Michelle Loren Burbage , PhD
Associate Professor Educator
Kettering Laboratory
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati , Ohio 45267-0056
Email burbagml@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Burbage is the MPH Program Director and Concentration Director of Global Health for the MPH program.
Dr. Burbage received her Ph.D. in Health Education from the University of Cincinnati with an emphasis in Behavioral Analysis. Her M.S. is in Health Education with an emphasis in Community Health. Her research is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of underserved populations, often examining factors related to determinants of health, substance use, and mental health among these populations and how public health policies affect health behaviors.
She also passionate about global health and seeks to examine current health initiatives worldwide as well as how individuals can overcome barriers to healthy behaviors. Moreover, she has an interest in how culture, stigma, and policy plays a role in health outcomes. She has traveled around the world to learn more about foreign public health initiatives. In 2023, she was selected as a visiting professor for International Faculty Week at Tecnológico de Monterrey were she engaged students and faculty about global health issues. Moreover, she co-led university students on a cultural study abroad program to Botswana and started a public health study abroad in Vietnam which launched in 2024.
In 2018, she was awarded the prestigious Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Fellowship. This fellowship is through The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Dr. Burbage worked under the National Academy of Medicine branch where she assisted in policy research, initiatives, and mental health promotion that impacts the cognitive, affective, and behavioral health among children, youth, and families. In 2020, she was appointed to the Executive Office of the President’s SPEC subcommittee of the esteemed President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. This appointment has allowed Dr. Burbage to collaborate with other professionals to influence the future of STEM innovation and draft a report to the President of the United States.
In 2024, Dr. Burbage received a Fulbright Specialist Program award, which she used to complete a project in Tbilisi, Georgia. While there, Dr. Burbage facilitated a training course to promote research skills development to equip participants with essential skills and strategies for conducting ethical and meaningful research across medicine, public health, health care, global health and related fields. Recipients of Fulbright Specialist awards are selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement, demonstrated leadership in their field and their potential to foster long-term cooperation between institutions in the U.S. and abroad.
Dr. Burbage was the recipient of the 2024 Early Career Award for the Public Health Education and Health Promotion (PHEHP) Section of the American Public Health Association (APHA). This award recognizes outstanding and promising contributions to the practice and profession of health education, health promotion, and/or health communication. APHA is one of the largest public health associations in the United States and convenes the largest gathering of public health professionals in the nation.
PhD: University of Cincinnati (Health Education)
M.S.: University of Cincinnati (Health Education)
B.A.: University of Cincinnati (Psychology)
Minor: University of Cincinnati (Biology)
Research and Practice Interests
Factors related to determinants of health, health disparities, substance use, mental health, culture and policy. Research is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of underserevd populations. Passionate about global health and community engagement.
Positions and Work Experience
2012 -2017 Research Assistant, Investigated the association between drug use, mental health and other risky behaviors among youth and emerging adults. Investigated the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of living with stigmatized identities. , UC,
2013 -2017 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Responsibilities included teaching courses in the Health Education and Health, Fitness, Leisure departments. Created course material including lectures and exams. Assisted a professor with research, data collection and entry, grant writing, and administrative tasks, UC,
2017 -2020 Affiliate Researcher, Examine the impact of culture, society, and policies related to health education. Investigate the association between mental health, drug use, and other risky behaviors among vulnerable populations. , UC,
