -To Present Senior Investigator; Research Department, Shriners Hospital for Children, Cincinnati, Ohio
1997 -2012 Director, Engineered Skin Laboratories; Research Department, Shriners Hospital for Children, Cincinnati, Ohio
1993 -1997 Voting Member; General and Plastic Surgery Device Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee to the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland
1998 -2008 Ad Hoc Consultant, General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee to the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland
1985 -1988 Assistant Adjunct Professor; Department of Surgery, University of California San Diego Medical Center, San Diego, California
1983 -1984 Research Associate; Department of Surgery, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
1981 -1984 Pre-doctoral Fellow; Department of Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder and Denver, Colorado
1975 -1981 University Researcher II, Laboratory Technician II and I, University of Colorado, Boulder and Denver, Colorado
Research Support
Grant: #P021 Investigators:Boyce, Steven 09-30-2003 -09-30-2007 Food and Drug Administration Cultured Skin Substitutes for Closure of Burn Wounds Role:PI $1,226,854.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #FDR000672-12-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Boyce, Steven 09-30-2000 -09-29-2003 Food and Drug Administration Cultured Skin Substitutes for Closure of Burn Wounds Role:PI $904,633.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-GM-50509-12-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Boyce, Steven 07-01-2002 -06-30-2007 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Mechanisms of Wound Healing with Cultured Human Skin Role:PI $1,454,969.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #FDR000672-09-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Boyce, Steven 09-30-1997 -09-29-2000 Food and Drug Administration Cultured Skin Substitutes for Closure of Burn Wounds Role:PI $897,236.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-GM-50509-08-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Boyce, Steven 07-01-1998 -06-30-2002 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Mechanisms of Wound Healing with Cultured Human Skin Role:PI $1,144,178.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 GM079542 Investigators:Bailey, John; Boyce, Steven; Kagan, Richard; Supp, Dorothy; Warner, Petra; Yakuboff, Kevin 09-04-2007 -08-31-2012 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Somatic Stem C ells in Engineered Human Skin Role:PI $889,200.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #AFIRM Investigators:Boyce, Steven; Supp, Dorothy 03-10-2008 -06-30-2013 Department of the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Armed Forces Institute For Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM) Role:PI $1,224,151.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #TECH 09-006 Investigators:Boyce, Steven; Supp, Dorothy 08-01-2008 -06-30-2012 Ohio Department of Development Engineered Skin Substitutes Containing Mesenchymal Stem Cells Role:PI $750,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #3 R01 GM079542-03S1 Investigators:Boyce, Steven; Supp, Dorothy 09-30-2009 -08-31-2012 National Institute of General Medical Sciences R01 GM79542 Somatic Stem Cells in Engineered Human Skin Administrative Supplement Role:PI $246,973.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #WFUHS 441017 SR-07/W81XWH-13-2-0052 Investigators:Boyce, Steven 09-23-2013 -09-22-2017 Department of Defense Autologous Engineered Skin Substitutes With Pigment From Cultured Human Melanocytes (AFIRM II) Role:PI $390,225.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R21 AR064341 08-01-2015 -07-31-2016 National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease R21 'Regulated Morphogenesis of Human Sebaceous Glands' Role:PI $143,722.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #133118 / R21 AR064341 Investigators:Boyce, Steven 09-01-2014 -08-31-2016 National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease Engineering of human sebaceous glands Role:PI $31,322.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary Award AY2015-16 Investigators:Boyce, Steven; Supp, Dorothy; Zhang, Yuhang 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 UC's University Research Council ENGINEERING HAIR FOLLICLE REGENERATION BY TARGETING DERMAL SHEATH CELLS Role:Collaborator $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #R21AR0173380 Investigators:Boyce, Steven; Supp, Dorothy; Zhang, Yuhang 04-01-2018 -03-31-2020 National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease Reprogramming the dermal microenvironment to induce hair follicle neogenesis in engineered skin Role:Collaborator $211,043.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R21AR078976 Investigators:Boyce, Steven; Supp, Dorothy; Zhang, Yuhang 04-12-2021 -03-31-2023 National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease Reprogramming of human fibroblasts into inductive dermal papilla cells Role:Collaborator 213345.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Published Abstracts
Boyce ST, J Pruszka, M Lockhard, M Estes, M Rust, DM supp and RJ Kagan (2010. ) Formation of vascular channels in engineered skin substitutes .[Abstract]Annual report of the Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), All Hands Meeting,
Boyce ST, R Zimmerman, VB Swope, DM Supp and RJ Kagan (2010. ) Regulation of pigmentation in engineered skin substitutes .[Abstract]Annual report of the Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), All Hands Meeting,
Supp DM, JM Klingenberg, KL McFarland, K Glaser, ST Boyce, K Bailey, K Yakuboff, P Warner, and RJ Kagan (2010. ) Engineered skin as an organotypic model for keloid scarring .[Abstract]J Burn Care Res, 31 (2 ) ,S53
Boyce ST, AP Supp, RK Rice, VB Swope, DM Supp, and RJ Kagan (2010. ) Pulse-chase assessment of label-retaining keratinocytes in engineered skin substitutes after grafting to athymic mice .[Abstract]J Burn Care Res , 31 (2 ) ,S54
McFarland KL, K Glaser, JM Hahn, ST Boyce, and DM Supp (2011. ) Culture medium formulation and cell density impact gene expression in normal skin and abnormal scar-derived fibroblasts. J Burn Care Res, 32 (2 ) ,S177
Boyce ST, RL Zimmerman, KA Lynch, DM Supp, and RJ Kagan (2011. ) Regulation of skin pigmentation in engineered skin substitutes .[Abstract]Proc Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), All Hands Meeting; ,
Boyce ST, KA Lynch, RL Zimmerman, DM Supp, and RJ Kagan (2011. ) Flow cytometry for regulation of melanocyte density in engineered skin substitutes. .[Abstract]Proc Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), All Hands Meeting; ,
Boyce ST, RL Zimmerman, DM Supp, and RJ Kagan (2011. ) Tumorigenicity testing of human melanocytes for engineered skin substitutes. .[Abstract]Proc Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), All Hands Meeting; ,
Glaser K, JM Hahn, KL McFarland, ST Boyce, and DM Supp (2011. ) Abnormal responses of keloid tissue to wounding identified using an in vitro model system. Wound Repair Regen , 19 (2 ) ,A24
Sriwiriyanont P, EA Maier, KA Lynch, DM Supp, and ST Boyce (2011. ) Dermal papilla cells promote trichogenesis in engineered skin substitutes. .[Abstract]J Invest Dermatol , 131 ,S79
Chavez-Munoz C, R Hartwell, RB Jalili, ST Boyce, and A Ghahary (2012. ) Functioning of IDO-expressing engineered skin composite in a fibrotic animal model. J Burn Care Res , 33 (2 ) ,S64
Rieman MT, A Neeley, ST Boyce, and RJ Kagan (2012. ) Amish Burn Wound Ointment (ABWO) and burdock leaf dressings: assessments of antimicrobial & cytotoxic activities. J Burn Care Res, 33 (2 ) ,S142
Supp DM, JM Hahn, K Glaser, KL McFarland, and ST Boyce (2012. ) Distinct phenotypes of deep vs. superficial keloid fibroblasts in keloid skin substitutes transplanted to athymic mice. J Burn Care Res, 33 (2 ) ,S64
Boyce ST, KA Lynch, RL Zimmerman, and DM Supp (2012. ) Transition to Technology Readiness Level 5 of engineered skin substitutes with pigment: scientific, regulatory and institutional considerations. .[Abstract]Proc Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), All Hands Meeting; St. Pete’s Beach, FL.,
Boyce ST, MT Rieman, and RJ Kagan (2012. ) Reduced mortality in pediatric burn patients treated with autologous cultured skin substitutes during an FDA Integrity Hold. .[Abstract]Proceedings of an FDA Public Workshop on Medical Countermeasures for a Burn Mass Casualty Incident. ,
Supp DM, JM Hahn, K Glaser, KL McFarland, ST Boyce, BJ Aronow, and RJ Kagan (2013. ) Keloid keratinocytes altered expression of genes involved in differentiation, adhesion, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. .[Abstract]J Burn Care Res, 34 (2 ) ,S94
Boyce ST, C Lloyd, R Zimmerman, and DM Supp (2015. ) Regulation of pigmentation in engineered skin substitutes. .[Abstract]Annual report of the Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), Investigators Meeting; Bethesda, MD.,
207. Boyce ST, Simpson PS, Rieman MT, Warner P, Yakuboff KP, Bailey JK, Nelson JK, Fowler LA, Kagan RJ (2015. ) Autologous engineered skin substitutes reduce mortality and harvesting of skin graft donor sites for closure of extensive, full-thickness burns. J Burn Care Res , 36 (3 ) ,S107
Boyce ST, CM Lloyd, RL Zimmerman, and DM Supp (2015. ) Restoration of skin color by human melanocytes in engineered skin substitutes grafted to full-thickness wounds. .[Abstract]J Burn Care Res, 36 (3 ) ,S83
