Carlton E. Brett
Professor, Paleontology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy
Geology-Physics Building
A&S Geology - 0013
Professional Summary
Dr. Brett's research focuses on relating regional and global changes in sea level, climate, and the carbon cycle to episodes of biotic change (bioevents) and extinction, and time-specific sedimentary facies. Projects involve establishing regional and global patterns of Paleozoic sequence stratigraphy and relating them to prolonged intervals of relative biotic stability, or "coordinated stasis", and episodes of abrupt change. He also maintains active research in taphonomy, including comparative fossil preservation and modern experimental approaches designed to test the concept of taphofacies, pursuing studies of ancient organism interactions including organism-substrate relationships and the mid Paleozoic predator revolution, and the paleobiology of marine invertebrates, especially echinoderms and arthropods.
Research and Practice Interests
SUNY, Buffalo B.A. 1973 Geology/Biology
SUNY, Buffalo M.A. 1975 Geology/Paleontology
University of Michigan Ph.D. 1978 Geology/Paleontology
Teaching History
1998-Present Professor, with tenure, Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1990-1998 Professor, with tenure, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester; taught introductory paleontology, advanced paleontology, historical geology, vertebrate paleontology, paleoecology, invertebrate zoology, and various graduate seminars and field short courses; advised about 120 Biology/Geology majors, three Master's and seven Ph.D. Candidates.
1984-1989 Associate professor, with tenure, Dept. Of Geological Sciences, University of Rochester; taught courses listed above; advised approximately 100 undergraduates, four M.S. Students, and five Ph.D. Candidates.
1979-1984 Assistant Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Rochester; advised four M.S. Students and one Ph.D. Candidate.
1978-1979 Instructor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Rochester.
Carl Brett's research lies at the interface between paleontology and sedimentary geology. He has spent some four decades researching the paleontology and stratigraphy of the mid Paleozoic strata of eastern North America and elsewhere and is presently a member of the international Subcommissions on Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian Stratigraphy. He is pursuing studies relating regional and global changes climate, sea level and the carbon cycle to episodes of biotic change (bioevents) and extinction, as well as time-specific facies. He is particularly interested in the paleoecology and evolution of Paleozoic echinoderms, trilobites, brachiopods, and trace fossils. Carl also maintains active research interests in taphonomy, including ancient taphofacies and modern experimental approaches, paleoecology, evolutionary paleobiology, and sequence stratigraphy; his research has led to the introduction of concepts of taphofacies, coordinated stasis, and the mid Paleozoic predator revolution.
Among the highlights of his career are the receipt the Paleontological Society’s Schuchert Award; his election as a fellow of the Paleontological Society and of the Geological Society of America; his receipt in 2008 of the Digby McClaren Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Stratigraphic Paleontology; and his receipt in 2005 of an Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize. He is the 2012 recipient of the Raymond C. Moore Medal of SEPM for excellence in paleontological research and 2013 recipient of the AAPG’s Grover Murray Outstanding Geological Educator award. Carl has published some 300 peer-reviewed papers and guidebooks, and five edited books, and has supervised 55 graduate students.
Comparative Stratinomy and Paleoecology of Ordovician to Devonian Black and Dark Gray Shale Facies, Appalachian Basin
(funded by ACS-PRF grant 27217-AC8 to C.E. Brett and G.C.Baird; supplemented with a fellowship to Baird).
Comparative Taphonomy and Paleoecology of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Mud Rock Facies
NATO funded collaborative research with Peter A. Allison, Imperial College, London, England; and W. David Liddell, Utah State University).
Evolutionary Ecology and Coordinated Stasis of Devonian Benthic Faunas in the Appalachian Basin
(funded by NSF EAR 9219807, with Niles Eldredge)
Comparative Taphonomy and Taphofacies of Modern Siliciclastic and Carbonate Shelf and Upper Slope Environments
Collaborative research with Eric Powell and Karla Parsons
Research Support
1971 -1973 S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo Undergraduate research Council Grant
1974 New York State Museum Summer Research Honorarium
1975 -1977 University of Michigan Geology Department Scott Turner Grant
1976 New York State Museum Summer Research Honorarium
1977 Sigma, Xi Research Grant
1977 Geological Society of America Research Grant
1978 University of Michigan Doctoral Research Fellowship
1980 Rochester Museum and Science Center Research Grants for summer field work
1982 NOAA Hydrolab Grant
1982 -1984 American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Grant
1984 -1986 NSF Research Grant
1988 U.S. Geological Survey; Water Resources Division Contract
1988 N.Y. State Geological Survey; N.Y. State Museum and Science Service Grant
1988 -1989 National Science Foundation Research Grant
1989 -1991 American ' Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund
1991 -1993 American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund
1992 -1996 ACS PRF 27217 AC9 $40,000.00
Investigators:co-PI with Niles Eldredge 1992 -1997 National Science Foundation EAR 921807 $91,000.00
1993 -1995 National Undersea Research Program
Investigators:Co PI with E.N. Powell, S. Walker, and R. Callender 1993 -1996 National Undersea Research Program $60,000
Investigators:Co P1 with E.N. Powell, S. Walker, R.M. Callender, and A. Raymond 1993 -1997 NOAA National Undersea Research Program $30,000
1994 US Geological Survey N.Y. State Geological Survey Statemap Program Grant $5,000
1997 -1998 US Geological Survey N.Y. State Geological Survey Statemap Program Grant $28,000
Investigators:collaborative research with B.B. Sageman 1998 -1999 National Science Foundation EAR $102,501
2000 US Geological Survey N.Y. State Geological Survey Statemap Program Grant $12,000
Investigators:co-PI with K.Parsons Hubbard, Eric Powell, S. Walker 2001 -2002 National Science Foundation EAR-9909317 $102, 500
2001 National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association National Undersea Research Center at Univ. of North Carolina at Wilmington #SEGM-2001-9525B $83,000
2001 -2002 National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Caribbean Marine SSETI (Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative) $23,000
2002 -2003 US Geological Survey N.Y. State Geological Survey Statemap Program Grant $28,000
Investigators:Co-PI with Warren Allmon, Robert Ross and Paul Harnick 2002 -2003 National Science Foundation; Paleontological Research Institution $18,000
2003 -2007 American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Grant $78,000
2004 Geological Survey N.Y. State Geological Survey Statemap Program Grant $18,000
2005 -2008 National Science Foundation $194,901
2006 -2008 National Geographic Society $20,000
Grant: #EAR-0518511 Investigators:Brett, Carlton; Huff, Warren 07-01-2005 -06-30-2010 National Science Foundation High Resolution Sequence and Event Stratigraphy of Mid Silurian Strats in Eastern Laurentia and Avalonia Role:Collaborator $194,901.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #38719.02-AC8 Investigators:Brett, Carlton 01-01-2003 -08-31-2006 American Chemical Society - National Chapter High-Resolution Sequence and Event Stratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician (Mohawkian Series) Black River and Trenton Groups in Eastern Laurentia: An Int Role:PI $83,985.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #donated equipment Investigators:Brett, Carlton 03-01-2000 -12-31-2000 National Science Foundation Donated Equipment for Research Use Role:PI $236,345.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #EAR 9996178 Investigators:Brett, Carlton 10-01-1998 -12-31-2000 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Organic Burial, Anoxia, and Ecological Evolution Events in the Appalachian Basin Role:PI $10,828.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #EAR 0819820 Investigators:Brett, Carlton 09-01-2008 -08-31-2013 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Foreland Basin Development and Biotic Change in Late Ordovician Trilobite Faunus of Eastern North America Role:PI $85,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OISE-1023848 Investigators:Brett, Carlton 07-01-2010 -06-30-2012 National Science Foundation International: Testing the Effects of Temperature Variation on Faunal Migrations During a Middle Devonian Biocrisis: Implications for Climate Change on Geologic Timescales Role:PI $6,689.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Order No. G12PX01967 Investigators:Brett, Carlton 09-24-2012 -09-23-2015 U.S. Geological Survey Revised Silurian Stratigraphic Correlation of the United States Role:PI $24,999.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #5MF0 Ohio Rocks License Plate Scholarship Investigators:Brett, Carlton; Young, Allison 01-01-2016 -12-31-2016 Ohio Department of Natural Resources Ohio Rocks License Plate Scholarship (Allison Young) Role:PI $1,200.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #Ohio Rocks License Plate Scholarhip Investigators:Brett, Carlton; Young, Allison 01-01-2018 -12-31-2018 Ohio Department of Natural Resources Ohio Rocks Licnese Plate Scholarship (w/ Allison Young) Role:PI $2,500.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Abbreviated Publications
Other Publication
Brett, C.E., Kohrs, R., and Kirchner, B., 2008, Paleontological event beds from the Upper Ordovician Kope Formation of Ohio and northern Kentucky and the promise of high-resolution event stratigraphy: Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology, no. 2Cincinnati Museum Center Special Publication, p. 106-124.
