Wlodek Bryc
French Hall
A&S Mathematical Sciences - 0025
Professional Summary
Probability Theory
For current research, see http://homepages.uc.edu/~brycwz/
Research Support
Grant: #1140747 Investigators:P. Hitczenko, W. Bryc 12-01-2011 -11-20-2012 National Science Foundation Probability and Analysis Role:Co-PI $25,500 Completed Type:Grant Level:International
Grant: #DMS-0904720 Investigators:Bryc, Wlodzimierz 07-01-2009 -06-30-2013 National Science Foundation Research on Classical and Non-Commutative Probability Role:PI $118,185.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #DMS-0504198 Investigators:Bryc, Wlodzimierz 07-01-2005 -06-30-2008 National Science Foundation Classical and Noncommutative Processes Role:PI $69,661 Completed
Grant: #INT-0332062 Investigators:Bryc, Wlodzimierz 09-01-2003 -08-31-2006 National Science Foundation International Cooperative Research on Classical and Noncommutative Gaussian Processes Role:PI Closed 001702-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #703475 Investigators:Bryc, Wlodzimierz 09-01-2020 -08-31-2025 Simons Foundation Research on asymmetric simple exclusion process and related topics Role:PI $42,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wlodzimierz Bryc, Yizao Wang The local structure of q-Gaussian processes, Probab. Math. Stat.36 (2016) pp. 335-352
Bryc W., & Wang Y. (2018). Dual representations of Laplace transforms of Brownian excursion and generalized meanders. Statistics and Probability Letters, 140, 77-83.
Wlodek Bryc and Wojciech Matysiak. Wilson's 6-j laws and stitched Markov processe. Teorya Veroyatn. Prim. 60 (2015) 333-356
Bryc W., & Weso?owski J. (2017). Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with Open Boundaries and Quadratic Harnesses. Journal of Statistical Physics, 167(2), 383-415.
W. Bryc, J. Wesolowski. Infinitesimal generators for a class of polynomial processes Studia Mathematica 229 (2015), 73-93 .
Wlodek Bryc, Jacek Wesolowski. Generators of q-Meixner Markov processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 124/1 (2014), pp. 915-926
Wlodek Bryc, Raouf Fakhfakh and Abdelhamid Hassairi. On Cauchy-Stieltjes Kernel Families. Journ. Mutlivariate Anal. Vol. 124 (2014) Pages 296-312
Wlodek Bryc. On integration with respect to the q-Brownian motion Stats Probab Letters 94(2014) 257-266
Bryc W., Dembo A., & Jiang T. (2006). Spectral measure of large random Hankel, Markov and Toeplitz matrices. Annals of Probability, 34(1), 1-38.
Bryc W., Fakhfakh R., & M?otkowski W. (2019). Cauchy–stieltjes families with polynomial variance functions and generalized orthogonality. Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 39(2), 237-258.
Bryc W. (2022). On the continuous dual Hahn process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 143, 185-206.
Bryc W., Kuznetsov A., Wang Y., & Weso?owski J. (2023). Markov processes related to the stationary measure for the open KPZ equation. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 185(1-2), 353-389.
Bryc W., Weso?owski J., & Zi?ba A. (2022). FLOWS IN NEAR ALGEBRAS WITH APPLICATIONS TO HARNESSES. Colloquium Mathematicum, 170(2), 211-238.
Bryc W., & Kuznetsov A. (2022). Markov limits of steady states of the KPZ equation on an interval. Alea (Rio de Janeiro), 19(2), 1329-1351.
W. Bryc and J Wesolowski. Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with open boundaries and Quadratic Harnesses. Journal of Statistical Physics 167 (2017), 383-415
Wlodzimierz Bryc and Jacek Wesolowski. Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with open boundaries and Quadratic Harnesses, Journal of Statistical Physics 167 (2017), 383-415.
Bryc W., Wang Y., & Weso?owski J. (2023). From the asymmetric simple exclusion processes to the stationary measures of the KPZ fixed point on. Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics, 59(4), 2257-2284.
W. Bryc, R. Fakhfakh, W. Mlotkowski. Cauchy-Stieltjes families with polynomial variance functions and generalized orthogonality, Probability and Mathematical Statistics 39 (2019) pp. 237-258.
Bryc W., & Wang Y. (2024). Fluctuations of random Motzkin paths II. Alea (Rio de Janeiro), 21, 73-94.
Limit fluctuations for density of asymmetric simple exclusion processes with open boundaries, with Yizao Wang Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare , Vol. 55, No. 4, 2169-2194.
Bryc W., & Wang Y. (2024). Limit theorems for random Motzkin paths near boundary. Bernoulli, 30(3), 2185-2206.
Dual representations of Laplace transforms of Brownian excursion and generalized meanders, with Yizao Wang Statistics and Probability Letters 140 (2018) 77-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spl.2018.04.021
W. Bryc, M. Swieca. On matrix product ansatz for Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with open boundary in
the singular case. Journal of Statistical Physics, 177 (2019), pp. 252-284
W. Bryc, Y. Wang . Fluctuations of random Motzkin paths. Advances in Applied Mathematics
106 (2019) 96-116
Invited Presentations
W. Bryc (07-20-2016. ) The local structure of q-Gaussian processes .17th Workshop: NON-COMMUTATIVE PROBABILITY: Levy processes and operator algebras, with applications, Bedlewo, Poland. Workshop. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (03-28-2015. ) Integration with respect to q-Brownian motion .University of Alabama in Huntsville,, Huntsville, AL. Professional Meeting. . Level:Regional
Wlodek Bryc (03-2014. ) Evolutions of polynomials generated by quadratic harnesses .University of Tennesse,, Knoxville, TN. Level:Regional
Wlodek Bryc (BAD DATE. ) Generators of q-Meixner processes .University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Professional Meeting. . Level:Prof. Org.
