Professional Summary

Graham Braun is a second year PhD student in Bronze Age Archaeology. He holds a B.A. Honours from the University of Victoria and an M.A. from the University of British Columbia, where he wrote an M.A. thesis on 'Minoanizing' and 'Mycenaeanizing' architecture at Phylakopi on Melos. His research centres on the archaeology of Bronze Age Aegean/Mediterranean architecture, cultural entanglement as identified in the archaeological record, and tools for the digital mapping and analysis of buildings, sites, and landscapes. During the 2024-25 academic year, Graham will be the Emily Townsend Vermeule Fellow at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens.

Graham has completed archaeological work with the Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project at ancient Eleon, the Anavlochos Project in eastern Crete, and the Kalavasos and Maroni Built Environments Project in southcentral Cyprus. He is currently working on a co-authored project to digitally record monumental Late Bronze Age ashlar buildings in Cyprus and understand their associated construction practices through energetic analysis.


B.A. Honours: University of Victoria Victoria, BC, Canada, 2020 (Greek and Roman Studies)

M.A.: University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2022 (Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Research Support

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship

2024 -2025 American School of Classical Studies in Athens Emily Townsend Vermeule Fellowship


Peer Reviewed Publications

Braun, G.C. and Engstrom, J.M. (2022. ) Lead figurines from the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta in the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (Canada): problems of typology and collections history.Annual of the British School at Athens, , 117 , More Information



Caroline Barnes and Graham Braun (2024). A Study of Monumental Ashlar Constructions in Late Bronze Age Cyprus . ASOR Annual Meeting, Boston.