Brett, C.E., Kohrs, R., and Kirchner, B., 2008, Correlation and faunal analysis of the upper Clays Ferry and Garrard formations (Upper Ordovician: Edenian) in central Kentucky: Implications for sequence stratigraphy: Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology, no. 2Cincinnati Museum Center Special Publication, p. 125-142.
Kohrs, R., Brett, C.E. and O’Brien, N., 2008, Sedimentology of Upper Ordovician mudstones from the Cincinnati Arch region, Ohio/Kentucky: toward a general model of mud event deposition: Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology, no. 2Cincinnati Museum Center Special Publication.
McLaughlin, P.I, Brett, C.E., Taha McLaughlin, S.L. and Holland, S.M., 2008, Upper Ordovician (Chatfieldian-Edenian) strata from central Kentucky to southern Ohio: Facies gradients, event beds, and depositional sequences: Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology, no. 2Cincinnati Museum Center Special Publication, p. 19-41.
Taha McLaughlin, S.L., McLaughlin, P.I., and Brett, C.E., 2008, Facies gradients and biotic events of the M6B sequence (mid-Chatfieldian; Kentucky: Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology, no. 2Cincinnati Museum Center Special Publication, p. 41-58.
Brett, C.E., Baird, G.C., and Bartholomew, A.J., 2007, Paleoenvironmental gradients along a ramp to basin transition in the Middle Devonian Ludlowville Formation of central New York State: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 79th Annual Meeting, Cortland, NY, p. 83-106.
Zambito, J., Baird, G.C., Brett, C.E. and Bartholomew, A.J., 2007, Examination of the type Ithaca Formation: correlations with sections in western New York: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 79th Annual Meeting, Cortland, NY, p. 153-176.
McLaughlin, P.I., and Brett, C.E., 2007, Sedimentological, taphonomic, and biotic signatures of sea level rise in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions: case study of a widespread skeletal limestone interval from the Upper Ordovician of Kentucky-Ohio: Palaios, no. 22, p. 245-267.
Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., and Baird, G.C., 2007, Eo-Ulrichian to Neo-Ulrichian views: The renaissance of “layer-cake stratigraphy”: Stratigraphy, v. 4, no. 2-3, p. 201-216.
DeSantis, M. K., and Brett, C.E., 2007, Persistent depositional sequences and bioevents the Eifelian (Early Middle Devonian) of eastern Laurentia: Kacak Events?: Devonian Events and Correlations, no. 278London: Geological Society, Special Publications, p. 83-104.
Bartholomew, A.J., and Brett, C.E., 2007, Revised correlations and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian (Givetian) in Ohio, USA and Ontario, Canada: Implications for paleogeography, sedimentology and paleoecology: Devonian Events and Correlations, no. 278London: Geological Society, Special Publications, p. 105-131.
Brett, C.E., Bartholomew, A.J. and Baird, G.C., 2007, Biofacies recurrence in the Middle Devonian of New York State: An example with implications for habitat tracking: Palaios, no. 22, p. 306-324.
Brett, C.E., Bartholomew, A.J., Bonelli, J.R., Hendy, A., and McLaughlin. P.I., 2007, Response of shallow marine biotas to sea level fluctuations: faunal replacement and the process of habitat tracking: Palaios, no. 22, p. 228—244.
Brett, C.E., Ferretti, A., Histon, K., and Schönlaub, H-P., 2007, Eustasy and basin dynamics of the Silurian of the Carnic Alps (Austria): Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, no. 46, p. 43-49.
Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., Jacobi, R.D., 2006, Silurian sequence stratigraphy, events, and paleoenvironments along the cratonic margin of the Appalachian foreland: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 78th Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY, p. 290-353.
Baird, G.C., Kirchgasser, W.T., Over, D.J. and Brett, C.E., 2006, Middle – Upper Devonian depositional and biotic events in western New York: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 78th Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY, p. 128-164.
Baird, G.C., Kirchgasser, W.T., Over, D.J.and Brett, C.E., 2006, An early Late Devonian bone bed-pelagic limestone succession: The North Evans-Genundewa limestone story: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 78th Annual Meeting, Buffalo, p. 354-395.
with W.M Goodman, S.T. LoDuca, and D. K. Tetreault, 2004, Silurian-Early Devonian sequence stratigraphy, events, and paleoenvironments of Ontario, Canada and western New York: Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Field Trip Guidebook, p. 59.
C.E. Brett, G.C. Baird and A. Bartholomew, 2004, Sequence stratigraphy of highly variable Middle Devonian strata in central Kentucky: Implications for regional correlations and depositional environments: Devonian Black Shales of the Eastern U.S.: New Insights into Sedimentology and Stratigraphy from the Subsurface and Outcrops in the Illinois and Appalachian Basins, Field guide for the 2004 Annual Field conference of the Great Lakes Section of SEPM; Indiana Geological Survey Open-File Report 04-05, p. 35-60.
Baird, G.C., Brett, C.E. and Bartholomew, A.J., 2003, Middle Devonian biotic and sedimentation events in east-central New York: Tully Formation clastic correlative succession in the Sherburne-Oneonta area: New York State Geological Association 75th Annual Meeting, Field Trip GuidebookOneonta, NY, p. 1-54.
Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M., McLaughlin, P.I., and Miller, A.I., Preface: “Stratigraphic Renaissance” in the Upper Ordovician of the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for paleontology and paleoecology: Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology, no. 2Cincinnati Museum Center Special Publication, p. iii-viii.
Ellwood, B., Brett, C.E., Tomkin, J., and MacDonald, W.D., Magnetostratigraphy susceptibility of the Upper Ordovician Kope Formation, northern Kentucky: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, no. 210, p. 295-329.
