Susan V. Brammer
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
Cincinnati, Ohio Email susan.brammer@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Susan Brammer has been a psychiatric-mental health nurse for over 40 years, including 25 years in nursing education. Her clinical experience included both inpatient and outpatient psychiatric settings. Dr. Brammer is a Certified Nurse Educator and has taught ADN, BSN, MSN, Post-MSN, and DNP students. A published author, she has also presented to national and international audiences on experiences of persons with mental illnesses. As Principal Investigator, she has received over $2 million from the Ohio Department of Medicaid for the Medicaid Equity Simulation Project. As Project Director, Dr. Brammer was awarded the Dean’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant to develop and test a telehealth simulation for post-master’s psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner students. Dr. Brammer has provided extensive service to the University of Cincinnati through committee work at the University, College, and Department levels. She is active at both the national and state level of American Psychiatric Nurses Association. She has served for over a decade for the Southwest Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, including a term as Board president and current Advisory Council chairperson. Dr. Brammer received the 2019 March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Award Ohio in Mental and Behavioral Health and was inducted as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing in 2022.
PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2000 (Nursing)
MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1994 (Nursing)
MA: Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 1985 (Health Education)
BSN: Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 1979 (Nursing)
Research and Practice Interests
Two broad areas of research interest are social determinants of health and psychiatric-mental health nursing education. One specific interest is how virtual reality simulation can be used to impact attitudes and behavior related to underserved populations, social determinants of health, and/or cultural biases. I would also like to further explore telemental health simulation in nursing education.
Positions and Work Experience
08-15-2017 -To Present Assistant Professor Educator, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati
08-2015 -08-2017 Adjunct Instructor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
05-2015 -05-2017 Adjunct Instructor, Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH
06-2007 -04-2015 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, Cincinnati, OH
01-2001 -03-2001 Adjunct Instructor, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, Cincinnati, OH
09-2001 -06-2007 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, Cincinnati, OH
07-1999 -12-2000 Education Coordinator, Alzheimer's Association Greater Cincinnati Chapter, Cincinnati, OH
09-1998 -12-1998 Adjunct Instructor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
09-1994 -05-1998 Assistant Professor, Thomas More College, Crestview Hills, KY
06-1997 -12-1997 Home Health RN, Spectra Care, Cincinnati, OH
07-1992 -09-1993 Staff Nurse, Traumatic Brain Injury Unit, Drake Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
01-1992 -07-1992 Assistant Head Nurse, Adult Psychiatry, Middletown Regional Hospital, Middletown, OH
08-1989 -12-1991 Nurse Therapist, Mental Health Services West, Cincinnati, OH
01-1988 -10-1988 Assistant Head Nurse, Adult Psychiatry, Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OH
02-1986 -01-1988 Staff Nurse, Adult and Adolescent Psychiatry, Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OH
06-1985 -02-1986 Director of Community Education, American Heart Association Central Ohio Chapter, Columbus, OH
08-15-2020 -To Present Associate Professor Educator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #OSU 60068340 sub MEDTAPP ODM201938 / G-1819-05-0094 Investigators:Brammer, Susan; Gillespie, Gordon; Sostok, Michael; Tobias, Barbara; Tyson, Ronald; White, Christopher 11-07-2018 -06-30-2019 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Virtual Reality: Educating Medicaid Providers on Health Disparities Role:PI $618,563.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Dean's Grant for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Investigators:Brammer, SV, Tyson, RL 05-30-2018 -05-31-2019 College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati Telehealth Simulaiton in Graduate Nursing Education Role:Project Director 4605.33 Type:Grant Level:College
2019 -2020 Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health Collaborative Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health Collaborative Program Development Grant: NAMI Southwest Ohio Role:Co-investigator Active Type:Grant
Grant: #OSU sub MEDTAPP 07-03-2019 -06-30-2020 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Virtual Reality: Educating Medicaid Providers on Health Disparities (continuation) Role:PI $430,154.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSU 60077776 sub ODM sub CMMS 1905OH5ADM 07-01-2020 -06-30-2021 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Virtual Reality: Educating Medicaid Providers on Health Disparities (continuation) Role:PI $194,356.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSU 60077776 sub ODM sub CMMS 1905OH5ADM 07-01-2020 -06-30-2021 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Virtual Reality: Educating Medicaid Providers on Health Disparities (continuation) Role:PI $194,356.00 Awarded Level:Federal
