Christina R Carnahan
Teachers College
CECH Special Education - 0022
Professional Summary
Dr. Christina R. Carnahan is Professor of Special Education in the School of Education, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services at the University of Cincinnati. Additionally, Dr. Carnahan is the director of IDD Education Center (https://cech.uc.edu/schools/education/IDDEdCenter.html) in the School of Education. Dr. Carnahan's research interests include literacy and communication interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other complex communication and behavioral support needs, and creating efficient and effective instructional practices across the lifespan. Dr. Carnahan has published in journals such as Exceptional Children, Journal of Special Education, and Focus on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. She is also the co-author of two books including Quality Literacy Instruction for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Facilitating Evidence Based Practice for Students with ASD: A Classroom Observation Tool for Building Quality Education.
Doctor of Education: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2006 (Dissertation: Teaching Students with Autism and Significant Cognitive Disabilities in Small Group Settings)
Research and Practice Interests
Improving outcomes for students with significant disabilities by increasing teacher effeciency and student learning.
- Autism spectrum disorders/significant disabilities and literacy instruction
- Virtual coaching/e-mentoring to support preservice and inservice teachers
Identify strategies for increasing academic engagement for students with autism and other complex learning needs in large group, small groups, and independent work.
Research Support
Grant: #60051504 / P407A150080 Investigators:Carnahan, Christina; Clouse, Diane; Mendez, Heidi 10-01-2015 -09-30-2020 Department of Education Ohio's Statewide Consortia: Enhancing Employment Outcomes for Postsecondary Students with Intellectual Disabilities Role:PI $38,467.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2016 Warren County Board MOU Investigators:Carnahan, Christina 01-01-2017 -12-31-2017 Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Provider support and recruitment plan for the benefit of individuals with developmental disabilities Role:PI $31,015.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #HRD-2040870 Investigators:Atchison, Christopher; Carnahan, Christina; Sorby, Sheryl 12-01-2020 -11-30-2021 National Science Foundation NSF INCLUDES Planning Grant: Inclusive STEM Workforce Development Program Role:Collaborator $99,963.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Summer Learning and Afterschool Opportunities Grant Investigators:Carnahan, Christina; Dart, Catherine; Doyle, Kathryn; Kroeger, Stephen 04-28-2022 -06-30-2024 Ohio Department of Education CEES Summer STEM Expansion, Role:PI 411167.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #STEM Careers w/ DD Investigators:Carnahan, Christina 01-01-2023 -09-30-2024 Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities UC STEM Pathways to Careers: Improving Employment Outcomes for Ohioans with Developmental Disabilities Role:PI 381955.08 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #TBD / HRD-2119902 Investigators:Burdette, Aaron; Carnahan, Christina 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 National Science Foundation NSF INCLUDES Alliance TAPDINTO-STEM subaward Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #EES-2334313 Investigators:Carnahan, Christina; Doyle, Kathryn 10-01-2023 -09-30-2025 National Science Foundation NSF EAGER: Exploring Customized Employment to Identify Jobs for People with IDD in STEM Fields Role:PI 300000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #pending Investigators:Carnahan, Christina; Emmons, Lee 12-01-2023 -06-30-2025 Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities TBD: Inclusive Supports Role:PI 147337.48 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Peer Reviewed Publications
Christina Carnahan (2006. ) Engaging children with autism and their teachers .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 39 (2 ) ,44 -50
Christina Carnahan, James Basham, and Shobana Musti-Rao. (2009. ) Interactive books: A low-technology solution for increasing engagement for students with autism and significant learning needs. Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal, , 17 (2 ) ,76 -87