Brett, C.E., Goodman, W.M., LoDuca, S.T., and Lehmann, D.F., 1994, Ordovician and Silurian Strata in the Genesee Valley Area Sequences, Cycles, and Facies: Field Trip Guide Book, New York State Geological Association, 66th Annual Meeting, p. 381-440.
Ver Straeten, C.A., Griffing, D.H., and Brett, C.E., 1994, The Lower Part of the MIddle Devonian Marcellus "Shale" Central to Western New York State: Stratigraphy and Depositional History: Field Trip Guide Book, New York State Geological Association, 66th Annual Meeting.
Baird, G.C., Brett, C.E., and Lehmann, D., 1992, The Trenton-Utica Problem Revisited: New Observations and Ideas Regarding Middle-Late Ordovician Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments in Central New York: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 64th Annual Meeting, p. 1-28.
Brett, C.E., and VerStraeten, C.A., 1994, Stratigraphy and Facies Relationships of the Eifelian Onondaga Limestone (Middle Devonian) in Western and West Central New York State: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 66th Annual Meeting .
Brett, C.E., and Baird, G.C., 1994, Depositional Sequences, Cycles, and Foreland Basin Dynamics in the Late Middle Devonian (Givetian) of the Genesee Valley and Western Finger Lakes Region: Field Trip Guidebook, New York State Geological Association, 66th Annual Meeting, p. 505-568.
Other Publication G.C. Baird, C.E. Brett, and D. Lehmann, 1992, The Trenton - Utica Problem Revisited: New Observations and Ideas Regarding Middle - Late Ordovician Stratigraphy and Depositional Environements in Central New York, Field guide for the 64th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Society
G.C. Baird, R.K. Carr, J.T. Hannibal, C.E. Brett, and B.L. Brett, 2009, The The Uppermost Devonian (Famennian) Stratigrphy of the Cleveland Area, Northeastern Ohio, Cleveland Guidebook 2009.
Under Review
Brett, C.E., Bartholomew, A., DeSantis, M. and Baird, G.C, 2008, Sequence stratigraphy and revised sea level curve for the Middle Devonian of eastern North America: Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Brett, C.E., Ferretti, A, Histon, K., and Schönlaub, H.P, 2008, Silurian sequence stratigraphy of the Carnic Alps, Austria: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
DeSantis, M. and Brett, C.E., 2008, Late Eifelian to early Givetian bioevents – Part 1: Timing and signature of the Bakoven and Stony Hollow events.
Ray, D., Brett, C.E., Thomas, A. and Collings, A, 2008, Sequence stratigraphy of the upper Wenlock series (Silurian) of the northern Midland Platform, England: Geological Magazine.
Sumrall, C.D., Brett, C.E. and Dexter, T.A, 2008, An enigmatic blastozoan echinoderm fauna from central Kentucky: Journal of Paleontology.
Sumrall, C.D., Brett, C.E, 2008, A new agelacrinitid edrioasteroid attached to a large hardground clast from the Mckenzie Member of the Mifflintown Formation (Silurian) of Pennsylvania: Journal of Paleontology.
In Press
Allison, P.A., Brett, C.E. and Paul, C.R.C, 2008, Taphonomy of two ammonite Konservat Lagerstätten in the Early Jurassic Blue Lias of Dorset, U.K: Jour.Geological Society of London.
Brett, C.E., Allison, P.A. and DeSantis, M.K, 2008, Sequence stratigraphy and lagerstätten in the Middle Cambrian, Great Basin, Utah: Palaeoegeography, Palaoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Brett, C.E, 2008, Evolution of Devonian terrestrial ecosystems: Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Brett, C.E., Ivany, L., Baugh, H.L., and Wall, P, 2008, Coordinated stasis revisited: Taxonomic and ecologic stability in the Devonian of New York: Paleobiology.
Jarrard, R.D., Halgedahl, S.L., Brett, C.E, and Allison, P.A, 2008, Geophysical proxies of sea level change in the Upper Wheeler Formation, Drum Mountains, West-Central Utah: A perspective into modes of exceptional fossil preservation: Palaeoegeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Halgedahl S.L., Jarrard R.D., Brett C.E. and P.A. Allison, 2009, Geophysical and geological signatures of relative sea level change in the upper Wheeler Formation, Drum Mountains, West-Central Utah: A perspective into exceptional preservation of fossils: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Allison, P.A., Hesselbo, S.P., and Brett, C.E, 2008, Methane seeps on an Early Jurassic dysoxic seafloor: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 270, p. 230-238.
Baird, G.C. and Brett, C.E, 2008, Givetian Taghanic bioevents in New York State: New discoveries and questions: Bulletin of Geosciences, v. 83, no. 4, p. 357-370.
Brett, C.E., Kirchner, B.T., Tsujita, C.J. and Dattilo, B.F, 2008, Depositional dynamics recorded in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate marine successions: Insights from the Upper Ordovician Kope Formation of Ohio and Kentucky, USA: Dynamics of Epeiric Seas. Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper, v. 48, p. 73-102.
Dattilo, B., Brett, C.E. and Tsujita, C.S, 2008, Sediment supply vs. storm winnowing in the development of muddy and shelly interbeds from the Upper Ordovician of the Cincinnati region, USA: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 45, p. 1-23.
Kirchner, B.T. and Brett, C.E, 2008, Subsurface correlation and paleogeography of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate unit using distinctive faunal horizons: toward a new methodology: Palaios, v. 23, p. 174-184.
McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., and Wilson, M.A, 2008, Hierarchy of sedimentary discontinuity surfaces and condensed beds from the middle Paleozoic of eastern North America: Implications for cratonic sequence stratigraphy: Dynamics of Epeiric Seas. Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper, v. 48, p. 175-200.
Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., Powell, E.N., Raymond, A., Walker, S.E., Brett, C.E., Ashton-Alcox, K., Shephard, R., Krause, R., and Deline, B, 2008, The taphonomic signature of a brine-seep and the potential for Burgess Shale style preservation: Journal of Shellfish Research, v. 27, p. 227-239.
Paul, C.R.C., Allison, P.A., and Brett, C.E, 2008, The occurrence and preservation of ammonites in the Blue Lias Formation (Lower Jurassic) of Devon and Dorset, England andtheir palaeoecological, sedimentological, diagenetic and biostratigraphic significance: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 270, p. 258-272.
Powell, E.N., Callendar, W.R., Staff, G.M., Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., Brett, C.E., Walker, S.E., Raymond, A., Ashton-Alcox, K, 2008, Molluscan shell condition after eight years on the seafloor—Taphonomy in the Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas: Journal of Shellfish Research, v. 27, p. 191-225.
Bartholomew, A.J., and Brett, C.E, 2007, Revised correlations and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian (Givetian) in Ohio, USA and Ontario, Canada: Implications for paleogeography, sedimentology and paleoecology: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 278, p. 105-131.
Brett, C.E., Bartholomew, A.J. and Baird, G.C, 2007, Biofacies recurrence in the Middle Devonian of New York State: An example with implications for habitat tracking: Palaios, v. 22, p. 306-324.
Brett, C.E., Hendy, A., Bartholomew, A.J., Bonelli, J.R., and McLaughlin. P.I, 2007, Response of shallow marine biotas to sea level fluctuations: faunal replacement and the process of habitat tracking: Palaios, v. 22, p. 228—244.
Brett, C.E., Ferretti, A., Histon, K., and Schönlaub, H-P, 2007, Eustasy and basin dynamics of the Silurian of the Carnic Alps (Austria): Stratigraphy, v. 4, no. (2-3), p. 201-216.