Supp DM, JM Hahn, ST Boyce, and KL McFarland (2015. ) Involvement of TGF-β1-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition in keloid scarring. .[Abstract]J Burn Care Res, 36 (3 ) ,S84
Peer Reviewed Publications
Powell,H.M.; Supp,D.M.; Boyce,S.T. (2008. ) Influence of electrospun collagen on wound contraction of engineered skin substitutes .Biomaterials, , 29 (7 ) ,834 -843
Kalyanaraman,B.; Boyce,S. (2007. ) Assessment of an automated bioreactor to propagate and harvest keratinocytes for fabrication of engineered skin substitutes .Tissue Engineering, , 13 (5 ) ,983 -993
Powell,H.M.; Boyce,S.T. (2007. ) Wound closure with edc cross-linked cultured skin substitutes grafted to athymic mice .Biomaterials, , 28 (6 ) ,1084 -1092
Boyce,S.T.; Kagan,R.J.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Warner,P.; Yakuboff,K.P.; Palmieri,T.; Warden,G.D. (2006. ) Cultured skin substitutes reduce requirements for harvesting of skin autograft for closure of excised, full-thickness burns .Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, , 60 (4 ) ,821 -829
Powell,H.M.; Boyce,S.T. (2006. ) EDC cross-linking improves skin substitute strength and stability .Biomaterials, , 27 (34 ) ,5821 -5827
Barai,N.D.; Supp,A.P.; Kasting,G.B.; Visscher,M.O.; Boyce,S.T. (2006. ) Improvement of epidermal barrier properties in cultured skin substitutes after grafting onto athymic mice .Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, , 20 (1 ) ,21 -28
Swope,V.B.; Supp,A.P.; Schwemberger,S.; Babcock,G.; Boyce,S. (2006. ) Increased expression of integrins and decreased apoptosis correlate with increased melanocyte retention in cultured skin substitutes .Pigment Cell Research, , 19 (5 ) ,424 -433
Smiley,A.K.; Klingenberg,J.M.; Boyce,S.T.; Supp,D.M. (2006. ) Keratin expression in cultured skin substitutes suggests that the hyperproliferative phenotype observed in vitro is normalized after grafting .Burns, , 32 (2 ) ,135 -138
Boyce,S.T.; Anderson,B.A.; Rodriguez-Rilo,H.L. (2006. ) Quantitative assay for quality assurance of human cells for clinical transplantation .Cell Transplantation, , 15 (2 ) ,169 -174
Swope,V.B.; Boyce,S.T. (2005. ) Differential expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in vitro corresponds to tissue morphogenesis and quality assurance of cultured skin substitutes .Journal of Surgical Research, , 128 (1 ) ,79 -86
Supp,A.P.; Neely,A.N.; Supp,D.M.; Warden,G.D.; Boyce,S.T. (2005. ) Evaluation of cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of acticoat® burn dressing for management of microbial contamination in cultured skin substitutes grafted to athymic mice .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 26 (3 ) ,238 -246
Smiley,A.K.; Klingenberg,J.M.; Aronow,B.J.; Boyce,S.T.; Kitzmiller,W.J.; Supp,D.M. (2005. ) Microarray analysis of gene expression in cultured skin substitutes compared with native human skin .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 125 (6 ) ,1286 -1301
Passaretti,D.; Billmire,D.; Kagan,R.; Corcoran,J.; Boyce,S. (2004. ) Autologous cultured skin substitutes conserve donor autograft in elective treatment of congenital giant melanocytic nevus .Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, , 114 (6 ) ,1523 -1528
Supp,D.M.; Karpinski,A.C.; Boyce,S.T. (2004. ) Expression of human β-defensins hbd-1, hbd-2, and hbd-3 in cultured keratinocytes and skin substitutes .Burns, , 30 (7 ) ,643 -648
Supp,D.M.; Karpinski,A.C.; Boyce,S.T. (2004. ) Vascular endothelial growth factor overexpression increases vascularization by murine but not human endothelial cells in cultured skin substitutes grafted to athymic mice .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 25 (4 ) ,337 -345
Holder,I.A.; Durkee,P.; Supp,A.P.; Boyce,S.T. (2003. ) Assessment of a silver-coated barrier dressing for potential use with skin grafts on excised burns .Burns, , 29 (5 ) ,445 -448
Boyce,S.T.; Kagan,R.J.; Yakuboff,K.P.; Meyer,N.A.; Rieman,M.T.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Warden,G.D. (2002. ) Cultured skin substitutes reduce donor skin harvesting for closure of excised, full-thickness burns .Annals of Surgery, , 235 (2 ) ,269 -279
Supp,D.M.; Wilson-Landy,K.; Boyce,S.T. (2002. ) Human dermal microvascular endothelial cells form vascular analogs in cultured skin substitutes after grafting to athymic mice .FASEB Journal, , 16 (8 ) ,797 -804
Supp,D.M.; Boyce,S.T. (2002. ) Overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor accelerates early vascularization and improves healing of genetically modified cultured skin substitutes .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 23 (1 ) ,10 -20
Swope,V.B.; Supp,A.P.; Boyce,S.T. (2002. ) Regulation of cutaneous pigmentation by titration of human melanocytes in cultured skin substitutes grafted to athymic mice .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 10 (6 ) ,378 -386
Boyce,S.T.; Supp,A.P.; Swope,V.B.; Warden,G.D. (2002. ) Vitamin c regulates keratinocyte viability, epidermal barrier, and basement membrane in vitro, and reduces wound contraction after grafting of cultured skin substitutes .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 118 (4 ) ,565 -572
Swope,V.B.; Supp,A.P.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Warden,G.D.; Boyce,S.T. (2001. ) Expression of insulin-like growth factor i by cultured skin substitutes does not replace the physiologic requirement for insulin in vitro .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 116 (5 ) ,650 -657
Robb,E.C.; Bechmann,N.; Plessinger,R.T.; Boyce,S.T.; Warden,G.D.; Kagan,R.J. (2001. ) Storage media and temperature maintain normal anatomy of cadaveric human skin for transplantation to full-thickness skin wounds .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 22 (6 ) ,393 -396
Boyce,S.T.; Supp,A.P.; Wickett,R.R.; Hoath,S.B.; Warden,G.D. (2000. ) Assessment with the dermal torque meter of skin pliability after treatment of burns with cultured skin substitutes .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 21 (1 I ) ,55 -63
Supp,D.M.; Supp,A.P.; Bell,S.M.; Boyce,S.T. (2000. ) Enhanced vascularization of cultured skin substitutes genetically modified to overexpress vascular endothelial growth factor .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 114 (1 ) ,5 -13
Supp,D.M.; Bell,S.M.; Morgan,J.R.; Boyce,S.T. (2000. ) Genetic modification of cultured skin substitutes by transduction of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts with platelet-derived growth factor-a .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 8 (1 ) ,26 -35
Holder,I.A.; Boyce,S.T. (1999. ) Assessment of the potential for microbial resistance to topical use of multiple antimicrobial agents .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 7 (4 ) ,238 -243
Supp,A.P.; Wickett,R.R.; Swope,V.B.; Harriger,M.D.; Hoath,S.B.; Boyce,S.T. (1999. ) Incubation of cultured skin substitutes in reduced humidity promotes cornification in vitro and stable engraftment in athymic mice .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 7 (4 ) ,226 -237
Le Poole,I.C.; Boyce,S.T. (1999. ) Keratinocytes suppress transforming growth factor-β1 expression by fibroblasts in cultured skin substitutes .British Journal of Dermatology, , 140 (3 ) ,409 -416
Boyce,S.T.; Supp,A.P.; Swope,V.B.; Warden,G.D. (1999. ) Topical sulfamylon reduces engraftment of cultured skin substitutes on athymic mice .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 20 (1 I ) ,33 -36
Can,G.; Abdel-Malek,Z.; Porter-Gill,P.A.; Gill,P.; Boyce,S.; Grabowski,G.A.; Nordlund,J.; Farooqui,J. (1998. ) Identification and sequencing of a putative variant of proopiomelanocortin in human epidermis and epidermal cells in culture .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 111 (3 ) ,485 -491
Boyce,S.T.; Harriger,M.D.; Supp,A.P.; Warden,G.D.; Holder,I.A. (1997. ) Effective management of microbial contamination in cultured skin substitutes after grafting to athymic mice .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 5 (2 ) ,191 -197
Vicanova ,J.; Ponec, M.; Weerheim, A.; Swope,V.; Westbrook,M.; Harriger,D.; Boyce,S. (1997. ) Epidermal lipid metabolism of cultured skin substitutes during healing of full-thickness wounds in athymic mice .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 5 (4 ) ,329 -338
Harriger,M.D.; Supp,A.P.; Warden,G.D.; Boyce,S.T. (1997. ) Glutaraldehyde crosslinking of collagen substrates inhibits degradation in skin substitutes grafted to athymic mice .Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, , 35 (2 ) ,137 -145
Swope,V.B.; Supp,A.P.; Cornelius,J.R.; Babcock,G.F.; Boyce,S.T. (1997. ) Regulation of pigmentation in cultured skin substitutes by cytometric sorting of melanocytes and keratinocytes .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 109 (3 ) ,289 -295
Gennari,R.; Alexander,J.W.; Boyce,S.T.; Lilly,N.; Babcock,G.F.; Cornaggia,M. (1996. ) Effects of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril on bacterial translocation after thermal injury and bacterial challenge .Shock, , 6 (2 ) ,95 -100
Goretsky,M.J.; Harriger,M.D.; Supp,A.P.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Boyce,S.T. (1996. ) Expression of interleukin-1α, interleukin-6, and basic fibroblast growth factor by cultured skin substitutes before and after grafting to full-thickness wounds in athymic mice .Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, , 40 (6 ) ,894 -899
