Soryong Chae

Soryong Chae



B.S.: INHA University 1998 (Environmental Engineering)

M.S.: KAIST 2000 (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Ph.D.: KAIST 2004 (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Positions and Work Experience

2015 -2021 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati ,

2010 -2014 Lecturer, University of Sydney ,

2007 -2010 Research Associate, Duke University,

2004 -2006 Post-doctoral Fellow, Hokkaido University,

2021 -2024 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati,

2024 - Professor and Graduate Program Director (ENVE), University of Cincinnati,

Research Support

Grant: #URC Faculty Awards AY2015-16 Investigators:Chae, Soryong 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 UC's University Research Council Design of pre-treatment technologies for bioenergy production from bio-oil wastewater Role:PI $6,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #OSU SUB 60054084 (WRRI-OWDA PRIME) Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Sorial, George 03-01-2016 -02-28-2017 U.S. Geological Survey Prevention of harmful algal blooms through nutrient zero wastewater treatment using a vertical membrane bioreactor with food waste Role:PI $31,956.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #2015 - 2016 Contract Research Agreement Investigators:Chae, Soryong 01-01-2016 -12-31-2016 Korea Institute of Energy Research Development of high performance and anti-fouling graphene nanofiber membranes for clean energy production by reverse electrodialysis Role:PI $84,745.00 Active Level:Foreign Other

Grant: #OSU Ohio Sea Grant sub ODHE Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Dionysiou, Dionysios 04-01-2016 -06-30-2018 Ohio Department of Higher Education Optimization of carbon barriers for effective removal of the dissolved cyanotoxins from Ohio's fresh water Role:PI $104,949.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #OSU 60054636 sub ODHE Ohio Sea Grant Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Dionysiou, Dionysios 07-07-2016 -06-30-2018 Ohio Department of Higher Education Kinetic Models for Oxidative Destruction of Cyanotoxins in Raw Drinking Water Role:Collaborator $108,949.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #OSU 60057039 sub NOAA NA14OAR4170067 Investigators:Chae, Soryong 09-15-2016 -09-14-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Effects of pH and natural organic matter on degradation kinetics of extracellular cyanotoxins by ultrasound assisted advanced oxidation technologies Role:PI $9,941.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #OSU Sub 60059316 / OWDA 6300 Investigators:Chae, Soryong 03-01-2017 -02-28-2018 Ohio Water Resources Center Design of a self-cleaning membrane assisted bioreactor for enhanced removal of nutrients from wastewater Role:PI $31,424.00 Awarded Level:Institution of Higher Education

Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary AY 2016-17 Investigators:Chae, Soryong 03-28-2017 -06-30-2018 UC's University Research Council Efficient Control of Legionella using a Self-Cleaning Carbon Nanotube Membrane for Health Care Water Systems Role:PI $49,949.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #2017 Contract Research Agmt Investigators:Chae, Soryong 05-23-2017 -12-31-2017 Korea Institute of Energy Research Development and optimization of redox-couples and carbon nanofiber electrodes in reverse electrodialysis for clean energy production Role:PI $62,500.00 Active Level:Foreign Institution of Higher Education

Grant: #2018 Contract Research Agmt Investigators:Chae, Soryong 01-01-2018 -12-31-2018 Korea Institute of Energy Research Development and optimization of redox-couples and carbon nanofiber electrodes in reverse electrodialysis for clean energy production Role:PI $65,421.00 Awarded Level:Foreign Institution of Higher Education

Grant: #Chae- Faculty Bridge Program Investigators:Chae, Soryong 08-01-2018 -03-31-2019 UC's Research Support Multi-functional Carbon Nanotube Membranes for Sustainable Wastewater Recycling Chae- Faculty Bridge Program Role:PI $15,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #Multi-functional Carbon Nanotube Membranes for Sustainable Wastewater Investigators:Chae, Soryong 06-01-2018 -01-31-2019 UC's Research Support Multi-functional Carbon Nanotube Membranes for Sustainable Wastewater Recycling Role:PI $15,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #2019 Sponsored Research Agreement Investigators:Chae, Soryong 05-01-2019 -04-30-2020 National Research Foundation of Korea Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment using Hybrid Membrane Technologies Role:PI $215,000.00 Awarded Level:Foreign Non-Profit