DeSantis, M. K., and Brett, C.E, 2007, Persistent depositional sequences and bioevents the Eifelian (Early Middle Devonian) of eastern Laurentia: Kacak Events?: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 278, p. 83-104.
Ellwood, B., Brett, C.E., Tomkin, J., and MacDonald, W.D, 2007, Magnetostratigraphy susceptibility of the Upper Ordovician Kope Formation, northern Kentuck: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 210, p. 295-329.
McLaughlin, P.I., and Brett, C.E, 2007, Sedimentological, taphonomic, and biotic signatures of sea level rise in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions: case study of a widespread skeletal limestone interval from the Upper Ordovician of Kentucky-Ohio: Palaios, v. 22, p. 245-267.
with Bartholomew, A. J., Baird, G.C. and DeSantis, M., 2006, Sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian succession in eastern North America: Northeastern Geology.
with C. Sumrall, S. Cornell, 2006, The systematics and ontogeny of Pyrgopostibulla belli, a new edrioasteroid (Echinodermata) from Lower Devonian of New York: Journal of Paleontology.
Bartholomew, A.J., Brett, C.E., DeSantis, M., Baird, G.C. and Tsujita, C.J., 2006, Sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian succession in eastern North America: Northeastern Geology and Environmental Science, v. 28, p. 2-33.
Bonelli, J. R. Jr., Brett, C.E., Miller, A.I., and Bennington, J.B., 2006, Testing for faunal stability across a regional biotic transition: Quantifying stasis and variation among recurring coral biofacies in the Middle Devonian Appalachian Basin: Paleobiology, v. 32, no. 1, p. 20-37.
McLaughlin, P.I. and Brett, C.E., 2006, Widespread soft-sediment deformation horizons in Lower Silurian strata of the Appalachian basin: distal signature of orogeny: GFF, Geological Society of Sweden, v. 128, no. 2, p. 169-172.
Brett, C.E, P. A. Allison, H. Moffat and D. Soldani, 2006, Sedimentology, taphonomy, and paleoecology of meter-scale cycles from the Upper Ordovician of Ontario: Palaios, v. 21, p. 530-547.
Tsujita, C.J. and Brett, C.E., Topor, M. and Topor, J., 2006, Evidence of high-frequency storm disturbance in the Middle Devonian Arkona Shale, southwestern Ontario: Journal of Taphonomy, v. 4, no. 2, p. 49-68.
Ver Straeten, C.A. and Brett, C.E., 2006, Pragian to Eifelian strata (Middle Lower to Lower Middle Devonian), northern Appalachian basin--Stratigraphic nomenclatural changes: Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences, v. 28, p. 80-95.
Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., Baird, G.C, Cornell, S., 2004, Comparative sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician (Turinian-Edenian) of the Trenton shelf (New York-Ontario) and Lexington Platform (Kentucky, southern Ohio) successions: implications for improved paleogeographic resolution of eastern Laurentia: Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Palaeoecology, no. 210, p. 295-329.
McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Taha McLaughlin, S.L., and Cornell, S.R, 2004, High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic, cratonic ramp (Upper Ordovician; Kentucky-Ohio, USA): insights into the relative influence of eustasy and tectonics through analysis of facies gradients: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, no. 210, p. 267-294.
McLaughlin, P.I. and Brett, C.E., 2004, Eustatic and tectonic controls on the distribution of marine seismites: examples from the Upper Ordovician of Kentucky, USA: Sedimentary Geology, no. 168, p. 165-192.
Cornell, S. R., Brett, C.E., and Sumrall, C.D., 2003, Palaios 13: Paleoecology and taphonomy of an edrioasteroid-dominated hardground association from tentaculitid limestones in the Early Devonian of New York State: A Paleozoic rocky peritidal community, p. 212-224.
Ettensohn, F.R., Rast, N., and Brett, C.E., 2002, Seismites: An overview. In Ettensohn. F.R., Rast, N., and Brett, C.E., eds., Ancient Seismites: Geological Society of America Special Paper, v. 359, p. 1-4.
Walker, S. and Brett, C.E., 2002, Predation in Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Paleontological Society Special Papers, v. 8.
Brett, C.E and S. Walker, 2002, Predators and predation in Paleozoic marine environments: Paleontological Society Special Papers, v. 8, p. 93-118.
Callender, W.R., Brett, C.E. et al., 2002, 2002 Taphonomic trends along a forereef slope: Lee Stocking Island, Bahmas. I. Location and water depth: Palaios, v. 17, p. 550-65.
Staff, G.M., Brett, C.E. et al., 2002, Taphonomic trends along a forereef slope: Lee Stocking Island, Bahmas. II. Time: Palaios, v. 17, p. 66-83.
S.E.Walker, S. E., Parsons-Hubbard, K., Brett, C.E. and E. Powell, 2002, Predation on experimentally deployed molluscan shells: Palaios, v. 17, p. 147-170.
Powell, E. N., Brett, C.E. et al., 2002, Taphonomy on the continental shelf and slope: two-year trends—Gulf of Mexico and Bahama : Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 184, p. 1-35.
Sumrall, C. and C.E. Brett, 2002, Revision of the glyptocystitid rhombiferan Novacystis hawkesi from the Lower Silurian of the Timiskiming Outlier, Ontario Canada: Journal of Paleontolog.
Ettensohn, F.R. and C.E. Brett, 2002, Stratigraphic evidence from the Appalachian Basin for continuation of the Taconian Orogeny into Early Silurian time : Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 27, p. 279-288.
Brett, C.E and G.C. Baird, 2002, Stratigraphic revision of the upper part of the Trenton Group in its type area (central New York): Sedimentological and tectonic implications: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 27, p. 231-263.
Baird, G.C. and Brett, C.E, 2002, Revised stratigraphy of the Middle Ordovician Utica Shale in central and eastern New York: Implications for depositional environments and basin dynamics: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 27, p. 203- 230.
Eckert, J.D. and C.E. Brett, 2001, Early Silurian (Llandovery) crinoids from the lower ClintonGroup, western New York State: Bulletins of American Paleontology, v. 360, p. 80.
Brett, C.E, 2000, Forebulge migration and pinnacle reef development, Devonian Appalachian foreland basin: Journal of Geology, v. 108, p. 339-352.
Brett, C.E, 2000, A slice of the “layer cake”: the paradox of “frosting continuity”: Palaios, v. 15, no. 6, p. 1-3.
Sageman, B., Murphy, A., Brett C.E. and T. Lyons, 2000, Black shale deposition and faunal overturn in the Devonian Appalachian Basin: clastic starvation, seasonal water-column mixing, and efficient biolimiting nutrient recycling: Paleoceanography, v. 15, no. 3, p. 280-291.
Brett, C.E., Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., Callender, W.R., Powell E.N., Walker, S.E., Raymond A.L, and G.M.Staff, 1999, Rates of burial and disturbance of experimentally-deployed molluscs: Implications for preservation potential: Palaios, v. 14.
Brett, C.E., Whiteley, T., Allison, P.A. and E. Yochelson, 1999, The Walcott-Rust quarry:A Middle Ordovician trilobite Konservat-Lagerstätten: Journal of Paleontology, v. 73, p. 288-305.