Holder,I.A.; Boyce,S.T. (1996. ) Formulation of 'idealized' topical antimicrobial mixtures for use with cultured skin grafts .Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, , 38 (3 ) ,457 -463
1996- J Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Boyce,S.T.; Supp,A.P.; Harriger,M.D.; Pickens,W.L.; Wickett,R.R.; Hoath,S.B. (1996. ) Surface electrical capacitance as a no index of epidermal barrier in cultured skin substitutes in athymic mice .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 107 (1 ) ,82 -87
1996- J Invest Dermatol- Boyce
Boyce,S.T.; Goretsky,M.J.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Kagan,R.J.; Rieman,M.T.; Warden,G.D. (1995. ) Comparative assessment of cultured skin substitutes and native skin autograft for treatment of full-thickness burns .Annals of Surgery, , 222 (6 ) ,743 -752
Boyce,S.T.; Warden,G.D.; Holder,I.A. (1995. ) Cytotoxicity testing of topical antimicrobial agents on human keratinocytes and fibroblasts for cultured skin grafts .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 16 (2 I ) ,97 -103
Farooqui,J.Z.; Robb,E.; Boyce,S.T.; Warden,G.D.; Nordlund,J.J. (1995. ) Isolation of a unique melanogenic inhibitor from human skin xenografts: initial in vitro and in vivo characterization .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 104 (5 ) ,739 -743
1995- J Invest Dermatol- Farooqui
Abdel-Malek,Z.; Swope,V.B.; Suzuki,I.; Akcali,C.; Harriger,M.D.; Boyce,S.T.; Urabe,K.; Hearing,V.J. (1995. ) Mitogenic and melanogenic stimulation of normal human melanocytes by melanotropic peptides .Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 92 (5 ) ,1789 -1793
Boyce,S.T.; Warden,G.D.; Holder,I.A. (1995. ) Noncytotoxic combinations of topical antimicrobial agents for use with cultured skin substitutes .Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, , 39 (6 ) ,1324 -1328
1995- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Harriger,M.D.; Warden,G.D.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Kagan,R.J.; Boyce,S.T. (1995. ) Pigmentation and microanatomy of skin regenerated from composite grafts of cultured cells and biopolymers applied to full-thickness burn wounds .Transplantation, , 59 (5 ) ,702 -707
Boyce,S.T.; Supp,A.P.; Harriger,M.D.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Warden,G.D. (1995. ) Topical nutrients promote engraftment and inhibit wound contraction of cultured skin substitutes in athymic mice .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 104 (3 ) ,345 -349
Holder,I.A.; Boyce,S.T. (1994. ) Agar well diffusion assay testing of bacterial susceptibility to various antimicrobials in concentrations non-toxic for human cells in culture .Burns, , 20 (5 ) ,426 -429
Boyce,S.T.; Holder,I.A.; Supp,A.P.; Warden,G.D.; Greenhalgh,D.G. (1994. ) Delivery and activity of antimicrobial drugs released from human fibrin sealant .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 15 (3 ) ,251 -255
Boyce,S.T.; Supp,A.P.; Warden,G.D.; Holder,I.A. (1993. ) Attachment of an aminoglycoside, amikacin, to implantable collagen for local delivery in wounds .Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, , 37 (9 ) ,1890 -1895
1993- Antimicrobial Agents and chemotherapy
Boyce,S.T.; Williams,M.L. (1993. ) Lipid supplemented medium induces lamellar bodies and precursors of barrier lipids in cultured analogues of human skin .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 101 (2 ) ,180 -184
Boyce,S.T.; Medrano,E.E.; Abdel-Malek,Z.; Supp,A.P.; Dodick,J.M.; Nordlund,J.J.; Warden,G.D. (1993. ) Pigmentation and inhibition of wound contraction by cultured skin substitutes with adult melanocytes after transplantation to athymic mice .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 100 (4 ) ,360 -365
Hoath,S.B.; Tanaka,R.; Boyce,S.T. (1993. ) Stratum corneum formation in the perinatal rat .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 100 (4 ) ,400 -406
Boyce,S.T.; Holder,I.A. (1993. ) Selection of topical antimicrobial agents for cultured skin for burns by combined assessment of cellular cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity .Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, , 92 (3 ) ,493 -500
1993- Plastic and Reconstrucive Surgery
Boyce,S.T.; Greenhalgh,D.G.; Kagan,R.J.; Housinger,T.; Sorrell,J.M.; Childress,C.P.; Rieman,M.; Warden,G.D. (1993. ) Skin anatomy and antigen expression after burn wound closure with composite grafts of cultured skin cells and biopolymers .Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, , 91 (4 ) ,632 -641
Boyce,S.T.; Foreman,T.J.; Furmanski,P.; Hansbrough,J.F. (1992. ) Absence of tumorigenicity in athymic mice by normal human epidermal keratinocytes after culture in serum-free medium .Cancer Letters, , 62 (2 ) ,141 -147
Kuroiwa,K.; Nelson,J.L.; Boyce,S.T.; Alexander,J.W.; Ogle,C.K.; Inoue,S. (1991. ) Metabolic and immune effect of vitamin e supplementation after burn .Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, , 15 (1 ) ,22 -26
Cooper,M.L.; Spielvogel,R.L.; Hanbrough,J.F.; Boyce,S.T.; Frank,D.H. (1991. ) Reconstitution of the histologic characteristics of a giant congenital nevomelanocytic nevus employing the athymic mouse and a cultured skin substitute .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 97 (4 ) ,649 -658
1991- J Invest Dermatol- Cooper
Stompro,B.E.; Hansbrough,J.F.; Boyce,S.T. (1989. ) Attachment of peptide growth factors to implantable collagen .Journal of Surgical Research, , 46 (5 ) ,413 -421
Hansbrough,J.F.; Boyce,S.T.; Cooper,M.L.; Foreman,T.J. (1989. ) Burn wound closure with cultured autologous keratinocytes and fibroblasts attached to a collagen-glycosaminoglycan substrate .Journal of the American Medical Association, , 262 (15 ) ,2125 -2130
Boyce,S.T.; Glafkides,M.C.; Foreman,T.J.; Hansbrough,J.F. (1988. ) Reduced wound contraction after grafting of full-thickness burns with a collagen and chondroitin-6-sulfate (gag) dermal skin substitute and coverage with biobrane .Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 9 (4 ) ,364 -370
Boyce,S.T.; Ham,R.G. (1983. ) Calcium-regulated differentiation of normal human epidermal keratinocytes in chemically defined clonal culture and serum-free serial culture .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 81 (1 Suppl. ) ,33S -40S
Powell, Heather M; McFarland, Kevin L; Butler, David L; Supp, Dorothy M; Boyce, Steven T (2010. ) Uniaxial strain regulates morphogenesis, gene expression, and tissue strength in engineered skin.Tissue engineering. Part A, , 16 (3 ) ,1083-92
More InformationArmour, Alexis D; Powell, Heather M; Boyce, Steven T (2008. ) Fluorescein diacetate for determination of cell viability in tissue-engineered skin.Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods, , 14 (1 ) ,89-96
More InformationRieman, Mary T; Neely, Alice N; Boyce, Steven T; Kossenjans, William J; Durkee, Paula J; Zembrodt, Jacquelyn M; Puthoff, Barbara K; Kagan, Richard J (2014. ) Amish burn ointment and burdock leaf dressings: assessments of antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, , 35 (4 ) ,e217-23
More InformationOsterburg, Andrew R; Hexley, Philip; Supp, Dorothy M; Robinson, Chad T; Noel, Greg; Ogle, Cora; Boyce, Steven T; Aronow, Bruce J; Babcock, George F (2013. ) Concerns over interspecies transcriptional comparisons in mice and humans after trauma.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 110 (36 ) ,E3370
More InformationKalyanaraman, Balaji; Boyce, Steven T (2009. ) Wound healing on athymic mice with engineered skin substitutes fabricated with keratinocytes harvested from an automated bioreactor.The Journal of surgical research, , 152 (2 ) ,296-302
More InformationWikner, N E; Huff, J C; Norris, D A; Boyce, S T; Cary, M; Kissinger, M; Weston, W L (1986. ) Study of HLA-DR synthesis in cultured human keratinocytes. The Journal of investigative dermatology, , 87 (5 ) ,559-64
1985- J Invest Dermatol- Wikner
LeFeber, W P; Norris, D A; Ryan, S R; Huff, J C; Lee, L A; Kubo, M; Boyce, S T; Kotzin, B L; Weston, W L (1984. ) Ultraviolet light induces binding of antibodies to selected nuclear antigens on cultured human keratinocytes.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 74 (4 ) ,1545-51
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Chavez-Munoz, Claudia; Hartwell, Ryan; Jalili, Reza B; Carr, Matthew; Kilani, Ruhangiz T; Jafarnejad, Seyed Mehdi; Rahmani-Neishabour, Elham; Forouzandeh, Farshad; Boyce, Steven T; Ghahary, Aziz (2012. ) Application of an indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-expressing skin substitute improves scar formation in a fibrotic animal model.The Journal of investigative dermatology, , 132 (5 ) ,1501-5
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Gibran N.S.;Wiechman S.;Meyer W.;Edelman L.;Fauerbach J.;Gibbons L.;Holavanahalli R.;Hunt C.;Keller K.;Kirk E.;Laird J.;Lewis G.;Moses S.;Sproul J.;Wilkinson G.;Wolf S.;Young A.;Yovino S.;Mosier M.J.;Cancio L.C.;Amani H.;Blayney C.;Cullinane J.;Haith L.;Jeng J.C.;Kardos P.;Kramer G.;Lawless M.B.;Serio-Melvin M.L.;Miller S.;Moran K.;Novakovic R.;Potenza B.;Rinewalt A.;Schultz J.;Smith H.;Dylewski M.;Wibbenmeyer L.;Bessey P.Q.;Carter J.;Gamelli R.;Goodwin C.;Graves T.;Hollowed K.;Holmes J.;Noordenbas J.;Nordlund M.;Savetamal A.;Simpson P.;Traber D.;Traber L.;Nedelec B.;Donelan M.;Baryza M.J.;Bhavsar D.;Blome-Eberwein S.;Carrougher G.J.;Hickerson W.;Joe V.;Jordan M.;Kowalske K.;Murray D.;Murray V.K.;Parry I.;Peck M.;Reilly D.;Schneider J.C.;Ware L.;Singer A.J.;Boyce S.T.;Ahrenholz D.H.;Chang P.;Clark R.A.F.;Fey R.;Fidler P.;Garner W.;Greenhalgh D.;Honari S.;Jones L.;Kagan R.;Kirby J.;Leggett J.;Meyer N.;Reigart C.;Richey K.;Rosenberg L.;Weber J.;Wiggins B. (07-01-2013. ) American Burn Association consensus statements. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, , 34 (4 ) ,361-385