Grant: #R40526 Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Prasath, Surya; Priye, Aashish 10-01-2019 -03-31-2020 UC's Urban Futures Digital Futures Anchor Development Program Drone-based DNA Analysis Role:Collaborator $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #CBET-2028625 (COVID-19) Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Shanov, Vesselin 06-01-2020 -05-31-2021 National Science Foundation RAPID: Design, Fabrication, and Testing a Prototype of Heatable Face Mask for Preventing Respiratory Diseases Contracted through Airborne Pathogens Role:Collaborator $199,997.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #60075656 / 8293 OWDA Investigators:Chae, Soryong 03-01-2020 -02-28-2021 Ohio Water Development Authority Efficient removal of emerging per- and poly-fluoroalkyl contaminants using electrically heatable carbon nanotube hollow fiber membrane distillation Role:PI $27,654.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #DOE - Berkeley National Lab DE-FOA-0001905 NAWI Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Dionysiou, Dionysios 06-01-2020 -05-31-2025 Department of Energy National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) Role:Collaborator $156,349.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #Great Lakes ReNEW Investigators:Chae, Soryong 07-01-2024 -02-28-2026 National Science Foundation Wastewater Treatment Process Testbed: Advancing Wastewater Recycling and Recovery of Valuable Materials Role:PI 313114.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #Ohio Sea Grant 07-01-2021 -12-31-2023 Ohio Department of Higher Education Developing fast responding solutions for removing cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, and nutrients with coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation by characterizing site-specific bloom-related environmental fact Role:PI 210019.00 Awarded Level:Ohio, State of

Investigators:Chae, Soryong 10-01-2024 -12-31-2024 Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) Technical services for precise analysis of trace elements Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #PR-ORD-24-00788 Investigators:Chae, Soryong 12-01-2024 -11-30-2025 Environmental Protection Agency Certs and Reps for SRS review- Section K2 of RFPLabor rates to Pegasus Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #Ohio Sea Grant Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Dionysiou, Dionysios 07-01-2021 -12-31-2023 Ohio State University Management of harmful algal blooms by clay-biopolymer composite through flocculation of cyanobacterial cells and adsorption of phosphorus Role:Collaborator 194492.00 Awarded Level:Higher Education

Investigators:Chae, Soryong; McAvoy, Drew 02-01-2025 -07-31-2025 Procter & Gamble Company Review of quaternary wastewater treatment technologies to remove pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients Role:Collaborator 46980.00 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #R21AC10486 Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Dionysiou, Dionysios 10-01-2021 -09-30-2023 Department of the Interior High temperature gradient ceramic membrane distillation for potential reuse of produced water Role:PI 249630.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #Pegasus UC-21-001; 68HERC20D002/ Task Order 01-01-2025 -06-30-2025 Environmental Protection Agency Subcontract Number: UC-21-001, UC Task Order Number: UC-TO-25-0091, EPA Task Order: 68HERC25F0091 Task Order Title: Technical Support for PFAS Treatment Technologies and Nutrient Recovery Role:PI 37600.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #Pegasus EP-C-UC-21-001;68HERC20D002/Task Order 21-F183 Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Dionysiou, Dionysios; Sorial, George 08-15-2021 -03-29-2022 Pegasus Technical Services, Inc. Technical Support for PFAS Treatment Technologies and Nutrient Recovery Role:PI 30722.00 Awarded Level:Industry

Grant: #Pegasus UC-21-001; 68HERC20D002/ Task Order 01-01-2025 -06-30-2025 Environmental Protection Agency Subcontract Number: UC-21-001, UC Task Order Number: UC-TO-25-0091, EPA Task Order: 68HERC25F0091 Task Order Title: Technical Support for PFAS Treatment Technologies and Nutrient Recovery Role:PI 37600.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #102460-1 / R22AC00429-01 Investigators:Chae, Soryong 08-22-2022 -09-30-2024 Department of the Interior Low Energy and High Water Recovery Desalination of Brackish Groundwater Using a Compact and Redox-Driven Electrochemical System Role:PI 99852.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #Pegaus Teaming Agreement / EPA RFP 68HERCI19R0096 10-17-2019 -09-30-2025 Pegasus Technical Services, Inc. RISK MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGICAL EXPOSURE RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICES (RMEERS) Role:PI 0.00 Active Level:Industry

