Ann Castleman

Ann Marie Castleman

Research Associate

Professional Summary

Ann Marie Castleman is a Research Associate at the Evaluation Services Center (ESC) in the College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH). With a background in public health, Ann Marie specializes in strengthening evaluation capacity among organizations to do and use evaluation. She is passionate about participatory approaches to evaluation to foster co-creation of evaluation knowledge for learning and social transformation. 

Trained in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method evaluation designs, Ann Marie led the Summer Learning and Afterschool Opportunities Grant statewide evaluation of out-of-school time programming funded by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. She led a study with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio on Black Philanthropy and has conducted community needs assessments in public health for county government and non-profit organizations in Indiana and Kentucky. As an evaluation capacity builder, Ann Marie has designed tailored evaluation capacity building (ECB) interventions for non-evaluators, including government agencies, academic faculty, and non-profit organizations. 

In addition to her evaluation and ECB practice, Ann Marie conducts research in the areas of ECB and participatory evaluation. Fluent in Spanish, she has significant cross-cultural experience in the international development sector, which informs the way she approaches evaluation.


MA: Claremont Graduate University (Psychology)

MPH: University of Minnesota (Community Health Promotion)

BA: Xavier University (Theology)

Contact Information

Evaluation Services Center
2220 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45206
Phone: 513-556-4974