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Forouzandeh F.;Jalili R.;Hartwell R.;Allan S.;Boyce S.;Supp D.;Ghahary A. (11-01-2010. ) Local expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase suppresses T-cell-mediated rejection of an engineere.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 18 (6 ) ,614-623 More Information
Sriwiriyanont, Penkanok; Lynch, Kaari A; Maier, Elizabeth A; Hahn, Jennifer M; Supp, Dorothy M; Boyce, Steven T (2012. ) Morphogenesis of chimeric hair follicles in engineered skin substitutes with human keratinocytes and murine dermal papilla cells.Experimental dermatology, , 21 (10 ) ,783-5
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Boyce ST (1987. ) Medical and biological criteria for preparation from cultured keratinocytes and a collagen-chondroitin-sulfate membrane of a human skin replacement for treatment of full-thickness skin loss injuries. Proceedings of the 17th World Congress on Dermatology Workshop-14, , 210
1987- Proceedings of the 17th World Congress on Dermatology
Holder I.;Boyce S. (09-28-1999. ) Assessment of the potential for microbial resistance to topical use of multiple antimicrobial agents.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 7 (4 ) ,238-243 More Information
Supp A.;Wickett R.;Swope V.;Harriger M.;Hoath S.;Boyce S. (09-28-1999. ) Incubation of cultured skin substitutes in reduced humidity promotes cornification in vitro and stab.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 7 (4 ) ,226-237 More Information
Le Poole I.;Boyce S. (04-27-1999. ) Keratinocytes suppress transforming growth factor-?1 expression by fibroblasts in cultured skin subs.British Journal of Dermatology, , 140 (3 ) ,409-416 More Information
Boyce S.;Supp A.;Swope V.;Warden G. (01-01-1999. ) Topical Sulfamylon reduces engraftment of cultured skin substitutes on athymic mice.Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 20 (1 I ) ,33-36 More Information
Boyce S. (01-01-1998. ) Skin substitutes from cultured cells and collagen-GAG polymers.Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, , 36 (6 ) ,791-800 More Information
Wang Q.;Wang J.;Boyce S.;Fischer J.;Hasselgren P. (01-01-1998. ) Endotoxemia and IL-1? stimulate mucosal IL-6 production in different parts of the gastrointestinal t.Journal of Surgical Research, , 76 (1 ) ,27-31 More Information
Vi?anová J.;Boyce S.;Harriger M.;Weerheim A.;Bouwstra J.;Ponec M. (01-01-1998. ) Stratum corneum lipid composition and structure in cultured skin substitutes is restored to normal a.Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings, , 3 (2 ) ,114-120 More Information
Can G.;Abdel-Malek Z.;Porter-Gill P.A.;Gill P.;Boyce S.;Grabowski G.A.;Nordlund J.;Farooqui J. (01-01-1998. ) Identification and sequencing of a putative variant of proopiomelanocortin in human epidermis and ep.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 111 (3 ) ,485-491 More Information
Harriger M.;Supp A.;Warden G.;Boyce S. (05-01-1997. ) Glutaraldehyde crosslinking of collagen substrates inhibits degradation in skin substitutes grafted .Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, , 35 (2 ) ,137-145 More Information
Swope V.;Supp A.;Cornelius J.;Babcock G.;Boyce S. (01-01-1997. ) Regulation of pigmentation in cultured skin substitutes by cytometric sorting of melanocytes and ker.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 109 (3 ) ,289-295 More Information
Boyce S.;Harriger M.;Supp A.;Warden G.;Holder I. (01-01-1997. ) Effective management of microbial contamination in cultured skin substitutes after grafting to athym.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 5 (2 ) ,191-197 More Information
Vi?anová J.;Ponec M.;Weerheim A.;Swope V.;Westbrook M.;Harriger D.;Boyce S. (01-01-1997. ) Epidermal lipid metabolism of cultured skin substitutes during healing of full-thickness wounds in a.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 5 (4 ) ,329-338 More Information
Boyce S. (12-01-1996. ) Cultured skin substitutes: A review.Tissue Engineering, , 2 (4 ) ,255-266 More Information
Holder I.;Boyce S. (11-26-1996. ) Formulation of 'idealized' topical antimicrobial mixtures for use with cultured skin grafts.Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, , 38 (3 ) ,457-463 More Information
Goretsky M.J.;Harriger M.D.;Supp A.P.;Greenhalgh D.G.;Boyce S.T. (06-01-1996. ) Expression of Interleukin-1?, Interleukin-6, and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor by Cultured Skin Sub .Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, , 40 (6 ) ,894-899
Gennari R.;Alexander J.;Boyce S.;Lilly N.;Babcock G.;Cornaggia M. (01-01-1996. ) Effects of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril on bacterial translocation after th.Shock, , 6 (2 ) ,95-100 More Information
Boyce S.;Supp A.;Harriger M.;Pickens W.;Wickett R.;Hoath S. (01-01-1996. ) Surface electrical capacitance as a no index of epidermal barrier in cultured skin substitutes in at.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 107 (1 ) ,82-87 More Information
Dana Harriger M.;Warden G.D.;Greenhalgh D.G.;Kagan R.J.;Boyce S.T. (03-15-1995. ) Pigmentation and microanatomy of skin regenerated from composite grafts of cultured cells and biopol .Transplantation, , 59 (5 ) ,702-707
Boyce S.;Glatter R.;Kitzmiller W. (03-01-1995. ) Case studies: treatment of chronic wounds with cultured skin substitutes. Ostomy/wound management, , 41 (2 ) ,26-28, 30, 32 passim
Abdel-Malek Z.;Swope V.B.;Suzuki I.;Akcali C.;Harriger M.D.;Boyce S.T.;Urabe K.;Hearing V.J. (02-28-1995. ) Mitogenic and melanogenic stimulation of normal human melanocytes by melanotropic peptides.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 92 (5 ) ,1789-1793 More Information
Boyce S.;Warden G.;Holder I. (01-01-1995. ) Noncytotoxic combinations of topical antimicrobial agents for use with cultured skin substitutes.Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, , 39 (6 ) ,1324-1328 More Information
Boyce S.;Warden G.;Holder I. (01-01-1995. ) Cytotoxicity testing of topical antimicrobial agents on human keratinocytes and fibroblasts for cult.Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 16 (2 ) ,97-103 More Information
Goretsky M.;Supp A.;Greenhalgh D.;Warden G.;Boyce S. (01-01-1995. ) Surface electrical capacitance as an index of epidermal barrier properties of composite skin substit.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 3 (4 ) ,419-425 More Information
Farooqui J.;Robb E.;Boyce S.;Warden G.;Nordlund J. (01-01-1995. ) Isolation of a unique melanogenic inhibitor from human skin xenografts: Initial in vitro and in vivo.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 104 (5 ) ,739-743 More Information
Boyce S.;Supp A.;Harriger M.;Greenhalgh D.;Warden G. (01-01-1995. ) Topical nutrients promote engraftment and inhibit wound contraction of cultured skin substitutes in .Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 104 (3 ) ,345-349 More Information
Goretsky M.;Breeden M.;Pisarski G.;Harriger M.;Boyce S.;Greenhalgh D. (01-01-1995. ) Capillary morphogenesis during healing of full?thickness skin grafts: An ultrastructural study.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 3 (2 ) ,213-220 More Information
Boyce S.;Goretsky M.;Greenhalgh D.;Kagan R.;Rieman M.;Warden G. (01-01-1995. ) Comparative assessment of cultured skin substitutes and native skin autograft for treatment of full-.Annals of Surgery, , 222 (6 ) ,743-752 More Information
Boyce S. (01-01-1994. ) Epidermis as a secretory tissue.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 102 (1 ) ,8-10 More Information
Holder I.;Boyce S. (01-01-1994. ) Agar well diffusion assay testing of bacterial susceptibility to various antimicrobials in concentra.Burns, , 20 (5 ) ,426-429 More Information
Boyce S.;Holder I.;Supp A.;Warden G.;Greenhalgh D. (01-01-1994. ) Delivery and activity of antimicrobial drugs released from human fibrin sealant.Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 15 (3 ) ,251-255 More Information
Harriger M.;Boyce S. (12-01-1993. ) Human melanocytes transfer pigment to epidermal keratinocytes after grafting of a cultured skin subs .Proceedings - Annual Meeting, Microscopy Society of America, , 400-401
Boyce S.;Williams M. (01-01-1993. ) Lipid supplemented medium induces lamellar bodies and precursors of barrier lipids in cultured analo.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 101 (2 ) ,180-184 More Information
Boyce S.;Holder I. (01-01-1993. ) Selection of topical antimicrobial agents for cultured skin for burns by combined assessment of cell.Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, , 92 (3 ) ,493-500 More Information
Hoath S.;Tanaka R.;Boyce S. (01-01-1993. ) Rate of stratum corneum formation in the perinatal rat.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 100 (4 ) ,400-406 More Information
Boyce S.;James J.;Williams M. (01-01-1993. ) Nutritional regulation of cultured analogues of human skin.Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology, , 12 (2 ) ,161-171 More Information
Boyce S.;Supp A.;Warden G.;Holder I. (01-01-1993. ) Attachment of an aminoglycoside, amikacin, to implantable collagen for local delivery in wounds.Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, , 37 (9 ) ,1890-1895 More Information