Grant: #Teaming Agreement Investigators:Chae, Soryong; Dionysiou, Dionysios 05-04-2023 -05-03-2024 Argonne National Laboratory TEAMING AGREEMENT: Great Lakes ReNEW: Nutrients, Energy, and Water Management for an Inclusive, Circular Blue Economy Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #CBET-2042060 08-01-2021 -07-31-2024 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Treatment of Cyanotoxins by UV/Chlorine: Optimizing Removal While Developing Strategies to Minimize Disinfection Byproducts and Toxicity Role:PI 139996.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #CBET-2314720 08-01-2023 -07-31-2026 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Catalyst Free Activation of Peroxydisulfate under Visible Light to Degrade Contaminants in Water: Elucidation of Kinetics and Mechanism Role:PI 139999.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #W912HQ-23-C-0067 08-01-2023 -09-08-2027 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers A Novel Redox Material (FeSO3) for Efficient and Rapid Treatment of Concentrated PFASs Matrices Role:PI 542053.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #OSU; tba; ODHE HABRI Investigators:Chae, Soryong 03-01-2024 -02-28-2026 Ohio Department of Higher Education A Multi-Scale Assessment of Cyanotoxin Treatment by Granular Activated Carbon to Enhance Removal in Systems with Co-Occurring Emerging Contaminants Role:PI 76152.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of

Grant: #Pegasus Teaming Agreement / EPA RFP 68HERCI24R0196 Investigators:Chae, Soryong 04-01-2024 -03-31-2025 Environmental Protection Agency Teaming Agreement 68HERCI24R0196 - Office of Research and Development . Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Lim J.; Son K.P.; Kang S.M.; Park J.; Min S.; Cho H.; Kim S.H.; Lee S.; Chae S.; Park P.K. (06-01-2021. ) Correlation between the feed composition and membrane wetting in a direct contact membrane distillat.Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, , 7 (6 ) ,1020-1031 More Information

Shin M.S.; Lim S.; Park J.H.; Kim H.J.; Chae S.; Park J.S. (04-14-2020. ) Thermally crosslinked and quaternized polybenzimidazole ionomer binders for solid alkaline fuel cell.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, , 45 (20 ) ,11773-11783 More Information

Carlson K.M.; Boczek L.A.; Chae S.; Ryu H. (03-01-2020. ) Legionellosis and recent advances in technologies for Legionella control in premise plumbing systems.Water (Switzerland), , 12 (3 ) ,1-22 More Information

Alayande A.B.; Chae S.; Kim I.S. (11-01-2019. ) Surface morphology-dependent spontaneous bacterial behaviors on graphene oxide membranes.Separation and Purification Technology, , 226 ,68-74 More Information

Choi J.; Oh Y.; Chae S.; Hong S. (07-15-2019. ) Membrane capacitive deionization-reverse electrodialysis hybrid system for improving energy efficien.Desalination, , 462 ,19-28 More Information

Oh Y.; Noga R.; Shanov V.; Ryu H.; Chandra H.; Yadav B.; Yadav J.; Chae S. (06-15-2019. ) Electrically heatable carbon nanotube point-of-use filters for effective separation and in-situ inac.Chemical Engineering Journal, , 366 ,21-26 More Information

Chae S.; Noeiaghaei T.; Oh Y.; Kim I.S.; Park J.S. (02-01-2019. ) Effective removal of emerging dissolved cyanotoxins from water using hybrid photocatalytic composite.Water Research, , 149 ,421-431 More Information

Park K.B.; Choi C.; Yu H.W.; Chae S.R.; Kim I.S. (12-01-2018. ) Optimization of chemical cleaning for reverse osmosis membranes with organic fouling using statistic.Environmental Engineering Research, , 23 (4 ) ,474-484 More Information