Christina Carnahan, Shobana Musti-Rao, and Jody Bailey (2009. ) Increasing academic engagement and literacy learning for students with autism .Education and Treatment of Children, , 32 (1 ) ,37 -61
Christina Carnahan, Kara Hume, Laura Clarke, and Christy Borders (2009. ) Using structured work to promote independence and engagement for students with autism spectrum disorders .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 41 (4 ) ,6 -14
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P, Clarke, L., & Sorensen, R. (2009. ) A systematic approach to supporting paraeducators in classroom settings: A guide for teachers. Teaching Exceptional Children, , 41 (5 ) ,34 -43
Carnahan, C.; Hume, K.; Clarke, L.; Borders, C. (2003. ) Using structured work to promote independence and engagement for students with autism spectrum disorders .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 41 (4 ) ,6 -14
Carnahan, C.; Hume, K.; Harte, H.; Schumacher-Dyke, K.; Borders, C. Structured work systems to support meaningful engagement in preschool settings for students with autism spectrum disorder .Young Exceptional Children, ,
Carnahan, C. Basham, J., Christman, J., & Hollingshead, A. Overcoming challenges: Going mobile with your own video models .Teaching Exceptional Children, ,
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Christman, J. (2011. ) Linking cognition and literacy for students with ASD .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 43 (6 ) ,54 -62
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Hollingshead, A. Using technology to support balanced literacy instruction for students with significant disabilities .Teaching Exceptional Children, ,
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Haydon, H. (2010. ) Matching literacy profiles with instruction for students on the spectrum: Making reading instruction meaningful .Beyond Behavior, , 19 (1 ) ,10 -16
University of Cincinnati Research Team (2008. ) Postcards to Paulo .Journal of Thought, ,
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, C. Teaching compare-contrast structure to students with ASDs: Does it help reading comprehension of science text? .Exceptional Children, ,
Israel, M., Carnahan, C., *Snyder, K. & Williamson, P. Supporting new teachers of students with significant disabilities through virtual coaching: A proposed model. Remedial and Special Education, ,
Williamson, P., Carnahan, C., & *Jacobs, J. (2012. ) Reading comprehension profiles of high functioning students on the spectrum: A grounded theory. Exceptional Children, ,
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & *Christman, J. (2011. ) Linking literacy and cognition for students on the spectrum. Teaching Exceptional Children, , 43 (6 ) ,54-62
Carnahan, C., Basham, J., & Musti-Rao, S. (2009. ) Interactive books: A low-technology solution for increasing engagement for students with autism and significant learning needs. Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal, , 17 (2 ) ,76-87
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Haydon, T. (2009. ) Matching literacy profiles with instruction for students on the spectrum: Making reading instruction meaningful. Beyond Behavior, , 19 (1 ) ,10-16
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., *Clarke, L., Sorenson-Burnworth, R. (2009. ) Systematic approach to supervising classroom staff: A guide for teachers. Teaching Exceptional Children, , 41 (5 ) ,34-43
*Hollingshead, A., Carnahan, C., Israel, M., *Snyder, K. Defining engagement for students with severe disabilities.
Williamson, P., & Carnahan, C. Reading instruction for students on the spectrum: A balanced approach.
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., Swoboda, C., & Birri, N. Increasing science text comprehension through expository text instruction.
Hollingshead, A., Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Swoboda, C. What's the difference? Evaluating iPads and traditional books to promote engagement and learning.
Lowrey, A., Carnahan, C., Israel, M., Snyder, K. Universal Design for Learning and students with severe disabilities.
Williamson, P., Israel, M., *Snyder, K., *Hollingshead, A., *Li, X., Carnahan, C., & *Dillhoff, K. Reading preparation for special education teachers: What do states require? .