Boyce S.;Medrano E.;Abdel-Malek Z.;Supp A.;Dodick J.;Nordlund J.;Warden G. (01-01-1993. ) Pigmentation and inhibition of wound contraction by cultured skin substitutes with adult melanocytes.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 100 (4 ) ,360-365 More Information
Boyce S.;Greenhalgh D.;Kagan R.;Housinger T.;Sorrell J.;Childress C.;Rieman M.;Warden G. (01-01-1993. ) Skin anatomy and antigen expression after burn wound closure with composite grafts of cultured skin .Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, , 91 (4 ) ,632-641 More Information
Boyce S.;Foreman T.;Furmanski P.;Hansbrough J. (02-29-1992. ) Absence of tumorigenicity in athymic mice by normal human epidermal keratinocytes after culture in s.Cancer Letters, , 62 (2 ) ,141-147 More Information
Cooper M.;Spielvogel R.;Hansbrough J.;Boyce S.;Frank D. (01-01-1991. ) Reconstitution of the histologic characteristics of a giant congenital nevomelanocytic nevus employi.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 97 (4 ) ,649-658 More Information
Kuroiwa K.;Nelson J.;Boyce S.;Alexander J.;Ogle C.;Inoue S. (01-01-1991. ) Metabolic and immune effect of vitamin E supplementation after burn.Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, , 15 (1 ) ,22-26 More Information
Sakai J.;Hung J.;Zhu G.;Katakami C.;Boyce S.;Kao W. (01-01-1991. ) Collagen metabolism during healing of lacerated rabbit corneas.Experimental Eye Research, , 52 (3 ) ,237-244 More Information
Boyce S.;Michel S.;Reichert U.;Shroot B.;Schmidt R. (01-01-1990. ) Reconstructed skin from cultured human keratinocytes and fibroblasts on a collagen-glycosaminoglycan .Skin Pharmacology, , 3 (2 ) ,136-143
Cooper M.L.;Hansbrough J.F.;Boyce S.T.;Foreman T.J. (12-01-1989. ) Rapid formation of anchoring fibrils and basement membrane after placement of dermal-epidermal compo .Surgical Forum, , 40 ,584-586
Hansbrough J.F.;Boyce S.T.;Cooper M.L.;Foreman T.J. (10-20-1989. ) Burn Wound Closure With Cultured Autologous Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts Attached to a Collagen-Gly.JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, , 262 (15 ) ,2125-2130 More Information
Stompro B.E.;Hansbrough J.F.;Boyce S.T. (01-01-1989. ) Attachment of peptide growth factors to implantable collagen.Journal of Surgical Research, , 46 (5 ) ,413-421 More Information
Boyce S.T.;Glafkides M.C.;Foreman T.J.;Hansbrough J.F. (01-01-1988. ) Reduced wound contraction after grafting of full-thickness burns with a collagen and chondroitin-6-s.Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, , 9 (4 ) ,364-370 More Information
Boyce S.;Ham R. (06-01-1985. ) Cultivation, frozen storage, and clonal growth of normal human epidermal keratinocytes in serum-free.Journal of Tissue Culture Methods, , 9 (2 ) ,83-93 More Information
LeFeber W.;Norris D.;Ryan S.;Huff J.;Lee L.;Kubo M.;Boyce S.;Kotzin B.;Weston W. (01-01-1984. ) Ultraviolet light induces binding of antibodies to selected nuclear antigens on cultured human kerat.Journal of Clinical Investigation, , 74 (4 ) ,1545-1551 More Information
Boyce S.;Ham R. (01-01-1983. ) Calcium-regulated differentiation of normal human epidermal keratinocytes in chemically defined clon.Journal of Investigative Dermatology, , 81 (1 Suppl. ) ,S33-S40 More Information
Boyce S.;Shipley G. (01-01-1982. ) Comparison of mitogenic activities of PDGF, FGF, and EGF on human diploid fibroblasts and Swiss 3T3 .In Vitro, , 18 (3 II ) ,
Boyce, Steven T; Kagan, Richard J (2023. ) Composition and Performance of Autologous Engineered Skin Substitutes for Repair or Regeneration of Excised, Full-Thickness Burns.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, , 44 (Suppl_1 ) ,S50-S56 More Information
Dearman, Bronwyn L; Boyce, Steven T; Greenwood, John E (2023. ) Comparison of biopolymer scaffolds for the fabrication of skin substitutes in a porcine wound model.Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society, , 31 (1 ) ,87-98 More Information
Notorgiacomo, Gabrielle; Klug, Justin; Rapp, Scott; Boyce, Steven T; Schutte, Stacey C (2022. ) A bioreactor for studying negative pressure wound therapy on skin grafts.International wound journal, , 19 (3 ) ,633-642 More Information
Dearman, Bronwyn L; Boyce, Steven T; Greenwood, John E (2021. ) Advances in Skin Tissue Bioengineering and the Challenges of Clinical Translation.Frontiers in surgery, , 8 ,640879 More Information
Baumann, Molly E; DeBruler, Danielle M; Blackstone, Britani N; Coffey, Rebecca A; Boyce, Steven T; Supp, Dorothy M; Bailey, J Kevin; Powell, Heather M (2021. ) Direct comparison of reproducibility and reliability in quantitative assessments of burn scar properties.Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, , 47 (2 ) ,466-478 More Information
Supp, Dorothy M; Hahn, Jennifer M; Lloyd, Christopher M; Combs, Kelly A; Swope, Viki B; Abdel-Malek, Zalfa; Boyce, Steven T (2020. ) Light or Dark Pigmentation of Engineered Skin Substitutes Containing Melanocytes Protects Against Ultraviolet Light-Induced DNA Damage In Vivo.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, , 41 (4 ) ,751-760 More Information
Boyce, Steven T; Lalley, Andrea L (2018. ) Tissue engineering of skin and regenerative medicine for wound care.Burns & trauma, , 6 ,4 More Information
Supp, Dorothy M; Hahn, Jennifer M; McFarland, Kevin L; Combs, Kelly A; Lee, Kin Sing Stephen; Inceoglu, Bora; Wan, Debin; Boyce, Steven T; Hammock, Bruce D (2016. ) Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibition and Epoxyeicosatrienoic Acid Treatment Improve Vascularization of Engineered Skin Substitutes.Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, , 4 (12 ) ,e1151 More Information
Boyce, S T (1996. ) Cultured skin substitutes: a review.Tissue engineering, , 2 (4 ) ,255-66 More Information
Invited Publications
Boyce ST (1990. ) Benchmarks: Alternative Methods in Toxicology. (Book Review) .J Invest Dermatol, 94 (1 ) ,155
Boyce ST, S Michel, M Regnier, B Shroot, R Schmidt (1990. ) Reconstructed skin from cultured human keratinocytes and fibroblasts on a collagen-GAG biopolymer substrate. .Skin Pharmacol, 3 (2 ) ,136-143
Boyce ST (1993. ) Current usage, trends and research in skin grafts. SEOPF Tissue Banking Newsletter, 3 (1 ) ,1-4
1993- SEOPF Tissue Banking Newsletter
Boyce ST, JH James and ML Williams (1993. ) Nutritional regualtion of cultured analogues of human skin. J Toxicol- Cutan Ocular Toxicol, 12 (2 ) ,161-171
1993- J Toxicol-Cutan Ocular Toxicol
Boyce ST (1994. ) Epidermis as a secretory tissue. (editorial) .J Invest Dermatol, 102 ,8-10
Boyce ST, R Glatter, and WJ Kitzmiller (1995. ) Case studies: Treatment of chronic wounds with cultured skin substitutes. Ostomy/Wound Management , 41 (2 ) ,26-33
Boyce ST (1996. ) Cultured skin substitutes: a review. .Tissue Engineering, 2 (4 ) ,255-266
Boyce ST (1997. ) Human Cell Culture Protocols .J Invest Dermatol, 108 ,235
Vicanova J, ST Boyce, MD Harriger, AM Weerheim, JA Bouwstra, and M Ponec (1998. ) Stratum corneum lipid structure and composition in cultured skin substitutes is restored after grafting to athymic mice. J Invest Dermatol Symp Proc, 3 (2 ) ,114-120
1998- J Invest Dermatol Symp Proc
Boyce ST (1998. ) Skin substitutes from cultured cells and collagen- GAG polymers. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing , 36 ,791-800
1998- Medical and Biological Engineering
Boyce ST (1999. ) Cultrued skin substitutes for burns. Med Res Prog Shriners Hospitals for Children 1999, 55-56
Boyce ST (2001. ) Design principles for composition and performance of cultured skin substitutes. Burns, 27 (5 ) ,523-533
Boyce ST (2001. ) Invited discussion for: Morimotot et al, In vivo cultured skin composted of two-layer collagen sponges with preconfluent cells. Ann Plast Surg, 47 (1 ) ,74-82
Boyce ST and GD Warden (2002. ) Principles and practices for cutaneious wound repair with cultured cells and biopolymers. .Amer J Surg, 183 ,445-456
Boyce ST (2004. ) Fabrication, quality assurance and assessment of cultured skin substtitues for treatment of skin wounds. Biochem Eng, 20 ,107-112
Supp DM and ST Boyce (2005. ) Engineered skin substitutes; practices and potentials. Clinics Dermatol, 23 (4 ) ,403-412
Gibran SN, ST Boyce, and DG Greenhalgh (2007. ) Cutaneous wound healing. J Burn Care Res, 28 (4 ) ,577-579
Boyce ST (2012. ) In, A tribute to Richard G. Ham, Ph.D, 1932-2011; ed., WL McKeehan .In Vitro Cell and Developmental Biology, 48 (5 ) ,259-70
Singer AG, DH Ahrenholz, P Chang, RAF Clark, R Fey, P Fidler, W Garner, N gibran, D Greenhalgh, S Honari, L Jones, R Kagan, J Kirby, J Leggett, N Meyer, C Reigart, K Richey, L Rosenberg, J Weber, B Wiggins, and ST Boyce (2013. ) Burn wound healing outcomes.J Burn Care and Res, 34 (4 ) ,381-385
More InformationBook Chapter
Boyce ST and RG Ham (1986 ) Normal human epidermal keratinocytes In Vitro Models for Cancer Research; Vol 3, Carcinomas of the Mammary Gland, Uterus and Skin .(pp. 245-274).Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press
Boyce ST, JF Hansbrough and DA Norris (1988 ) Cellular responses of cultured human epidermal keratinocytes as models of toxicity to human skin Alternative Methods in Toxicology; Vol. 6, Progress in In Vitro Toxicology .(pp. 27-37).New York, New York, Leibert Publishers
Boyce ST, TJ Foreman and JF Hansbrough (1988 ) Functional wound closure with dermal epidermal skin substitutes prepared in vitro Tissue Engineering; UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Vol. 107 .(pp. 81-86).NY, NY, Alan R Liss, Inc.