2021 Pace University Nurses with Mental Illness: Wounded Healers or Impaired Professionals? Role:Co-PI $5000 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Brammer, Susan; Clayton, Beth; Gillespie, Gordon; Lee, Rebecca; Perazzo, Joseph; Prior, Richard 08-01-2021 -07-31-2023 Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Nurse Scholars and Leaders of the Future Role:Collaborator 60000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Investigators:Brubaker, M., Clark, A., Acquavita, & Brammer, S.V. 2019 -2023 Health and Human Resources Administration (HRSA) Serving At-risk youth Fellowship Experience- specialty Training (SAFE-T) Role:Co-Investigator $1,349,807 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #FY22 MES Task Order ODM202238 07-01-2021 -06-30-2023 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services UC Social Determinants of Health Web-Based Simulation Project Role:PI 620473.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #Great Minds Behavioral Health Expansion Grant Investigators:Brammer, Susan; Harley, Dana; Richardson, George 02-16-2024 -03-30-2025 Ohio Department of Higher Education Great Minds Behavioral Health Expansion Grant Role:Collaborator 538176.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #FY22 MES Task Order ODM202238 07-01-2021 -06-30-2023 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services UC Social Determinants of Health Web-Based Simulation Project Role:PI 620473.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Brammer, Susan V (2006. ) Facilitating a connection with a rehabilitation patient who has schizophrenia.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 31 (3 ) ,92-93 More Information
Tyson, R.L., Brammer, S.V., & McIntosh, D.M (2018. ) Telehealth in psychiatric nursing education: Lessons from the field. .Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association , , https://doi.org/10.1177/1078390318807967 ,
Brammer, Susan V (2018. ) What Interventions Improve Outcomes for the Patient Who Is Depressed and in Pain?.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 19 (6 ) ,580-584 More Information
Noll, Constance; Brammer, Susan V; Thomas, Michael (2023. ) Storytelling: A Powerful Tool to Revive Resilience and Create Contagious Positivity in the PMH Nursing Workforce.Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, , 29 (3 ) ,183-184 More Information
Brammer, Susan V; Regan, Saundra L; Collins, Chris M; Gillespie, Gordon L (2022. ) Developing Innovative Virtual Reality Simulations to Increase Health Care Providers' Understanding of Social Determinants of Health.The Journal of continuing education in the health professions, , 42 (1 ) ,60-65 More Information
Gillespie, Gordon Lee; Farra, Sharon; Regan, Saundra L; Brammer, Susan V (2021. ) Impact of immersive virtual reality simulations for changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.Nurse education today, , 105 ,105025 More Information
Invited Publications
Brammer, S.V. & Miller, E.L. (2022. ) Connecting Pain and Mental Illness.Pain Management Nursing, 23 (5 ) ,566-567 More Information
Book Chapter
Susan Brammer (1997 ) Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression Disorders Davis’s Manual for Therapeutics for Diseases and Disorders .(pp. 94-97, 148-152, 324-327).Philadelphia, F.A. Davis (Author)
Rutledge, C.M., Chike-Harris, K., Brammer, S.V., & Schweickert, P.A. (2020 ) Building Blocks of Nursing Telehealth Education: The Multimodal Approach Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing .(pp. 45-70).Thoroughfare, NJ, Slack (Co-Author)
Invited Presentations
Brammer, S.V. (05-12-2006. ) Lessons Learned: Coming Out as a Professional with a Mental Illness .2006 World Congress for Psychiatric Nurses, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Conference. . Level:International
Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10-26-2018. ) Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council .American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference, Columbus, OH. Conference. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V. (10-25-2017. ) Communication and Crisis .Anderson Hills Pediatrics, Cincinnati, OH. Workshop. . Level:Local
Ballman, K., Tyson, R.L., Brammer, S.V. (07-18-2018. ) Telehealth/Telepsychiatry .iCoN, Cincinnati, OH. UC. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V. (06-26-2012. ) Helping the Individual Who is Suicidal .Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Brammer, S.V., Stern, G., Noll, C. (10-19-2017. ) The Power of Lived Experience and Storytelling by Consumers and Staff in Psychiatric/Mental Health Practice: The APNA Recovery Council Panel. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 31st Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Conference. . Level:National
Susan V. Brammer (05-03-2012. ) Communication Strategies and Mental Illness: What Do I Say Now? .The Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Hafner, V., Lambert, K., Brammer, S.V., Lehman, K. (10-20-2016. ) What Are Your Recovery Resiliency Innovations? .American Psychiatric Nurses Association 30th Annual Conference, Hartford, CT. Conference. . Level:National
