Erynn Casanova
Professor of Sociology & Head of the Sociology Department, (PhD, City University of New York Graduate Center)
Professional Summary
Gender; Work; the Body; Popular Culture; Globalization/Development; Latin American societies; U.S. Latinos/as; Ethnography and qualitative research methods.
Erynn Masi de Casanova CV
Research and Practice Interests
Erynn Masi de Casanova received her Ph.D. in Sociology from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), and also holds a M.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of California-San Diego and B.A. degrees in Spanish and English from the University of Rhode Island. Research interests include: Gender; Work; the Body; Popular Culture; Globalization/Development; Latin American societies; Ethnography and qualitative research methods.
Dr. Casanova is a faculty affiliate of the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department and the Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures Department.
Abbreviated Publications
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2019. Dust and Dignity: Domestic Employment in Contemporary Ecuador. Ithaca: ILR/Cornell University Press.
- Winner, Best Book Award, Latin American Studies Association’s Ecuadorian Studies Section, 2021
- Winner, Distinguished Scholarly Book Award, American Sociological Association’s Section on Labor and Labor Movements, 2020
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2018. Vendiendo Belleza: Mujeres y Venta Directa en Ecuador. Quito: Abya-Yala Editorial. [Spanish translation of Making Up the Difference]
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2015. Buttoned Up: Clothing, Conformity, and White-Collar Masculinity.Ithaca: ILR/Cornell University Press.
Casanova, Erynn Masi and Afshan Jafar, eds. 2013 (paperback edition 2015). Bodies without Borders. Palgrave Macmillan.
Jafar, Afshan and Erynn Masi de Casanova, eds. 2013 (paperback edition 2015). Global Beauty, Local Bodies. Palgrave Macmillan.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2011. Making Up the Difference: Women, Beauty, and Direct Selling in Ecuador. Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Winner, National Women’s Studies Association Sara A. Whaley Book Prize, 2010.
La desigualdad a domicilio: El trabajo remunerado del hogar en el Ecuador contemporáneo
Peer Reviewed Publications
Linders, Annulla, Erynn Masi de Casanova, and Kyle Shupe. 2022. “Dressed for Death: Gender, Respectability, and Resistance at the Gallows.” Symbolic Interaction 45(2): 211-236.
Casanova, Erynn Masi, Jeremy Brenner-Levoy, and Cole Weirich. 2021. “All the World’s a Con: Fronstage, Backstage, and the Blurred Boundaries of Cosplay.” Symbolic Interaction 44(4): 798-818.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2018. “Beauty Ideology in Latin America.” Dobras [Brazil] 11(23).
Casanova, Erynn Masi, Leila Rodríguez, and Rocío Bueno Roldán. 2018. “Informed but Insecure: Employment Conditions and Social Protection among Paid Domestic Workers in Guayaquil.” Latin American Perspectives 45(1): 163-174.
Casanova, Erynn Masi and Tamara R. Mose. 2017. “Translation in Ethnography: Representing Latin American Studies in English.” Translation and Interpreting Studies 12(1): 1-23.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2016. “Gender, Body, and Medicine in Urban Ecuador: Ethnographic Explorations of Women’s Embodiment.” Latin American Perspectives 43(1): 268-274.
Casanova, Erynn Masi, Emily E. Wetzel, and Travis D. Speice. 2016. “Looking at the Label: White-Collar Men and the Meanings of ‘Metrosexual.’” Sexualities 19(1/2): 64-82.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2015. “’Como cualquier otro trabajo’: Organizando a las Trabajadoras Remuneradas del Hogar en Ecuador.” [“Like any other job”: Organizing Paid Domestic Workers in Ecuador]. Revista Economía 67(106): 37-52.
Carter, J.A., Erynn Masi de Casanova, and David J. Maume. 2015. “Gendering Olympians: Media Guide Profiles of Men and Women Athletes.” Sociology of Sport Journal 32:312-331.
Mose Brown, Tamara and Erynn Masi de Casanova. 2014. “Representing the Language of the ‘Other’: African American Vernacular English in Ethnography.” Ethnography 15(2): 208-231.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2013. “Embodied Inequality: The Experience of Domestic Work in Urban Ecuador.” Gender & Society 27(4): 561-585.
- Winner, Distinguished Scholarly Article Award, American Sociological Association’s Section on Labor and Labor Movements, 2014.
Casanova, Erynn Masi and Barbara Sutton. 2013. “Transnational Body Projects: Media Representations of Cosmetic Surgery Tourism in the U.S. and Argentina.” Journal of World-Systems Research 19(1): 57-81.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2012. “Organizing Identities: Immigrant New Yorkers Negotiating Latinidad.” Sociological Forum 27(2): 419-440.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2011. “Multiplying Themselves: Women Cosmetics Sellers in Ecuador.” Feminist Economics 17(2): 1-29.
Mose Brown, Tamara and Erynn Masi de Casanova. 2009. “Mothers in the Field: How Motherhood Shapes Fieldwork and Researcher-Subject Relations.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 37(7/8): 42-57.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2007. “Spanish Language and Latino Ethnicity in Children’s Television Programs.” Latino Studies 5(4): 455-477.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2004. “No Ugly Women: Concepts of Race and Beauty among Adolescent Women in Ecuador.” Gender & Society 18(3): 287-308.
Invited Publication
Casanova, Erynn Masi and Jeremy Brenner-Levoy. 2021. “Fantastic Bodies: Navigating Ideals of Beauty in Cosplay.” In Routledge Handbook of Beauty Politics, ed. Maxine Craig. Routledge.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2020. “Gender and Work in Contemporary Latin America.” In Oxford Handbook of Latin American Sociology, ed. Xóchitl Bada and Liliana Rivera Sánchez. Oxford University Press.
Casanova, Erynn Masi. 2020. “Polluted Bodies.” Contexts, Winter 2020. [Coordinated and contributed to symposium on the film Roma]
Casanova, Erynn Masi and Jurema Gorski Brites. 2019. “Dossiê Trabalho, Cuidado e Emoções” Special Issue Introduction. Século XXI: Revista de Ciências Sociais [Brazil] 9(3): 709-719.
Casanova, Erynn Masi and Curtis L. Webb III. 2017. “A Tale of Two Hoodies.” Men & Masculinities 20(1): 117-122.
Casanova, Erynn Masi and Afshan Jafar. 2016. “The Body as a Site of Resistance.” In The Sage Handbook of Resistance, ed. David Courpasson and Steven Vallas. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.