Oh Y.; Jeong Y.; Han S.; Kim C.; Kim H.; Han J.; Hwang K.; Jeong N.; Park J.; Chae S. (11-21-2018. ) Effects of Divalent Cations on Electrical Membrane Resistance in Reverse Electrodialysis for Salinit.Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, , 57 (46 ) ,15803-15810 More Information

Martin E.; Lalley J.; Wang W.; Nadagouda M.; Sahle-Demessie E.; Chae S. (11-15-2018. ) Phosphate recovery from water using cellulose enhanced magnesium carbonate pellets: Kinetics, isothe.Chemical Engineering Journal, , 352 ,612-624 More Information

Jung Y.; Alayande A.B.; Chae S.; Kim I.S. (03-01-2018. ) Applications of nisin for biofouling mitigation of reverse osmosis membranes.Desalination, , 429 ,52-59 More Information

Alvarez N.; Noga R.; Chae S.; Sorial G.; Ryu H.; Shanov V. (11-26-2017. ) Heatable carbon nanotube composite membranes for sustainable recovery from biofouling.Biofouling, , 33 (10 ) ,847-854 More Information

Nam S.; Yoon Y.; Chae S.; Kang J.; Zoh K. (10-01-2017. ) Removal of Selected Micropollutants during Conventional and Advanced Water Treatment Processes.Environmental Engineering Science, , 34 (10 ) ,752-761 More Information

Noeiaghaei T.; Mukherjee A.; Dhami N.; Chae S. (09-15-2017. ) Biogenic deterioration of concrete and its mitigation technologies.Construction and Building Materials, , 149 ,575-586 More Information

Meng F.; Zhang S.; Oh Y.; Zhou Z.; Shin H.S.; Chae S.R. (01-01-2017. ) Fouling in membrane bioreactors: An updated review.Water Research, , 114 ,151-180 More Information

Lee J.; Ye Y.; Ward A.J.; Zhou C.; Chen V.; Minett A.I.; Lee S.; Liu Z.; Chae S.R.; Shi J. (05-11-2016. ) High flux and high selectivity carbon nanotube composite membranes for natural organic matter remova.Separation and Purification Technology, , 163 ,109-119 More Information

Lee S.; Jeong Y.; Chae S.; Yeon K.; Lee Y.; Kim C.; Jeong N.; Park J. (04-01-2016. ) Porous carbon-coated graphite electrodes for energy production from salinity gradient using reverse .Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, , 91 ,34-40 More Information

Kim H.; Noh J.; Chae S.; Choi J.; Lee Y.; Maeng S. (08-05-2015. ) A multi-parametric approach assessing microbial viability and organic matter characteristics during .Science of the Total Environment, , 524-525 ,290-299 More Information

Kaur P.; Shin M.; Chae S.; Kang M.; Park J.; Singh Sekhon S. (06-04-2015. ) Functionalization of multiwall carbon nanotubes with nitrogen containing polyelectrolyte by a simple.Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, , 85 ,155-159 More Information

Chae S.R.; Chung J.H.; Heo Y.R.; Kang S.T.; Lee S.M.; Shin H.S. (03-17-2015. ) Full-scale implementation of a vertical membrane bioreactor for simultaneous removal of organic matt.Water (Switzerland), , 7 (3 ) ,1164-1172 More Information

Chae S.R.; Noeiaghaei T.; Jang H.C.; Sahebi S.; Jassby D.; Shon H.K.; Park P.K.; Kim J.O.; Park J.S. (01-22-2015. ) Effects of natural organic matter on separation of the hydroxylated fullerene nanoparticles by cross.Separation and Purification Technology, , 140 ,61-68 More Information

Kaur P.; Shin M.S.; Sharma N.; Kaur N.; Joshi A.; Chae S.R.; Park J.S.; Kang M.S.; Sekhon S.S. (01-21-2015. ) Non-covalent functionalization of graphene with poly(diallyl dimethylammonium) chloride: Effect of a.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, , 40 (3 ) ,1541-1547 More Information