Boyce ST and IA Holder (1995 ) Criteria and assays for selection of topical antimicrobial agents for use with cultured skin for burns. Molecular Pathogenesis of Surgical Infections .(pp. 96-102).
Boyce ST (1996 ) Skin repair with cultured cells and biopolymers Human Biomedical Applications .(pp. 347-377).Totowa, NJ, The Humana Press, Inc.
Boyce ST (1997 ) Cultured skin for wound closure Skin Substitute Production by Tissue Engineering: Clinical and Fundamental Applications .(pp. 75-102).Austin, TX, RG Landes Company
Boyce ST (1999 ) Methods for serum-free culture of keratinocytes and transplantation of collagen-GAG based composite grafts Methods in Molecular Medicine, Volume 18: “Methods in Tissue Engineering”, Chapter 28 .(pp. 365-389).Totowa, NJ, Humana Press, Inc.
Supp DM and ST Boyce (2001 ) Genetic modification of cultured skin substitutes “Cultured Human Keratinocytes and Tissue Engineered Skin Substitutes .(pp. 60-71).
Boyce ST (2002 ) Regulatory issues and standardization. Chapter 1 Methods of Tissue Engineering .(pp. 3-17).San Diego, CA, Academic Press
Supp DM and ST Boyce (2003 ) Cutaneous gene therapy with cultured skin substitutes Human Biomedical Applications .(pp. 155-172).New York, NY, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Boyce ST and DM Supp (2005 ) Skin substitutes: theoretical and developmental considerations Functional and Aesthetic Reconstruction of Burn Patients .(pp. 113-128).New York, NY, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Boyce ST (2005 ) Fabrication, quality assurance and assessments of cultured skin substitutes Burns: Critical Care and Surgery .(pp. 225-230).Caracas, Venezuela, Ateproca Press
Supp DM and Boyce ST (2006 ) Bioengineering of human skin substitutes.Chapter 47 Biomedical Engineering Handbook .(pp. 47-1 to 47-17).Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, Inc.
Powell HM and ST Boyce (2008 ) Cultured skin substitutes. Chapter 12 Biomaterials for Treating Skin Loss .Abington, UK, Woodhead Publishing, Ltd
Powell HM and ST Boyce (2011 ) Tissue engineering of skin An introduction to biomaterials and their applications; 2nd Edition .Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, Inc
Boyce ST (2014 ) Engineered skin substitutes: principles and practices Burns: Critical Care and Surgery, second edition .Caracas, Venezuela, Ateproca Press
Boyce ST (2014 ) Translational research with engineered skin substitutes Burns: Critical Care and Surgery, second edition .Caracas, Venezuela, Ateproca Press
Boyce ST and DM Supp (2015 ) Biologic skin substitutes Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine of Skin .New York, New York, Elsevier Press
Invited Presentations
Cutaneious Biology Foundation (10-1982. ) Biology of the keratinocyte in vitro.
Standord University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology (02-1983. ) Calcium regulated proliferation and differentiation of normal human epidermal keratinocytes in vitro .
Joint Sino American Burn Associations; Panel moderator on skin replacements and skin substitutions (10-1985. ) First sino american conference on burn injuries .Chongqing, China.
17th World Congress of Dermatology (05-1987. ) Cultured keratinocytes and synthetic skin .Berlin, Germany.
Center for International Research of Dermatology (CIRD) (06-1987. ) Culture of human epidermal keratinocytes on synthetic biomembranes .Valbonne, France.
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (11-1987. ) Progress in in vitro toxicology .Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology (02-1988. ) Tissue engineering of human skin .Lake Tahoe, California.
American Association of Tissue Banks (08-1988. ) Banking of cultured skin substitutes: Current Status and Future Prospects .San Diego, California.
International Society for Burn Injuries (10-1988. ) Wound healing and wound management .Chicago, Illinois.
Second Bioscience Conference (11-1988. ) Serum-free culture of human epidermal keratinocytes and applications to skin substitutes .Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan.
Citizen Ambassador Program; People to People Bioprosthetics Delegation to the People's Republic of China (05-1989. ) Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hong Kong, China.
International Symposium on Artificial Skin, Koken BioScience Institute (06-1989. ) Combined bio-synthetic dermis and cultured human skin cells for wound closure .Tokyo, Japan.
51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology (05-1990. ) Keratinocyte growth .Washington, D.C.
Sixth Intl Workshop on In Vitro Toxicology (10-1990. ) Reconstructed skin from cultured human cells and biopolymers .Seillac, France.
Department of Pharmacology (10-1990. ) Biopolymer materials for culture and transplantation of human cells .Hopital Eduord Herriot, Lyon, France.
Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine (09-1990. ) Transplantation of cultured skin substitutes .Boston, Massachusetts.
Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University (12-1990. ) Skin wound closure with cultured human cells, biopolymers and growth factors .Cleveland, Ohio.
Department of Research, American Red Cross (06-1991. ) Pre-clinical and clinical studies with cultured skin substitutes .Bethesda, Maryland.
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati Center of Excellence of Membrane Technology Seminars (11-1991. ) Skin as a biological membrane .
American Burn Association, Breakfast Session Co-Moderator (04-1992. ) Artificial skin .Salt Lake City, Utah.
Department of Biological Sciences (04-1992. ) Composite grafts of cultured human skin cells and biopolymers for burns .Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.
Organogenesis, Inc (06-1992. ) Methodologies and in vitro applications for organotypic skin culture models .New York, New York.
Fernstrom Symposium (06-1992. ) Criteria and assays for selection of topical antimicrobial agents for use with cultured skin for burns .Lund, Sweden.
American Association of Tissue Banks (08-1992. ) Allogeneic skin and cultured cells for permanent closure of skin wounds .San Diego, California.
South Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation (01-1993. ) Current usage/trends/research in skin grafts .Orlando, Florida.
American Burn Association, Ad Hoc Moderator (03-1993. ) Frontiers in burn wound care .Cincinnati, Ohio.
L'Oreal Cosmetics (08-1993. ) Regeneration of skin pigmentation after transplantation of cultured melanocytes to athymic mice .Paris, France.
Department of Dermatology, University of Utah (08-1993. ) Skin substitutes using cultured cells and biopolymers .Salt Lake City, Utah.
Department of Surgery (09-1993. ) Wound closure with cultured cells and biopolymers .Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Genzyme Corporation (10-1993. ) Regeneration of epidermal barrier and pigmentation in cultured skin for wound treatment .Framingham, Massachusetts.
American Burn Association, Breakfast Session Co-Moderator (04-1994. ) Artificial skin .Orlando, Florida.
American Burn Association, Correlative Session Co-moderator (04-1994. ) Cultured epithelial autografts and the burn wound .Orlando, Florida.
University of Miami (04-1994. ) Treatment of chronic wounds with cultured skin substitutes .Miami, Florida.
Laboratory for Experimental Organogenesis (05-1994. ) Principles and practices for wound treatment with cultured skin substitutes .Hospital St. Sacrement, Quebec City, Canada.
American Association of Tissue Banks (08-1994. ) Biological, technical and regulatory considerations for banking of cultured skin .San Francisco, California.
Dutch Society for Biomaterials (10-1994. ) Treatment of skin wounds with cultured cells and biopolymers .Lunteren, The Netherlands.
American Burn Association, Breakfast Session Co-moderator (04-1995. ) Substrate choices for cultured tissue .Albuquerque, New Mexico.
American Burn Association; Session Co-moderator (04-1995. ) Burn wound biology .Albuquerque, New Mexico.
American Burn Association, Plenary Session (04-1995. ) Skin replacement strategies: where have we been, and where are we going? .Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Wound Healing Society, Plenary Session (04-1995. ) Closure of full-thickness burns with grafts of cultured skin cells and biopolymers .Minneapolis, Minnesota.
US Food and Drug Administration, Intercenter Focus Group on Wound Healing (07-1995. ) Quantification of wound healing in burns .Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Skin Council of the American Association of Tissue Banks (09-1995. ) Compliance of cultured allogeneic skin cells with regulatory requirements for safe use of cadaveric human skin .Atlanta, Georgia.
New Technologies Workshop; Microbiological Associates (09-1995. ) Principles for fabrication and applications of cultured skin substitutes .Bethesda, Maryland.
Department of Surgery, University of Alberta (10-1995. ) Biology and surgery of cultured skin substitutes for wound closure .Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
7th Polymer Symposium (11-1995. ) Grafts of cultured cells and biopolymers for treatment of acute and chronic skin wounds .Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
US FDA Part 15 Public Hearing on Autologous Cells (11-1995. ) Factors to consider for culture and transplantation of skin cells .Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Dept of Biomedical Engineering; Univ of Virginia (12-1995. ) Repair of acute and chronic skin wounds with cultured cells and biopolymers .Charlottesville, Virginia.
Clemson University, Department of Bioengineering (01-1996. ) Engineering of skin substitutes for wound closure .Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
3M Life Sciences Technical Forum (01-1996. ) Wound repair with cultured cells and biopolymers .Minneapolis, MN.
American Burn Association, Session Co-moderator (03-1996. ) Skin replacements .Nashville, TN.
Federal Issues Committee of the American Burn Association, Panelist (03-1996. ) Dialogue with FDA: definitions and assessments of healing in burn wounds .Nashville, TN.