Ettensohn, F.R. and C.E. Brett, 1998, Tectonic components in third order Silurian cycles: Examples from the Appalachian Basin and global implications: New York State Museum Bulletin, v. 491, p. 143-162.
Brett, C.E., Walker, S.E., Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., and E.N. Powell, 1998, Bioerosion or bioaccumulation? Shelf-slope trends for epi-and endobionts on experimentally deployed gastropod shells: Historical Biology, v. 13, p. 61-72.
Brett, C.E, 1998, Early Silurian condensed intervals, ironstones, and sequence stratigraphy in the Appalachian foreland basin: New York State Museum Bulletin, v. 491, p. 89-143.
Brett, C.E, 1998, Sequence stratigraphy, paleoecology, and evolution: biotic clues and responses to sea-level fluctuations : Palaios, v. 13, p. 241-262.
Parsons, K., Powell, E.N., Walker, S. and C.E. Brett, 1997, Shelf and slope experimental taphonomy initiative (SSETI): Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico: Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, v. 2, p. 1807-1812.
Moffatt, H., Brett, C.E. and W.L. Taylor, 1997, Echinoderm taphonomy, taphofacies, and Lagerstätten: Paleontological Society Papers, v. 3, p. 147-190.
Taylor, W.L. and C.E. Brett, 1996, Taphonomy and paleoecology of echinoderm Lagerstätten from the Silurian (Wenlockian) Rochester Shale : Palaios, v. 11, p. 118 140.
Oliver, W.A., Jr., Brett, C.E. and J.E. Sorauf, 1996, A unique occurrence of Endophyllum (Rugose coral: Devonian) in eastern North America: an ecological and biogeographical puzzle: Journal of Paleontology, v. 70, p. 46-56.
Ivany, L., Brett, C.E. and K. Schopf, 1996, Coordinated stasis: an overview. Palaeogeography: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 125, p. 1-20.
Brett, C.E and W.M. Goodman, 1996, Silurian stratigraphy of the type Clinton area of central New York. In Broadhead, T.W., ed. Sedimentary Environments of Silurian Taconia: University of Tennessee Department of Geological Sciences Studies in Geology, v. 26, p. 200-230.
Brett, C.E and W.M. Goodman, 1996, Sequence stratigraphy of central Pennsylvania and central New York State: a regional synthesis: University of Tennessee Department of Geological Sciences Studies in Geology, v. 26, p. 170-199.
Brett, C.E and G.C. Baird, 1996, Middle Devonian sedimentary cycles and sequences in the northern Appalachian basin: Geol. Soc. Amer. Special Paper, v. 306, p. 213-241.
Ver Straeten, C.A. and C.E. Brett, 1995, Stratigraphic and paleontologic overview of Upper Lower and Middle Devonian, New Jersey and adjacent areas: Geological Society of New Jersey, v. 12, p. 229-239.
Morris, P.M., Ivany, L., Brett C.E. and K. Schopf)., 1995, The challenge of paleoecological stasis: reassessing sources of evolutionary stability: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 92, p. 11269-11273.
Lieberman, B., Brett, C.E. and N. Eldredge, 1995, A study of stasis and change in two lineages from the Middle Devonian of New York State: Paleobiology, v. 21, p. 15-27.
Lehmann, D.M., Cole, R., Brett, C.E. and G.C. Baird, 1995, Distal sedimentation in a peripheral foreland basin: Ordovician black shales and associated flysch of the western Taconic foreland, New York State and Ontario: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 107, p. 708-724.
Tepper, D.H., Goodwin, W.M., Brett, C.E., LoDuca, S.T. and B.Y. Lin, 1995, Revised stratigraphy and correlation of the Niagaran Provincial Series (Medina, Clinton, and Lockport groups) in the type area of western New York: US Geological Survey Bulletin, v. 2086, p. 66.
Brett, C.E, 1995, Sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and taphonomy in shallow marine environments: Palaios, v. 10, p. 497-516.
Brett, C.E, 1995, Stasis: life in the balance: Geotimes, v. 40, no. 3, p. 18-20.
Allison, P.A. and C.E. Brett, 1995, In situ benthos and paleo oxygenation in the Middle Cambrian Burgess shale, British Columbia, Canada: Geology, v. 23, p. 1079-1082.
Allison, P.A., Wignall, P. and C.E. Brett, 1995, Paleo oxygenation: effects and recognition. In Bosence, D.W. and Allison, P.A., eds. Marine Paleoenvironmental Analysis from Fossils: Geological Society Special Publication, v. 83, p. 97¬112.
LoDuca, S.T. and C.E. Brett, 1994, Revised stratigraphic and facies relationships of the lower part of the Clinton group (Middle Llandoverian) of western New York State: New York State Museum Bulletin, v. 48, no. 1, p. 161-182.
Lafferty, A.G., Brett, C.E. and A.I. Miller, 1994, Comparative spatial variability in faunal composition along two Middle Devonian paleoenvironmental gradients: Palaios, v. 9, p. 224-236.
O&apos, and Brien, N.R., Brett, C.E. and W.L. Taylor, 1994, Microfabric and taphonomic analysis in determining sedimentary processes in marine mudstones: example from Silurian of New York: SEPM Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. A64, no. 4, p. 847-852.
Lehmann, D.M., Brett, C.E. and R. Cole, 1994, Tectonic and eustatic influences upon the sedimentary environments of the Upper Ordovician strata of New York and Ontario : Society for Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology, v. 4, p. 181-201.
Goodman, W.M. and C.E. Brett, 1994, Tectonic vs. eustatic controls on the stratigraphic architecture of the Silurian northern Appalachian Basin : Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Special Publication, Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology, v. 4.
Baird, G.C. and Brett, C.E, 1993, Taphonomic approaches to temporal resolution in stratigraphy; Examples from Paleozoic marine mudrock: Paleontological Society Publication, Short courses in Paleontology, v. 6, p. 250-274.
LoDuca, S.T. and C.E. Brett, 1993, Graptolites and the Wenlockian/Ludlovian boundary in western New York State: reply: Lethaia, v. 26, p. 288.
Boucot, A.J., Brett, C.E. and B. Jones, 1993, Absolute depths of Silurian benthic assemblages: Lethaia, v. 26, p. 25-40.
Brett, C.E, Dick, V.B. and G.C. Baird, 1991, Comparative taphonomy and paleoecology of Middle Devonian dark gray and black shale facies from western New York : State Museum Bulletin, v. 469, p. 5-36.
LoDuca, S.T. and C.E. Brett, 1991, Placement of the Wenlockian/Ludlovian boundary in western New York State: Lethaia, v. 24, p. 255-264.
Brett, C.E, 1990, Sequences, cycles, and basin dynamics in the Silurian of the Appalachian foreland basin: Sedimentary Geology, v. 69, p. 1-52.
Brett, C.E, Miller, K.B. and G.C. Baird, 1990, A temporal hierarchy of paleoecological processes in a Middle Devonian epieric sea: Paleo. Soc. Special Paper.
Brett, C.E, Baird G.C. and Tomlinson, 1990, Host specific acrothoracid barnacles on Middle Devonian platyceratid gastropods: Paleobiology of Epibionts, Special Issue, Historical Biology.
Brett, C.E and Y.L.Bordeaux, 1990, Substrate specific associations of epibionts of epibionts on Middle Devonian Brachiopods, implications for paleoecology : Historical Biology, v. 4, p. 203-220.