Zhou Z.; Meng F.; He X.; Chae S.; An Y.; Jia X. (01-20-2015. ) Metaproteomic analysis of biocake proteins to understand membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bi.Environmental Science and Technology, , 49 (2 ) ,1068-1077 More Information

Heidarpour F.; Shi J.; Chae S. (01-01-2015. ) Recycling of coal seam gas-associated water using vacuum membrane distillation.Water Science and Technology, , 72 (6 ) ,908-916 More Information

Noeiaghaei T.; Yun J.; Nam S.; Zoh K.; Gomes V.; Kim J.; Chae S. (01-01-2015. ) The influence of geometrical characteristics on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2.Water Science and Technology, , 71 (9 ) ,1301-1309 More Information

Chung J.; Kim M.; Chae S.R.; Kim J.O. (01-01-2015. ) Treatment and reuse of electronic wastewater using activated carbon based solid-phase advanced oxida.Desalination and Water Treatment, , 54 (4-5 ) ,1038-1043 More Information

Kang S.; Chae S.; Jang A.; Kim J. (01-01-2015. ) Modeling of a monopolar ion-exchange membrane for nutrient salts removal.Desalination and Water Treatment, , 53 (10 ) ,2825-2830 More Information

Chae S.R.; Hunt D.E.; Ikuma K.; Yang S.; Cho J.; Gunsch C.K.; Liu J.; Wiesner M.R. (11-15-2014. ) Aging of fullerene C60 nanoparticle suspensions in the presence of microbes.Water Research, , 65 ,282-289 More Information

Jeong E.; Im W.; Kim D.; Kim M.; Kang S.; Shin H.; Chae S. (05-12-2014. ) Different susceptibilities of bacterial community to silver nanoparticles in wastewater treatment sy.Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, , 49 (6 ) ,685-693 More Information

Chae S.; Hotze E.; Wiesner M. (05-06-2014. ) Possible Applications of Fullerene Nanomaterials in Water Treatment and Reuse.Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water: Solutions for Improving Water Quality: Second Edition, , 329-338 More Information

Yang X.; Lee J.; Yuan L.; Chae S.; Peterson V.; Minett A.; Yin Y.; Harris A. (08-01-2013. ) Removal of natural organic matter in water using functionalised carbon nanotube buckypaper.Carbon, , 59 ,160-166 More Information

Chae S.; Hotze E.; Badireddy A.; Lin S.; Kim J.; Wiesner M. (06-18-2013. ) Environmental implications and applications of carbon nanomaterials in water treatment.Water Science and Technology, , 67 (11 ) ,2582-2586 More Information

Zhang L.; Chae S.R.; Hendren Z.; Park J.S.; Wiesner M.R. (09-15-2012. ) Recent advances in proton exchange membranes for fuel cell applications.Chemical Engineering Journal, , 204-205 ,87-97 More Information

Chae S.; Xiao Y.; Lin S.; Noeiaghaei T.; Kim J.; Wiesner M. (09-01-2012. ) Effects of humic acid and electrolytes on photocatalytic reactivity and transport of carbon nanopart.Water Research, , 46 (13 ) ,4053-4062 More Information

Zhou Z.; Meng F.; Chae S.R.; Huang G.; Fu W.; Jia X.; Li S.; Chen G.H. (08-09-2012. ) Microbial transformation of biomacromolecules in a membrane bioreactor: Implications for membrane fo.PLoS ONE, , 7 (8 ) , More Information

Lowry G.; Espinasse B.; Badireddy A.; Richardson C.; Reinsch B.; Bryant L.; Bone A.; Deonarine A.; Chae S.; Therezien M.; Colman B.; Hsu-Kim H.; Bernhardt E.; Matson C.; Wiesner M. (07-03-2012. ) Long-term transformation and fate of manufactured Ag nanoparticles in a simulated large scale freshw.Environmental Science and Technology, , 46 (13 ) ,7027-7036 More Information

Espinasse B.; Chae S.; Marconnet C.; Coulombel C.; Mizutani C.; Djafer M.; Heim V.; Wiesner M. (06-15-2012. ) Comparison of chemical cleaning reagents and characterization of foulants of nanofiltration membrane.Desalination, , 296 ,1-6 More Information