Wound Healing Society, Plenary Session (05-1996. ) Composite skin replacement .Boston, MA.
Wound Healing Society, Instructional Workshop (05-1996. ) Quantitative assessment of wounds with non-invasive instrumentation .Boston, MA.
Oregon Health Sciences University (06-1996. ) Treatment of burns and chronic wounds with cultured skin substitutes .Portland, OR.
Burn Care: State of the Art, Current Therapy and Future Trends (11-1996. ) Skin substitutes for burn care .Shriners Burns Institute, Cincinnati, OH.
FDA course on Tissue Engineering (02-1997. ) Principles and practices for engineering of skin substitutes .Bethesda, MD.
American Burn Association, Graduate Course on Wound Healing (03-1997. ) Cultured skin substitutes in burn care .New York, NY.
American Burn Association, correlative session co-moderator (03-1997. ) Hypertrophic scar .New York, NY.
Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration (04-1997. ) Cultured skin substitutes grafted to athymic mice .La Grande Motte, Languedoc, France.
Proctor & Gamble Company, scientific seminar (11-1997. ) Cytokines in the skin .Cincinnati, OH.
American Burn Association, breakfast session co-moderator (03-1998. ) Topical scar remodeling .Chicago, IL.
Plenary presentation. Eighth annual meeting of the Wound Healing Society (06-1998. ) Expression by cultured skin substitutes of molecular mediators and tissue phenotypes .Salt Lake City, UT.
12th International Symposium on Bioengineering and the Skin (06-1998. ) Standards for engineering of skin substitutes .keynote address, Boston, MA.
Ohio Burn Team Task Force annual symposium (10-1998. ) Why and how to use cultured skin for burns .Cincinnati, OH.
Society for In Vitro Biology Session in Depth (06-1999. ) The normal biology of human skin and cutaneous wound healing .New Orleans, LA.
Society for In Vitro Biology; Session Chairman (06-1999. ) Tissue engineering with cultured cells and biopolymers: a clinical reality .New Orleans, LA.
Wound Healing Society, plenary session (06-1999. ) Grafts with autologous, homologous, heterologous, and artificial skin .Minneapolis, MN.
International Business Communications (06-1999. ) Cultured skin substitutes for closure of cutaneous wounds .Boston, MA.
American Burn Association, Bioengineering Special Interest Group (03-2000. ) Quantitative assessment of tissue-engineered skin for burns .Las Vegas, NV.
American Burn Association, breakfast session co-moderator (03-2000. ) Recent advances in wound coverage; weighing the options .Las Vegas, NV.
First L’Oreal International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Skin (10-2000. ) Cultured skin substitutes for closure of full-thickness skin wounds .Lyon, France.
American Burn Association; Breakfast session (04-2001. ) Biological skin substitutes: are they worth the cost? .Boston, MA.
Wound Healing Society, session moderator (05-2001. ) Skin substitutes and wound treatment .Albuquerque, NM.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; Department of Chemical Engineering (09-2001. ) Engineering of human skin .Zurich, Switzerland.
American Association of Tissue Banks (11-2001. ) Human allograft skin as a source of cells for cultured skin substitutes .Cincinnati, OH.
Department of Biology (11-2001. ) Cutaneous wound repair with cultured cells and biopolymers .University of Dayton.
Timberline Symposium on Epithelial Cell Biology (02-2002. ) Epithelial biology and skin repair .Portland, OR.
American Burn Association; postgraduate course (04-2002. ) Artificial skin: It’s impact on scar formation .Chicago, IL.
American Burn Association; plenary presentation (04-2002. ) Translational research to improve burn care . Chicago, IL.
American Burn Association (04-2002. ) Innovations in burn care .Chicago, IL.
American Burn Association; session moderator (04-2002. ) Wound care: skin substitutes/basic science .Chicago, IL.
British Burn Association (05-2002. ) Burn wound closure with cultured skin substitutes .Birmingham, UK.
Cell Therapies and Tissue Engineering (06-2002. ) Culture and transplantation of skin or cornea epithelium .Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
US Food and Drug Administration (06-2002. ) Combination products containing live cellular components .Rockville, MD.
International Society for Burn Injuries (08-2002. ) Basic science of skin replacement - state of the art .Seattle, WA.
International Society for Burn Injuries; session moderator (08-2002. ) Tissue engineering .Seattle, WA.
L’Oreal Symposium on Skin Aging (09-2002. ) Aging factors in wound repair with cultured skin substitutes .Cleveland, OH.
International Society for Bioengineering of the Skin (10-2002. ) Biophysical properties of cultured skin substitutes .Baltimore, MD.
American Burn Association; session moderator (04-2003. ) Wound Management .Miami, FL.
Society for Investigative Dermatology (05-2003. ) Cellular Dermato-therapeutics .Miami, FL.
Gordon Conference on Mammalian Skin Barrier (08-2003. ) Barrier formation in cultured skin substitutes .Providence, RI.
American Burn Association; breakfast session moderator (04-2004. ) Tissue engineering for reconstruction .Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
American Burn Association; correlative session moderator (04-2004. ) Reconstruction .Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Osaka University Dept of Chem Eng (09-2004. ) Automated systems for tissue engineering . Osaka, Japan.
Keynote address; Australia-New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA) meeting (Three presentations total) (09-2004. ) Skin repair with cultured cells and biopolymers . Adelaide, Australia.
Australia-New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA) meeting (09-2004. ) Tissue regeneration for wound closure .Adelaide, Australia.
L’Oreal Recherche; program committee (10-2004. ) Science and technology of skin engineering .Lausanne, Switzerland.
American Academy of Pediatrics (10-2005. ) Advances in pediatric burn care .Washington, DC.
American Burn Association; session moderator (04-2006. ) Getting started in research .Miami, FL.
British Society for Cell Biology (03-2006. ) Stem cells in wound healing .The Royal Society, London, UK.
American Burn Association (04-2006. ) Getting started in research .Las Vegas, NV.
Wound Healing Society (05-2006. ) Tissue engineering for skin wounds .Scottsdale, AZ.
Pan American Pigment Cell Society (09-2006. ) Transplantation of human melanocytes to restore cutaneous pigmentation .Cincinnati, OH.
Burn Research State of the Science (10-2006. ) Future directions in burn wound healing .Washington, DC.
Multi-Agency Tissue Engineering Science (MATES) Workshop (02-2007. ) Opportunities and obstacles with engineered human skin .Arlington, VA.
Graduate Course; American Burn Association (03-2007. ) Tissue engineering of human skin for burns .San Diego, CA.
Moderator, Sunrise symposium; American Burn Association (03-2007. ) Current status of skin substitutes .San Diego, CA.
Moderator, Correlative session III; American Burn Association (03-2007. ) Basic science of burn wounds .San Diego, CA.
Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care (ATACCC) (08-2007. ) Engineered human skin for military burn injuries .St. Petersburg, FL.
Moderator, Correlative session III; American Burn Association (04-2008. ) Wound Management .Chicago, IL.
Award judge for poster presentations; American Burn Association (04-2008. ) Professors’ Poster Rounds .Chicago, IL.
Graduate Course; American Burn Association (05-2008. ) Alternatives for permanent wound closure .Chicago, IL.
Symposium on Tissue Engineering; International Society for Burn Injuries (09-2008. ) Engineered skin for burns: the Shriners Experience .Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Heal Ohio (10-2008. ) Burn wound treatments with engineered human skin .Akron General Medical Center, Akron, OH.
9th Symposium on Biomaterials (10-2008. ) Engineered skin for burn wound closure .New Jersey Center for Biomaterials, New Brunswick, NJ.
Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (01-2009. ) Burn wound treatment with engineered skin substitutes .St. Pete’s Beach, FL.
Moderator, Correlative session III; American Burn Association (03-2009. ) Wound Management .San Antonio, TX.
Moderator, Correlative session 2; Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (01-2010. ) Stem cell isolation, propagation, differentiation and transplantation .St. Pete’s Beach, FL.
Correlative session 3; Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (01-2010. ) Translational research with engineered human skin .St. Pete’s Beach, FL.
Skin recovery collaborative; AlloSource (01-2010. ) Clinical advances in skin substitutes .Cincinnati, OH.
University of Aachen (04-2010. ) Dressings to stimulate cellular engraftment and inhibit microbial contamination of engineered skin substitutes .Aachen, Germany.
Society for Investigative Dermatology (05-2010. ) Biological considerations of wound healing with engineered skin .Atlanta, GA.
Symposium on Clinical and Scientific Advances in Treatment of Poorly Healing Wounds (05-2010. ) Engineered skin substitutes for treatment of burns: principles and practices .University of Illinois, Chicago, IL.
Special presentation to the Commander of the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (09-2010. ) Autologous engineered skin substitutes .Rutgers University.
Interim Meeting; Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM) (12-2010. ) Overview of animal models for transition to clinical studies .Crystal City, VA.
Moderator, breakout session; Interim Meeting; Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM) (12-2010. ) Burns and scarless healing .Crystal City, VA.
Moderator, Correlative session 3; Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM) (01-2011. ) Burn wounds and scarless healing .Clearwater, FL.
Breakout session 3 on Translational Research and Standardization; Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM) (01-2011. ) Experiences and advice from IDE studies with engineered skin .Clearwater, FL.
Moderator, Correlative session II, American Burn Association (03-2011. ) Wounds – Tissue Engineering .Chicago, IL.
Moderator, Correlative session XVI, American Burn Association (03-2011. ) Wounds – Clinical .Chicago, IL.
Symposium on Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells 2011 (08-2011. ) Wound closure with adult stem cells .Cleveland, OH.
Keynote speaker, Australia-New Zealand Burn Association (Five presentations total) (10-2011. ) Principles and practices for engineered skin substitutes for burns .Brisbane, Australia.