Birri, Nicole L; Carnahan, Christina R; Schmidt, Carla; Williamson, Pamela (2023. ) A Personal Narrative Intervention for Adults With Autism and Intellectual Disability.American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, , 128 (1 ) ,21-35 More Information
Birri, Nicole L; Carnahan, Christina R; Schmidt, Carla; Williamson, Pamela (2023. ) A Personal Narrative Intervention for Adults With Autism and Intellectual Disability.American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, , 128 (1 ) ,21-35 More Information
Published Books
Carnahan, C. & Williamson, P. (2010. ) Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders .Shawn Mission, KS , Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Book Chapter
Ashbaker, B.; Snyder, K.; Carnahand, C.; Williamson, P. (2010 ) Paraprofessionals providing quality literacy support for students with autism spectrum disorders Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Specturm Disorders .Shawn Mission, KS, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Carnahan, C.; Williamson, P. (2010 ) Autism, cognition, and reading Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Specturm Disorders .Shawn Mission, KS, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Morrow, L.; Carnahan, C. (2010 ) Exemplary and balanced literacy instruction Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Specturm Disorders .Shawn Mission, KS, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Wolfe, J.; Williamson, P.; Carnahan, C. (2010 ) Writing instruction Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Specturm Disorders .Shawn Mission, KS, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Carnahan, C. (2007 ) Sam: An elementary case study Comprehensive Autism Planning Systems (CAPS) for individuals with asperger syndrome, autism, and related disabilities: Integrating best practices throughout the student's day .Shawn Mission, Kansas, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Carnahan, C. & Borders, C. (2011 ) Language and communication in autism Autism Education and Practice .Pearson
Carnahan, C. & Williamson, P. (2010 ) A conceptual framework for literacy instruction: Meeting the needs of all learners on the autism spectrum Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders .Shawn Mission, Kansas, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Israel, M. & Carnahan, C. Virtual coaching to support teachers of students with autism spectrum disorders Unnamed .Shawn Mission, Kansas, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Williamson, P. & Carnahan, C. (2010 ) Reading fluency in ASD Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders .Shawn Mission, Kansas, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Invited Presentations
Williamson, P. & Carnahan, C. (06-2012. ) Quality Literacy Instruction for Learners with ASD. 2012 Summer Institute, OH.
Williamson, P. & Carnahan, C. (06-2012. ) Reading Instruction for Students with ASD. Pittsburg University, Pittsburg, Kansas.
Williamson, P. & Carnahan, C. (06-2012. ) Supporting Reading Comprehension for Individuals with ASD. 2012 START Conference, Grand Valley State University, Autism Education Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (10-2011. ) Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities. Imagine the Possibilities. Ohio State Support Teams Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and Ocali, Elyria and Rootstown, OH.
Williamson, P. & Carnahan, C. (10-2011. ) Academic interventions for higher functioning students with autism. Strategies and Techniques for Effective Practice: Educating Children with Autism. Nebraska Autism Spectrum Disorders Network, Kearney, NE.
Carnahan, C. (06-2011. ) Evidence Based Instruction: Using Systematic Prompting to Support Learners with ASD. The LASARD Summer Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (06-2011. ) Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities .Ohio State Support Team Region 5, Boardman, OH.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (06-2011. ) From Dick and Jane to Dumbledore and Beyond: Literacy and Students on the Autism Spectrum. 13th Annual Minnesota Autism Symposium for Educators, St. Joseph, MN.
Williamson, P. & Carnahan, C. (02-2011. ) Quality literacy instruction for students with autism spectrum disorders. CARD Workshop, Orlando, Florida.
Carnahan, C. (12-2012. ) Literacy for students with significant disabilities. Oakland County Schools Educational Support Center, Oakland City, Michigan.
Carnahan, C. (12-2009. ) Quality literacy instruction for students with significant disabilities (key note address). The Louisiana State Department of Education Low Incidence Literacy Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (11-2012. ) Assessing emergent literacy for students with ASD and significant disabilities. Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Moomaw, S. (11-2012. ) Teaching math to students with ASD: The importance of early numeracy. Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C., Moomaw, S., & Williamson, P. (04-2012. ) Math instruction for students with ASD: Linking learner needs to instruction. Denver, CO.
Snyder, K.A. & Carnahan, C. (04-2012. ) Identifying supports for students with ASD and similar needs: A classroom checklist. Denver, CO.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (11-2012. ) Academic reading comprehension instruction for learners with ASD. Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Hollingshead, A. (11-2012. ) Technology to support literacy for students with ASD and other severe disabilities. Columbus, Ohio.