Wlodek Bryc (08-04-2013. ) Cauchy-Stjelties kernel families of probability measures .Free Probability Session of Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Guanajuato, Mexico. Conference. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (07-22-2013. ) Cauchy-Stieltjes kernel families .Fields Institute, Toronto, CA. Workshop. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (06-06-2013. ) Cauchy-Stjelties kernel families . German-Polish Joint Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Torun (PL). Conference. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (2011. ) Meixner matrix ensembles .AMS Sectional Meeting, Worcester, MA. Professional Meeting. . Level:Regional
Wlodek Bryc (2011. ) Processes with linear regressions and quadratic conditional variances .32nd International Conference on Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Levico Terme (Trento), Italy. Conference. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (2011. ) Large Deviations for some Markov processes .CIRM Workshop on Large Deviations in Dynamical Systems, Marseille Luminy France. Workshop. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (07-2017. ) Cauchy-Stieltjes families with polynomial variance functions .CIRM, Luminy., Marseiiles, France. Conference. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (10-24-2017. ) Fluctuations for particle density of asymmetric simple exclusion processes .Knoxville, Univeristy of Tennessee. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Wlodek Bryc (11-15-2017. ) Fluctuations for particle density of asymmetric simple exclusion processes .Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. Other Institution. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (11-30-2017. ) Families of measures with Cauchy kernel and polynomial variance function .University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland. Other Institution. . Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (04-24-2018. ) Fluctuations for particle density of the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process .Integrable Probability working group seminar, Columbia University. Level:University
Wlodek Bryc (Bad Format: 20182105. ) Fluctuations for particle density of the ASEP . 15th Conference on Probability, Bedlewo. Conference. . Level:National
W. Bryc (06-17-2019. ) On deterministic equivalence problem for random matrices .Workshop on Applications to Ran- dom Matrices and Free Probability of Free Noncommutative, Toronto. Workshop. . Level:International
W, Bryc (08-2019. ) On matrix product ansatz for Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with open boundary in the singular case . The 40th International Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Columbus, OH. Conference. . Level:International
W. Bryc (01-18-2016). Normal distribution: Some characterization problems in Statistics .Pure Math Department, Waterloo, Can . Other Institution.
Wlodek Bryc (2011). Exponential families and Cauchy kernel families of measures . colloquium, U of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. Other Institution. Level:University
W. Bryc (06-10-2015. ) Trajectories of q-Brownian motion and q-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, .Warsaw, Poland. Other Institution. Level:International
Wlodek Bryc (03-20-2015. ) Markov processes with linear regressions and quadratic conditional variances .Case Western Reserve. Other Institution. Level:Department
Wlodek Bryc (09-04-2014. ) Quadratic harnesses: Markov processes with linear regressions and quadratic conditional variances .Indiana University, Bloomington. Other Institution. Level:Department
Wlodek Bryc (2011. ) Examples of random matrices with Meixner laws .Warsaw, Poland. Other Institution. Level:University
Wlodek Bryc (2011. ) Examples of random matrices with Meixner laws .Univ. Marie Curie in Lublin, Poland. Other Institution. Level:University
Wlodek Bryc (2011. ) Stitching pairs of Levy processes into harnesses, .University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. Other Institution. Level:University
Wlodek Bryc (2011. ) Meixner matrix ensembles, .Georgia Tech,, Atlanta. Other Institution. Level:University
Event Organized
Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications, 2014Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications, 2014 Symposium BAD DATE BAD DATE University of Cincinnati Level:International
Probability and AnalysisProbability and Analysis Conference 06-10-2012 06-16-2012 Bedlewo, Poland Level:International
Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and ApplicationsCincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications 03-20-2009 03-23-2009 University of Cincinnati Level:International
Taft Research Seminar on Probability Theory and ApplicationsTaft Research Seminar on Probability Theory and Applications Other 09-2008 06-2009 Cincinnati Level:Department
Central Section Meeting (Meeting #1025) of the American Mathematical SocietyCentral Section Meeting (Meeting #1025) of the American Mathematical Society Prof. Meeting 03-16-2007 Miami Univ Level:Regional
Special Session on Limit Theorems of Probability TheorySpecial Session on Limit Theorems of Probability Theory Prof. Meeting 10-21-2006 10-22-2006 Cincinnati, OH Level:Regional
Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications, 2018Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications, 2018 Conference 11-09-2018 11-11-2018 University of Cincinnati Level:International
Journal of Theoretical Probability Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2007
Demonstratio Mathematica Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2008
Courses Taught
-MATH-1061 CALCULUS I Level:Undergraduate
-MATH-1061 CALCULUS I Level:Undergraduate
-MATH-1062 CALCULUS II Level:Undergraduate
Abstract Linear Algebra Level:Both
Appllied Probab Stoch Proc Level:Both