Jonathan M. Breiner
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Teachers College
CECH Middle Childhood Education - 0172
PhD: University of Cincinnati 1996 (Chemistry)
BS: University of Cincinnati 1990 (Chemical Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
I am continuing research of my chemistry classes including questions related to the difference between teaching via inquiry or more traditional methods. Some questions I am examining include:
- How do students’ conceptions of the Nature of Science change when taught by inquiry?
- How do students attitudes towards STEM change when taught by inquiry?
- Is there a difference in the level of scientific literacy obtained when students are taught by inquiry versus cookbook labs?
Research Support
2000 -2004 Success Challenge from UC hold study groups $2500
2005 -2006 OHEN Development of science courses for pre-service teachers $4000
2006 Southwest Ohio Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education summer professional development workshop for In-Service Teachers $23,000
Grant: #EEC-0808696 Investigators:Abot, Jandro; Breiner, Jonathan; Koehler, Catherine; Kukreti, Anant; Lu, Mingming; Maltbie, Catherine; Markle, Glenn; Rutz, Eugene; Shanov, Vesselin; Sorial, George; Wei, Heng 06-01-2009 -05-31-2014 National Science Foundation Sustainable Engineering for Urban Needs: Research Experiences for Middle and High School Teachers Role:Collaborator $455,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OBR COF 09-08 Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Escoe, Gisela; Gaffney, James; Harkness, Marshella; Johnson, Carla 07-01-2009 -06-30-2015 Ohio Board of Regents The Cincinnati STEM Hub Partnership Cincy-STEM Role:Collaborator $185,280.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OIP Agreement Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Fowler, Thaddeus; Haring, Karen; Harkness, Marshella; Kemphaus, Ralph; Maynard, Kathie; Meyer, Helen 04-05-2010 -06-30-2015 Ohio Board of Regents Ohio Innovation Partnership Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program Role:Collaborator $2,056,250.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #ODC FY22 Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Gregson, Susan; Kroeger, Stephen; Smith, Everrett 09-01-2021 -06-30-2023 Ohio Department of Education University of Cincinnati BIPOC Teacher Pathway - Deans Compact Priority 2 Role:PI 150010.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #R25MD019150 Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Jacquez, Farrah; Maynard, Kathie; Watts Taffe, Susan 07-05-2023 -01-31-2028 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities NIH SEPA: Growing and Sustaining Community Change Researchers in STEM Role:Collaborator 264356.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Invited Presentations
J Breiner (04-2003. ) Blackboard as a Facilitation Tool .Presented at the University of Cincinnati’s FTRC Teaching with Technology Series, Cincinnati, OH.
J. Breiner, L. Cain (02-2004. ) Criminal Justice to Chemistry: Funding Activities with Students .23rd Annual Conference on First-Year Experience, Addison, TX.
J Breiner (03-2006. ) Preparation for Science Opportunities at UC .March to College Day sponsored by local chapter of National Society of Collegiate Scholars for 300 Cincinnati Public School students, Cincinnati, OH.
Breiner, J. M. (03-2006. ) Developing a chemistry course for pre-service teachers .Spring National American Chemical Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
J. Breiner (06-2006. ) Developing a chemistry course for pre-service teachers .Ohio Higher Education Network Meeting, Dayton, OH.
J Breiner (07-2006. ) Developing a chemistry course for pre-service teachers .American Chemical Society Summer Conference: Creation of the Ideal Pre-Service Teacher Chemistry Course, Washington DC.
J. Breiner, C Ackermann (05-2007. ) K-16 forensic science collaborations to engage students in the classrooms .Central Region American Chemical Society Meeting, Covington, KY.
Poster Presentations
Brown, J., Breiner J.M. (03-2012. ) The Impact of Inquiry Experiences and Explicit Nature of Science Instruction on Pre-Service Teachers’ Conceptions of the Nature of Science .Spring Research Conference, University of Louisville. . Level:Regional
A. Burrows, J.M. Breiner, M. Borowczak (03-2012. ) Teachers Engineer a Wiki .Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), Nashville, TN. . Level:International
Maynard, K., Breiner, J.M. (01-2012. ) Building Communities of Practice: A K-20 Professional Development (PD) Effort. .Tampa, FL. Level:International
Event Organized
GEAR-UP Program. Six years in charge of the chemistry portion of a 3-week academic camp for 7th and 8th grade African-American studentsGEAR-UP Program. Six years in charge of the chemistry portion of a 3-week academic camp for 7th and 8th grade African-American students
CSI-Cincinnati, GEAR-UP Program summer campCSI-Cincinnati, GEAR-UP Program summer camp
Co-chaired and planned a two-part seminar entitled Science Education at the High School and Undergraduate LevelCo-chaired and planned a two-part seminar entitled Science Education at the High School and Undergraduate Level 2004
Chaired and planned a two seminar event for faculty at UC by David McConnell, Both seminars centered on Use of Technology to Engage Students in the ClassroomChaired and planned a two seminar event for faculty at UC by David McConnell, Both seminars centered on Use of Technology to Engage Students in the Classroom 2005
Honors and Awards
03-2006 Honorary Member of the International Golden Key Honour Society Inducted (after student nomination) as Honorary Member of the International Golden Key Honour Society which recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence by students in over 350 colleges
09-2006 National Society of Collegiate Scholars Inducted (after student nomination) as member in National Society of Collegiate Scholars which includes only top 20% of students in American colleges
chemical education