4th Annual Skin Workshop; Center for Dermal Research (10-2011. ) Wound repair with engineered human skin .Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Workshop moderator; Burn Quality Consensus Conference; American Burn Association (02-2012. ) Wound Healing Quality Consensus Conference .Washington, DC.
Moderator, plenary session; All Hands Meeting; Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM) (02-2012. ) Enabling Technologies .St Pete’s Beach, FL.
Transition to the Clinic Symposium; Department of Materials Science (03-2012. ) Principles and practices for wound repair with engineered human skin .The Ohio State University.
Moderator, correlative session III, American Burn Association (04-2012. ) Wounds-Tissue Engineering .Seattle, WA.
Grand Rounds Visiting Professor; Dept of Surgery; University of Nebraska Medical Center (09-2012. ) Translational research with engineered human skin .Omaha, NE.
David M Heimbach, MD, Visiting Professor (11-2012. ) Principles and practices in regenerative medicine for skin wounds . University of Washington Department of Surgery, Seattle, WA.
McGowan Institute Research Symposium (03-2013. ) Robotic fabrication of engineered skin .University of Pittsburgh Department of Biomedical Engineering, Farmington, PA.
Moderator, Correlative session X, American Burn Association (03-2014. ) Translational Science .Boston, MA.
Wound Healing Society and Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (04-2014. ) Next generation grafts and matrices .Orlando, FL.
7th World Congress on Pediatric Burns (08-2014. ) Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to reduce scar .Boston, MA.
Wound Healing: Innovation and Discovery Symposium (12-2014. ) Tissue engineered skin: principles, practices and potentials .Hawks Cay Key, FL.
Department of Surgery; University of Calgary (05-2015. ) Wound repair and regeneration with engineered human skin .Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Honors and Awards
06-1982 -08-1982 Macy Scholarship at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Physiology and Pathology for Cell Biologists
03-1983 -10-1983 Graduate Research Assistantship US Army Research and Development Command
11-1996 Faculty Achievement Award University of Cincinnati
02-1998 Heath Care Heroes, Innovator Award Cincinnati Business Courier; Cincinnati, OH
06-1998 Established Investigator Award Society for In Vitro Biology; Las Vegas, NV
03-1999 Clinical Research Award American Burn Association; Orlando, FL
1982 -1996 Seventh most cited first-author in the dermatology literature Arch Dermatol 135:299-302
05-2006 Established Entrepreneur Award University of Cincinnati
2014 Three of the top 100 citations in the burn literature from 1955-2011 J Burn Care Res 35:176-185
04-2015 Harvey Stuart Allen Award for Distinguished Service American Burn Association; Chicago, IL
Student Advising
Michael Glafkides, MD. Jul-Dec 86.Surgery Res Fellow; Univ of Calif San Diego
Mark Sherman, MD. May-Sep 86 . Res Fellow, Med Student; Univ of Calif San Diego
Charles Richardson, MD. May-Sep 86. Res Fellow, Med Student; Univ of Calif San Diego
Sandra Weiss, BS. Sep 87-Jun 88. Res Fellow, Undergrad Univ of Calif San Diego
Brett Stompro, MD. Jan 88-Jun 88. Surgery Res Fellow; Univ of Calif San Diego
Matthew Cooper, MD. Jul 88-Dec 88. Surgery Res Fellow; Univ of Calif San Diego
Jennifer Reid, MS. Sep 92-Nov 93. Masters; Univ of Cincinnati, Engineering
Michael Goretsky, MD. Jul 93-Jun 95. Surgery Res Fellow; Univ of Cincinnati
M. Dana Harriger, PhD. Jan 94-Jun 96. Res Fellow, Post-doc; Shriners Hospitals
Andrew P. Supp, BS. Jan 94-Dec 97. Masters; Univ of Cincinnati, Pharmacy
Cameron Q. Sheeler, BS. Sep 94-Dec 94. PhD; Univ of Cincinnati, Cell Biology
Rajeet Pannu, BS. Oct 95. Masters; Univ of Alberta, Cell Biology
Caroline LePoole, PhD. Jan-Jun 97. Res Fellow, Post-doc; Univ of Cincinnati, Surgery
Dorothy M. Supp, PhD. Jul 97-Dec 99. Res Fellow, Post-doc; Shriners Hospitals
Nikkiya Koval, BS. Jun 00-Aug 00. Res Fellow, Med Student; Univ of Cincinnati
Mark Kleiner, BS. Sep 00-Dec 04. Masters; Univ of Cincinnati, Chemistry
Saja Hamed, BS. Sep 00-Jun 04. PhD; Univ of Cincinnati, Pharmacy
Namrata Barai, MS. Sep 01-Jun 05 PhD; Univ of Cincinnati, Pharmacy
Balaji Kalyanaraman, MD. Sep 02-Jun 08. PhD; Univ of Cincinnati, Biomed Eng
Heather Powell, PhD. Dec 04-Jan 08. Res Fellow, Post-doc; Shriners Hospitals
Alexis Armour, MD. Oct 05-Sep 06. Surgery Res Fellow; Shriners Hospitals
Daewoo Han, BS. Sep 07-Aug 10. PhD; Univ of Cincinnati, Electrical Eng
Karen Cross, MD, PhD. Jan 10. PhD; Univ of Toronto, Inst of Med Sciences
Edward Sander, PhD. Aug 10-Jul 11. Res Fellow, Post-doc; Univ of Cincinnati, Surgery
Penkanok Sriwiriyanont, MS. Sep 09-Aug 12. PhD; Univ of Cincinnati, Biomedical Eng
Julie Lander, MD. Sep 14- . PhD; Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation
Andrew Jajack, BS. Jan-May 15. Ind. Study; Univ of Cincinnati, Biomedical Eng
(Shriner’s Burns Institute Research Conference ) Director 1992 -1994
(Dean’s Committee on the Future of Basic Sciences at the UC College of Medicine ) 1994
(Mediator for College of Medicine in faculty grievance ) 1996
(Dean’s Task Force on the Future of the Department of Dermatology ) 1999
(Univ of Cincinnati Dept of Surgery Committee for Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure ) 1999 -2005
(Univ of Cincinnati Dept of Surgery Committee for Appointment, Reappointment,Promotion and Tenure ) 2007 -2009
(Univ of Cincinnati Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Graduate Admissions Committee ) 2002 -2004
(University of Cincinnati Intellectual Property Committee (UC IPC) ) 2006 -2009
(Chair, UC IPC ) 2007 -2009
(Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Steering Committee for Chair of Pediatric Dermatology ) 2007 -2009
(Dean’s ad hoc Committee for Initial Inquiry of Scientific Misconduct ) 2008
(University of Cincinnati Budget and Priorities Committee ) 2012 -2016
(University of Cincinnati Medical Scientist Training Program; Faculty advisor ) 2012 -2014
(University of Cincinnati Review Committee for Dermatology Chair ) 2013 -2014
(University of Cincinnati Faculty Leave Committee ) 2013 -2016
(Univ of Cincinnati Dept of Surgery AAUP Faculty Review Committee ) 2014 -2015
Engineered Skin, Polymer, Collagen, Cytokine,Fibroblast,Melanocyte,Angiogenesis,Burn Therapy,Human Tissue,Keratinocyte,Athymic Mouse,Wound Healing,Artificial Skin,Autoradiography,Immunochemistry,Oxygen Transport,Western Blotting,Angiogenesis Factor,Cardiovascular Agent,Skin Transplantation,Blood Flow Measurement,Cell Adhesion Molecule,Monophenol Monooxygenase,Mixed Tissue Cell Culture,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay,Ultrasound Blood Flow Measurement
Patents and Inventions
US Patent 4,673,649 Process of defined medium for growth of human epidermal keratinocyte cells. Boyce ST and RG Ham, Filed 1986 Co-Inventor
US Patent 4,940,666 Continuation in part of US Patent 4,673,649, "Process of defined medium for growth of human epidermal keratinocyte cells" Boyce ST and RG Ham, Filed 1990 Co-Inventor
European Patent 363,400 Method and apparatus for preparing composite skin replacements Boyce ST, Filed 1993 Inventor
US Patent 5,273,900 Method and apparatus for preparing composite skin replacements Boyce ST, Filed 1993 Inventor
US Patent 5,711,172 Apparatus for Preparing composite skin replacements Boyce ST, Filed 1998 Inventor
US Patent 5,976,878 Method and apparatus for preparing composite skin replacements Boyce ST, Filed 1999 Inventor
Us Patent 6,905,105 Apparatus for preparing a biocompatible matrix. Boyce ST, Filed 2005 Inventor
US Patent 7,452,720B2 Apparatus for preparing a biocompatible matrix. Boyce ST, Filed 2008 Inventor
European Patent 1,483,373 A surgical device for skin therapy or testing Boyce ST, Filed 2009 Inventor
US Patent 7,741,116 A surgical device for skin therapy or testing Boyce ST, Filed 2010 Inventor
Japanese Patent 4,555,576 A surgical device for skin therapy or testing Boyce ST, Filed 2010 Inventor
Canadian Patent 2,478,100 Apparatus for preparing a biocompatible matrix. Boyce ST, Filed 2012 Inventor
European Patent 1,483,365 Apparatus for preparing a biocompatible matrix. Boyce ST, Filed 2013 Inventor
US Patent 8,450,108 A surgical device for skin therapy or testing Boyce ST, Filed 2013 Inventor
Japanese Patent 5,535,446 A surgical device for skin therapy or testing Boyce ST, Filed 2014 Inventor
US Patent 8,765,468 A surgical device for skin therapy or testing Boyce ST, Filed 2014 Inventor
Other Information
Department of Burn Surgery,
Contact Information
Research - Research Department at Shriners Burns Hospital
3229 Burnet Avenue
Ohio, 45229-3095
Phone: (513)872-6080
Fax: (513)872-6107
Department of Surgery at University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 670558
Ohio, 45267-0558