Susan V. Brammer (06-30-2005. ) Mental Health Awareness .Health Alliance Corporate Leadership Training, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Brammer, S.V. (05-13-2016. ) Self-Disclosure and Recovery: A Personal Reflection .Ohio Chaper American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Conference, Dublin, OH. Conference. . Level:State
Brammer, S.V., Bradley, M.J., Neal, J. (07-30-2004. ) A Fence or an Ambulance: Confronting Student Violence in Nursing Education .15th Annual Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO. Conference. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V. (03-14-2005. ) Bipolar Disorder .The Junior League of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Simon, M., Brammer, S.V., Justice, M. (10-19-2013. ) Preparing Entering Students by Expanding Disciplinary Boundaries Through Community Engagement .International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning, Orlando, FL. Conference. . Level:National
Susan V. Brammer, Mary Jane Bradley & Jan Neal (11-11-2003. ) A Fence or an Ambulance: Confronting Student Violence in Nursing Education .National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing, Tampa, FL. Conference. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V. (10-18-2012. ) Communication with Persons in Crisis .Ohio Society for Healthcare Consumer Advocacy, Dublin, OH. Conference. . Level:State
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
Susan V. Brammer (03-04-2002. ) Empathy Training through the Popular Media .TASS Annual Conference, West Palm Beach, FL. Conference. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V. (02-21-2009. ) Engaging Students Through Faculty Self-Disclosure .Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Greensboro, NC. Conference. . Level:National
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
Brammer, S.V., Regan, S. (10-03-2019. ) Social Determinants of Health: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle for Mental Health and Whole Health Care .American Psychiatric Nurses Association 33 Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. Conference. . Level:National
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
18FS Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10/26/2018). Challenges and Successes in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Approaches, Treatments, and Programs: APNA Recovery Council. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 32nd Annual Conference , Columbus, OH. Conference National .Columbus, OH.
Brammer, S.V., Camfield, M. (07-11-2019. ) Virtual Reality: Educating Medicaid Providers on Health Disparities .iCoN, Cincinnati, OH. UC. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V., Tyson, R.L. (07-24-2019. ) Increasing Access to Mental Healthcare through Telehealth: Educating the Next Generation of Nurse Practitioners .Upper Midwest Teleheatlh Resource Center, South Bend, IN. Level:Regional
Brammer, S.V., Regan, S., Collins, C. (03-15-2019. ) Virtual Reality and Social Determinants of Health: A High-Tech Strategy to Improve Health Outcomes .All-Ohio Institute on Community Psychiatry, Columbus, OH. Level:Regional
Brammer, S.V. (08-12-2019. ) Ask A UC Nurse: Mental Health and Wellness .89.3 WMKV, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Brammer, S.V. Regan, S. (06-21-2021. ) Virtual Reality Simulation: Educating Healthcare Providers on Social Determinants of Health from the Patient’s Perspective .International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Virtual Conference 2021 , Virtual. Level:National
Poster Presentations
Brammer, S.V. (10-21-2016. ) Safe Harbor: Supporting Our Colleagues Who Have a Mental Illness .American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Conference, Hartford, CT. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V., Justice, M. (10-23-2014. ) Improving Health Outcomes in Persons with Substance Abuse through Interdisciplinary Collaboration: An Experiential Course for Nursing and Criminal Justice Students .American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V. (11-03-2005. ) Nursing Students’ Attitudes and Knowledge Regarding Mental Illness .American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V. (06-22-2007. ) Lessons Learned: Coming Out as a Professional with a Mental Illness .National Alliance on Mental Illness Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Lehman, K. (10-03-2019. ) Nurses Heal Thyself: The Critical Importance of Self-Care in Promoting Recovery .American Psychiatric Nurses Association 33 Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. . Level:National
de Jacq, K., Brammer, S.V. (10-15-2021. ) Nurses with Mental Illness: Wounded Healers or Impaired Professionals? .American Psychiatric Nurses Association 35th Annual Conference, Virtual. . Level:National
C. Noll, S. Brammer, S. Simeone (10-02-2020. ) Whole Health Using Recovery Principles for Patient-Centered Care .American Psychiatric Nurses Association 34th Annual Conference, Virtual. . Level:National
Brammer, S.V., Noll, C., Thomas, M., & Porter, J. (10-09-2022. ) Mental Health Nurses’ Stories of Recovery and Resilience: Shared Wisdom for Ourselves, Our Colleagues, and Our Administrators .American Psychiatric Nurses Association 36th Annual Conference, Long Beach, California. .