Brett, C.E, 1985, Pelmatozoan echinoderms on Silurian bioherms in western New York and Ontario: Jour. Paleontology, v. 59, no. 4, p. 820-838.
Brett, C.E, 1985, Tremichnus: A new ichnogenus of circular parabolic pits in fossil echinoderms: Jour. Paleontology, v. 59, no. 3, p. 625-635.
Speyer, S.E. and C.E. Brett, 1985, Clustered trilobite assemblages in the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group: Lethaia, v. 18, p. 85-103.
Eckert, J.D. and C.E. Brett, 1985, Taxonomy and paleoecology of the Silurian myelodactylid crinoid Crinobrachiatus brachiatus (Hall): Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Contributions, v. 14, p. 1-15.
Baird, G.C. and Brett, C.E, 1985, Carbonate shale cycles in the Middle Devonian of New York: An evaluation of models for the origin of limestones in terrigenous shelf sequences: Geology, v. 13, p. 324-327.
Smith, S., Brett, C.E. and C.W. Thayer, 1985, Predation in the Paleozoic: gastropod like drill holes in Devonian brachiopods: Science, v. 230, p. 1033-1035.
Rasmussen, K. and C.E. Brett, 1985, Taphonomy of Holocene cryptic biotas from St. Croix, Virgin Islands: information loss and preservational biases : Geology, v. 13, p. 551-553.
Brett, C.E and M.E. Brookfield, 1984, Morphology, faunas and genesis of Ordovician hardgrounds from southern Ontario, Canada: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 46, p. 233-290.
Signor III, P.W. and C.E. Brett, 1984, The mid Paleozoic precursor to the Mesozoic marine revolution: Paleobiology, v. 10, no. 2, p. 222-236.
Brett, C.E, 1984, Autecology of Silurian pelmatozoan echinoderms: Special Papers in Palaeontology, v. 32, p. 87-120.
Baird, G.C. and Brett, C.E, 1983, Regional variation and paleontology of two coral beds in the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group of western New York: Jour. Paleontology, v. 57, no. 3, p. 417-446.
Frest, T.J., Sprinkle, J., Brett, C.E. and C.R. Clement, 1983, Coronoidea, a new class of blastozoan echinoderms based on taxonomic reevaluation of Stephanocrinus: Jour. Paleontology, v. 57, no. 4, p. 627-651.
Liddell, W.D., Brett, C.E. and K.L. Derstler, 1983, Late Cambrian hard substrate communities from Montana/Wyoming: the oldest known hardground encrusters: Lethaia, v. 16, p. 281-289.
Brett, C.E, 1983, Sedimentology, facies, and depositional environments of the Rochester Shale (Silurian; Wenlockian) in western New York and Ontario: Jour. Sediment. Petrology, v. 53, no. 3, p. 947-971.
Brett, C.E, 1983, Stratigraphy and facies relationships of the Silurian Rochester Shale (Wenlockian; Clinton Group) in New York State and Ontario: Proceedings Rochester Acad. Sci, p. 35-48.
Eckert, J.D. and C.E. Brett, 1982, Paleoecology of a well preserved crinoid colony from the Silurian Rochester Shale in Ontario: Royal Ontario Museum Contributions to Life Sciences, v. 131, p. 1-20.
Liddell, W.D. and C.E. Brett, 1982, Skeletal overgrowths among epizoans from the Silurian (Wenlockian) Waldron Shale in Ontario: Paleobiology, v. 8, no. 1, p. 67-78.
Brett, C.E and J.F. Cottrell, 1982, Substrate selectivity in the Devonian tabulate coral Pleurodictyum americanum(Hall): Lethaia, v. 15, no. 3, p. 248-263.
Wilkinson, B.H., Brett, C.E. and S.U. Jaenecke, 1982, Low magnesian calcite cements in Middle Ordovician hardground from Kirkfield: Ontario. Jour. Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, no. 1, p. 47-57.
Brett, C.E, 1981, Systematics and paleoecology of Late Silurian (Wenlockian) calceocrinid crinoids from New York and Ontario: Jour. Paleontology, v. 55, p. 145-175.
Brett, C.E, 1981, Terminology and functional morphology of attachment structures in Paleozoic pelmatozoan echinoderms: Lethaia, v. 14, p. 343-370.
Brett, C.E, 1979, Paracolocrinus, a new inadunate crinoid genus from the Rochester Shale, (Silurian, Wenlockian) of New York: Jour. Paleontology, v. 54, no. 5, p. 913-922.
Brett, C.E, 1978, Description and paleoecology of a new Lower Silurian camerate crinoid: Jour. Paleontology, v. 52, no. l, p. 97 109.
Brett, C.E, 1978, Attachment structures in the rhombiferan cystoid Caryocrinites and their paleobiological implications: Jour. Paleontology, v. 52, no. 3, p. 717-726.
Brett, C.E and W.D. Liddell, 1978, Preservation and paleoecology of a Middle Ordovician hardground community: Paleobiology, v. 4, no. 3, p. 329-348.
Calkin, P.E. and C.E. Brett, 1978, Ancestral Niagara River drainage: stratigraphic and paleontologic setting: GSA Bulletin, v. 89, no. 8, p. 1140-1154.
Brett, C.E, 1977, Entombment of a trilobite in a closed brachiopod shell: Jour. Paleontology, v. 51, no. 5, p. 1041-1045.
Kammer T., Brett E. C., Boardman D., and R. Mapes, 1986, 1986 Ecologic stability of the dysaerobic biofacies during the Late Paleozoic: Lethaia, v. 19, no. 4, p. 109, 122.
Vogel K., Golubic S. and C. E. Brett, 1987, Endolith associations and their relation to facies distribution in the Middle Devonian of New York State: Lethaia, v. 20, p. 263, 290.
Carlton E. Brett, 1978, Host specific pit forming epizoans on Silurian crinoids: Lethaia, v. 11, no. 3, p. 217-223.
S.E. Speyer and C. E. Brett, 1986, Trilobite taphonomy and Middle Devonian taphofacies: Palaios, v. 1, p. 312, 327.
Brett, C. E. and G. C. Baird, 1986, Comparative taphonomy: a key to paleoenvironmental interpretation using fossil preservation: Palaios, v. 1, p. 207, 227.
Brett, C. E., 1986, The Middle Devonian Hamilton Group of New York: An overview. In Brett, C.E. ed., Dynamic Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Middle Devonian Hamilton Group in New York State Part 1: N.Y. State Museum Bulletin, v. 457, p. 156.
Brett, C. E., 1986, Symmetrical and upward shallowing cycles in the Middle Devonian of New York: implications for the punctuated aggradational cycle hypothesis: Paleoceanography, v. 1, p. 16.
Baird G.C and C. E. Brett, 1986, Erosion on a anaerobic seafloor: significance of reworked pyrite deposits from the Devonian of New York Stat: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 57, p. 157, 193.
Eckert J.D. and C.E. Brett, 1987, Stipatocrinus: a new camerate crinoid from the Lower Silurian of western New York: Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Contributions, v. 46, p. 1, 16.
Boucot A.J., Oliver W.A., Brett C.E, and R.B. Blodgett, 1987, Devonian faunas of the Saint Helene Island breccia, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 23, p. 2047, 2056.
Landing E. and C.E Brett, 1987, Trace fossils and regional significance of a Middle Devonian (Givetian) disconformity in southwestern Ontario: Journal of Paleontology, v. 61, p. 205, 230.