Jeong E.; Chae S.; Kang S.; Shin H. (04-18-2012. ) Effects of silver nanoparticles on biological nitrogen removal processes.Water Science and Technology, , 65 (7 ) ,1298-1303 More Information

Meng F.; Chae S.; Shin H.; Yang F.; Zhou Z. (03-01-2012. ) Recent advances in membrane bioreactors: Configuration development, pollutant elimination, and Sludg.Environmental Engineering Science, , 29 (3 ) ,139-160 More Information

Zhang L.; Chae S.; Lin S.; Wiesner M. (02-01-2012. ) Proton-conducting composite membranes derived from ferroxane-polyvinyl alcohol complex.Environmental Engineering Science, , 29 (2 ) ,124-132 More Information

Chae S.; Therezien M.; Budarz J.; Wessel L.; Lin S.; Xiao Y.; Wiesner M. (10-01-2011. ) Comparison of the photosensitivity and bacterial toxicity of spherical and tubular fullerenes of var.Journal of Nanoparticle Research, , 13 (10 ) ,5121-5127 More Information

Xiao Y.; Chae S.; Wiesner M. (06-01-2011. ) Quantification of fullerene (C60) in aqueous samples and use of C7.Chemical Engineering Journal, , 170 (2-3 ) ,555-561 More Information

Shawky H.; Chae S.; Lin S.; Wiesner M. (05-03-2011. ) Synthesis and characterization of a carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposite membrane for water treatme.Desalination, , 272 (1-3 ) ,46-50 More Information

Chae S.; Watanabe Y.; Wiesner M. (01-01-2011. ) Comparative photochemical reactivity of spherical and tubular fullerene nanoparticles in water under.Water Research, , 45 (1 ) ,308-314 More Information

Chae S.; Badireddy A.; Farner Budarz J.; Lin S.; Xiao Y.; Therezien M.; Wiesner M. (09-28-2010. ) Heterogeneities in fullerene nanoparticle aggregates affecting reactivity, bioactivity, and transpor.ACS Nano, , 4 (9 ) ,5011-5018 More Information

Chae S.; Hotze E.; Xiao Y.; Rose J.; Wiesner M. (09-01-2010. ) Comparison of methods for fullerene detection and measurements of reactive oxygen production in cosm.Environmental Engineering Science, , 27 (9 ) ,797-804 More Information

Jassby D.; Chae S.; Hendren Z.; Wiesner M. (06-01-2010. ) Membrane filtration of fullerene nanoparticle suspensions: Effects of derivatization, pressure, elec.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, , 346 (2 ) ,296-302 More Information

Chae S.; Hotze E.; Wiesner M. (12-01-2009. ) Possible Applications of Fullerene Nanomaterials in Water Treatment and Reuse.Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water, , 167-177 More Information

Chae S.; Hotze E.; Wiesner M. (08-15-2009. ) Evaluation of the oxidation of organic compounds by aqueous suspensions of photosensitized hydroxyla.Environmental Science and Technology, , 43 (16 ) ,6208-6213 More Information

Chae S.; Yamamura H.; Choi B.; Watanabe Y. (08-01-2009. ) Fouling characteristics of pressurized and submerged PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) microfiltration .Desalination, , 244 (1-3 ) ,215-226 More Information

Chae S.; Wang S.; Hendren Z.; Wiesner M.; Watanabe Y.; Gunsch C. (03-05-2009. ) Effects of fullerene nanoparticles on Escherichia coli K12 respiratory activity in aqueous suspensio.Journal of Membrane Science, , 329 (1-2 ) ,68-74 More Information

Meng F.; Chae S.; Drews A.; Kraume M.; Shin H.; Yang F. (01-01-2009. ) Recent advances in membrane bioreactors (MBRs): Membrane fouling and membrane material.Water Research, , 43 (6 ) ,1489-1512 More Information

Chae S.R.; Yamamura H.; Ikeda K.; Watanabe Y. (01-01-2008. ) Comparison of fouling characteristics of two different poly-vinylidene fluoride microfiltration memb.Water Research, , 42 (8-9 ) ,2029-2042 More Information