2017 -2019 Adjunct Professor, Responsibilities included teaching courses in the Statistics, Health Education, and Health, Fitness, Leisure departments. Created course material including lectures and exams. , UC,
2017 -2020 Adjunct Professor, Responsibilities included teaching special population health courses. Created course material including lectures and exams. Oversaw internship program. , Cincinnati State,
2021 -To Present CEC Co-Director, The goal of the Community Engagement Core is to work with communities to address environmental concerns that impact health. Other responsibilities include coordination and event set up, grant writing, service, and projects aimed at core growth., UC - Center for Environmental Genetics,
2022 -To Present Concentration Director of Global Health, Advise and mentor students in the Global Health Concentration. Develop partnerships, local and abroad, and create learning opportunities for students. Develop and teach global health courses for students. Created a study abroad program rooted in public health. Accompanied students to Botswana for cultural exchange. , University of Cincinnati,
2024 -To Present MPH Program Director, Management of the MPH program. Work collaboratively with the Department’s Graduate Studies Office, Division Director, and Chair to address program needs including reaccreditation, teaching assignments, admissions, curriculum, program support, mentoring/advising, etc. Assess growth of the program, admissions strategy, and student advising plans to ensure the program is of highest quality. Serve as the primary liaison to other programs and colleges currently or prospectively involved with the MPH program. Assist in the recruitment of high-quality faculty. , University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
2014 UC Lead and Grow Grant Role:PI Type:Grant
2014 UC Faculty Mentor Grant Role:PI
2017 Faculty Mentor Grant Role:PI Type:Grant
2021 Research Launch Award Role:PI Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Yockey, R. A., King, K. A., Vidourek, R. A., Burbage, M. L., & Merianos, A. L. (2019. ) The depiction of sexuality among university students on Snapchat. .Sexuality & Culture, , 23 (1 ) ,132 -141
Vidourek, R.A., King, K.A., Burbage, M.L., & Culp, A. (2018. ) NMPD use among Hispanic youth: An emerging problem. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, , 28 (1 ) ,55 -63
Vidourek, R.A. & Burbage, M. (2018. ) Positive mental health and mental health stigma: A qualitative study assessing student attitudes. Mental Health & Prevention, , 13 ,1 -6
Vidourek, R.A., King, K.A., Merianos, A.L., Burbage, M.L., & Olowoye, O. (2018. ) Marijuana use among college students and attitudes towards legalization. .American Journal of Health Studies, , 33 (2 ) ,99 -108
Burbage, M. L., & D. K. Walker. (2018. ) A call to strengthen mental health supports for refugee children and youth. NAM Perspectives, National Academy of Medicine, ,
Vidourek, R.A., King, K.A., & Burbage, M.L. (2018. ) Beyond the bong: Edible marijuana use among college students . Cannabis , , 1 (1 ) ,35 -43
Vidourek, R.A., King, K.A., Burbage, M., & Okuley, B. (2017. ) Impact of parenting behaviors on recent alcohol use among African American students .Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, , 1 -12
Nabors, L., Baker-Phibbs, C., & Burbage, M. (2016. ) Predictors of child functioning and problem behaviors for children diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder and externalizing problems. .Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, , 44 (2 ) ,92 -100
Burbage, M., Mason, M., Nabors, L., & Kichler, J. (2015. ) An evaluation of a juvenile idiopathic arthritis retreat for families .Pediatric Rheumatology, , 13 (12 ) ,
Woodson, K. D., Thakkar, S., Burbage, M. L., Kichler, J., & Nabors, L. (2015. ) Children with chronic illnesses: Factors influencing family hardiness .Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, , 38 (1 ) ,57 -69
Vidourek, R. A., King, K. A., & Burbage, M. L. (2014. ) Authoritarian parenting and ecstasy use among US youth. .Journal of Behavioral Health, , 3 (4 ) ,250 -254
Nabors, L., Burbage, M. L., Woodson, K., & Swoboda, C. (2014. ) Implementation of an after-school obesity prevention programing: Helping young children towards improved health .Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, , 38 (1 ) ,22 -38
Vidourek, R.A., King, K.A., Burbage, M. L. (2014. ) Reasons for synthetic THC use among college students .Journal of Drug Education, , 43 (4 ) ,353 -363
Vidourek, R.A., King, K.A., & Burbage, M.L. (2014. ) Synthetic THC use among university students: An exploration of perceived harm, ease of access, and friends’ use .American Journal of Health Studies, ,
