Jeffrey Brewer

Jeffrey L Brewer

Asst Professor - Educator

Department of Geography & GIS
400A Braunstein Hall
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0131
Phone 513-556-3926

Professional Summary

I am an Assistant Professor- Educator in the Department of Geography & GIS (College of A&S). My primary research interest is adopting an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human-environment relations and the evolution of urban landscapes, particularly as they relate to resource conservation and sustainability. My current fieldwork focuses on the study of household and community scale, sustainable water management activities in subtropical regions. I am also interested in the cultural geographies of food and sport, particularly the geospatial dynamics of craft breweries and urban cycling networks.


Ph.D., Geography: University of Cincinnati 2017

M.A., Anthropology: University of Cincinnati 2007

B.A., Anthropology: University of Cincinnati 2003

Research and Practice Interests

Urban Sustainability; Historical Geography; Archaeology; GIS

Positions and Work Experience

05-01-2023 -To Present Assistant Professor- Educator, University of Cincinnati,

Research Support

Grant: #NSF 1519015 Investigators:Brewer, Jeffrey; Dunning, Nicholas 04-01-2015 -03-31-2017 National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant: Ancient Maya Water Management at the Early Urban Center of Yaxnohcah, Mexico Role:Collaborator $16,827.00 Completed

-2023 UC College of A&S Faculty Development Fund Award Completed Type:Grant

-2022 UC International Faculty-Led Study Abroad Mentoring Grant $4,000.00 Completed Type:Grant


Peer Reviewed Publications

Brewer, J. L. (2018. ) Householders as water managers: A comparison of domestic-scale water management practices from two central Maya lowland sites.Ancient Mesoamerica, , 29 (1 ) ,197-217 More Information

Brewer, J. L., C. Carr, N. P. Dunning, D. S. Walker, A. A. Hernández, M. Peuramaki-Brown, and K. Reese-Taylor (2017. ) Employing airborne lidar and archaeological testing to determine the role of small depressions in water management at the ancient Maya site of Yaxnohcah, Campeche, Mexico.Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, , 17 ,291-302 More Information

Lentz, D. L., T. L. Hamilton, N. P. Dunning, J. G. Jones, K. Reese-Taylor, A. A. Hernandez, D. S. Walker, E. J. Tepe, C. Carr, J. L. Brewer, T. Ruhl, S. A. Meyers, M. Vazquez, A. Golden, and A. A. Weiss (2022. ) Paleoecological studies at the ancient Maya center of Yaxnohcah using analysis of pollen, environmental DNA, and plant macroremains.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, , 10 ,1-20 More Information

Brewer, J. L. and C. Carr (2022. ) Household quarry-reservoirs at the ancient Maya site of Yaxnohcah, Mexico.Latin American Antiquity, , 33 (2 ) ,432-440 More Information

Kupprat, F., N. P. Dunning, A. A. Hernández, J. Brewer, S. Montgomery, C. Carr, and K. Reese-Taylor (2024. ) A new captive panel from Aguada 2 at Calakmul .Mexicon, , 46 (1 ) ,5-13

Book Chapter

Dunning, N. P., J. L. Brewer, C. Carr, A. A. Hernández, T. Beach, J. Chmilar, L. Grazioso Sierra, R. Griffin, D. Lentz, S. Luzzadder-Beach, K. Reese-Taylor, W. Saturno, V. Scarborough, M. Smyth, and F. Valdez (2022 ) Harvesting Ha: Ancient water collection and storage in the elevated interior region of the Maya lowlands Sustainability and water management in the Maya world and beyond .(pp. 13-51).Louisville, Colorado, University Press of Colorado

Brewer, J. L. and K. Raleigh Integrative geography as experiential learning: Resilient landscapes of Munster, Ireland Experiential learning in geography II: Experience, evaluation, and encounters .Switzerland, Springer International

Technical Reports

Carr, Christopher and Jeffrey L Brewer (Armando Anaya-Hernandez and Kathryn Reese-Taylor, eds.) Lidar-based Spatial Analysis of Closed Depressions: Potential Household-level Water Storage Reservoirs .Proyecto Arqueologico Yaxnohcah, Informe de la 2017 Temporada de Investigaciones,

Carr, Christopher, Jeffrey L Brewer, and Thomas Ruhl (Armando Anaya Hernandez and Kathryn Reese-Taylor, eds.) Reconnaissance Survey 2017: Closed Depressions, Chultuns, Looters Trenches, and a Sinkhole .Proyecto Arqueologico Yaxnohcah, Informe de la 2017 Temporada de Investigaciones,

Brewer, Jeffrey L and Christopher Carr (Armando Anaya Hernandez and Kathryn Reese-Taylor, eds.) (2019. ) Operation 26: Household Water Management at Yaxnohcah: Evaluating Small Depressions as Quarry-Reservoirs .Proyecto Arqueologico Yaxnohcah, Informe de las Temporadas de Investigacion 2017-2018, 125-148