Chae S.; Shin H. (02-01-2007. ) Characteristics of simultaneous organic and nutrient removal in a pilot-scale vertical submerged mem.Process Biochemistry, , 42 (2 ) ,193-198 More Information

Ahn Y.; Kang S.; Chae S.; Lee C.; Bae B.; Shin H. (01-05-2007. ) Simultaneous high-strength organic and nitrogen removal with combined anaerobic upflow bed filter an.Desalination, , 202 (1-3 ) ,114-121 More Information

Chae S.R.; Kang S.T.; Lee S.M.; Lee E.S.; Oh S.E.; Watanabe Y.; Shin H.S. (01-05-2007. ) High reuse potential of effluent from an innovative vertical submerged membrane bioreactor treating .Desalination, , 202 (1-3 ) ,83-89 More Information

Kang S.; Lee W.; Chae S.; Shin H. (01-05-2007. ) Positive roles of biofilm during the operation of membrane bioreactor for water reuse.Desalination, , 202 (1-3 ) ,129-134 More Information

Yamamura H.; Chae S.; Kimura K.; Watanabe Y. (01-01-2007. ) Transition in fouling mechanism in microfiltration of a surface water.Water Research, , 41 (17 ) ,3812-3822 More Information

Chae S.; Shin H. (01-01-2007. ) Effect of condensate of food waste (CFW) on nutrient removal and behaviours of intercellular materia.Bioresource Technology, , 98 (2 ) ,373-379 More Information

Chae S.R.; Ahn Y.T.; Suh C.W.; Shin H.S. (12-01-2006. ) Characteristics of nutrient removal and behaviors of intercellular materials and population dynamics .Trends in Biotechnology Research, , 1-38

Chae S.; Ahn Y.; Kang S.; Shin H. (09-01-2006. ) Mitigated membrane fouling in a vertical submerged membrane bioreactor (VSMBR).Journal of Membrane Science, , 280 (1-2 ) ,572-581 More Information

Ahn Y.T.; Choi Y.K.; Jeong H.S.; Chae S.R.; Shin H.S. (06-09-2006. ) Modeling of extracellular polymeric substances and soluble microbial products production in a submer.Water Science and Technology, , 53 (7 ) ,209-216 More Information

Chae S.; Kang S.; Watanabe Y.; Shin H. (01-01-2006. ) Development of an innovative vertical submerged membrane bioreactor (VSMBR) for simultaneous removal.Water Research, , 40 (11 ) ,2161-2167 More Information

Chae S.; Hwang E.; Shin H. (01-01-2006. ) Single cell protein production of Euglena gracilis and carbon dioxide fixation in an innovative phot.Bioresource Technology, , 97 (2 ) ,322-329 More Information

Ahn Y.T.; Kang S.T.; Chae S.R.; Lim J.L.; Lee S.H.; Shin H.S. (01-01-2005. ) Effect of internal recycle rate on the high-strength nitrogen wastewater treatment in the combined U.Water Science and Technology, , 51 (10 ) ,241-247 More Information

Shin H.S.; Chae S.R.; Kim J.O.; Paik B.C.; Song Y.C.; Park H.S. (12-01-2004. ) Simultaneous organic and strong nitrogen removal from sewage in a pilot-scale BNR process with food .8th Korea-Russia International Symposium on Science and Technology - Proceedings: KORUS 2004, , 1 ,336-340 More Information

Chae S.R.; Jeong H.S.; Lim J.L.; Kang S.T.; Shin H.S.; Paik B.C.; Youn J.H. (01-01-2004. ) Behaviors of intercellular materials and nutrients in biological nutrient removal process supplied w.Water Environment Research, , 76 (3 ) ,272-279 More Information

Chae S.R.; Lee S.H.; Kim J.O.; Paik B.C.; Song Y.C.; Park H.S.; Shin H.S. (01-01-2004. ) Simultaneous removal of organic and strong nitrogen from sewage in a pilot-scale BNR process supplem.Water Science and Technology, , 49 (5-6 ) ,257-264 More Information

