Sandra L. Browning
Associate Professor
Teachers College
CECH Criminal Justice - 0389
Professional Summary
Professor Browning received her doctorate in sociology at the University of Cincinnati. She previously was on the faculty of Eastern Kentucky University. She is an American Sociological Association Minority Fellow, as well as an American Society of Criminology Minority Fellow. Within the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, she has served numerous times as chairperson of the Affirmative Action Committee. She is also an active member in the Southern Sociological Society, serving as a member of the Black Caucus and as a member of the Association of Black Sociologists. At the University of Cincinnati, she is also an affiliate of the Department of Women's Studies. She has published on the impact of race on attitudes toward crime and justice. Her current research interests are in the areas of crime and the underclass, the institutionalization of black males, and the role of race in shaping views of the criminal justice system. She teaches Law and Social Control, Race, Class and Crime, Women and Crime, and Teaching Practicum.
Research Support
Grant: #OSP98156/NCE Investigators:Browning, Sandra 11-10-1998 -11-29-1999 Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Assessing the Gender Specific Program and Service Needs for Adolescent Females in the Juvenile Justice System Role:PI $60,002.00 Closed Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Browning,S.L.; Miller,R.R.; Murphy,L. (2001. ) Criminal incarceration: dividing the ties that bind .Journal of African American Men, , 6 (1 ) ,
Miller,R.R.; Browning,S.L.; Murphy,L. (2001. ) Introduction and brief review of the impact of incarceration on the african american family .Journal of African American Men, , 6 (1) ,
Browning,S. (2000. ) How constructions of ethnicity and gender contribute to shaping non-traditional family patterns .Journal of Comparative Family Studies, , 31 (3 ) ,301-309
Browning,S. (2000. ) Sharing a man: insights from research .Journal of Comparative Family Studies, , 31 (3 ) ,399-407
Browning,S.; Miller,R.R. (1999. ) Marital messages: the case of black women and their children .Journal of Family Issues, , 20 (5 ) ,633-647
Browning,S.; Miller,R.R. (1999. ) The importance of the multicultural approach .Journal of Family Issues, , 20 (5 ) ,596-601
Henderson,M.; Cullen,F.T.; Cao,L.; Browning,S.; Kopache,R. (1997. ) The impact of race on perceptions of criminal injustice .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 26 (6 ) ,1-16
Cullen,F.; Cao,L.; Frank,J.; Langworthy,R.H.; Browning,S.; Kopache,R.; Stenenson,T. (1996. ) "Stop or I'll shoot": racial differences in support for police use of deadly force .American Behavioral Scientist, , 39 ,449-460
McCoy,H.; Wooldredge,J.; Cullen,F.; Dubeck,P.; Browning,S. (1996. ) Lifestyles of the old and not so fearful: life situation and older persons' fear of crime .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 24 ,191-205
Published Books
Browning,S. (2001. ) Ain't it a crime: black women's perception of intimacy with black men involved in crime .Stamford, CT , JAI Press
Browning,S. (2000. ) With this ring: divorce, intimacy, and cohabitation from a multicultural perspective .Stamford, CT , JAI Press
Book Chapter
Browning,S. (1999 ) Till death do us part: a multicultural anthology on marriage Marriage and the black male/female relationship: From culture to structure .(pp. 253 -277).Stanford, CT, JAI Press
Invited Presentations
Browning, S. (11-2004. ) The symbol of fear: The role of the symbolic assailant in criminal justice policy .Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Brown, L.H.; Miller, R.R.; Browning, S. (2004. ) The plight of men of color in the United States: A question of social justice .29th Annual Meeting of Association for Humanist Sociology, Louisville, KY.
Browning, S. (02-2002. ) Rent to own: Loan sharking for the 21st century .AABSS, New Orleans, LA.
Browning, Sandra (04-2001. ) Perceptions of the other in police citizen interactions .International Sociological Association, England.