Vidourek, R.A., King, K.A., & Burbage, M.L. (2014. ) Correlates to over-the-counter drug use among college students .Journal of Substance Use, , 20 (5 ) ,1 -5
Nabors, L., Kichler, J.C., Burbage, M.L., Swoboda, C.M., & Andreone, T.L (2014. ) Children’s learning and goal-setting at a diabetes camp. Diabetes Spectrum, , 27 (4 ) ,257 -263
Nabors, L., Burbage, M.L, Pangallo, J., Gardocki, S., & Bernard, A (2013. ) Delivery and evaluation of a pilot obesity prevention project for urban Appalachian children .Open Journal of Pediatrics, , 3 ,300 -305
Burbage, Michelle L; Mason, Meredith B; Nabors, Laura A; Kichler, Jessica C (2015. ) An evaluation of a juvenile idiopathic arthritis retreat for families.Pediatric rheumatology online journal, , 13 ,12 More Information
Nabors, Laura A; Kichler, Jessica C; Burbage, Michelle L; Swoboda, Christopher M; Andreone, Teresa L (2014. ) Children's Learning and Goal-Setting at a Diabetes Camp.Diabetes spectrum : a publication of the American Diabetes Association, , 27 (4 ) ,257-63 More Information
Vidourek, Rebecca A; King, Keith A; Burbage, Michelle L (2013. ) Reasons for synthetic THC use among college students.Journal of drug education, , 43 (4 ) ,353-63 More Information
Burbage, M. L., Vidourek, R. A., Ya-Husan, L., & King. K. (2022. ) Ecstasy use among youth: An examination of psychosocial factors. .International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, ,
1) Burbage, M.L., Chaliawala, K.S., Vidourek, R.A., & King, K.A. (2024. ) Psychosocial factors associated with recent casual sex among urban college students. American Journal of Sexuality Education, , 1 -17
Book Chapter
Burbage, M. L., Nabors, L. A., & Vidourek, R. A. (2018 ) Children with Chronic Illnesses and their Siblings: Building Self-Esteem and Optimism Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Children through Games and Play: Making Social Emotional Learning Fun .Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers
Clark, R. S., Nabors, L. A., Burbage, M. L., Dai, C.L., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2017 ) Hope as a support in a community of caregivers. Hope: Individual differences, role in recovery, and impact on emotional health .Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers.
Technical Reports
(2021. ) Industries of the future institutes: A new model for American science and technology leadership. .The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology,
Honors and Awards
2017 Outstanding Doctoral Student Award Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2017 Presidential Medal of Graduate Student Excellence Was a finalist for award. Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition
2014 CECH Outstanding Graduate Student Award Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2018 Mirzayan Science &Technology Policy Fellowship Program Investigated psychosocial concerns among youth with cognitive, affective, and behavioral disorders as well as the mental health of their families and the communities. Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Fellowship
2020 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Responsibilities include advising the President on matters involving science, technology, education, and innovation policy and providing scientific information to inform public policy. Type:Non-Monetary
2023 International Visiting Faculty International Faculty Week 2023 Tecnológico de Monterrey, Medicine and Health Sciences Status:Recipient Level:International
2023 Dan Wartenberg Memorial Award Awarded to those that have made significant contributions in community engaged environmental science. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Status:Recipient Level:International
2023 Chapter of the Year Award Gamma Rho wasawarded Chapter of t he Year for engagement in public health. Gamma Rho was honored as the leading chapter in the nation. Delta Omega Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2024 Bearcats Got Your Back Student Organization Award Social Justice and Public Health Special Interest Group won UC’s student organization award for demonstrating a strong commitment to creating a supportive, respectful campus community where all Bearcats can thrive and succeed. Center for Student Involvement Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2024 Fulbright Specialist Global Health Research, Tbilisi, Georgia U.S. Department of State Status:Recipient Level:National
2024 -2025 UC Women Lead Executive Leadership Program Office of the Provost Status:Recipient Level:University
Contact Information
Academic - Kettering Laboratory
160 Panzeca Way
Ohio, 45267-0056