Lee C.Y.; Shin H.S.; Chae S.R.; Nam S.Y.; Paik B.C. (01-01-2003. ) Nutrient removal using anaerobically fermented leachate of food waste in the BNR process.Water Science and Technology, , 47 (1 ) ,159-165 More Information

Book Chapter

So-Ryong Chae, Ernest M. Hotze, and Mark R. Wiesner (2014 ) Possible applications of fullerene nanomaterials in water treatment and reuse Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water .New York, U.S.A, William Andrew Publishing

So-Ryong Chae, Yong-tae Ahn, Yuhoon Hwang, Duksoo Jang, Fangang Meng, Jeffrey Shi, Sang-Hyup Lee, and Hang-Sik Shin (2014 ) Advanced Wastewater Treatment using MBRs: Nutrient Removal and Disinfection Membrane Biological Reactors: Theory, Modelling, Design, Management and Applications to Wastewater Reuse .London, UK , IWA Publishing

S. R. Chae, E. M. Hotze, M. R. Wiesner (2009 ) Possible applications of fullerene nanomaterials in water treatment and reuse Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water .New York, U.S.A, William Andrew Publishing

S. R. Chae, Y. T. Ahn, C. W. Suh, H. S. Shin (2006 ) Characteristics of nutrient removal and behaviors of intercellular materials and population dynamics of microorganisms in a vertical submerged membrane bioreactor Trends in Biotechnology Research .New York, U.S.A, NOVA Science Publisher

Honors and Awards

2016 Certificate of Appreciation Division of Environmental Chemistry, ACS

2014 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology University of Sydney

2013 Best Paper Presentation Award Korea Society of Environmental Engineers

2010 Certificate of Merit Division of Environmental Chemistry, ACS

2005 Outstanding Poster Award, Particle Separation 2005 International Water Association

2003 Best Paper Presentation Award Korea Society of Environmental Engineers

2001 Best Paper Presentation Award Korea Society of Environmental Engineers

1998 Valedictorian Department of Environmental Engineering, INHA University

2019 Research Award for Early-Career Faculty, CEAS, University of Cincinnati

2022 Master Educator Award, CEAS, University of Cincinnati

2024 Distinguished Research Award, CEAS, University of Cincinnati

Patents and Inventions

KR2012046838-A and KR1276499-B1 Apparatus, useful for treating water, comprises a settling tank for precipitating aggregate or solid material in the condensed water in which the flocculation process is completed, and a separating tank comprising two-stage filter membrane CHAE S R, KIM S J, KIM K T, Awarded 2012

KR2012045326-A and KR1210205-B1 Separation membrane cleaning device, has blocking plate provided with variable plate that is formed with acid hole, and sealing space part adhered with fixing plate corresponding to acid hole KIM S J, AHN C H, YIM S K, KIM K T, KANG M S, CHAE K J, CHAE S R, Awarded 2012

KR2012044598-A and KR1172198-B1 Inclined plate type settling basin for improving efficiency of liquid and solid separation, has flux that is reduced when residence time of flowed raw water is increased between raw water inlet and slope precipitate module CHAE S R, KANG M S, KIM K T, Awarded 2012

KR2011049726-A and KR1169877-B1 Determination of condition of advanced oxidation process involves adjusting oxidation condition to make measured final process concentration of p-chlorobenzoic acid similar to final calculation concentration of p-chlorobenzoic acid CHAE S R, YIM S K, MOON J H, CHO M, KIM J H, RYONG C S, GYUN I S, HUI M J, HONG K J, Awarded 2011

KR2005081766-A and KR622992-B1 Continuous photo bioreactor for carbon dioxide removal to inhibit global warming and mass-production of microalgae SHIN H S, CHAE S R, Awarded 2005

KR2005048045-A and KR540549-B1 Advanced wastewater treatment apparatus of which size can be reduced by vertically constructing structure of membrane bio-reactor such that anoxic tank and aeration tank are vertically arranged CHAE S R, CHUNG J H, HEO Y R, KANG S T, LEE E S, LEE S M, SHIN H S, Awarded 2005

KR2004072385-A Condensate water containing organic acid derived from organic waste and using method thereof CHAE S R, MIN B U, SHIN H S, YOUN J H, 2004