Williamson, P., Li, Xioahe, Carnahan, C., & Tan, C. (11-2012. ) Examining the nature of reading instruction for learners with autism.
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Hollingshead, A. (04-2011. ) Using technology to support a balanced literacy approach for students with significant disabilities. National Harbor, Maryland.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (04-2011. ) Using personal connections stories to support reading comprehension for text bound comprehenders with autism spectrum disorders. National Harbor, Maryland.
Carnahan, C., Basham, J., & Christman, J. (11-2010. ) Beyond video modeling: The evidence is in, but what's next? .Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C. & Lowry, A. (11-2010. ) Supporting teachers of students with ASD through innovative professional development. Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (11-2010. ) Reading comprehension in ASD: Linking intervention to characteristics. Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P., & Hollingshead, A. (11-2010. ) Balanced literacy and technology for students with significant disabilities. Columbus, Ohio.
Israel, M., Carnahan, C., Smith, S., Snyder, K. (11-2010. ) Enhancing special educators' professional capacity through internet-mediated solutions. St. Louis, MO.
Williamson, P., Carnahan, C., & Dillhoff, K. (11-2010. ) Reading preparation for special education teachers: What do states require? .St. Louis, MO.
Carnahan, C. & Troup, K. (04-2010. ) Let's read: Using structured work systems to support literacy instruction. Nashville, Tennessee.
Carnahan, C., Williamson, P. & Snyder, K. (04-2010. ) Understanding reading profiles in Autism and Interventions that Support Comprehension. Nashville, Tennessee.
Carnahan, C., & Williamson, P. (11-2009. ) Field-based classes for Preservice Teachers: Working with Students with Complex Learning Needs. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Carnahan, C., Wolfe, J., & Israel, M. (11-2009. ) University-school collaborative professional development to improve education for students with ASD. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Carnahan, C., Basham, J., & Lowrey, A. (04-2009. ) Scientifically based practices: Locating, implementing, and ongoing process monitoring. Seattle, Washington.
Hume, K., Carnahan, C., & Borders, C. (04-2009. ) "I'll do it myself!": Using work systems to promote independence for students with autism. Seattle, Washington.
Williamson, P. & Carnahan, C. (04-2009. ) Increasing comprehension for students with autism: From research to practice. Seattle, Washington.
Williamson, P., Carnahan, C., & Troup, K. (11-2008. ) Field based courses for preservice special educators. Dallas, Texas.
Carnahan, C & Borders, C. (11-2008. ) Teachers as applied researchers: Implementing effective interventions. Dallas, Texas.
Carnahan, C., Basham, J., & Lowrey, K.A. (04-2008. ) Becoming a Critical Consumer of Scientifically-Based Practices: Practical Strategies for Classroom Teachers. Boston, MA.
Carnahan, C., Clarke, L., & Brown, M. (05-2008. ) Promoting independence for students with developmental disabilities in general education classrooms using work systems. Chicago, Illinois.
Carnahan, C., Hume, K.A., & Borders, C. (05-2008. ) Practical guidelines for developing work systems: What does the literature say? .Chicago, Illinois.
Lowrey, K.A., Basham, J., & Carnahan, C. (11-2007. ) Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Smith, S. & Carnahan, C. (07-2007. ) Evidence-based literacy interventions: Strategies for those serving students with autism spectrum disorders. Pheonix, Arizona.
Carnahan, C. & Musti-Rao, S. (04-2007. ) Increasing academic engagement and literacy learning for students with autism during reading groups. Louisville, Kentucky.
Carnahan, C., Musti-Rao, S., Schumaker-Dyke, K. & Hawkins, R. (05-2007. ) Teaching children with autism to follow verbal directions: The effects of a treatment package. San Diego, California.
Carnahan, C. (05-2006. ) Photovoice: Increasing academic engagement and literacy learning for students with autism. Champaign, Illinois.