Brett, C. E., 1988, Taphofacies models for epeiric sea environments: Middle Paleozoic examples: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 63, p. 225, 262.
Miller K.B., Parsons K.M. and C.E Brett, 1988, Taphonomy and depositional dynamics of Devonian shell rich mudstones: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 63, p. 109, 139.
McIntosh G.C. and C.E. Brett, 1988, Occurrence of the cladid inadunate crinoid Thalamocrinus in the Silurian (Wenlockian) of New York and Ontario: Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Contributions, v. 149, p. 1, 17.
Miller K.B., Parsons K.M. and C.E Brett, 1988, The paleoecological significance of storm generated disturbance within a Middle Devonian muddy epeiric sea: Palaios, v. 3, p. 35, 52.
Brookfield M.E. and C. E. Brett, 1988, Paleoenvironments of the Mid Ordovician (Upper Caradocian) Trenton limestones of southern Ontario, Canada: Storm sedimentation on a Shoal basin shelf model: Sedimentary Geology, v. 57, p. 75, 105.
Lin Yea Bea and C. E. Brett, 1987, Stratigraphy and disconformable contacts of the Williamson Willowvale interval: revised correlations of the Late Llandoverian (Silurian) in New York State: Northeastern Geology, v. 10, p. 241, 253.
Brett, C. E., 1988, Paleoecology and evolution of marine hard substrate communities: an overview: Palaios, v. 3, p. 374, 378.
Baird G.C., Frey R.W and C.E Brett, 1989, "Hitchhiking" epizoans on orthoconic cephalopods: Preliminary review of the evidence and its implications: Senckenbergiana Lethaea, v. 69, p. 439, 465.
Eckert B.Y. and C.E. Brett, 1989, Bathymetry and paleoecology of Silurian benthic assemblages, Late Llandoverian, New York State: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 74, p. 297, 326.
Nagel-Myers J., Dietl G.P and C.E. Brett, 2009, First Report of Sublethal Breakage-induced Predation on Devonian Bivalves: Palaios, v. 24.
Brett, C. E., 1991, Organism-Sediment Relationships in Silurian Marine Environments: Special Papers in Paleontology, v. 44, p. 301, 344.
Walker S.E and C.E. Brett, 2002, Post-Paleozoic Patterns in Marine Predation: was there a Mesozoic and Cenozoic Marine Predatory Revolution?: Paleontological Society Papers, v. 8, p. 119, 193.
Lieberman B.S., C.E. Brett and N. Eldredge, 1994, Patterns and Processes of Stasis in Two Species Lineages of Brachiopods from the Middle Devonian of New York State: American Museum Novitates, v. 3114, p. 23.
Allison, P.A., Wignall, P.B., and Brett, C.E. (1995). Paleo-oxygenation: effects and recognition. Geological Society of America Special Publication. p. 97-112.
Bordeaux, Yvette L. and Brett, Carlton E. (1990). Substrate specific associations of epibionts on Middle Devonian brachiopods: Implications for paleoecology. Historical Biology, v. 4. 203-220.
Brett, Carlton E. (1985). Tremichnus: A new ichnogenus of circular-parabolic pits in fossil echinoderms. Journal of Paleontology, v. 59, no. 3, p. 625-635.
Brett, C.E., Whiteley, T.E., Allison, P.A., and Yochelson, E.L. (1999). The Walcott-Rust Quarry: Middle Ordovician Trilobite Konservat-Lagerstatten. Journal of Paleontology, v.73, no. 2, p. 288-305.
Eckert, J.D., and Brett, C.E. (2001). Early Silurian (Llandovery) Crinoids from the Lower Clinton Group, Western New York State. Bulletins of American Paleontology, no. 360.
Lehmann, D., Brett, C.E., Cole, R., and Baird, G. (1995). Distal sedimentation in a peripheral foreland basin: Ordovician black shales and associated flysch of the western Taconic foreland, New York State and Ontario. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 107 (6), p. 708-724.
Liddell, D.W. and Brett, C.E. (1982). Skeletal overgrowths among epizoans from the Silurian (Wenlockian) Waldron Shale. Paleobiology. 67- 78.
Brett, Carlton E., and Calkin, Parker E. (1987). Niagara Falls and Gorge, New York-Ontario. Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide-Northeastern Section, p. 97-105.
Brintell, C., Brunton, F. R., Brett, C. E., and Jin, J. (2009). Characterization of the Fossil Hill-Cabot Head Formational Disconformity Between Tobermory and Guelph, Niagara Escarpment Region, Southern Ontario. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2009, Ontario Geological Survey p. 26-1 to 26-10.
Ray, D.C., Brett, C.E., Thomas, A.T., and Collings, A.J. (2009). Late Wenlock sequence stratigraphy in central England. Geology, p. 1-22.
Baird, G.C., et al., Genesis of unusual lithologies associated with the LateMiddle Devonian Taghanic biocrisis in the type
Taghanic succession of New York State and Pennsylvania, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.11.010
Book Chapter
Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M., McLaughlin, P.I., and Miller, A.I, 2008, Preface: “Stratigraphic Renaissance” in the Upper Ordovician of the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for paleontology and paleoecology. in eds. McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M. and Storrs, G., Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology: Cincinnati.: Museum Center Scientific Contributions 2, p. p.iii-viii.
Brett, C.E., Deline, B. and McLaughlin, P.I., 2008, Attachment, facies distribution and life history strategies in crinoids from the Upper Ordovician of Kentucky. in eds. Ausich, W.I. and Webster, G.D., Echinoderm Paleobiology: Indiana University Press.
Brett, C.E., Kohrs, R., and Kirchner, B., 2008, Paleontological event beds from the Upper Ordovician Kope Formation of Ohio and northern Kentucky and the promise of high-resolution event stratigraphy. in eds. McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M. and Storrs, G., Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology: Cincinnati: Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 2, p. 64-87.
Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., and Bazeley, J., 2008, Correlation and faunal analysis of the upper Clays Ferry and Garrard formations (Upper Ordovician: Edenian) in central Kentucky: Implications for sequence stratigraphy. in eds. McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M. and Storrs, G., Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology: Cincinnati: Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 2, p. 112-136.
Brett, C.E., Zambito, J., and McLaughlin, P.I., 2008, Discussion of seismite features in the upper Fairview Formation (Maysvillian) near Maysville, Kentucky. in eds. McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M. and Storrs, G., Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology: Cincinnati: Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 2, p. 136-142.
Kohrs, R., Brett, C.E. and O’Brien, N., 2008, Sedimentology of Upper Ordovician mudstones from the Cincinnati Arch region, Ohio/Kentucky: toward a general model of mud event deposition. in eds. McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M. and Storrs, G., Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology: Cincinnati: Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 2, p. 88-111.
McLaughlin, P.I, Brett, C.E., Taha McLaughlin, S.L. and Holland, S.M., 2008, Upper Ordovician (Chatfieldian-Edenian) strata from central Kentucky to southern Ohio: Facies gradients, event beds, and depositional sequences. in eds. McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M. and Storrs, G., Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology: Cincinnati: Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 2, p. 8-37.
