Donita Bylski-Austrow , PhD
Research Director, Biomechanics Research Laboratory
Professional Summary
Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Director, Biomechanics Research Laboratory, CCHMC
BSE: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 1978 (Mechanical Engineering)
MS: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 1981 (Bioengineering)
MSE: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 1983 (Applied Mechanics)
PhD: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 1986 (Bioengineering)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Glos, David L; Bonifas, Anne C; Carvalho, Max F; Coombs, Matthew T; Sturm, Peter F (2015. ) Flexible growing rods: a pilot study to determine if polymer rod constructs may provide stability to skeletally immature spines.Scoliosis, , 10 (Suppl 2 ) ,S16 More Information
Thawrani, Dinesh P; Glos, David L; Coombs, Matthew T; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Sturm, Peter F (2014. ) Transverse process hooks at upper instrumented vertebra provide more gradual motion transition than pedicle screws.Spine, , 39 (14 ) ,E826-32 More Information
Jain, Viral; Lykissas, Marios; Trobisch, Per; Wall, Eric J; Newton, Peter O; Sturm, Peter F; Cahill, Patrick J; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I (2014. ) Surgical aspects of spinal growth modulation in scoliosis correction. Am Acad Orthop Surg Instructional course lectures, , 63 ,335-44
Coombs, Matthew T; Glos, David L; Wall, Eric J; Kim, Jay; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I (2013. ) Biomechanics of spinal hemiepiphysiodesis for fusionless scoliosis treatment using titanium implant.Spine, , 38 (23 ) ,E1454-60 More Information
Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Glos, David L; Sauser, Frank E; Jain, Viral V; Wall, Eric J; Crawford, Alvin H (2012. ) In vivo dynamic compressive stresses in the disc annulus: a pilot study of bilateral differences due to hemiepiphyseal implant in a quadruped model.Spine, , 37 (16 ) ,E949-56 More Information
Glos, David L; Sauser, Frank E; Papautsky, Ian; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I (2010. ) Implantable MEMS compressive stress sensors: Design, fabrication and calibration with application to the disc annulus.Journal of biomechanics, , 43 (11 ) ,2244-8 More Information
Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Wall, Eric J; Glos, David L; Ballard, Edgar T; Montgomery, Andrea; Crawford, Alvin H (2009. ) Spinal hemiepiphysiodesis decreases the size of vertebral growth plate hypertrophic zone and cells.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 91 (3 ) ,584-93 More Information
Wall, Eric J; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Kolata, Ronald J; Crawford, Alvin H (2005. ) Endoscopic mechanical spinal hemiepiphysiodesis modifies spine growth.Spine, , 30 (10 ) ,1148-53 More Information
Takeshita, Katsushi; Peterson, Erik T K; Bylski-Austrow, Donita; Crawford, Alvin H; Nakamura, Kozo (2004. ) The nuchal ligament restrains cervical spine flexion.Spine, , 29 (18 ) ,E388-93 More Information
Bylski-Austrow D.;Wall E.;Jain V.;Reynolds J.;Crawford A.;Thompson G. (2016. ) Growth modulation techniques: Titanium clip-screw implant system (HemiBridge).The Growing Spine: Management of Spinal Disorders in Young Children, Second Edition, , 769-781 More Information
Kumar B.;Bylski-Austrow D.;Liu Y. (12-01-2012. ) Finite element model of spinal hemiepiphysiodesis: Effect of contact conditions, initial conditions,.Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, , 176 ,99-103 More Information
Bylski-Austrow D.;Wall E.;Glos D.;Ballard E.;Stringer K.;Crawford A. (12-01-2006. ) Spinal hemiepiphysiodesis correlates with physeal histomorphometric gradients .Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, , 123 ,261-266
Bylski-Austrow D.;Glos D.;Sauser F.;Papautsky I.;Crawford A.;Wall E. (12-01-2006. ) Bilateral intra-annular spinal compressive stresses in vivo .Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, , 123 ,398-403
Bylski-Austrow D.;Wall E.;Rupert M.;Roy D.;Crawford A. (11-12-2001. ) Growth plate forces in the adolescent human knee: A radiographic and mechanical study of epiphyseal .Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , 21 (6 ) ,817-823 More Information
Bylski-Austrow D.I.;Wall E.J.;Kolata R.J.;Crawford A.H. (12-01-1999. ) Endoscopic nonfusion spinal hemiepiphysiodesis: Preliminary studies in a porcine model.Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, , 59 ,270-273 More Information
Wall E.J.;Bylski-Austrow D.I.;Shelton F.S.;Crawford A.H.;Kolata R.J.;Baum D.S. (01-01-1998. ) Endoscopic discectomy increases thoracic spine flexibility as effectively as open discectomy: A mechanical study in a porcine model.Spine, , 23 (1 ) ,9-16 More Information