Carnahan, C. & Kroeger, S. (04-2005. ) Photovoice: Engaging children with autism and their teachers. Montreal, Canada.
Paper Presentations
Carnahan, C. (04-2009. ) Scientifically based practices: Locating, implementing, and ongoing progress monitoring .Seattle, WA.
Carnahan, C. (04-2009. ) "I'll do it myself!": Using work systems to promote independence for students with autism .Seattle, WA.
Carnahan, C. (04-2009. ) Increasing comprehension for students with autism: From research to practice .Seattle, WA.
Carnahan, C. (04-2010. ) Let's read: Using structured work systems to support literacy instruction .Nashville, TN.
Carnahan, C. (04-2010. ) Understanding reading profiles in autism and interventions that support comprehension .Nashville, TN.
Carnahan, C. & Williamson, P. (11-2009. ) Field-based classes for preservice teachers: Working with students with complex learning needs .Charlotte, NC.
Carnahan, C. Wolfe, J., & Israel, M. (11-2009. ) University-school collaborative professional development to improve education for students with ASD .Charlotte, NC.
Carnahan, C. (05-2006. ) Photovoice: Increasing academic engagement and literacy learning for students with autism .Chanpaign, Illinois.
Carnahan, C., Basham, J., & Lowrey, K.A. (04-2008. ) Becoming a Critical Consumer of Scientifically-Based Practices: Practical Strategies for Classroom Teachers .Boston, MA.
Carnahan, C., Basham, J., & Christman, J. (11-2010. ) Beyond video modeling: The evidence is in, but what's next? .Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C. & Borders, C. (11-2008. ) Teachers as applied researchers: Implementing effective interventions .Dallas, Texas.
Carnahan, C., Clarke, L., & Brown, M. (05-2008. ) Promoting independence for students with developmental disabilities in general education classrooms using work systems .Chicago, Illinois.
Carnahan, C., Hume, K.A., & Borders, C. (05-2008. ) Practical guidelines for developing work systems: What does the literature say? .Chicago, Illinois.
Carnahan, C. & Kroger, S. (04-2005. ) Photovoice: Engaging children with autism and their teachers .Montreal, Canada.
Carnahan, C. & Lowry, A. (11-2010. ) Supporting teachers of students with ASD through innovative professional development .Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C. & Musti-Rao, S. (04-2007. ) Increasing academic engagement and literacy learning for students with autism durning reading groups .Louisville, Kentucky.
Carnahan, C., Musti-Rao, S., Schumaker-Dyke, & Hawkins, R. (05-2007. ) Teaching children with autism to follow verbal directions: The effects of a treatment package .San Diego, California.
Carnahan, C. & Williamson, P. (11-2010. ) Reading comprehension in ASD: Linking intervention to characteristics .Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C. & Williamson, P. (04-2011. ) Using Personal Connections stories to support reading conprehension for text bound comprehenders with autism spectrum disorders .National Harbor, Maryland.
Carnahan, C. & Williamson, P., Hollingshead, A. (11-2010. ) Balanced literacy and technology for students with significant disabilities .Columbus, Ohio.
Carnahan, C. & Williamson, P., Hollingshead, A. (04-2011. ) Using Technology to support a balanced literacy approach for students with significant disabilities .National Harbor, Maryland.
Israel, M., Carnahan, C., Smith, S., Snyder, K (04-2010. ) Enhancing special educators' professional capacity through internet-mediated solutions .St. Louis, MO.
Smith, S. & Carnahan, C. (07-2007. ) Evidence-based literacy interventions: Strategies for those serving students with autism spectrum disorders .Phoenix, Arizona.
Williamson, P., Carnahan, C., & Dillhoff, K. (11-2010. ) Reading preparation for special education teachers: What do states require? .St. Louis, MO.
Williamson, P., Carnahan, C., & Troup, K. (11-2008. ) Field based courses for preservice special educators .Dallas, Texas.