Suzanne Boys

Suzanne Boys , PHD

Professor - Educator


School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
4269 Clifton Court Hall
PO Box 210184
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0184
Phone 513-556-5029

Professional Summary

Suzanne received a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Cincinnati in 1996. She earned a Master of Arts in Communication from the University of Cincinnati in 2002, writing a thesis on the discursive construction of the teacher role by international graduate students. She earned a PhD. in Communication from Texas A&M University in 2007. Her dissertation research on the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse crisis developed a dialogical model for understanding crisis communication.

Her areas of expertise include organizational communication, organizational culture, and public relations.She currently teaches Organizational Diversity; Organizational Image, Identity, & Issue Management; and Public Relations Campaigns. She directed UC's Public Relations program from 2010-2021. She served as Interim Head of the new School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies from 2021-2023.


PhD: Texas A&M University 2007 (Communication)

MA: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, 2002 (Communication)

BS: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, 1996 (Communication Sciences & Disorders)

Positions and Work Experience

09-2005 -09-2007 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,

09-2007 -08-0013 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,

09-2010 -08-2020 Public Relations Certificate Program Director, University of Cincinnati,

09-2013 -08-2016 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati,

09-2016 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati,

09-2020 -08-2021 Public Relations Undergraduate Director, University of Cincinnati,

07-2021 -07-2023 Interim Director, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies, University of Cincinnati,

Abbreviated Publications

Book Chapter

Putnam, L. Boys, S. (2006). Revisiting metaphors of organizational communication. In S. Clegg et al (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Organizational Studies, 2nd edition (pp. 541-576). London: Sage.

Boys, S. (2009). Inter-organizational crisis communication: Exploring source and stakeholder communication in the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse case. In E. Toth & R. Heath (Eds.). Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations II (pp. 290-310). New York: Routledge.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Browning, B. and Boys, S. (2012). Extending the conversation: Examining culture change through the lens of interim leadership. OD Practitioner 44(1), 18-23.

Browning, B. & Boys, S. (2016). An organization on hold and interim leadership in demand: A case study of individual and organizational identity. Communication Studies.



Boys, S. (02-2008). Organizational silence as tactic and strategy: Implications for crisis communication .UC. Level:Department

Paper Presentations

Boys, S. (11-2007. ) Narrating the Silence: Reconstructing an Experience of Religious Sexual Exploitation .Chicago, IL.

Boys, S. (11-2007. ) Dialogue as Strategy and Enactment: Tracking Orientations to Dialogue in the Roman Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis .Chicago, IL.

Boys, S. (11-2004. ) A Catholic Conflict: Organizational and Group Processes in the Priest Abuse Case .Chicago, IL.

Ashcraft, K., Boys, S., Ganesh, S., & Iverson, J. (11-2004. ) Communication Studies and Nonprofit Organizations: Reconfiguring Issues, Concepts, and Practices .Chicago, IL.

Putnam, L. & Boys, S. (06-2004. ) Turning Points and Frame Changes in the Edwards Aquifer Conflict .Pittsburgh, PA.

Boys, S. (05-2004. ) Father, Brother, Bride: An Exploration of Roman Catholic Masculinities .New Orleans, LA.

Boys, S. (04-2004. ) Constructing the Social Construction of the Religious Leader Role: Memoirs and Themes of a Case Study .Austin, TX.

Boys, S. (11-2003. ) Stakeholder Theory and The Priest Abuse Case as a Public Dispute .Miami, FL.

Boys, S. (11-2008. ) An extended rhetorical typology of crisis communication: Managing the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse crisis .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:National

Boys, S. (05-2009. ) Silence as contextual and contested: A dual-level analysis of silence in the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse crisis .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:International

Browning, B. & Boys, S. (11-2010. ) Interim leadership in the context of a revolutionary culture change .San Francisco, CA. Conference. Level:National

Boys, S. (11-2010. ) The public perspective: Empirical research with and about publics .San Francisco, CA. Conference. Level:National

Event Organized


CommCeleb Other 04-15-2015 04-15-2015 Mecklenburg Gardens Level:Department


CommCeleb Other 04-13-2016 Mecklenburg Gardens Level:Department

PR Grand Slam (student event)

PR Grand Slam (student event) Conference 04-08-2016 04-09-2016 Duke Energy Center Level:Regional

Honors and Awards

11-2008 An Extended Rhetorical Typology of Crisis Communication: Managing the Roman Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis top paper National Communication Association Convention, Public Relations Division Status:Recipient Level:National

11-2007 Narrating the Silence: Reconstructing an Experience of Religious Sexual Exploitation top paper panel National Communication Association, Ethnography Division Status:Recipient Level:National

03-2014 University of Cincinnati Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program 9th Annual Breakfast of Champions honoree Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition

04-2014 University of Cincinnati UCUAADA Sarah Grant Barber Outstanding Advising nominee Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition

10-21-2015 University of Cincinnati George Barbour Award for Good Faculty-Student Relations nominee Status:Nomination Level:University

08-03-2015 -08-14-2015 Plank Center Educator Fellowship two-week placement at Ketchum Atlanta Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Fellowship


National Communication Association (Public Relations PRIDE Committee ) Elected Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 11-2009 -11-2010

National Communication Association (Public Relations Division ) Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations 2009

Human Relations Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service 2007

Organizational Studies Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service 06-2006 -07-2007

Journal of Applied Communication Research Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2011

Management Communication Quarterly Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service 2010 -2011

International Journal of Human Resource Management Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service 2010

(Student Development ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 09-2011 -To Present

(Organizational Comm/Public Relations Curriculum Group ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 09-2011 -To Present

(Hiring ) Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2011 -02-2012

(Internship Review ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 09-2011 -06-2012

(Heads Advisory Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2011 -To Present

(Hiring ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department

(Co-op Program Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department


Organizational Communication, Public Relations, Crisis Communication, Organizational Identity/Image, Organizational Culture, Dialogue, Religious Organizations, Interim Leadership

Professional Affiliation

09-2009 -09-2012: University of Cincinnati Center for Organizational Leadership research fellow

2007 -2011: National Communication Association member

09-2010 -To Present: Public Relations Society of America member

Courses Taught

15-COMM-308 COMM IN ORGANIZAT Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-344 PUB REL CASE STUDIE Level:Undergraduate


15-COMM-5009 ORG IDENTITY, IMAGE, & ISSUE MGMT Level:Undergraduate


15-COMM-508 ORGANIZ CULTURES Level:Graduate



-COMM-2042 INTRO TO PR Level:Undergraduate

Faculty Development Activities

09-2010 -06-2011 Service learning yearlong workshop CET&L UC Type:Workshop

09-2009 -06-2010 Curriculum redesign yearlong workshop CET&L UC Type:Workshop

09-2012 -12-2012 Formative Peer Review of Teaching semester-long workshop UC CET&L Type:Workshop

08-12-2013 -08-16-2013 Summer Instructional Technology Institute Faculty Development Council/UC Libraries Type:Workshop

05-18-2016 -05-20-2016 CET&L Online Course Design Institute

Contact Information

Academic - School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
4269 Clifton Court Hall
CincinnatiĀ  Ohio, 45221-0184
Phone: 513-556-5029