Taha McLaughlin, S.L., McLaughlin, P.I., and Brett, C.E., 2008, Facies gradients and biotic events of the M6B sequence (mid-Chatfieldian; Kentucky. in eds. McLaughlin, P.I., Brett, C.E., Holland, S.M. and Storrs, G., Stratigraphic Renaissance in the Cincinnati Arch: Implications for Upper Ordovician Paleontology and Paleoecology: Cincinnati: Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 2, p. 38-43.
with D. Ray, 2005, Proceedings of the McCoy Symposium (2nd International Symposium on the Silurian System), Sequence and event stratigraphy of Silurian strata of the Cincinnati Arch region: correlations with New York-Ontario successions: Australia National Museum Victoria Bulletin.
with Turner, A. H., McLaughlin, P.I., Over, J. and Storrs, G, 2003, Proceedings of 15th Annual Senckenberg Conference, Middle-Upper Devonian (Givetian-Famennian) conodont-bone beds from central Kentucky:reworking events and biostratigraphic condensation in the distal Acadian foreland basin: Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 242, p. 125-139.
, 2003, Predator-Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record. in eds. P. Kelley, M. Kowalewski, and T. Hansen, 2003 Durophagous predation in Paleozoic marine benthic assemblages: Kluwer Academic-Plenum Publishers, p. 401-432.
with G.C. Baird, 2003, Proceedings of 15th Annual Senckenberg Conference, Taghanic Stage shelf and off shelf deposits in New York and Pennsylvania: Faunal incursions, eustasy, and tectonics: Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 242, p. 141-156.
with Algeo, T. J., and McLaughlin, High-Resolution Stratigraphic Approaches to Paleobiology. in eds. P. Harries and D. Geary, The use of event beds and sedimentary cycles in high-resolution stratigraphic correlation of lithologically Repetitive Successions: The Upper Ordovician Kope Formation of Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press.
Brett, Carlton E. (1981). Ancient Niagara River Gravels and Their Fossils. In Tesmer, Irving H. (Eds.), Colossal Cataract: The Geologic History of Niagara Falls (p. 54-57). Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
Brett, Carlton E. (1981). Silurian Paleontology. In Tesmer, Irving H. (Eds.), Colossal Cataract: The Geologic History of Niagara Falls (p. 123-171). Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
Brett, Carlton E., Fisher, Donald W. (1981). Silurian Fossils of the Niagara Frontier. In Tesmer, Irving H. (Eds.), Colossal Cataract: The Geologic History of Niagara Falls (p. 34-40). Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
Brett, Carlton E. 4. 13 Predation.
Conliff, S., Burks, J., Brett, C.E., DeSantis, M.K., Donahue, L.O., Bloomfield, C.D., and de la Chapelle, A., 2010, 8060 Olentangy River Road, Delaware, Ohio 43015: A fragmentary presentation of the prehistory and history of a parcel of land in the northern suburbs of Columbus, Ohio, p. 17-32.
Published Abstract
Bartholomew, A.J. and Brett, C.E., 2006, Coordinated faunal turnover in the Middle Devonian of eastern North America: Geological Society of America (Annual Meeting), Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 6.
McLaughlin, P.I. and Brett, C.E., 2006, A combined outcrop and core study of Lower Silurian strata from eastern North America: implications for a unified model of foreland basin sequence stratigraphy: Geological Society of America (Annual Meeting), Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 6.
Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., Tsujita, C. and Datillo, B.F., 2006, Shell bed genesis in mudrocks: sedimentary dynamics and taphonomic feedback in a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate foreland basin system (Upper Ordovician, southwest Ohio and northern Kentucky).: Geological Society of America (Annual Meeting), Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 6.
Raymond, A. Metz, C., Walker, S., Parsons-Hubbard, K., Powell, E.N., Brett, C.E., Ashton-Alcox, K. Staff, G.M.e and Callender, W. R., 2006, The fate of wood in marine siliciclastic environments: a comparison of petroleum seep and non-seep environments: Geological Society of America (Annual Meeting), Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 6.
Powell, E N., Callender, W. R., Staff, G. M. Parsons-Hubbard, K., Brett, C. E, Walker, S, Raymond, A. and Ashton-Alcox, K. A., 2006, Taphonomy on the continental shelf and slope: eight-year trends—Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas: Geological Society of America (Annual Meeting), Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 6.
Walker, S.E, Parsons-Hubbard, K., Brett, C.E., and Powell, Eric N., 2006, Discrete epibiofacies on experimentally-deployed skeletal hardparts, analogs for photic-zone depth determinations in carbonate environments: Geological Society of America (Annual Meeting), Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 6.
With P.T. Work, C. Sumrall, D. L. Meyer , 2004, Paleoecology of an unusual edrioasteroid dominated Msysvillian (Upper Ordovician) hardground community from Kentucky: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 7, p. A-467.
Cornell, S.R., and Brett, C.E., 2004, Comparative sequence stratigraphy of the Black River to lower Trenton Group Interval (Upper Ordovician): Implications for climatic, and associated faunal changes: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Eastern Section Meeting, (Columbus, OH), AAPG Bulletin.
Cornell, S.R., C.E. Brett, and P.I. McLaughlin, 2003, Synchronous modification of Upper Ordovician facies gradients along two shelf-to-basin ramps: influences of Taconic tectonism on eustatic cycles: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, (Salt Lake City, UT), AAPG Bulletin, v. 87, no. 3.
Cornell, S.R., and C.E. Brett, 2003, Tectono-eustatic modification of the early Trenton shelf: Evidence for shelf reorganization during the onset of Vermontian Tectophase: Geological Society of America Northeast Section Meeting (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada), Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, no. 3.
Baird, G.C. and Brett, C.E., 2003, Unusual facies associated with the late Middle Devonian (Givetian) Taghanic bioevent in New York State: Problems of interpreting recurrent chamosite beds in the Tully Formation: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 7, p. 509.
Bartholomew, A.J, Brett, C.E., and DeSantis, M.K., 2003, Sequence stratigraphy of Middle Devonian (latest Eifelian-early Givetian) deposits in northern Ohio and New York: Implications for eustasy and faunal tracking: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 7, p. 174-175.
DeSantis, M.K. and Brett, C.E., 2003, Eifelian (early Middle Devonian) depositional sequences and bioevents in eastern Laurentia: Appalachian Basin-Wabash Platform comparisons: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 7, p. 160.
Kirchner, B.T. and Brett, C.E., 2003, Proximality trends in meter-scale cycles along a Late Ordovician ramp: Implications for cycle genesis: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 7, p. 509.
Junior author with P.I. McLaughlin, 2003, Sequence and event stratigraphy of the Trenton equivalent (Upper-Middle Ordovician) from northern Kentucky and southern Ohio: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, northeastern section meeting 2000 Abstracts with programs, v. 28.
Encyclopedia Article
, 2005, Paleoecology. in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. MacGraw Hill.
, 2003, Taphonomy: Sedimentological implications of fossil preservation. in Encyclopedia of Sedimentology. G. Middleton.
Ettensohn. F.R., Rast, N., and Brett, C.E.eds., 2002, Ancient Seismites: Geological Society of America.
Whiteley, T.M., Kloc, G.J. and Brett, C.E., 2002, Trilobites of New York: Cornell University Press.
Courses Taught
GeoBiology I: Principles of Earth History
Principles of Stratigraphy
Ancient Marine Environments (Paleoceanography)
Seminar in Sequence Stratigraphy
Facies Models and Sequence Stratigraphy
Seminar in Sedimentary Geology