Bush-Joseph C.;Cummings J.;Buseck M.;Bylski-Austrow D.;Butler D.;Noyes F.;Grood E. (07-01-1996. ) Effect of tibial attachment location on the healing of the anterior cruciate ligament freeze model.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 14 (4 ) ,534-541 More Information
Holden J.;Grood E.;Korvick D.;Cummings J.;Butler D.;Bylski-Austrow D. (01-01-1994. ) In vivo forces in the anterior cruciate ligament: Direct measurements during walking and trotting in.Journal of Biomechanics, , 27 (5 ) ,517-519,521-526 More Information
Bylski-Austrow D.;Ciarelli M.;Kayner D.;Matthews L.;Goldstein S. (01-01-1994. ) Displacements of the menisci under joint load: An in vitro study in human knees.Journal of Biomechanics, , 27 (4 ) ,421-431 More Information
Bylski?Austrow D.I.;Malumed J.;Meade T.;Grood E.S. (11-01-1993. ) Knee joint contact pressure decreases after chronic meniscectomy relative to the acutely meniscectomized joint: A mechanical study in the goat.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 11 (6 ) ,796-804 More Information
Gibbons M.;Butler D.;Grood E.;Bylski?Austrow D.;Levy M.;Noyes F. (03-01-1991. ) Effects of gamma irradiation on the initial mechanical and material properties of goat bone-patellar tendon-bone allografts.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 9 (2 ) ,209-218 More Information
Bylski?Austrow D.;Grood E.;Hefzy M.;Holden J.;Butler D. (07-01-1990. ) Anterior cruciate ligament replacements: A mechanical study of femoral attachment location, flexion angle at tensioning, and initial tension.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 8 (4 ) ,522-531 More Information
Gilday, Sarah E; Schwartz, Mark S; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Glos, David L; Schultz, Lindsay; O (2018. ) Observed Length Increases of Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods are Lower Than Programmed.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 38 (3 ) ,e133-7 More Information
Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Glos, David L; Bonifas, Anne C; Carvalho, Max F; Coombs, Matthew C; Sturm, Peter F (2016. ) Flexible growing rods: a biomechanical pilot study of polymer rod constructs in the stability of skeletally immature spines.Scoliosis and spinal disorders, , 11 ,39 More Information
Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Glos, David L; Wall, Eric J; Crawford, Alvin H (2018. ) Scoliosis vertebral growth plate histomorphometry: Comparisons to controls, growth rates, and compressive stresses.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , More Information
Bylski D.; Kriewall T.; Akkas N.; Melvin J.; (1986. ) Mechanical behavior of fetal dura mater under large deformation biaxial tension.J Biomechanics, , 19 ,19-26 More Information
Chenevert T.; Bylski D.; Carson P.; Meyer C.; Bland P.; Adler D.; Schmitt R.; (1984. ) Ultrasonic computed tomography of the breast: Improvement of image quality by use of cross correlation time of flight and phase insensitive attenuation measurements.Radiology, , More Information
Kriewall T.; Akkas N.; Bylski D.; Melvin J.; Work B.; (1983. ) Mechanical behavior of fetal dura mater under large axisymmetric inflation.J Biomechanical Engineering, , 105 ,71-76 More Information
Carson P.; Scherzinger A.; Bland P.; Meyer C.; Schmitt R.; Chenevert T.; Bookstein F.; Bylski D.; Silver T.; (1983. ) Ultrasonic Computed Tomography Instrumentation and Human Studies. In: Ultrasonic Examination of the Breast .New York: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., , 187-199
Wall EJ.; Bylski-Austrow D.; (2011. ) Growth Modulation Techniques for Non-Idiopathic Early Onset Scoliosis. In Non-Idiopathic Spine Deformities in Young Children.Springer, M. Yazici (Ed.), Part 4, , 133-144 More Information
Wall, Eric J; Jain, Viral V; Crawford, Alvin H; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Reynolds, Joseph E (2019. ) Spine Growth Modulation in Early Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Prospective US FDA IDE Pilot Study of Titanium Clip-Screw Implant at Two to Five Years.Spine deformity, , 7 (6 ) ,899-909 More Information
Book Chapter
Wall, Eric J; Reynolds, Joseph E; Jain, Viral V; Bylski-Austrow, Donita I; Thompson, George H; Samuels, Paul J; Barnett, Sean J; Crawford, Alvin H (2017 ) Spine Growth Modulation in Early Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Two-Year Results of Prospective US FDA IDE Pilot Clinical Safety Study of Titanium Clip-Screw Implant. Spine deformity .(pp. 314-324).
Contact Information
Research - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue
Ohio, 45219
Phone: 513-803-2283
Fax: 513-636-3928