Brewer, Jeffrey L and Christopher Carr (Armando Anaya Hernandez, Meaghan Peuramaki-Brown, and Kathryn Reese-Taylor, eds.) (2017. ) Continuing Household Water Management Investigations at Yaxnohcah .Proyecto Arqueologico Yaxnohcah, Informe de la 2016 Temporada de Investigaciones,

Brewer, Jeffrey L (Armando Anaya Hernandez, Meaghan Peuramaki-Brown, and Kathryn Reese-Taylor, eds.) (2016. ) Investigaciones en Aguadas de Escala Residenciales .Proyecto Arqueologico Yaxnohcah, Informe de las Temporadas de Investigacion 2014 y 2015, 95-109

Brewer, Jeff, David M. Hyde, and Michael Stowe (Rissa M. Trachman and Fred Valdez, Jr., eds.) (2013. ) Mapping Medicinal Trail: A Summary from 2004 to 2012 .Programme for Belize Archaeological Project: Report of Activities from the 2012 Field Season, 91-111

Brewer, Jeffrey L (Fred Valdez, Jr., ed.) (2007. ) Excavations of a Depression at the Medicinal Trail Site, Operation 10: Report of the 2006 Season .Programme for Belize Archaeological Project: Report of Activities from the 2006 Field Season, 71-81

Dunning, Nicholas P. and Jeffrey L Brewer (2016. ) Annual Report (2015) on Award 1519015: Doctoral Dissertation Research: Ancient Maya Water Management at the Early Urban Center of Yaxnohcah, Campeche, Mexico. Report submitted to the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC,

Brewer, Jeffrey L (2008. ) Fort Campbell Phase II: 2007 Archaeological Survey Project Report. Project Number 1367.058 .Report on file at BHE Environmental, Inc., Cincinnati, OH,

Brewer, Jeffrey L (2008. ) Fort Campbell Phase I: 2007 Archaeological Suvey Project Report. Project Number 1367.049 .Report on file at BHE Environmental, Inc., Cincinnati, OH,

Leary, Christopher G. and Jeffrey L Brewer (2007. ) Horizon Church Project Report. Project Number 1813.001 .Report on file at BHE Environmental, Inc., Cincinnati, OH,

Brewer, Jeffrey L (2017. ) A Landscape Archaeology Approach to Understanding the Household Water Management Practices of the Ancient Maya .PhD dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH,

Brewer, Jeffrey L (2007. ) Understanding the Role of a Small Depression in Ancient Maya Water Management at the Medicinal Trail Site, Northwest Belize .MA thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH,

Additional Publications

Student Advising

Colleen O'Brien (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2020

Hannah Dahlke (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress

Jacob Berghaus (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2023

Jack Humason (Master ) Committee Member Status:In Progress

Sarah Goodrich (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress


Geography Graduate Student Association (Faculty ) Representative 08-2014 -04-2015

Graduate Student Governance Association (Research Fellowship Grant Review Board ) Review Board/Panel 08-2014 -04-2015

(UC College of A&S Undergraduate Council ) Vice President 2024 -To Present

(Online M.S. in GIS Program ) Director 2024 -To Present

(UC College of A&S Scholarship & Awards Committee ) Committee Member 2023 -To Present

(UC Department of Geography & GIS Undergraduate Scholarships Committee ) Committee Chair 2023 -To Present

(UC Department of Geography & GIS study abroad program: Landscapes of Ireland ) Co-Director 2023 -To Present

(UC Department of Geography & GIS Undergraduate Studies ) Director 2022 -To Present

American Association of Geographers (Arrangements Committee, 2025 Annual Meeting ) Committee Member 2024 -2025

State of Ohio Articulation and Transfer Network (TAG Faculty Review Panel ) Member 2024 -To Present


Urban Sustainability; Historical Geography; Archaeology; GIS

Professional Affiliation

2007 -To Present: Society for American Archaeology

2010 -To Present: Association of American Geographers

2011 -To Present: Sigma Xi

2010 -To Present: Quaternary and Anthropocene Research Group University of Cincinnati,

2017 -To Present: Register of Professional Archaeologists

Courses Taught











-GEOG-6071C INTRO GIS Level:Both


-GEOG-2062 PEOPLE & ENVIR 2 Level:Undergraduate

-EVST-2020C HUMAN IMPAC NAT ENV Level:Undergraduate


Faculty Development Activities

-2021 Inclusive Teaching in Higher Education Endorsement Ohio Professional Development Consortium

-2015 Independent Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) for Online Course Development, Instruction, and Review

-2022 Designing Engaging Courses Institute UC CET&L

Contact Information

Academic - Department of Geography & GIS
400A Braunstein Hall
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221-0131
Phone: 513-556-3926