Paper Presentations
Brammer, S.V., & de Jacq, K. (10-10-2022. ) Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses with Mental Health Disorders: Gifts of Hope and Healing to Psychiatric Patients .Long Beach, California. Level:National
Honors and Awards
1996 -To Present Sigma Theta Tau International
1979 Cum laude Ohio State University
11-02-2019 March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Ohio, Mental and Behavioral Health March of Dimes Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
02-28-2020 Award for Faculty Excellence University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
03-17-2022 Office of Research Core Values Partinership UC Office of Research
03-03-2023 Faculty-Faculty Research Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University
10-29-2022 Fellow American Academy of Nursing Status:Recipient Type:Fellowship
American Psychiatric Nurses Association (Nominating Committee ) Elected Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2017 -2018
American Psychiatric Nurses Association (Recovery Council Steering Committee ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2011 -To Present
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Ohio Chapter President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2017 -2019
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Ohio Chapter Coordinator Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2013 -2017
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Ohio Chapter Conference Organizer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2016 -2017
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Ohio Chapter President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2010 -2011
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Ohio Chapter President-Elect Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2009 -2010
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2009 -To Present
President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (Ohio Community Support Planning Council ) Member Type:Community Service Level:State 2006 -2009
National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwest Ohio Chapter (Advisory Council ) Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 2010 -To Present
National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwest Ohio Chapter Board Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 2005 -2009
National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwest Ohio Chapter (Board of Directors ) President Type:Community Service Level:Local 2007 -2008
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Type:University/College Service Level:College 03-21-2018
University of Cincinnati Type:University/College Service 05-18-2018
University of Cincinnati (Calendar Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2003 -2006
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Ad Hoc Distinguished Faculty Awards Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2013
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Academic Honors Task Force ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2012 -2013
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Academic Priorities and Resources Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2006 -2009
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Student Services Advisory Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2004 -2005
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Student Services Advisory Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2003 -2004
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Building and Grounds Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2006 -2009
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges Selection Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2005 -2006
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Library Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2004 -2005
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Library Committee ) Secretary Type:University/College Service Level:College 2003 -2004
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Library Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2002 -2003
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (Hearing Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2001 -2002
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Ohio Chapter (Board of Directors ) Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2019 -2020
National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwest Ohio Chapter (Advisory Council ) Committee Chair Type:Community Service Level:Local 2019 -2022
National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwest Ohio Chapter (Information and Referral Specialist ) Other Type:Community Service Level:Local 2016
University of Cincinnati (Hearing Commitee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-15-2018 -08-15-2020
(Faculty Search Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2020 -To Present
(Research and Scholarly Activities Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2020 -2022
University of Cincinnati (Academic-Community Mental Health Collaborative Task Force ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 05-01-2022 -To Present
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Bylaws Task Force ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 11-01-2021 -To Present
Community Collective Impact Model for Change (Hamilton County Social Determinants of Health Work Group ) Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 05-01-2022 -To Present
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Associate Deans Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2023
University of Cincinnati (New Faculty Mentoring Program ) Mentor Type:University/College Service Level:University 2022 -2023
Professional Affiliation
2009: Member American Psychiatric Nurses Association,
2011 -2022: Advisory Board NAMI Southwest Ohio,
2018: Certified Nurse Educator National League for Nursing,
2016: Information and Referral Specialist NAMI Southwest Ohio,
Other Information
UC Bear-CAT Fellowship Program
Administration-Bureau of Nursing and Public Health, Behavioral Health
Workforce Education and Training
University of Cincinnati
Role: Consultant
The consultation was for the creation of an educational module for counseling and social work students on telemental health treatment for children and adolescents. The module included a voice-over PowerPoint on conducting telemental health assessment/therapy sessions with children and adolescents, as well as two mock demonstrations of sessions between psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners and standardized patients.
University of Cincinnati
College of Nursing
Cincinnati, Ohio
May 2016-September 2017
The consultation was for the creation of a case simulation to be used with first semester students in the Post-Master’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program. The simulation was of a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner interviewing a patient with schizophrenia.,
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
Ohio, susan.brammer@uc.edu