Demetra C Castillo
Associate Professor Educator
Associate Professor - Educator
French East
CAHS Clinical & Health Info Sciences - 0394
Professional Summary
Experienced educator and certified medical laboratory scientist and allied health instructor with over 20 years experience teaching in clinical, public, and private academic environments.
Invited presenter at local, regional, national, and international venues engaged in professional service and scholarly work in a variety of different capacities. Have reviewed book chapters in hematology, and is a contributor to two different textbooks as a subject matter expert in hematology and microbiology.
Currently in progress to completing PhD in Medical Health Professions Education from Macon and Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University. The focus of my dissertation is exploring the practice of reflection in the leadership development of graduate laboratory science professionals.
100% remote faculty currently residing in the Chicagoland area of Illinois.
B.S.: Rush University Chicago, Illinois, 1999 (Medical Technology (now Medical Laboratory Science) )
M.Ad.Ed.: National Louis University Chicago, Illinois, 2004 (Adult Education )
Positions and Work Experience
01-2021 -To Present Associate Professor , Department of Clinical Health and Information Sciences; Has teaching responsibilities in Distance-Learning and On-Campus programs and has assisted in the MS and DCLS programs. , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08-2018 -08-2020 Visiting Assistant Professor , Responsible for the planning and execution of courses in hematology, coagulation, urinalysis, body fluids, and education. Included both lecture and laboratory components., Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
03-2017 -03-2018 Program Chair, Maintained oversight on the planning, administration, and financial execution of the Medical Laboratory Science, Histotechnology, and Specialist in Blood Banking programs. , Carolinas College of Health Sciences , Charlotte, NC
07-2005 -06-2017 Assistant Professor , Responsible for the planning and execution of hematology, coagulation, education, research courses. Directed graduate research in MLS and served as a subject matter expert in coagulation and facilitator in the Specialist in Blood Banking program , Rush University , Chicago, Illinois
2019 -2022 Medical Laboratory Scientist , Responsible for performing high complexity testing in the hematology laboratory. Highly proficient in all areas of hematology and provided training to graduate students in their clinical rotations and new employees. , Loyola University Health System, Maywood, Illinois
1998 -2005 Medical Technologist (now Medical Laboratory Scientist) , Responsible for performing high complexity testing in the hematology, chemistry, and immunoserology laboratories. Competent and proficient in all areas in these areas and responsible for training and education of students in their clinical rotation and new employees. Served as key facilitator on select instruments and was responsible for planning and execution of select activities assigned by lab manager that provided efficiency in laboratory practices and workflow. , Rush University Medical Center , Chicago, Illinois
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lydia E. Mack, Patricia M. Tille, Stephanie Jacobson, and Demetra Castillo (2023. ) A Narrative Review of the Clinical Utility of Next-Generation Sequencing and the Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IJBLS) 2023, , 12 (1 ) ,
Book Chapter
Demetra Castillo (2025 ) Obligate Intracellular and Nonculturable Bacterial Agents Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology .Elsevier
Demetra Castillo (2025 ) Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria: Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology .Elsevier
Demetra Castillo (2025 ) Hematology Medical Laboratory Science Review .F.A. Davis
Demetra Castillo (2025 ) Coagulation Medical Laboratory Science Review .F.A. Davis
Invited Presentations
Demetra Castillo (03-2025. ) Worth its wait in gold: The Diagnostic Benefits of the Peripheral Blood Smear .ASCLS-LA/MS Bistate meeting , Lafayette, LA. Level:Regional
Demetra Castillo (09-2023. ) Integrating Peripheral Blood Smear Morphology and Molecular Testing in the diagnosis of benign RBC defects .ASCLS Region V Symposium , Eau Claire, WI. Level:Regional
Demetra Castillo (09-2023. ) Two heads on the same coin: Exploring Communication and Leadership Styles .ASCLS Region V Symposium , Eau Claire, WI. Level:Regional
Demetra Castillo, Constantine Kanakis, Vera Chu (06-2023. ) The Critical Value of Communication from the Bench, the Bedside, the Boardroom, and Back Again .ASCLS Joint Annual Meeting , Providence, Rhode Island. Level:National
Patricia Tille, Beth Warning, and Demetra Castillo (03-2023. ) Being an Educator: Why the teacher is more important than the lesson .Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference , New Orleans, Louisiana. Level:National
Demetra Castillo, Kristen Pesavento (03-2023. ) Migrating towards the anode: how education can change the culture of the laboratory profession .ASCLS Clinical Laboratory Educator's Conference , New Orleans, Louisiana. Level:National
Demetra Castillo (04-2022. ) WHO Classification of Hematologic Neoplasms .ASCLS-Michigan Annual Meeting, Kalamazoo, Michigan . Level:Regional
Demetra Castillo (04-2022. ) Recruiting Others to the Medical Laboratory Science field .ASCLS Leadership Academy , Grand Rapids, Michigan. Level:National
Honors and Awards
2005 -To Present Omicron Sigma Omicron Sigma is the president's honor roll for outstanding service to the MLS profession and ASCLS. It can be recognized at the local, regional, and national levels and multiple recognition levels are permitted. Have gotten the award at a specific level and multiple levels since 2005.
2017 -To Present Member of Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity The mission of Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity is to raise funds for students studying medical laboratory science by dispensing scholarships. I have served on membership and scholarship committees and currently serve on the board of directors, making critical decisions about the advancement of the organization.
2016 -2016 ASCLS-IL Educator of the Year Was awarded Educator of the Year by the Illinois society of ASCLS for my outstanding contributions towards the education and practice of medical laboratory science students.
2016 -2016 Sigma Xi Poster Competition, First Place winner This is an international competition recognizing outstanding scientific research in the basic sciences. I received this award for my work on discovering mutational changes associated with the advancement of fibroids (leiomyomas) to uterine cancer (leiomyosarcomas)
CHIS Department (Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2022 -To Present
CHIS Department (eCurriculum (APR) ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2024 -To Present
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (Developing Professionals Forum ) Other Type:Service to Student Groups Level:National 2021 -To Present
International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2022 -To Present
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (Nominations Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2022 -2024
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (Awards Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2024 -To Present
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science-Illinois (Board of Directors ) Treasurer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2021 -To Present
Medical Laboratory Science program (advisory board ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2021 -To Present
Medical Laboratory Science program (curriculum committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2021 -To Present
Medical Laboratory Science program (communications and outreach committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2023 -To Present
Masters in Medical Laboratory Science Leadership (curriculum committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2023 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
1997 -To Present: Member and engaged volunteer leader American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science,